“I'm Exclusive”
The 1 was the first and from it all things were made. Pythagoras called the 1 “Limited and Unlimited.” This was part of his Law of Opposites, which he attached to every number. The 1 is limited to itself and is unlimited in other numbers, e.g., two 1's make 2, five 1's make 5, etc. So it is unlimited in all numbers but itself.
One is the line between Heaven and Earth, the creative power, the First Cause touching the Earth plane. The numeral 1, a straight line, is the first principle in geometry: an extension of the point and having length but no breadth. It is the sign of unity and good, and is represented by perpendicular lines, circles, spheres, upright columns, and openings.
In numerology, the 1 is a leader. It is the vertical line, which stands straight and confident. The 1 demonstrates creative abilities, originality, and is a trailblazer, an inventor, a style-setter. It is self-reliant, an individual, a doer, a thinker and planner.
In English there is one word that totals 1 and that is the word “A.” A is an article meaning one, so it can be used to point out one of something, e.g., A car. A house. A person. In that way it is like Hebrew where every letter is also a number.
The cypher after any number intensifies the qualities of that number by its own amount, i.e., 20 is twice as strong as 2; 30 is three times as strong as 3; and 10 is 10 times more powerful than 1. This is because all Ten Sephiroth (numbers) are manifest in each 10.
Other 1 words (19, 28, 37, 46) total to 10 first, and differ in quality because of the numbers behind them.
The 1 is the self plus the strength and leadership abilities from the great I AM within every one of us. It is intelligence, pioneering spirit, and ambition, all in 1.
The 0 is the Cosmic Egg that contains the attributes of God in each of the Ten Sephiroth within that egg. The 0 is also a picture of a two-sided mirror that reflects the original thought from the spirit side into form on the material side. Together it is perfection.
The first man was
The letters in MAN are significant. In numbers 1 through 10, man is considered as 5 because he has five senses. He is the exact middle of numbers, and created perfect.
Man comes from the womb of woman and the first stage of life is in amniotic fluid, or Water, of which M is the symbol.
The N is from Nun, meaning fish. Fish means “esoteric teachings,” teachings that are very deep, just as an ocean is deep to hold many fish. Man has a very deep nature, for when he seeks truth he finds that he is eternal spirit.
In order for man to live in the physical body he must have the breath of life. That comes from the Hebrew letter, Aleph, which is the Element of Air. It is the A that, when inserted between the exact center letters of the alphabet, M and N, gives MAN life.
Without woman, physical life could not be generated. So the 0 is important; it is the Cosmic Egg of all creation. The woman has the egg physically and it shows in the word w0man; the “wom” points out that the egg is in the womb.
The W, being the 23rd letter of the English alphabet, consists of 2 and 3, the female 2 and male 3; male being the positive pole or active force, and female being the negative or receptive force. The union of these two impregnates the egg. The birth is shown by the full number of WOMAN: 66. Every body in this three-dimensional world has six sides: top, bottom, front and back, right side and left side. So the first 6 is the body of the woman and the second is that of the child. The ancients taught that the Father and Mother of nature are symbolized by 66, and its root 3, is the child (6 + 6 = 12 and 1+ 2 = 3).
When the child is born, the woman becomes a M A M A,
and the man,
The 10 is synonymous with the Hebrew letter Yod, which is the germinal element of creation that makes up every one of the Hebrew letters. That means it is present in all of life, the perfection in every part of creation and regeneration.
This is known as a karmic number, for when it is on any of the major positions of the numerological chart, the individual feels a sense of urgency. Situations may push the person to stand on his own two feet. This is pictured by 19/1: that center 9 is the self (ninth letter is I) and the 1 on either side are its own two feet. There can be tests requiring boldness and initiative, but these are easily met when the person has gained confidence by use of his special abilities and individuality.
It is also called the number of initiation, for the 9 contains all the knowledge of the numbers before it and will be tested on them. When it finishes its exams it finds perfection in 10. Being alpha and omega, 19 always has a goal; it is ready to start a new project before the old is completed. Ideas constantly flow to them and 1's would love to get each one started, let the 9 take over the details and finish it up so 1 can get started on the next project.
Examples of 19/10:
BODY: 2647 = 19. The 1 refers to the self, and the 9 to humanity. Everyone in humanity has a body. The 1 and 9 add up to 10, which is perfection.
But we are not our body, for body begins with a B (2) and B comes second. We are first of all spirit and soul (they both start with S-1) clothed by 2, the body. Body comes from 0 (body), the Cosmic Egg. It entered this world through D (body), the Hebrew letter Daleth, meaning door or gate from which all birth must proceed. And Y is from the Yod of creation. The full number of BODY is 46: body made manifest (4) through love (6).
IDEA: 9451 = 19. Each one (1) of us has the ability to think. It is common to humanity (9) to have ideas. We achieve perfection (10) through the right use of ideas. You could say some come from the unconscious part of the psyche, the Id, the first two letters of idea. And idea's full number is also 19. How can we accomplish our goals without them?
TEACH: 25138 = 19. There must be one to teach and one to learn. The 9 has the knowledge of all the other numbers (contains all the Sephiroth (numbers) before it, and it can teach others so that they can gain perfection in 10).
GRASS: 79111, CLOUD: 33634, and AIR: 199, are 19 words. Like alpha and omega they are constantly renewing themselves: fresh, new, and perfect.
GRASS begins with the 7th letter, G, a number of secrecy. We see only the green part above the Earth while its roots are hidden from view. Its full number is 64: artistic beauty (6) made manifest (4).
CLOUD: starts with the 3rd letter, C, the number of prettiness. 3's are nice to look at. The 3 is a number of travel. Clouds constantly move. The Cosmic Egg is in the center, the 0, which is also the center of God: primal substance. Its full number is 55, a master number of Directed Intelligence. In studying the function of clouds, we can see where this is true. They are a vital part of nature and our weather.
AIR: starts with 1: Aleph, the Element of Air. The second letter, I, is the Yod, germ of creation. Air is the necessary breath of life. Its full number, 28, shows pictorially the cycle of life (8) that must accompany (2) everything.
In the 19, as a karmic number, the 9 is highly emotional and the 1 must learn to be in control of these emotions. When we go against spiritual laws, there is CHAOS, STRESS, and sometimes we FAIL from being LAZY.
These words are all, by their root totals, the karmic 19. Each has a different full number. CHAOS = 46—disruption made manifest (4) for lack of harmony (6). STRESS = 100. Here we are 100 percent off course. It is complete lack of harmony.
When 28 is behind the root, the qualities of the 2 come first and are therefore stronger. The 2 is the peacemaker and the 8, the executive with good judgment. So in 28, 2 achieves leadership through diplomacy.
The 28 is known as “the breaking number.” New experiences are in store, surprises and unlimited opportunity, because 2 + 8 = 10, which is a new beginning.
Both HEAVEN and HELL have the 10 root, but Heaven's root total is 28, new experiences and unlimited opportunity, while Hell's root total is 19, showing there is a karmic lesson to be learned. It cannot get away with anything. The full number of Heaven is 55, the same as Cloud. Clouds float in the Heavens, so we see a relation there. The 55 is a master number of Directed Intelligence.
Both words start with an H, which is the picture of a ladder, and a ladder can go in either direction: up or down. H is the eighth letter of our alphabet, the two circles of the 8 representing the above and the below.
The two L's in Hell are upside-down 7's. The 7 is inner wisdom, occult knowledge, religious background. Hell turns that right around, stands it on its head, and empties it out. When inner wisdom is not used, the negative and destructive side of the L—selfish, critical, fault-finding, self-righteous, smug, and self-seeking motives—are traits that create their own Hell.
Heaven has a V in its center that is a pictorial symbol of arms upstretched seeking higher knowledge and light.
GIRL, 7993, and GODDESS, 7644511, each total 28. The root, 10, is perfection. The 2 is feminine, has beautiful expression, and is the peacemaker. The 8 shows the roundness of figure, symmetry, and balance.
Girl contains two 9's, and the 9 is an emotional number. The 3 is prettiness and the ability to communicate. Both begin with a 7, a strong inner nature rooted in the spiritual. In the Kabbalah, the womb is sacred as it is the most secret place for life to begin. The creative force of the Cosmos is centered in the womb, and 7 is the number associated with all things sacred.
The full number of Girl is 46. Through her can be made manifest (4) the power of regeneration (6).
The full number of Goddess is 73: first spiritual (7) with creative intelligence and beauty (3).
The new experiences, surprises, and unusual events that 28 is known for are seen in the 28-words: MAGICAL: 4179313; CIRCUS: 399331; OPERA: 67591; and JUBILEE: 1329355.
It's interesting that opera begins with an O, a picture of an open mouth. O is a 6 letter, and 6 pertains to the voice. The first consonant, P, is a 7 letter, which demands deep study. And it does take a great deal of study to sing opera. Perhaps that is why its full number is 55: Directed Intelligence.
Negative 28's take action without thought, and impede their own progress by their attitudes. Some 28-words that reflect this side are:
Coward, Loner, Prude, Hateful, Crafty, Futile, and Backwards.
Backwards has the full number of 82, which is a backwards 28.
Coward, Crafty, and Futile all share the full number 73. This means hidden motives (7) with intolerance and hypocrisy (3) in the first two. In Futile the 7 is a sense of despair while the 3 is worrying and whining. It starts with an F which is the upright man carrying a double load.
The 37 achieves perfection (10) through study (7) to develop talents (3). The 7 always seeks the perfection found in 10. This is seen mathematically. If you add all the numbers from 1 through 7: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7, they total 28/10. So the ancients say that perfection is hidden in 7.
PERFECT totals 37 and it begins with P, which is a 7 letter. The full number is 73, putting the perfectionist 7 first. The 3 suggests that whatever is perfect is pleasant to see and a joy to behold. The center letter F, on which the word pivots, shows that achieving something perfect takes care, time, and patience. F carries the double cross, and is the sixth letter that is a number of responsibility.
RAINBOW is a beautiful example of 37, for the 3 means beauty that brings joy, and the 7 is the seven colors of the spectrum that are present in the rainbow.
It is said that both business and religion appeal to the 37. Related words that vibrate to this number are: DEDICATED, whose full number is 55 (Directed Intelligence); RELIABLE and GUIDANCE, whose full numbers are 64 dependable (4) counselor (6); MOTIVATED and AMBITIOUS, whose full number is 109, the self (1) working with all the creative power within (0) to achieve its goals (9); PRODUCE is 82, a cycle of achievement (8) through cooperation (2); SPIRIT and GROWTH are 91, what it takes to start (1) and finish (9); REVERE is 73, a deep feeling from within, usually spiritual (7) and an appreciation for aesthetic qualities (3).
This is the body (6) working through organization (4) or by manifesting (4) itself. That refers to EVERYONE including CHILDREN. This is EMBODIMENT.
These qualities relate also to the following 46-words: Producer. Ministry. Resurrect.
The negative side of the 46 vibration is reflected in the following 46-words which show a misuse (4) of the body (6):
Fighter. Sacrifice. Deception. Licentious.
When the 4 and the 6 are reversed, the body and voice qualities of the 6 are manifested:
Impersonator. Hummingbird.
The wisdom of the 7 comes first. The beauty of the 3 benefits greatly from one who has studied and applied (7) the self to achieve perfection. We see this in the 73-words.
Comprehension. Inspired-artist. Extraordinary.
