In The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky tells us that the secret laws were passed on orally from teacher to student for thousands of years, and that they were never written down. For centuries, the written divulgence of these secrets had been forbidden out of “necessity” because they could have been wrongly used by the profane and material-minded masses. She added that they would gradually be revealed to true and honest seekers of the New Age and that revelation would come when the time was right. At that time this information would be of use only to the enlightened minds of the day, for no one else would find sense in or use for it.
Certain mystic writers have been entrusted with part of the knowledge, and in the future there will be still others to reveal even more. I believe these ancient secrets are being made known now, in this New Age, or this small portion would not have been revealed to me. Why me? I'm as surprised as anyone. All I know is that I had a deep and honest desire to know and that something has been urging me in this direction all my life.
From the time I was a child I had a great interest in things of a spiritual nature. I thought ancient man must have been very fortunate to have been so close to his beginnings, and so close to nature. The stronghold of opinions had not yet begun to form. Ancient peoples did not have to go far to find forests and other natural scenes of beauty where they could feel the stillness of the environment, hear the song of birds and insects, and feel the strong aura of approaching animals. This was a time before men parroted other men's opinions; when they could learn no other way than by going within and meditating deeply; by joining their Higher Selves to the great consciousness of the Universe about them. I reasoned that in the very beginning there had to be only God, and that in order to create anything it had to come out of Himself. We are all divine substance—intelligent particles in the whole body of our creator.
I used to hear such wonderful lectures in my head that I wished someone would invent a machine that could capture every word that was spoken by that still, small voice. Eventually, I was able to write down some of these thoughts, until I had notebooks filled with them—thoughts that I later found written in other books. Where did these thoughts come from? At the time I believed that they were purely my imagination. But I did tune in to something out there, or within, and it told no lies. I came to trust these inner monologues and in time learned to distinguish them from my own thoughts.
As I grew older I often thought I would like to study ancient Hebrew because it was the language from which all biblical translations originated. But I never expected this research to take me into the very heart of it. It is as though my Higher Self had been prompting me to do this since I was a child.
Symbols are the universal language of the soul.
My research covered a vast number of books related to numerology—books that each held a key thought that struck a chord within me. Through meditation, deductive reasoning, and sudden insights, all of these key thoughts, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, fit together very neatly.
The secrets themselves have remained hidden by their very obviousness. The science is in the realm of physics, transcendental physics, and entwined with geometry and deep symbolism. Many of its truths are hidden in myths, math, and magic. A few key phrases led me to the unveiling of the secrets themselves, secrets that are described in Chapter 11, “Prelude to Letters,” and Chapter 22, “Prelude to Numbers.”
In one source I read that all writers of the mysteries would never reveal these secrets clearly. Rather, they would surround a key idea with related material, which would draw attention away from the germ of the idea. Only the true seeker would understand it.
There were other key ideas that seemed to stand out for me in books I read. It was significant that Hebrew letters were also their numbers and that the two were completely interchangeable; that meanings were hidden in the shapes of the letters; and that these letter symbols were regarded as containers of, and manifestations of, concealed virtues. They represented arcane powers of a set and determinable nature which would reveal themselves to one who meditated on them.
It helps to know that when we meditate on any particular symbol it will reveal itself to us. You see, symbols are the universal language of the soul. This was why Pythagoras had those wishing to enter his school meditate on a given symbol and then share the meanings they derived from that meditation before they were accepted as students.
Then there was the fact that Pythagoras taught that a number is a living qualitative reality. It is not just representative of an amount, but a rate of vibration.
The Latin adage, “Omnia in numeris sita sunt” means: “Everything lies veiled in numbers.” And H.P. Blavatsky said, “number underlies form, and number guides sound. It lies at the root of the manifested Universe.”
There was also the discovery by the turn-of-the-century piano-music composition teacher Mrs. L. Dow Balliet that the letter name of each note had the same vibration as its musical tone. It stood to reason that the sound of every letter in the English alphabet must therefore correspond to the vibration of its numbered place therein.
My subconscious was working on all this information, and I didn't really know that I understood exactly what it was all about until someone asked me why our letters are numbered as they are, and how we can know that their meanings are true. As I explained this, I heard myself giving the answer I had been looking for, and it became clear to me for the first time—but my subconscious had already known.
Then another puzzle was solved in a most unusual way. I read in several sources that Aleph (A) was called “oxhead” and its meaning was “physical generation.” For months I pondered that. I could see no connection between an oxhead and reproduction. Then one day I noticed a man wearing a T-shirt with an unusual picture on it. At first glance it looked like the picture of a uterus. Curiosity made me take a closer look: It was an oxhead! The horns are the fallopian tubes. So that was it. The ancients knew anatomy. They knew what the uterus looked like and that it is in the shape of an oxhead. How very well matched it was after all! How ingenious! And how beautifully concealed the secret was in its obviousness. On January 22, 1989, I attended a lecture at the Philosophical Research Society by Manly P. Hall's wife, Marie Bauer Hall. I was amused to hear her say, “God made man to make secrets and he made woman to break all secrets wide open.”