Have you ever wondered how some people can think so differently from you? Does it seem impossible to understand why others are so sure they are right when you know they are wrong? How can people be so opposite?
That had me puzzled for years, and the only thing that ever helped me to understand these differences was the study of numerology. I have researched and pondered the subject for years because this science is deep and much can be understood only by meditation on symbols.
As I researched I found answers to unusual phenomena that I had experienced and some I had heard about. I never expected to find answers to explain them, but I did; answers that are scientific and logical.
I eventually found these answers only because I had begun having vivid dreams with numbers in them. I wondered what they meant.
People began asking me if I knew what numbers meant. Why do they ask me? I wondered. Maybe I'm supposed to know.
A friend gave me a quarterly list of events at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, and I saw there was going to be a seminar on numerology. I had to go.
At that seminar I learned the basic meanings of numbers and how to analyze my own name. I was stunned. The vowels told me my innermost desires; the consonants, my personality. My whole birth name told me my talents and destiny, while my birth date told me what I'm supposed to do with those talents. This would have been invaluable information for me when I was deciding on a major in college. But what was most interesting was how true the information was.
I set about analyzing the charts of my husband and children, and what I learned answered a lot of questions. I wished I had known these things about us years ago—we could have made some better decisions. What I learned was incredible.
I read every book on numerology that was available and compared texts. They all agreed on the basic meanings of numbers and how they apply to the birth name and date. I studied every day. It was too interesting to stop. All these books were right on.
I was lucky in the sense that I could further verify the accuracy of these books by doing charts for many people. In my professional life in the film industry, I worked with different people on different sets every day, and they were all eager to hear what their names had to say about them.
All I did was tell them the positive and negative aspects of each number according to the position in which it appeared in their charts. Some people told me that I must have been using psychic power. They said, “You know more about me than my family. You told me things about myself that nobody knows.”
I missed on a point only a couple times, but when they said what it was, I could spot it immediately in another part of the chart. On those occasions I had neglected to scan the entire chart before making a statement.
I prayed for wisdom and God gave me numbers.
Sometimes there were newspaper stories about people in which the full name was printed. I would analyze those names to find how the story of their behavior fit with their name numbers. It was never hard to find. I learned that this study is an accurate character analysis. It helped me to understand people.
Numerology taught me that there are seven different ways of viewing things, and that all of mankind fits into one of these seven. There have always been seven schools of thought; every mind conforms to one of those seven. Through the centuries, the names of religions may change, but the seven basic thoughts remain. We are all on separate wavelengths, so to speak, and are most comfortable with those who are on our own.
Have you ever wondered what kind of world this would be if everyone in it were exactly like you? For that matter, do you really feel you know yourself? The most ancient axiom is “know thyself,” and to do so is our greatest quest in life. If we can pinpoint the wavelength we are on, we are halfway there. Numerology gives us this information.
Many are happy with this knowledge alone. But knowing the basic meanings of numbers was not enough for me. There had to be a reason why they are so accurate in analysis. Some books mentioned it was because of number “vibration.” But what did that mean?
I had to dig further. I had to know how this knowledge was originally conceived, who drew these conclusions. I reasoned that if names tell so much about a person and are so true, then words must also reveal their true import.
I analyzed every word that came to mind and was overwhelmed with the discovery that the numbers of a word explain its meaning perfectly. Furthermore, the shapes of letters that make up each word have a story to tell that is highly informative.
I learned that numbers are occult symbols. Occultism is the study of the hidden side of nature; it observes nature as a whole, rather than examining it in parts as science does. As William Eisen, a scientist by profession and author of The English Cabalah, said in one of his workshops:
“Science has a lot of questions to which they are searching for answers, while the occult has all the answers and is waiting for the questions. When the day comes that the two meet, there will be greater strides in science than have ever been made before.”
To me it proves that there is no way we can separate God from science. The bottom line is that they are one and the same.
This is what this book is about; the search for facts that explain the science behind number vibration and unraveling other mysteries on the way; discovering the thoughts of those who were most wise and how their beliefs have been and are being proved by science today. And most importantly, how we can use this science to discover hidden meanings in our everyday words, our names, and in character analysis. It is an accurate tool for understanding our children and for employing the right people for the job.
There are many fine books on numerology that cover name analysis well. This book is designed to provide background reference material that can be used with any one of them. It is a sourcebook of information that I found scattered throughout a great deal of literature, and through meditation.
I had a thirst for knowledge and a quest for truth. The study of numbers put me on the road to illumination. A whole world opened up to me and life took on new meaning. If this book proves to be as exciting and enlightening to anyone else who is sincerely seeking answers, then my work has been even more worthwhile.
—Shirley Blackwell Lawrence
Palmdale, California