In the final analysis, birth names that total 1 are people who are capable of leading an organization. They are natural inventors and exceptional planners.
When the 1 is missing from the name altogether, the person needs to develop selfconfidence, ambition, and independence.
We need 1's for self-confidence.
ONE (1)
Positive: Active. Ambition. Creative ideas. Determination. Good mind. Individuality. Inventive. Originality. Self-confidence. Starts many projects. Willpower.
Negative: Aggressive. Braggart. Impulsive. Lazy. Self-conscious. Represses feelings. Selfish. Sensitive. Stubborn.
Destructive: A bigot. A bully. Antagonistic. Domineering. Extremely egotistical. Puts self first at all times. Tyrannical.
The 1 is androgynous—male and female in unity.
“Let's Be Friends”
Pythagoras called the 2 “Odd and Even” because 2 is an even number made up of two 1's, each of which is odd.
This is a number of partnership, companionship, and marriage. Eve was sent to be a helpmate for Adam. She came second, was 2. The 2 is a wonderful companion. The number faces and bends toward the 1 because the 2 wants to help. It feels incomplete by itself.
The 2 is associated with pairs of things, as is readily seen by the Roman two, II. That is also 11, which adds up to 2, but on a higher level. Where 2 is a follower, 11 stands on its own two feet, showing leadership ability. The 2 is stronger on Earth than the 11 for its base is straight on the ground: 2.
Many 2 words total 20. The cypher doubles the power of the qualities found in 2. Since 2 is “a pair,” there are words that total 20 that have a mate:
Breast. Foot. Rib. Shoe.
Two of such things make for balance, and the word BALANCE totals 20.
Many 20-words signify a collection:
ARCANA: A collection of secret mysteries.
OCEAN: A collection of water.
FARM: A collection of animals and food.
MUSEUM: A place that preserves and exhibits collections.
MUSIC: A collection of harmonic sounds.
SUITE: A collection of rooms.
TAROT: A collection of mystical cards.
ZOO: A collection of animals on exhibit.
An unbalanced collecting 2 may become a “collecto-maniac” (kleptomaniac). The word “kleptomaniac” has the Soul's Urge (vowel count) of 22, twice the power of 2, obviously in the negative side of the vibration.
If you look closely at 2, it is actually the upper half of a 3. It is like a plant with roots deep in the ground, showing only its outer self. This gives 2's great sensitivity. Their feelings go as deep as the roots of the plant and what they feel hurts keenly.
The 2 also gives a tendency to hide things. Negative 2's tend to be sneaky, and cover their acts with lies: LIAR (22). Like 3's, 2's are good talkers, except that the bottom half of the 2 is buried, so 2 hides the truth; the 2 may say one thing (upper part of 2) and mean another (buried part).
The 2 is a feminine and receptive number (Eve came second). Though it is not a leader, it does have an influence that is gentle, kind, and helpful. It is happy to go to work in the background; taking care to perform detailed work to perfection. And it does not mind not getting full credit so long as the work is admired and appreciated.
It is interesting that the word DEATH totals 20. If death were final it would total 7 or 9; but 20 denotes companionship—an angel at the crossover. Often people who fear death, or have a strange attitude toward it, have a prominent 20 in their chart. The full word total is 38. The 3 is just an 8 that has the left side removed. The left denotes the past, so 3 is a cycle that precedes the 8, which is a new cycle that continues.
People who are 2's are known as peacemakers, for they are able to see both sides of a question and have the desire to BALANCE emotions on either side, and to keep the peace. They have an inborn tact to deter tempers from flaring. Those who have many 2's or a strong 20 in the name become our best diplomats.
Words that total 20 and reflect these qualities are KIND, WISE, SEER, and TACTFUL. The outstanding traits of 20 are:
A true and amusing story appeared in the newspaper on March 6, 1987, about a man who was discovered to have at least five wives and fathered as many as 14 children in four states. He was able to maintain them for over seven years without suspicion because he was a flight engineer with a major airline and was regularly expected to be gone for weeks at a time.
He spent a few days at a time with each family as he flew from one destination to another, and was caught only because he was gone a little too long from his wife in Seattle who reported him missing.
All of his wives found it hard to believe that he had other families and were devastated by the news. Some decided to leave him, but he was always so kind and loving they all forgave him. He still loved them and wanted to do right by them, even after he was found out.
After reading the story I thought to myself, this man must have a strong 20 somewhere. Doesn't he have those outstanding traits just listed?
To my delight, his full name was in the paper. I saw right away that he had two T's in his last name, and T is the 20th letter. That alone was not enough, but would have influence. But there it was in the vowels: o ae ue = 20. How interesting that the 20 was in his name area of deepest desire: the Soul's Urge!
If a man's missing number is 2, he may have a problem relating to women.
The 20 loves and needs music, may have a foot fetish, and may fear death. This is because Music, Foot, and Death all total the same numerical vibration: 20.
The 2 tends to be neat, due to its inborn quality of attention to details.
One 2 is good at detail work. Two 2's (4) organizes and gets things done. Three 2's (6) teaches and performs, and four 2's (8) is the executive overseer.
The 20's are happiest when they can be of service to others. Those with a 20 Birth Path, or born on a 2, 11, 20, or 29 day usually find their success in life as part of a team, e.g., Bob Hope, 5-29, and Bing Crosby, 5-2.
Those whose full birth name has the root of 2 are diplomats. Others find their niche in the ministry, as dentists, private secretaries, and in some branches of medicine. 2's are our best speechmakers because 2 is sensitive to facts and knows how to use the right words.
We need 2's for tact and diplomacy.
TWO (2)
Positive: Affectionate. A way with words. Beautiful expression. Better at continuing projects than starting them. Considerate. Cooperative. Diplomatic. Friendly. Good companion/business partner. Good with details. Helpful. Loving. Modest. Neat. Sensitive to self and others. Sincere. Tactful. Works well with others.
Negative: Conflict. Dissatisfied. Easily offended and hurt. Fastidious. Glib. Indecisive due to being able to see both sides of an issue. Insecure. Meticulous or careless. Occasional moods of depression. Over-emotional. Subservient. Tactless. Timid.
Destructive: Bad temper. Cruel. Deceptive. Demanding. Lacks self-control. Leans too much on others. Liar. Sly. Sneaky. Wants to control others. The 2 is female and receptive.
“Let's Spread Joy”
Man is a threefold creature having spirit, mind, and body. Likewise, every system has a first, middle, and a last part; so 3 was considered the first perfect number.
Pythagoras called 3 “the One and the Many,” meaning a limited expression of both 1 and 2, and a number of talents because 3 is the Creative Principle in the Godhead, the number of self-expression, the artist and entertainer.
The 3 is an 8 with the left side open, so 8 makes its own boundaries by organizing its affairs. The 3 is open to scatter its energies. Both are moneymakers, but 8 strives to keep money growing. The 3 doesn't want to think about organization, but do as it pleases. It wants fun, not work.
The basics are the ABC's, the 123's. This is the Creative Principle. A word that refers to many forms of creative expression is ART, and it totals 12.
DAY, 417 = 12, is recreated 24 hours for our use. It begins with D: Daleth, or door, and each day is like a new door opening for us.
It is human reproduction that is the creative expression we are given as lesser creators made in God's image. Mate, Sex, and Baby are 12-words that mirror this Divine gift.
BABY, 2127, starts with a B, a letter that needs companionship: 2 leans toward 1. Two B's show baby to be dependent. A is the breath of life and Y is Yod, the generative sperm. As 7, Y shows a spiritual nature, and that it comes from mystery into the world.
Both DAY and BABY have the full number of 30: the Creative Trinity (3) by the Cosmic Egg (0) from which all proceeds. It is a number of newness, great potential, and joy.
The full number of MATE is 39 (13,1,20,5 = 39). The 9 is a picture of the generative sperm and it stands next to the creative 3, both numbers of pleasure, fulfillment, and creative abilities.
SEX, 156, begins with a letter of directed wisdom, S. It refers to the 1 which is first the Monad, or God Center, and to the self which takes responsible (6) action (5). The X is open and vulnerable and can “X” itself out by hasty action.
As a full word number (19+5+24) it is 48: the act that keeps the cycle of life (8) constantly bringing forth manifestation. Both 4 and 8 are numbers that relate to physical production and to stability (4) and justice (8).
Whenever the Bible mentions “twelve nations,” it refers to the whole human race, for it encompasses the 12 astrological signs of the zodiac.
The 21 is the mystical number of Cosmic Consciousness. It is renewal of mind and body and using them to express creatively. It is the self (1) putting the “2” qualities first: courtesy, cooperation, tact, and diplomacy. The 2 speaks well, is the peacemaker, and is also very sensitive.
The 3 is also verbally expressive, so 2 and 3 together enhance creative expression through the voice or the written word. Words that have 21 as their root are: Human, Actor, Salesman, Woman, and Bible.
Both HUMAN and ACTOR have the full word total of 57: a sensate being (5) with an inner spiritual and creative nature (7). The 7 also refers to the professional, and one who studies to better himself. SALESMAN has the full word total of 84, which shows he must strive (8) harder to set a secure foundation (4) for himself. Both 8 and 4 are numbers of work. (WOMAN is analyzed in the chapter about One.)
The BIBLE, 29235 = 21/3, is the story of creation, the Trinity. The 3 is the number for words and communication, so it is important as a root total for Bible, the Word of God. It has the full word total 30: the Creative Trinity (3) next to the Cosmic Egg (0), or “the Word made manifest.”
Bible has two B's, showing it is meant to be a companion. It has no purpose by itself alone and unread. It contains the I, or Yod; the generative sperm, so it imparts life to its words.
Another 21-word that imparts renewal for mind and body is SLEEP. Its full word total is 57. The 7 signifies rest, but the 5 shows there is activity during sleep. While sleep may renew the body, it often gives us dreams that in turn give us mind activity and sometimes, creative ideas.
PEACE is 75135 = 21. The number of tact and diplomacy comes first: 2. It is the self (1) putting others first, a symbol of selflessness. There can be no peace when the self comes first, expressing greed and thoughtless acts. Also, Peace starts with P, a 7 letter—7 being at rest, thoughtful. The first vowel is an E, which is directed energy, and the pivot point, the center of the word is A: the breath of life, which is also (1) expressing through us individually. Together they total 3, a number of joy and fulfillment.
Every number has opposing qualities, each vibration is a balance rod with positive on one end and negative on the other. The 21 can be a number of unhappy events. It corresponds to the 21 letter, U, which is pictorially a cup on a rocker. It fills easily but can rock and empty out its treasures, for that rocker is built of emotion—the 2—which comes first, and is very sensitive.
The 21 is composed of three 7's, so it is the finishing of a cycle in three worlds (see Figure 4 on page 50).
The 7 is a time of rest after completion, but 3 (2+1) wants to perform, so it is impatient and will do things in haste. This makes 21 a great test for humanity. The 7's demand spirituality, which is needed for inner strength. We can see the negative expression of 21 in the following 21-words:
Lustful. Fool. Wild. Vile. Evil. Envy. Fear. Glib. Sneaky. Beastly. Clumsy.
The 30 is filled with artistic talents and expression. It is the God-Power of the cypher (0) behind the 3 of self-expression. It represents the completion of projects, celebration, and happiness.
Birth. Family. Genial. Happy. Humor. Kindly. Serene. Sociable. Strong. Thankful. Uplift.
The root total of ANCIENT is 30: (1539552). The most ancient of all is the Cosmic Egg (0) and the Creative Triad (3), called by some “The Ancient of Ancients.” Its full word total is 66, which was known as Father-Mother God.
Since 3 has a way with words, spoken or written, the cypher following it will intensify those qualities:
Doctor. Lawyer. Lecture. Write. Savior. (With the u, “Saviour” is 33, a number of spiritual service.)
A musical sound that is pleasant to the ear is CHORD (30).
A gem that is pleasant to the eye is the AMETHYST (30).
When self-expression is hindered we see the negative side of the 30 vibration:
Dilemma. Fixed. Idiot. Nemesis. Sadistic. Strive. Stubborn. Sulkiness. Thief. Tremble.
The 39 is loving and caring. It desires to give loving service and help make the world a better place. It is easygoing. The 9 represents humanity and its emotions, feelings, and love of life, expressing itself in the 3 which is happiness, joy, and using one's talents to express life at its fullest.
Positive 39's:
Friends. Gentleness. Humanity. Quietude. Refine. Romantic Wedding. Writer.
Negative 39's use words to hurt people:
Critical. Disgrace. Malicious.
Then there are negative 39-words describing actions that do harm:
Corrupt. Foolish. Slaughter.
TREE is a 21-word by root, 2955, but 48 by its full number: 20-18-5-5 = 48: a reliable (4) and very productive (8) part of the cycle of life (8). The first letter is T, a letter that stands tall with a strong, protective overhang. Trees give us shade and protection. They furnish us with tools for many things: wood, paper, and their products. The T is the 20th letter, and 20 refers to collections and groupings, and trees have a collection of leaves.
The 48 is a number of searching for satisfaction and finding material success. It needs to be balanced by the spiritual:
Beneficial. Satisfying. Metaphysics.
The 4 comes first and it is a loyal supporter of home, family, and country. There are two 4's in 8; this makes 8 a strong leader. No wonder words like PATRIOTIC and DIPLOMATIC vibrate to 48. And yes, the basics still apply since 4+8= 12/3 (also true of 39 and 57).
A misuse of the 4's honesty, and the 8's good judgment, can be seen in the following negative 48-words:
Dishonesty. Hysterical.
In 84, the highly mental and intelligent 8 comes first. I found one word that totals 84: INTELLIGIBILITY. It starts with an I, the ninth letter. The 9 holds all the knowledge of the preceding numbers. The middle letter, G, and the last letter, Y, are both 7 letters, showing that the state of understanding clearly must come from within.
The 57 will work hard to make negative conditions better. It understands people's problems and knows how to seek help, for 5 wants to know how other people feel, and understands due to its own experience. The 7 is spiritual. It does need to cultivate a sense of humor and an inner response to situations. The 7 always seeks perfection. Some 57 words are:
Perfection. Reverential. Cooperative. Omnipotence. Prevention.
The negative 57 will Criticize, needs Correction, is often Negligent.
The 75 accepts challenges; it wants to do things right. It does get down to basics—1, 2, 3—in order to succeed.
FIREFIGHTER: The full word total is 111, the basic 3-in-1, all sufficient; the highest principle of the soul. The first letter, F, is a picture of arms outstretched to help someone at its side. The first vowel, I, is a 9, which is the number of compassion and service. The center pivot letter is also I, so its work is “around” compassionate service. There are 11 letters in the word, so its very traits point out that it is there to help humanity.
The negative 75 may fail due to procrastination.
Strive, Stress, and Strain all begin with STR = 12/3. When I first began studying this science, I understood the positive energies of 3: happiness, joy, talents expressed, and communication. Then one day I was talking with a young man about his numbers. His month of birth was March (3) and a month tells the main vibration of youth (to age 27). I remarked that his childhood must have been happy. Not so. He said he did not have a happy childhood at all.
I had failed to take into consideration that every number is a complete vibration, including its negative polarity. Though the 3 is expressive, it can dissipate and scatter its energies; is not practical like the 4, and will err for lack of boundaries. Also, 3 is the child, and the adult 3 loves children, while the negative polarity finds the child molester/abuser.
Strive, Stress, and Strain all start with STR=12/3, the negative side. (The letters that come first have a direct influence.)
Those who have a 3 root for their complete birth name will find their success in acting, oratory, dancing, painting, singing, all forms of entertaining, and writing.
One 3 is the performer. Two 3's (6) is the teacher. Three 3's (9) has performed, taught, and is now finishing up for perfection in 10. Here we see the importance of the numbers within a number.
We need 3's for self-expression.
Positive: Artistic. Attractive. Charming. Good imagination. Cheerful. Creative. Enthusiastic. Expressive. Gift of gab. Good at writing. Good host/hostess. Good sense of humor. Optimistic. Outgoing. Singing. Sociable. Speaking. Talented. The life of the party.
Negative: Bored. Critical of others. Dislikes responsibility. Exaggerates. Hates work; wants only fun. Impulsive. Jealous. Moody. Scattered. Self-centered. Vain. Wasteful. Wears too much makeup or gaudy clothes. Worrywart.
Destructive: Cowardice. Deep jealousy. Dual personality. Gossip. Greedy. Hatred. Hypocrite. Intolerant. Uses hurtful words.
The 3 is male and active.
“Let's Get Organized”
The Sacred Trinity sent vibrations via the spoken word down into material form. The Trinity, or Godhead, is shown graphically as a triangle, which stands on the line depicting spirit descending into matter, making the symbol 4. Some see it as upright man carrying the Godhead Trinity. Pythagoras called it “Right and Left,” the land to your right and left as you stand, or the four corners of the Earth. Geometrically, 4 is a square, the most stable of all forms. When a man is honest they say he is “square with you.” The 4 represents uprightness, honesty, and integrity. The 4 is devoted to family, community, church, and country.
The square is closed in on all sides, so the 4 will set up its own limitations and sometimes feel boxed in. But it does not mind working nine to five in an office room because that affords a feeling of security. The 4's will work hard for a secure future. They want to set a firm foundation early in life. Sometimes they get so wrapped up in their work that they forget to play, and then they can be pretty dull. The saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” evokes the image of the 4. But 4 is an honest achiever and has material success.
The active God-Power of the 0 making things manifest on Earth is the story of the 40. Going through four planes of creation, each a separate Sephirotic Tree, totaling 40 Sephiroth, makes this a number of completion.
Creation. Terrain. Biology. Fundamentals.
The first three of these words have the full word total 85. Constant change (5) is part of 85's life cycle (8). The full word total of Fundamentals is 130: the Creative Trinity (3) in the midst of perfection (1 and 0). In the Bible, 40 is associated with spiritual advancement and completion. Jesus fasted 40 days, and the great flood was 40 days and 40 nights. 40-words that relate are:
Awakening. Consecrate. Penitent. Victory.
All 4's work well and are good with their hands. The cypher after 4 also means working for perfection:
Artistry. Organist.
Both words have the full word total of 130, the same as Fundamentals. The active physical force expressed through the intellect has qualities of the 40:
Reading. Thinker. Library. Politics. Calculations. Mathematics. Listeners.
The closed-in, four-sided square suggests limitations:
Surround. Envelope.
The extremely negative 40 can be very dangerous. It lacks a sense of humor, takes everything too seriously, and can become violent:
Demolish. Terror. Violence.
The 13 is not as unlucky as most people believe. It is the self (1) using its creative talents (3) to put ideas into form (4).
The 13 gained a reputation for being unlucky from the fact that Jesus and his disciples numbered 13, and one of his disciples betrayed him.
Another reason for fear of the 13 was the fact that witches were believed to have met in groups of 13 to receive orders from their master. “Friday the 13th” became an ill omen because in old England the hangman was paid 13 pence for each hanging, and that always took place on Friday.
The negative side of 13 comes into evidence mainly through carelessness. The 13 must achieve balance between the creative and the material side. This is because the corresponding letter, M, is in the middle of the English alphabet (13th), and it has both feet firmly on the ground, maintaining balance between the spiritual forces at its right and the material forces at its left, as though it were on a balance board.
In the entire alphabet M is the only letter pronounced with the mouth closed. It corresponds with the 13th Tarot card, DEATH—a picture of a skeleton riding on a horse and carrying a flag with an image of the five-petaled rose that represents the life force. Its meaning is not really to die, but to change. This may be because the original pagan year consisted of 13 months. It is the aspect of the old dropping away so that the new can come forth.
As the birth date or name number, 13 says, “Here is someone who is courageous and willing to lead the way.” Esoterically it represents the death of a man as a mortal and his rebirth as a disciple who reaches for the higher consciousness.
The 1 is First Cause, or Creator; it is also ourselves as creators in His image. It is originality, the inventor, the style-setter, the pioneer.
The 3 is creativity, self-expression, happiness, entertaining, writing, the artistic and decorative, and prettiness.
The 4 is where the ideas of the creator take form.
Here are a few words that total 13:
SOUL: The root of Soul is 4. This shows that the soul is a definite form, though not perceptible in this dimension. It was created by First Cause and is individualized, as evidenced by 1. It has self-expression, as evidenced by 3. The full number is 67, meaning spiritual (7) body (6).
ARTS: By individuals (1) using their creative expression (3), the Arts take definite form (4). The full number of Arts is 58: ideas from above becoming manifest below (8) in various ways (5).
ATOM: This is the basic material (4) of the creative (3) energy field put into action by the Monad (1), or First Cause. Its full number is also 58. This is one of the elementary components of matter in all its forms, and the letters show that the elements come forth from the Cosmic Egg (0) in its center. A is Air, M is Water, and the T is a picture of spirit descending into matter. At the point where they cross creation takes place.
TABLE: This is an example of a creative idea made into form with 4 legs or with one central base as shown in the letter T. Some tables are ornate, which is another quality of the 3. It takes a creative person (1 + 3) to design such a table. Its full number, 40, is practical, and the cypher makes it all the more so.
CAR: This 13-word describes a vehicle with 4 wheels designed by a creator (1) and used for transportation and travel (3).
Lastly, 13 is not a good number for a gambler. The 3 scatters its energies and acts in haste, or impulse. But the 3 gives the otherwise-sober 4 a sense of humor.
This number is prevalent among good writers, interior decorators, artists, and homemakers. When the 3 comes first it often refers to creative writing, or something related:
Calendar. Covenant. Script. Sentence.
The 3 is a number of words, positive or negative. Someone who uses words in a negative way is a gossip.
GOSSIP: 761197 = 31/4. This word sounds like what it is—it gives a hissing sound like that of a snake about to strike. Numerically it begins and ends with a 7 letter, G and P, and the negative side of the 7 is faultfinding, deceitful, and sarcastic with words.
The Soul's Urge (vowels) of Gossip, O = 6 and I = 9, totals 6. Where the positive 6 is responsible and kind, its negative side is the opposite, hurtful, using the voice as a sword.
The personality (sum of the consonants) of the word, 7117 = 16/7, is the negative side of 7: cold, secretive, and unfeeling. The 7 gives the appearance of turning its back on the one spoken about. It first totals the karmic number 16, which shows it is outwardly doing something that will have a karmic effect. The total expression of Gossip is 4, which is manifestation. It may make something out of nothing by its unkind words (3), and cause someone pain.
The full number is 85. The number of continuity (8) comes first. The 5 is a talker. Here we see that 5 talks on and on, like the cycle that goes on and on, and the word continues to be told. That 8 also represents the Law of the Circle: what is given out will come back to the sender. No wonder its personality scores the karmic 16.
All 4's make good doctors, but the 31's and 13's are the best. The 3 makes them more reachable, willing to talk, and they appear to be more understanding.
The 31 is totally reliable and takes responsibility seriously.
SCIENCE: 1395535 = 31/4. This is a fundamental knowledge (4). Each science is individual (1) and governed by its own creative (3) laws. The first letter is the S that seeks knowledge. It has strong ideas. The first vowel is I, a letter that must learn to master the self. It is a 9 letter, and 9 is a number for serving mankind. Its full number is 58: continually (8) seeking answers (5).
This number refers to many talents and those who use them for great achievement, for it also has the qualities of 13 and 4.
4: Has ideas take form through organized skills. 4 is a tireless worker.
9: Considerate of other people; will work for the benefit of many.
1: Leadership ability and confidence to see things through.
3: Creative talents longing to be expressed.
Note these qualities in the following 49-words:
Prodigy. Inspired. Enlighten. Instructor. Phenomenal.
The 49 is very attached to home and family, for 4 loves security and the 9 has emotional attachment:
Appreciate. Patriarch. Pregnancy. Intensify.
The 49 must work for a balance between mind and emotions, for 4 works through the intellect and 9, through emotion. The negative 49-words that fit this description are:
Irritable. Criticism. Unemotional. Constricted. Pomposity.
When the mind permits the negative emotions to take control, there can be devastating effects because ideas take form in 4:
Destruction. Demolished.
Both words start with a D, which is a 4. This shows the destructive side of the 4 rather than the constructive. Note too, that Destruct begins with D-4, while Construct starts with C-3. And 3 is creativity. “De” always means “to take away from.” It starts such words as Detract, Debit, Default, Defeat, Deface, Defame, Defer, Deficit, and Defraud. E is a 5, and the 4 and 5 are antagonistic to each other. 4 seeks boundaries and 5 must have freedom.
The 58 refers to very deep thinking subjects and intellectual pursuits; a number of insights.
5: Has mental curiosity. It seeks facts, is imaginative and good at analysis.
8: Shows executive abilities. Great organizer. Skilled. Has good judgment. Is physically strong.
Realization. Imagination. Profundity. Forgiveness. Independence. Pythagorean. On the opposite end of the spectrum are:
Profiteer. Self-indulgent. Opposition. Elimination. Competition. Licentiousness. Corruptible.
This number refers to things well thought of.
6: Cares for people, gives loving service, takes on responsibilities.
7: Is introspective, distinguished, looked up to for its wisdom. It is the professional.
Plus there are all of the creative abilities of the 13/4. We see these attributes in these 67-words: Administration. Distinguished. Practitioner.
All 4's are good in mental work, especially where hands and mind work together. Here we find outstanding engineers, mechanics, jewelers, electricians, mathematicians and musicians, teachers, managers, and foremen.
We need 4's for stick-to-itiveness.
FOUR (4)
Positive: Accurate. Conscientious. Conservative. Disciplined. Good worker. Honest. Loves home, family, country. Loyal. Organized. Patient. Patriotic. Practical. Prudent. Punctual. Sincere. Studious. Stable. Wants the law enforced.
Negative: Argumentative. Dull. Forgets to take time out to play. Headstrong. Humorless. Intolerant. Jealous. Must see to believe. Narrow-minded. Not affectionately demonstrable. Opinionated. Overworked. Prejudiced. Too serious. Workaholic.
Destructive: Animalism. Antagonistic. Crude. Cruel. Hatred. Strong negative emotions. Violent.
The 4 is manifestation, for it follows the Creative Trinity: Idea. Planting. Growth. In 4 is the harvest.
“Don't Fence Me In”
The 5 loves its freedom and wants to come and go as it pleases. See how the number is open at both sides? How its base is on a rocker? It is so adaptable, likes so much variety, that it sometimes doesn't know if it is coming or going.
The 5's are very restless under routine; they must have the freedom of adjusting their own schedules. A job in the same place every day, within four walls, is confining to the point of extreme uneasiness.
Pythagoras called 5 “Masculine and Feminine” for it is composed of 2 and 3, the feminine and masculine numbers. So 5's are very popular and get along very well with both men and women.
In travel they like to take the side roads and explore. They like to see how the natives live and speak their language. The lower half of the number 5 is like the top half of a 3. That gives it good speaking ability. Remember, the 3 has a way with words. This makes 5 a super salesman.
Having many 5's in a chart means changes and unexpected happenings. Basically 5's are curious. They want to know what makes things tick and what is going on. They will investigate everything.
The 5 is called the number of man because it is the exact middle of numbers and man has five physical senses. When we are born, the first thing we become aware of are our senses. We feel the warmth and cold. We see the light and are aware of faces—of our parents, of other people, and then of our surroundings. We touch various objects and feel the difference in texture. We develop taste for certain foods that we like better than others. We can smell the aroma of foods and of the changing air about us.
Discovering our five senses is surely the first lesson in life. As the child grows, any temptations that come affect one or more of these senses. The child learns that sweets taste good, but too much gives a tummy ache. And so it is with each of the senses. So discrimination must be learned.
We are all Adam and Eve. Adam is the active masculine energy represented by A. Eve is the receptive polarity represented by V, which is A reversed and with the “rib” removed. V, spelled Vee, is an anagram for Eve.
Likewise, man begins with an M: the middle of the alphabet, just as 5 is the exact middle of numbers. M has two feet well balanced on the ground. Reverse the M and we have W, the initial letter of Woman. Negative polarity. Emotional. So Adam is representative of the masculine active force, and Eve, of the feminine passive force.
To be well balanced, we all have a small amount of the opposite force, in that man must have some negative receptivity to soften his nature and woman needs some of the positive force to give her strength.
We can see this in the letters M and W: the feminine force, V is clearly visible on the top middle of M. The masculine is the reversed V, or A without the rib, in the bottom center of W.
When man has grown to the point where he is in control of his five senses and has mastered them, he then has control of his body; he is well balanced in the middle of numbers. Because 5 is the exact center, it has been called “the balance board” and man is meant to have dominion, for MAN (415) totals 10. Perfection.
It is part of 5's lesson to learn the right use of freedom and not to overdo sensual pleasures.
Because 5 is not bound-in like the confining square of 4, it is apt to take chances, be the daredevil. It has no fear; wants new experiences; is willing to gamble.
According to the Kabbalah, all knowledge there ever was and ever will be is included in the 10 numbers, the 22 paths which are the letters, and the 50 gates of knowledge which are a classification of all being into five series of 10. This makes 50 an intellectual number. This can be seen in the following words that total 50:
Concordance. Efficient. Engineer. Explorer. Fact-finder. Instructors. Investigate. Memorize. Organize. Professor. Prophesy. Physician. Technician. Theosophy.
The charming and popular aspect of the 5 is also heightened by the cypher:
Admiration. Considerate. Delightful. Sincerity.
Remember we said that 5 will take chances? Is fearless? INTREPID means fearless, and it totals 50.
We also said that 5's are versatile and like change. A word for that is DIVERSITY, and it totals 50.
Destructive 50's are:
Endangered. Ignorance. Instability. Intolerable. Revolting.
This is a karmic number. There are lessons to be learned or there will be accidents, losses in business and in friendships. It is known as the number of experiences, for its possessor learns no other way.
The 14 must learn self-control of all physical appetites and temper. They can become too involved in physical sense pleasures and that could bring about health problems.
The 14's have sharp mental faculties and enormous energy. It helps them a great deal to study philosophical truths to balance out their emotional energies.
The 14's are enticed by anything they feel can bring them a moment's JOY (14) or FUN (14). They are too EASY (14), will WED (14) on impulse and later regret it. In Genesis it is the serpent who tempts EVE (14). To us, a serpent is a snake, and SNAKE totals 14. Its full number is 50, which shows it to be highly intelligent.
A SAGE (14) is one who has gained complete control of the senses, and is on the spiritual path. It begins with an S, which is a picture of the serpent of wisdom and shows the path to be anything but easy. It has turns in it, but it learns through experience. The first vowel, A, shows it is a leader with a good mind, and can put the material and spiritual differences into proper perspective because of the clear balance line across the center of the A that separates one from the other. G is the seventh letter, and 7 denotes spirituality and will seek it. But E is 5 of the five senses, and only he who learns self-control develops the powers of the true Initiate (14 is 2 × 7).
JOY: 167 = 14. At first this was a surprise to me. I expected joy to be a 23 because of the creative, talkative 3 with the 2 that loves to share. But no—real joy comes from within the individual (1) before it can be shared. Sometimes you and you alone can experience a joy.
And that joy is real to us when we WORK (22/4) toward and achieve fulfillment. That 4 is something we have earned, and that is what brings the individual joy in the real sense. Also, joy has the full number of 50, which is a number endowed with intellectual quality. Animals cannot experience joy in the same sense that man can. The root is 5: Curiosity. Freedom. Variety. All refer to man and the spice of life. All bring joy.
The 14 and the 41 are numbers of nature. Nature is perfect organization (4) through intellect (1 and 5). It is form (4) created from ideas (1 and 5).
When the 4 comes first, the freedom-loving 5 is structured, as in these 41-words:
Astronomy. Geology. Universe.
The 4 is composed of two sensitive 2's, so when it comes first, that sensitivity is shown. At the same time, 4 solidifies character and makes the 5 more responsible:
Character. Emotional. Feelings. Generous. Giving. Prudence. Purify. Respected. Sensitive.
Negative equivalents are:
Antagonism. Blasphemous. Brooder. Condemned. Dangerous. Fright. Pessimism. Prudish. Transgress. Wretched.
The 5 is a marriage number. It produces its own offspring. (5 × 5 = 25. 5 × 7 = 35. 5 × 9 = 45.)
In 41/5 the self (1) now puts the family (4) first and thinks of starting a family and having offspring of its own:
Married. Admirer. Promise. Pregnant. Existence.
MARRIED: 4199954 = 41, starts and ends with a 4-letter. This shows it intends to set up its boundaries. It starts out with M, two feet set firmly on the ground. M is the 13th letter and corresponds with the 13th Tarot card, Death; but instead of death, it means change—something new coming into one's life. It is the death of the old single self and the birth of a loving partnership.
The D at the end of the word is the Hebrew “Daleth,” door, mouth, or womb. This suggests that Marriage is meant to be the means by which new life is conceived and regenerated. To some the door is a way out of the marriage.
The very center of the word, RRI, or 999, are three letters of loving service, giving of self without thought of return; the number of great emotion, the great lover, the understanding attributes that make the bond between two people so very special and valued.
The 41/5 is intellectual and a good talker. The 5 gathers facts and the 4 is made up of two 2's that are sensitive to details. The 5 consists of 2 and 3; both fluent speakers. No wonder then that the following words have the total of 41:
Collaborate. Counselor. Discourse. Research. Teachings.
The full number of RESEARCH is 77, and 7 is the number of the analytical thinker.
The 23 has much to do with LIFE: 3965 = 23/5. The 2 is the number of the female, and 3, the male, both with five senses and the desire for freedom to explore and enjoy life to the fullest.
ANIMAL totals 23/5. There are male and female animals, and they require their own freedom. The LION (23/5) is known as the King of Beasts. The full number of Lion is 50, which shows it to be quite smart.
The 23 corresponds with the 23rd letter of the English alphabet, W, a graphic picture of ups and downs, highs and lows, the good and bad we encounter in our experience.
The 5's are known for their bravery. And who takes more chances than the Hollywood STUNTMAN (23/5)? Many women are “stuntmen” too; 23 means both sexes.
Some negative 23-words are:
Maniac. Scream. Shoot.
SHOOT: 18662 = 23/5. This is someone (1) using his power (8) by using his body (6) to harm the body (6) of another person. The 2 is duality and the necessity of knowing the difference between good and evil.
The word begins with Sh, the Hebrew letter Schin, the Element of Fire. A gun is a firearm. The two O's are the eyes that take aim. The T is the cross of crucifixion or of responsibility. The one who shoots must carry that cross for the rest of his life. The full number, 77, is the Christ number (Jesus was the seventy-seventh in his lineage and CHRIST totals 77 by its full number). So Shoot is the direct polar opposite of the Christ-consciousness vibration.
The 32 has the same basic qualities but shows mastery over the animal nature by its words:
Admire. Polite. Respect. Sanction.
This is also true of: Christ. Glory. Power. Those three 32-words each have the full number of 77.
AMERICA: 1459931 = 32/5. The full number is 50. Directed Intelligence, and a number of freedom. It begins and ends with 1, the individual. The very center has two 9's, the number of universal service and brotherly love. Its first consonant, M (4), is a number of the builder, the firm foundation.
CIRCLE is also 32/5 with the full number of 50. The circle pertains to life never ending, for its root as a word is cycle, and its glyph is a continuous circular line with no beginning and no end. It is male and female, 3 and 2, the positive and negative forces that keep the cycle of life continual. And it is done by Directed Intelligence (50).
Knowledge, leadership ability, and intellect are all part of the 32 vibration; the Creative Trinity's (3) detailed (2) work:
Career. College. Cultured. Logical. Sagacious.
In contrast to the king of beasts, the Lion (23), where the sneaky 2 comes first, we have the Parakeet (32) where the pretty and talkative 3 comes first.
Negative traits that vibrate to 32 are:
Condemn. Despise. Fight. Oppose. Psycho. Quibble. Shrewd. Temper. Vandalize. Weird.
This is the number of the person who has done a job well:
Cooperation. Experience. Professional.
The 9 means the lessons are coming to a close and there will be a change coming about, for after 9 comes 10, a new beginning.
The 9 contains all the knowledge of the numbers preceding it and is adaptable to change due to the 5 before it. So 59 completes, and 14 is the Sage.
Environment. Hierarchy. Precipitate. Scintillating.
PRECIPITATE, 59, in the occult sense, is to bring forth out of nothingness, as sages and magicians were known to do. The word starts with P, the circle of eternity high on the self (1) and enclosed to hold much knowledge. It is a 7-letter that refers to spirituality, scientific thinking, and the possible understanding of the mysterious arcana. Its very center letter is also P. The center letter is known as the keystone and is found only in words and names of an uneven number of letters. That center letter is a pivot point that helps to carry out the initial action of the first letter, also called the cornerstone. The last letter is called the capstone, and it shows the destination to be accomplished, or the aim.
So Precipitate sets out to bring forth out of nothingness (First P), is helped along by its arcana of knowledge (center P), and its destiny is to bring forth. The last letter is E, 5th in our alphabet, and 5 is variety so it can bring forth any variety of things.
The full number of Precipitate is 122, the one (1) who is master of accomplishment (22). Interestingly, the word COOPERATION had the keystone R-9, humanitarian. Its full number is 131, the great communicator (3) between the pillars (11) of the peace-loving 11.
This is the number of the well-educated. The 6 understands the law and knows what must be done. The 8 is the number of the executive, one who has good judgment and leadership ability.
CIVILIZATION (68) depends on education. Without it men are uncivilized. This is an interesting word to analyze kabbalistically. Keep in mind that civilization refers to all of humanity whose number is 9.
The total of Civilization by its full numbers is 149, so we have 14 9/14/5.
If we put letters to those numbers we get..............................N I N E, the number of humanity.
Those who have 5 for a total name number are natural salesmen, travelers, good in all occupations that call for versatility and adaptability. This includes actors, writers, scientific inventors, detectives, speakers, and promoters.
We need 5's for adaptability and desire for knowledge.
FIVE (5)
Positive: Adaptable. Alert. Analytical. Attractive to opposite sex. Charming. Clever. Courageous. Curious. Dynamic. Gets along with all types of people. Learns languages easily. Love of freedom. Loves to travel. Popular. Social. Super salesman. Wants adventure. Witty.
Negative: Careless. Discontent. Impatient. Impulsive. Irresponsible. Procrastinates. Restless. Takes dangerous chances (daredevil).
Destructive: Gambler. Overindulge the senses in sex, drugs, alcohol, or food. Perversion. Rude.
“I Want My Voice to Be Heard”
The 6 is the vibration of home, family, and service. It is man (1), standing by the family circle (o), or 1o or 6. So it is a number of regeneration. Every body has six sides. Pythagoras called 6 “Rest and Motion” because these are important to all bodies for good health.
The 6 is known as the “Cosmic Parent” for four reasons:
The 6 corresponds with sex because Vau, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, is the “peg” or “nail” that connects the male Yod to the female Hé (IHVH) that there might be creation.
People with strong 6's love to eat; some are overweight. In this case, the lower circle indicates a full tummy.
Those born on a 6 day (6, 15, or 24) may have an unusual or outstanding voice. The 6 is open at the top to depict this. They talk well, sing, and teach. They make good counselors for they know just what to say, are calm and receptive in nature, and have a knack for making people feel at ease. They like to be comfortable and dislike dressing up.
The 6's are artistic. They like to have their surroundings reflect their good taste, artistically arranged and in their favorite colors.
This is a strong family vibration. The cypher shows the creative attributes of the Deity (0) being expressed through a body (6):
Grandmother. Re-embodiment. Thanksgiving.
TYPEWRITER (60), has creative attributes in that it gives birth to words. WORD, by its full count, is also 60 and proves their relation.
The 0 accentuates the speaking, singing, communicational side of the 6, and it has been found that strong 6's make their career around the voice.
In the following 60-words you can see where knowledge (0) and voice (6) are important:
Communication. Definition. Description. Investigator. Performance. Performer. Psychoanalysis. Understanding.
Anyone with a 6 prominent in the name enjoys the creative arts. Some make acting their profession. The word ACT totals 6. Its full number is 24: putting sensitivities (2) into emoting (2) that appears to be real and true (4).
The 6 is also a domestic vibration: love of home, garden, children, pets. CAT is a domestic pet and it totals 6. Its soul urge is A-1, meaning it has a mind of its own—typical of cats.
NAME: 15/6. Names are individual (1). Males and females have them (5), and they refer to places and things as well as people (6). The soul of name (A and E, or 1 and 5) totals 6. So it refers directly to the person, place, or thing to which it belongs.
The personality (consonants of name: N and M, or 5 and 4) totals 9 which represents all humanity, everything, so a name is meant to be attached to anyone or anything. Plus it is a spiritual gift. That is seen by its full number: 33.
ALIAS: 15/6. It can be described the same as a name.
1—Refers to the self, person, place, or thing.
5—Is male or female because it contains the 3 and 2. It is also variety.
6—Is domestic, artistic, vocal, has six dimensions and responds to love. It is associated with families.
Boy. Castle. Lady. Self. Suit.
Basically, 6 is love, home, and family in vibration. At one end of the spectrum there is the caring and loving 6 that wants to be responsible. On the other end is the caring 6 that wants to be of help on his terms only. This is the meddler who causes more pain than joy and does not even realize it. This person is SMUG, another 15/6 word, but on the negative end of the vibration.
The opposite of love is hatred. These 6's are so sure they are right and everyone else is wrong that they will fight for their beliefs. The negative words that vibrate to this 15/6 force are:
Battle. Duel. Mean. War.
They are governed by MARS, which is also 15/6, and is known as the God of War.
It takes someone who is BOLD (15) to stand up for his own rights when dealing with the negative smug 6. No wonder Bold has the full number of 33, the master number of spiritual gifts and of loving sacrifice.
In one aspect, this number leans toward the military. 51-words of this type are:
Collaborator. Foolishness. Historical. Horrible. Negativity. Prisoner.
On the creative side we find these 51-words:
Creativity. Horoscope. Individual. Masterpiece.
Some 51-words that reflect home, love, and family are:
Expectation. Godmother. Traditional. Veneration.
The 5 shows an active mind present in the self (1). One side leans to the love side of the total 6 vibration while the other leans toward cruelty: two sides of the same whole vibration. That is why balance is so important in one's attitudes.
This is the number of the successful person, an attractive personality; the 6 root referring to the “Cosmic Parent,” the 2 revealing their loving ways, and the 4, their honesty, dependability, and respectability:
Enjoy. Female. Husband. Justice. Lovable. Magic. Mature. Natural. Nuptial. Share. Succeed. Wealth.
Then there are the words that show the peaceful 2, the dependable, accurate 4, and the artistic 6:
Artist. Costume. Dreams. Gift. Holy. Musical. Planets. Pray. Pure.
MUSICAL: Its full number is 78. The 7 is the inner experience; 8, the fine balance of rhythm and harmony with the root of the melodious, audible side of the 6. The word begins with M, a glyph of Water, which refers to emotions and movement. The pivot point (keystone, or middle letter) is I, or the self who is affected by the mood it creates. And the capstone is L which, besides ox-goad, means the outstretched arm in the act of accomplishing just as conductors outstretch their arms to lead the orchestra for the musical.
When the 24/6 works in the negative side of the vibration, there is the stubbornness of the 4, the sensitive and jealous 2, and the tyrannical 6 who either uses words to hurt— or uses silence as a weapon:
Crude. Deadly. Silent. Trial. Verbal. Vexed.
When the 4 comes first there must be a firm foundation.
4: Secure, honest, and just; manifestation.
2: Kind and cooperative nature.
6: The voice, artistry, persons, places, and things with size, shape, and dimension.
We see these reflected in the following 42-words:
Allegiance. Astrology. Compatible. Guaranteed. Investment.
The kind and loving nature is apparent in the following:
Benevolent. Cheerful. Glowing. Thankfulness.
The full number of CHEERFUL is 78: expressing the positive energies of the cycle of life (8) from within (7).
GLOWING is 87; also showing that it is from within (7) that the creative energy (8) is expressed.
THANKFULNESS has the full number of 150: Intelligence directed (50) by the self (1).
An ANNOUNCER, 42/6, uses his voice (6) in his career. The 4 is a number of work and structure, and the 2 does not wish to be the center of attention, but very ably calls attention to others, as an announcer would do.
JOURNALISM, 42/6, is the voice expressed through the writer.
An ACCOMPANIST, 42/6, lends solid support (4) to a soloist (6). The 2 desires to be of help to another.
The negative end of the loving, caring, family-oriented 42/6 vibration would be:
Frustrated. Neglectful. Reclusive.
REINCARNATION: 69. The 69 is identical to the astrological sign Cancer: the time of year when nature renews itself. This is a good description for the word Reincarnation.
This word is so interesting, lets analyze it more deeply. When we add 6 and 9, we get 15/6: 6 represents the body, 1 is the individual life force in the body, and 5 is the five senses. Its desire (vowel count) is 31/4: the 3 showing the desire to express the self creatively; 1, with individuality; and 4, in a form of physical manifestation.
Remember, 4 represents the beginning of form. Two fours produce the cube: a three-dimensional figure. The human body is, in a way, a package for the soul to inhabit, and the word PACKAGE has the full number of 44, which totaled is 8. The root number of REBIRTH is also 44. The 8 is a pictorial symbol of the life cycle and of the orbit of planets.
The picture of two circles, one above the other (8), is the path of all living: circles or cycles. The root of CIRCLES is 33, the number of spiritual gifts. Its full number is 69, again the germ of life, the same as reincarnation. Therefore, reincarnation is a gift to us as a part of the cycle of life. The full number of Reincarnation is 141: 1 is A, 4 is D. So we have Ad A, or “add A.” What is meant by “Add A?” A is the Element of Air, the breath of life that is necessary to live. It is also spirit—the conscious inhabitant.
Reincarnation is defined as “a rebirth of the soul in successive bodies.” Procreation is the physical act that will create the body for the incoming spirit. The full number of PROCREATION is 134/8, MD, or Mid-8. Consider it as the union of the upper circle to the lower circle at the midpoint and you see where the cycle begins a new life.
PHILOSOPHER has the same full number (141) and the root number (69) as Reincarnation. So a philosopher is an old soul, one who has lived before.
The soul or desire of Reincarnation is 31/4 while that of Philosopher is 26/8; 4 being material existence or matter, and 8 being the “above” of the four, or having been here be-4 and completing a cycle (8). Since God 26 by its full number, it is the philosopher's desire to seek God. Do you not see how, by knowing the meanings of numbers and letters, we can interpret the relation of words to each other?
There are 13 letters in the word Reincarnation. The number of letters tells the special traits of a word. The 13 refers to the 13th letter, which is M. M is the exact center of the English alphabet just as 5 (the five senses) is the exact center of numbers. Interesting that the center of each refers to man, and man begins with M. After M comes N, and if Air, the breath of life, is inserted between M and N, MAN appears.
Man's life-giving fluid, blood, is 90 percent Water, and the ancients' symbol for Water was M. It is in the waters of the womb that the fetus takes form and becomes the baby that is to be born. M is life and death, renewal and regeneration. It is the end of the old and transformation into the new. And isn't this fitting for a trait of reincarnation?
Those whose name totals 6 are our artistic workers, teachers, philanthropists, organizers, doctors, nurses, and politicians. Many of our presidents have 6 for a Birth Path or total name number.
We need 6's for being responsible and caring.
SIX (6)
Positive: Adores family, home, children, pets, garden. Advice-giver. Artistic. Comforter. Cosmic parent. Gives loving service. Good education important. Harmonious. High ideals. Honorable. Humanitarian. Just. Lawful. Musical talent. Poised. Protective. Responsible. Sympathetic. Teacher. True friend. Understanding. Uses voice in career: teaching, singing, speaking, acting, politics. Wants to nurture.
Negative: Anxious. Bossy. Cynical. Egotistical. Domineering. Expects too much of people; easily disappointed in them. False pride. Interferes. Jealous. Meddlesome. Mopes. Needs to feel appreciated. Outspoken. Self-centered. Self-righteous. Smug. Suspicious. Sweet tooth.
Destructive: Conceit. Domestic tyranny. Martyr. Nosy and interfering. Slavery.
The 6 often refers to the body of something, since Adam was created on the sixth day and since all bodies have six sides.
The 6 refers to the voice because God spoke forth the creation in 6 days.
“Give Me Time To Think About It”
The 7 is the number of spirituality, mysticism, wisdom, and success. Pythagoras called 7 the “Crooked and the Straight.”
God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh. The 7 turns its back on the upcoming numbers, does not start the fervent work of the 8. It looks back in retrospect on all the lessons it has learned in 1 through 6, or to reflect on work well done, just as God looked upon His creation and saw that it was very good. We were told to do likewise. We were told to keep the Sabbath holy, meaning that it has spiritual and moral worth. By resting we build up our energy for the work we do in 8. The 8 has physical stamina, good health due to proper rest on the seventh.
The word SABBATH is 17/8: the self (1) resting (7) to renew strength (8).
Those with 7's prominent in their charts need more rest than other people. They can't take loud music, crowds, noise, or commotion. They maintain their balance through serenity. The 7's stand straight, tall, and dignified. They are usually conservative in manner, thinking, and dress. They don't talk much but when they do they have something of substance to say, for 7 is an intellectual number. They read a lot and think deeply about things. They seem to be secretive.
The 7 is a number of faith. They seek spiritual wisdom unless they are negative. Then faith is replaced with fear and the strong, quiet person is, instead, an incessant talker. In general, negative 7's will express faith or fear, alertness or laziness. The 7's continually seek perfection. Whatever type of work they decide to do, they must be the best. If doctors, they will specialize. If musicians, they will compose and perform. The 7's will dig for facts and analyze everything. They work best alone. Also, the 7's prefer quality to quantity. They want to share their life with someone they admire or they would rather be alone. They are very private people and can be hard to know. Only when they know and like you will they open up and be friendly. They need understanding, love, and compassion. They may seem cold but they do like to do things for people.
The 7's are very intuitive. They are the ones most apt to remember their dreams and dream in color.
The cypher accents the introspective nature of the 7. Both LISTEN and SECRET have the full number of 70: the strong, silent, mysterious 7 amplified 10 times.
The cypher seems to capitalize on the negative aspect of the 7 in the following words that total 70:
Imperfection. Procrastinator.
This is a karmic number. It corresponds with the 16th Tarot: the Lightning Struck Tower, equating with sudden experiences, losses, and accidents. The bearer of this number can overcome anything through silence and meditation, qualities of the 7. This number shows a talent for speaking, singing (6), writing, performing (6 and 7). The 7 is the professional, a number of ideals and values. Words that vibrate to 16/7 are:
Altar. Ballet. Book. Plan. Solo. Value. You.
BALLET: 16. The initial letter B (2) means it is performed by more than one. The 2 refers to groups. Ballets are cultural, an aspect of 6. Costumes, too, are 6. It takes a great deal of study (7) to be able to perform ballet.
In politics, 16 is the self (1) wanting law and order (6). It wants its voice (6) to be heard. The 7 will study, take exams, and know the statutes. Related 16-words are:
Book. Exam. Statute.
There is a need for all karmic numbers (13, 14, 16, and 19) to develop the spiritual side of the nature. That is the strong, loving force that balances out all negative conditions.
This number stands for ACCOMPLISHMENT (61/7).
The 6 always seeks to complete projects. (God created the world in six days). 1 is creative: the doer who initiates projects.
7 has the inner serenity to be in control. It will analyze and probe for facts. This applies to the following 61-words:
Concentration. Intelligence. Tranquillity. Visualization. Wholehearted. You.
GRAPHOLOGY: 7917863677 = 61/7 loves to write, and graphology is the study of handwriting. Being analytical, 7 can easily find the hidden meanings in handwriting.
6 will study things quietly. It will take the responsibility of accurate appraisal.
6 refers to the body of something, and handwriting is the tangible “out-picturing” of the soul.
1 refers to the uniqueness of each writing specimen and to the individual to whom it belongs.
The word starts and ends with 7-letters: G and Y. Y is always attracted to things of a mystical nature. G is very intuitive and draws in knowledge. See how the letter turns in on itself? It is usually wise and spiritual or analytical.
Negative 61-words are:
Transgression. Irritation.
IRRITATION: 9999212965 = 61. The interesting thing here is the fact that the most emotional number, 9, dominates the first four letters, and to feel irritation is definitely an emotional response. Those four 9's are followed by the highly sensitive 2, which surrounds the self (1). Its full number is 133, which can be translated as “death (13) of creativity (3),” or “the self (1) martyred (33).”
Talented musicians and painters are born on the 25th. This number shows a bright, inquiring mind. 7 thinks deeply about things and will analyze and decide for itself. Much comes through intuition. 7's appear wise for they speak only when there is something worth saying. Psychic.
5 has curiosity, will probe for facts. It wants to know how others feel and think; is interesting and changeable.
Both 5 and 2 are good talkers. See the resemblance between the bottom curve of 5 and the top curve of 2? They are both open on the left, the side that faces the past. This means that both have good memories, remember facts, and are open to talk.
The 5 is open on the material plane (lower), so is concerned more with things of a sensual nature.
The 2 is more cautious about its words, for it is open on the very top or mental/spiritual plane, so it uses discretion and tact.
With this in mind, consider the following 25-words:
Apostle. Charm. Listen. Messages. Pleasant. Relate. Secret. Silent. Story. Words.
WIFE and SOULMATE are 25-words: the feminine 2, sensual 5, and faithful 7.
Other 25-words bring out the collective aspect of the 2 and its love of detail, 5's diversity, and 7's inner feeling:
Brook. Create. Earth. Galaxy. Heart. Nature.
DEVIL is 25/7. It is said that the Devil deceives because of his fine appearance. The 7 stands tall and proud. The 2 appears kind, helpful, and cooperative. But behind the dignified appearance of the 7 lurks a cold and calculating negative aspect, for 7 puts its back to the higher numbers to “lord over” the lower numbers. And 2, in its negative aspect, is sneaky and a liar. The 5 knows how to get along with everyone and is popular.
But 5 is also the five senses and temptation. And the Devil is highly skilled as a tempter.
The Devil inspires the following 25/7-words:
Abusive. Felon. Odor. Panic.
And is often found in the:
Despot. Fatalist. Zealot.
This is a number of wisdom, high ideals, and values. There are 52 weeks in a year and 7 days in each to grow in wisdom.
5 is a perceptive mind that seeks answers.
2 is the peacemaker; kind and giving.
7 is the deep thinker, dignified and correct unless negative. One side is faith, the other, fear.
Qualities expressed by the 52 are:
Apologize. Discernment. Expectations. Expressive. Independent. Persistence. Reference. Religious. Taciturnity. Transformed.
ARITHMETIC, 52/7, is the science that Pythagoras valued as the first and most important because it is the basis of all things and necessary in creation. Through the knowledge of numbers he found wisdom, high ideals, values, and the reason we are here. 5, 2, and 7: numbers of study, analysis, and curiosity satisfied.
PROPHECY: 79678537 = 52: A prediction. The 7 root shows this is a word of mystery. The 7 goes within for answers, uncovers secrets. Not only is 7 the root, but the word begins and ends with a 7 letter. The first letter, P, locks much within itself. See the enclosed circle on top in the mind area? This shows it has great foresight, but it is not on a stable foundation. P needs to be balanced with philosophy or it can be mentally too “material-minded.”
Y is known as the mystic letter, and when in a name, the person is drawn toward things of a mystical nature.
The numerical adjectives before the root, 5 and 2, tell us that this 7 seeks answers (5) and desires to give facts and details as part of its service (2).
The full number is 106: 10 is the complete picture that is seen and 6 is the voice that describes it.
CONFERENCE: 3656595535 = 52. Here again we can see where the qualities of the 5, 2, and 7 apply. All the numbers in the word are communicative numbers. 3's and 5's talk a lot. The 5 is good on many subjects. The 6 is the voice that must be heard, and near the center is the humanitarian 9 that represents the voice of the people.
The first letter is a C, which means, “open to talk.” The 3 is the number of selfexpression and is good with words. C is open on the side toward all the other letters, so it wants to get its point across to everyone.
The last letter is E (5), so it will discuss a variety of subjects. The 5 seeks answers and is adaptable to any subject. E represents both animal and spiritual forces for it is open on both planes. E must be confined to the subject at hand or it will ramble on.
The full number of Conference is 88, and 8 is the never-ending cycle. Conferences can go on and on. The 8 is also skilled as the executive, and is the vibration of good judgment; all necessary to a good conference.
The negative sides of 5, 2, and 7 are:
5: Rude. Impulsive. Ready to fight. Takes dangerous chances.
2: Easily hurt. Glib. Over-emotional. Shy. Sneaky. Takes everything personally.
7: Deceitful. Fearful. Sarcastic. Sly.
Some negative words that total 52 are:
Frightens. Indiscreet. Retaliation. Revolution. Self-conscious. Treacherous.
All 7's have to do with the hidden mysteries of life and nature. When the 3 is first, it is usually a word that describes something attractive, pretty, decorative, or ornate, such as a FLOWER (34/7).
The 4 tells us that the thing has form and is something of substance.
These qualities of 3 and 4 can be seen in the following 34-words:
Beautiful. Church. Elegance. Swimsuit (supposedly hides the mysteries of life).
The 3 also refers to words written, spoken, or sung. The 4 adds the form on which the words are seen:
Calculator. Concerts. Diploma. Handbook. Material. Notebook. Refer.
The 3 is a bringer of joy. It can be the joy of giving or of entertaining. But whatever it does it means using its gift of self-expression to bring pleasure to others. The 4 with it makes it practical:
Benefit. Pleasure. Present. Thrill.
Some negative 34/7 words are:
Anguish. Burglar. Contempt. Drench. Poison. Putrid.
The words POISON and PUTRID have the full number of 88. In the negative side of this strong cycle-of-life number is the power to take away life-giving properties. Where the positive 8 is good judgment, the negative side has none. Numbers don't lie.
The 7 is the “day of rest” number. Work is finished, so it is an ending number. On the positive side it means completion and perfection. But on the negative side it shows aloneness, and on the destructive side, finality, as in the 34/7 words:
Morgue. Murder. Venomous.
Both MURDER and MORGUE have the full number 79. Both are finishing numbers. VENOMOUS has the full number of 124. 24 refers to the letter X, so here X crosses out the self (1). The 52-word RETALIATION also has the 124 full number; it will cross itself out by its own negative action.
The positive side of the full number 124 does not “cross out.” Being a 6 number of service and love, the X, if used in a loving way, will always benefit the X greatly.
This number has a strong sense of justice because the honest and reliable 4 comes first.
ARISTOCRAT: 1991263912 = 43/7: This appears to be successful, and like the A that starts its name, has both feet stable on the ground. The 4 shows solidarity and strength. The 3 stands out in a crowd and the 7 is dignified. There are 10 letters in the word, so it tries to attain perfection.
Other 43/7 words are:
Champion. Compassion. Defender. Dignity. Nobility. Proper. Refined. Sweetheart.
Both PROPER and DIGNITY have the full number 88: good judgment, good health. Leadership ability. Strength. Strong cycle of life. COMPASSION and SWEETHEART share the 124 full number, the loving side of the vibration that benefits the self.
The 7 is the thinker, the analyzer. It faces the past (left) so it is proud of its heritage, loves history, and has a good memory. It strives for perfection (numbers 1 through 7, when added, total 10). The 7 works well alone:
Brilliant. Memories. Secretive. Subconscious.
The negative side of 4 is the opposite of honest and reliable. It is extremely opinionated and untrusting. It also refers to a condition or thing of poor judgment. Negative 43-words are:
Criminal. Perilous. Suspicious. Temptation.
ENTERTAIN: 552592195 = 43/7, is interesting. The 3 likes to perform; the 4 gives it a strong base for self-expression, and the 7 shows that inner creative talents are used. Those being entertained respond from what they feel within (7). All the 5's are doers, the 2's are helpers, and the central 9 is the audience that enjoys. R (9) is also the great actor in the heart of the word.
When 7 is the root total of the full name, the person has natural talent for scientific analysis, spiritual work, inventing, and all professional lines that take a great deal of study. Here are the scientists and mystics.
We need 7's for spiritual growth and independent thought.
Seven (7)
Positive: Analytical. Book-lover. Deep thinker. Dignified. Educator. Faith. Good mind. Great inner strength. Inspired. Intuitive. Knowledgeable. Logical. Loves history, antiques, and the arts. More spiritual than religious. Musical. Nature-lover. Peaceful. Perfectionist. Poised. Refined. Scientific. Silent. Spiritual. Wise.
Negative: Aloof. Argumentative. Broods. Cold. Confused. Either says nothing or doesn't stop talking. Fearful. Haughty. Hermit/loner. Lives too much in the past. Melancholy. Nervous. Peculiar. Represses emotions. Sly. Secret motives. Skeptical. Stubborn. Suspicious. Unapproachable. Unpredictable.
Destructive: A cheat. A gossip. Dishonest. Evil intent. Faithless. Resentments. Sarcastic. Slyness. Thief. Unreasonable.
“I'll Work Hard For Nice Things”
The 8 represents the law “As Above, So Below.” This vibration understands the Earth (O-lower circle) and the intellectual plane (O-upper circle).
This means it can take an idea and make it work on the material level.
Both 8's and 3's are strong personalities, but 3's are more extroverted. They are the performers, while 8's are more conservative and are the business people. The 3 is 8 with the left side removed. It is like two half-moons letting their light shine. Personality plus. Humor. Fun-loving. The 8 is enclosed, self-contained power. The 3 will spend on impulse; the 8 will save, and is good with money.
On its side, 8 is a picture of the balances: ∞. This means it has good judgment and a good dose of “common sense.”
The 8 balances good health, strength, and stamina, and is found in the name total of many athletes. Many musicians also have this number as it reflects their fine sense of rhythm. But anyone with an 8 for a name total will find it is a better name for business than for the performing arts.
Some people are aware that the number 888 refers to Jesus, but few know why. The numerals that correspond to the letters of Jesus' name in Greek are 10, 8, 200, 70, 400, and 200 which, when added together, total 888.
The 8 is also a number of resurrection because Jesus arose on the eighth day, and 8 is a picture of “the below that rises above.” It came to represent the law “As Above, So Below,” for by studying man and the world around us, we come to understand the worlds above—the Universe and spiritual man.
Ancient man discovered the shape of the 8 to be the orbit of planets. It has since been proven that it is the natural path of activity for people and animals as well. In 1928 a professor of zoology at the University of Kansas, Asa A. Shaeffer, observed that people who have been lost in the woods or blindfolded really do travel in the pattern of the figure 8. So do swimmers and drivers who have been blindfolded, and pilots who are lost in a fog; all will travel in spirals. Shaeffer concluded after many experiments which included animals and even amoebas, that spiral motion is a universal property of living matter in form.
Pythagoras called the 8 “Light and Darkness.” The darkness is the selfish material-minded moneymaker, and the light is the spiritual-minded who offer light to those in the dark. This knowledge of spirit and matter gives the 8 inspiration, leadership ability, and even genius. It is 4 plus 4; the organizational abilities of the 4 doubled—44: Mastermind. Prosper. Unlimited. (See Master Numbers for more on 44.)
The 17/8 is a staunch individualist: the scientist, researcher, intellectual. The 1 and 8 are the mental or intellectual numbers, and 7 is intuitive and logical in thinking. Because 8 is the number of good judgment (the balances) with the 1 and 7 preceding it, there must be success. The 17 has great hopes for the future, as seen in the following 17-words:
Exact. Goal. God. Sense. Smart. Study. Success. Mason. Monk.
It is interesting that GOD vibrates to 17/8 while CREATOR is 35/8. We perceive God as being one (1) Original Cause, unseen and mysterious (7), whereas Creator brings to mind the many and varied (5) types of creation in all its beauty (3). We could also say that God (1) breathes the breath of life (7) into man: “As Above -o, So Below -o.”
The 8 relates to justice. If a law is broken, the debt must be paid, for this is the Law of the Circle: what goes out must return to the sender. Occultists have long known that the thoughts and deeds of man are moral (or immoral) forces that affect the world around him. Earthquakes, floods, all so-called “acts of God” are not acts of God at all, but nature's balancing of the scales of justice. All that we send out must return to us.
This is easier to understand now that we know the power of the vibrations that are set up through thoughts and words. And there will always be those who will travel far to be where disaster takes place, as though it were a self-appointed destiny.
When the 7 comes first, great inner strength (7) is within the self (1) to accomplish (8). The 7 seeks perfection and often becomes skilled at his craft. This inner strength that ultimately reaps success is reflected in such 71-words as:
Rehabilitation. Representation. Wholeheartedly.
There are other 8-words that have 71 as their full word number (root totals are in parenthesis):
Athlete (26). Builder (35). Daydream (35). Hallow (26). Smart (17). Temple (26).
When we fail to use the positive side of this beautiful 71 vibration we see the outcome in the following words that have 71 as their full number:
Apathy (26). Dreadful (35). Frantic (35). Ruined (35).
The 26 is a physical number. The 8 root gives strengths to the physical 6, and since the 2 is sensitive, the 26/8 can be a passionflower. It can be impulsive in love and must learn self-control. The 2 desires partnership and enjoys being with people in work or marriage.
The 6 gives physical dimension: it wants to nurture and take responsibility. The 8 appears successful and is strong, athletic, and vital. We see this energy in the following 26/8-words:
Athlete. Action. Backbone. Grand. Majestic. Sports.
Someone who takes responsibility in an executive way befitting the 8 is a Queen (26).
Money is a form of energy: Capital. Dollar.
As inner strength we see it in: Faith. Hallow. Joyful. Mystic. Pleased.
There is a great strength in ideas and the spoken word. The 6 represents the voice and 2 is good with words and communication:
Answer. Crystal. Spoken.
Crystals are used in instruments of communication as natural batteries. Different types of crystals give off beneficial vibrations for different things.
TEMPLE: This refers to the body as well as a place of worship, and there are those who worship the body. The Soul's Urge (vowels) of temple, EE (5 and 5), total 10, the number of man. This shows kabbalistically that the motivating force of temple is man.
The 26 is a number that has need to prove physical or inner strength; it will learn through experience. Negative 26-words are:
Abhor. Amnesia. Apathy. Fiasco. Pseudo. Pushy. Riot. Ruin. Scheme. Stupid. Tyrant.
When the 6 precedes there is a responsibility toward the person, place, or thing. Very intelligent; knows more through intellect than reason:
Administrator. Commissioner. Contributions. Exercises. Information. Intelligible. Philosophy. Procreation.
The full number of CONTRIBUTIONS is 179: the self (1) giving secretly (7) for the benefit of others (9).
The 6 refers to a body (anything with six sides). In Contributions, that which is contributed is the body. In Procreation a body is given its beginnings in form, and Philosophy is a body of knowledge.
PROCREATION: (62/8). Here the root, 8, shows that the cycle of life continues here. The 6 is the womb of life (lower circle) and it is the domestic number of home and family. The 2 desires marriage and family. The full number is 134. The 13 is M, or Water, from which life arises. It is also the thirteenth Tarot card, Death, which means the old dying away to make room for the new; not an ending, but change. The 4 is Daleth, or door; the mouth of creation. So 134 is birth (4) from the waters (13) of the womb.
PHILOSOPHY: 7893616787 = 62/8. This word begins and ends with the 7 of inner wisdom: P, having the good head on its shoulders for perception, and Y that seeks to know the mysteries.
The 6 is the Cosmic parent; it understands much and gives of itself. The 2 knows good and evil; it sees both sides on an issue so it understands people's beliefs and inner needs. The 8 has excellent judgment, great strength, and leadership ability.
This is the most fortunate number. Many blessings are associated with it, including inheritance and physical and spiritual vitality. The 3 is attractiveness, popularity, and expressiveness. The 5 shows varied interests, freedom, and versatility. It also has to do with unexpected happenings and change, as well as diverse assortments. The 8 is success through effort. Strength. A good sense of rhythm. Perfect order.
Words that vibrate to this fortunate number are:
Audience. Builder. Carnival. Country. Creator. Daydream. Degree. Flattery. Flowers. Leisure. Memory. Merlin. Miracles. Moralist. Mountain. Movement. Musician. Royalty. Vegetables. Vitamins. Weather.
Then there are traits aptly described by 35/8:
Achieve. Goodness. Observant. Sanitary. Steadfastness. Transcend.
Some negative 35-words are:
Critic. Dreadful. Glower. Infamous. Misery. Pillage. Ruined. Tragedy.
See how “critic” begins and ends with an open-mouthed C? How “tragedy” starts with a cross and ends asking Y?
When the 5 comes first there is more assertiveness required in order to attain the goal. More attention is paid to detail:
Articulation. Examination. Fellowship. Illustration. Microscope. Musical comedy. Religion.
Some negative 53-words are: Competitor. Demolition.
The 8's make good doctors. They see the overall picture, but dislike details, so they seldom specialize. Those whose name totals 8 may be in science, analysis, technical work, big business, music, or athletics.
We need 8's for good judgment.
Positive: Ambitious. Capable. Dependable. Efficient. Executive ability. Fine leadership abilities. Good at starting projects and getting others to finish. Good judge of character. Good judgment. Handles money wisely. Likes nice things. Makes a good boss. Musical and/or athletic ability. Organized. Physical stamina. Practical. Prudent. Realistic. Sets goals. Successful.
Negative: Careless with money. Hard. Impatient. Materialistic. Needs philosophical study. Pushy. Represses feelings. Thoughtless.
Destructive: Abusive. Cruel. Demanding. Ignorant. Intolerant. No feelings for others. Revengeful. Schemer. Temper. Uncultured. Unscrupulous.
“I'll Help You Any Way I Can”
Hermes was considered to be the wisest of all philosophers and brought light to this world in the form of wisdom. The 9 is a reflection of his lamp that lights the way; so 9 holds the knowledge of all numbers before it. This endows 9 with understanding and a feeling of brotherly love. So it is a humanitarian number.
A 9 in the Birth Path or total name number is a sign that the person is born to give loving service in a profession or in the arts. It is able to draw from the attributes of the preceding numbers and therefore understand and form any character desired. So 9 is called “the stage where the drama unfolds.” This is also because 9 is emotional, hence, “emote.” This is the vibration of actors and some politicians. This is why some actors aspire toward politics, and why politicians are great orators. Both serve the public and appreciate the applause.
Turn the 9 upside down and you have the 6: the voice that must be heard, the vibration that has interest in its home and community.
Many actors, and probably politicians, have a big EGO (18/9). There is a big head on the 9 and a strong 8 after the 1 (self).
That same circle that applies to an inflated ego is also a mind filled with knowledge. The 9 has a natural bent toward LAW (9) and it likes law and order.
Pythagoras called 9 “Good and Evil.” Being enlightened, 9 should know the difference between the two. Because the 9 understands love in its highest sense, it sees only good, even in faults.
The 9 is the circle of continuity, the tail being the life force that propels it. This is seen mathematically. Take any numbers and subtract them in a reversed position from each other. The remainder, when reduced, will always be 9.
If you add the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, the total is 45, which totals to 9.
The 9 is the unlimited soul expression of all things, of humanity and its law. Its by-word is “universal service.” Some 9-words are:
I. Job. Law. Me. Sun.
The 9 is a finishing number, for after 9 comes 10; a new beginning on a higher plane. Some 9-words that really can finish us are:
Blast. Fat. Lack. Mad. Tax.
The 18 is sensitive and friendly. It always has a goal to be completed in 9. It has been called “the goal-setting number.”
The 1 refers to the self, its accomplishments and feelings.
The 8 refers to physical endurance, rhythm and movement, music and athletics.
The 9 is very dramatic. Music is strong in 9's. Here we find opera stars, musicians, and people who do professional or creative work. The 9 is 3 × 3, so its talents are multiple:
Baseball. Care. Cool. Dance. Diva. Ego. Goals. Play. Sweet. Talent. Venus.
The opposite end of the vibration are uncultured people with negative habits and attitudes:
Awful. Bully. Foul. Tactless.
This is a number of deep affections, spiritual insight, creativity, and love of beauty and the arts.
The 2 adds a loving and cooperative quality; it is ever the peacemaker who works quietly in the background.
The 7 adds poise and reserve, and a desire for study and perfection. The 9 represents humanity, people, and brotherly love.
Advanced. Agree. Breath. Educated. Gentle. Honest. Public. Quiet. School. Whole. World.
See how one letter makes a difference in the words breath and breadth?
BREATH (27/9) is invisible like Air. First Cause descended into matter (2) and breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. The soul is the unseen center of the body, or 7. The body with a soul is common to humanity (9).
When the D is added and the word becomes BREADTH, or “distance from side to side,” it is no longer invisible air, but something measurable. It has taken form. The letter added here is D-4, the number of manifestation, and now the word totals 31/4, the total being 4 also.
The 3 behind the number is a number of travel. If the distance is great it is necessary to travel in order to go from one point to the other. Do you see now how numbers describe the words they relate to?
WORLD is 27/9. The Bible tells us the world was formed by the Word. What makes the Word (24/6) into a world? It is L: 12/3, The Creative Trinity.
The 27/9 has to do with those who have a concern for the public: the performers who need an audience, the law officials who deal with public laws, and those who give CARE (18/9) and COMFORT (36/9), as in the following 27/9-words:
Buyers. Chapel. Gentle. Lover. Money. Pilot. Satisfy. Stardom. Steward.
World. The full number of SATISFY is 99, a master number of complete fulfillment.
The 27/9's like to either travel or stay put:
Limit. Quiet. Restless. Search. Trip.
Negative parts of humanity are the following 27/9's who must get their spiritual (7) house (2) in order (2): Cynic. Vulgar. Witch.
When the 7 comes first, that which is felt deeply inside comes first— keen, analytical powers: Improvisation.
Those who seek help (2) by reaching the subconscious mind (7) sometimes try Hypnotherapy (72/9).
This is the creative trio where all the arts are represented: The 3 is the writer, 6 is the voice, and 9 is the stage of drama; loves to hold the pen, can copy and improve articles. Some 36-words that express these traits are:
Aesthetic. Editors. Enthrall. Poetry. Singer. Violin.
The one who enjoys what these performers have to offer is the Spectator (36/9).
People with this number make money easily: Fortune. Revenue.
This is a number that requires perseverance, strength of character, and the ability to overcome problems with good faith and patience.
The 3 has a caring attitude and does everything with kindness.
The 6 takes on responsibility, even burdens itself.
The 9 believes in honesty and justice.
We see these qualities in the following 36-words:
Cashier. Charisma. Comfort. Consumer. Co-pilot. Diplomat. Discern. Florist. Popular. Surgeon.
The 9 loves to travel. When the 3 is behind the 9, the travel may be longer because 3 is the number of long-distance travel. Journey (36/9).
In the Kabbalah, all comes from Ain Soph Aur: AIN—three letters meaning “negative existence”; with three more letters, SVP “unlimited wisdom” = six letters; and AUR, another three letters meaning “light.” Together they are 3-6-9, symbolizing all nine Sephiroth in the One Source. This is the genesis of 3, 6, 9 as the Creative Trio.
Negative 36/9's are easily upset, and burdened with obstacles to overcome. They experience more trying times than most people and seem to have more problems:
Argument. Barbaric. Combative. Despised. Dogmatic. Failure. Immoral. Problem.
The 99 is a master number of complete fulfillment. The full number of ARGUMENT is 99, the negative side of this vibration. The extreme destructive side of 36/9 is seen in the word TORTURE. The full number here is 117: wrong use of power (11) in a sadistic (7) way. Note, too, the first and middle letters are T, the cross, carrying the load.
The 9 is emotionally affected by people and surroundings. It lets its deep feelings affect it adversely. It becomes restless and dissatisfied, forgets its high standards and lofty ideals, and sinks into self-indulgence where it dissipates its energies. The 9 is indeed a testing number. It must forget the self, the “I” (which is the ninth letter), and think more of others.
The 63/9 wants to work for everyone's good. Here are the humanitarians and missionaries. Both 6 and 9 are humanitarian numbers.
The 6 cares for family, friends, the old, and the young.
The 3 wants to do good, bring a smile.
The 9 gives to humanity in general; seeks no reward; is inspired.
Words that total 63/9 are:
Corporation. Experienced. Inspiration. Introduction. Millionaire.
If destructive, there is ANNIHILATION (63/9), for 3, when it is negative, represses itself, and 9 brings things to a conclusion.
The 9 can find fulfillment when it is an INSPIRATION (63/9) and of service to others. Numbers 8, 9, 11, and 22 must consider other people. They have learned the lessons of self—1, 2, 3; of family—4, 5, 6; and the introspection of the 7 that is the bridge to 8, 9, 11, and 22, who are concerned with the good of all mankind. The true expression of the 9 is to use its talents on behalf of others.
This number combination presents a mystical aspect. The intuitive and psychic abilities can be at their peak, making the bearer of the number outstanding in some way. The 4 gives a firm foundation.
The 5 gives powers of communication and freedom of movement.
The 9 holds the knowledge of all the numbers before, is dramatic, the great lover, the humanitarian.
Some 45-words with these characteristics are:
Accomplish. Befriend. Communicate. Conscience. Fortify. Marriage. Mountainous. Outstanding. Painting. Symphony.
For the negative 45 there can be emotional dissatisfaction:
Cowardice. Difficult. Mediocre. Unreliable.
Destructive 45-words are:
Catastrophe. Malefaction. Tyrannical.
MALEFACTION and UNRELIABLE have the full number 99, the reverse vibration of complete fulfillment—the opposite of the feeling of good will.
When the 5 comes first there is verbal eloquence, gifted intellect, and a probing mind that seeks and finds answers.
The 5 satisfies curiosity; has many new experiences; is popular.
The 4 is very well-organized; gets things done; is reliable, conservative.
Some 54-words are:
Cheerfulness. Conservative. Conventional. Incredible. Politician. Popularity. Trust- worthy.
The 9 shows that the curiosity of the 5 and the detailed study put forth by the 4 can lead to fulfillment for the 9:
Certificate. Instruction. Prosperous. Recipient.
The 5 applies to the five senses, marriage, and procreation. This leads to GENERATION (54/9).
In contrast to generation there is the ending of life as in the destructive 54/9 word: SACRIFICIAL.
The 9 as the total for a name denotes those suited as musicians, actors, orators, artists, teachers, and preachers as well as lawyers, doctors, and advisors.
We need 9's for appreciating people.
NINE (9)
Positive: Broad-minded. Brotherly love. Caring. Love for humanity. Compassionate. Creative. Dramatic flair. