Thank you to the Romance Writers of Australia and Romance Writers of America: two incredible organisations from whom I’ve learned so much.
Sincere thanks to my agent, Alex Adsett for championing The Pirate Lord. Special thanks to Lex Hirst, my amazing editor, and the team at Penguin Random House Australia for your courteous, proficient and professional guidance.
To the HOGs (Hearts of Gold). You are so much more to me than a critique group. My gratitude goes to Lisa Barry, Allen Brown, Lorena Chiappara, Winifred Cross, Bronwyn Houldsworth, Claire Molloy and Michelle Skidmore.
Thank you to my friends and family for your genuine interest in my passion to write.
Heartfelt love to my daughter and son, my pride and joy. Thanks for your constant support and cheering me on. Finally, deepest love and thanks to my husband and soul mate. Your supreme confidence in me lifts me on high. Thanks for all the cups of tea and treats you bring me when I’m tapping away at my keyboard.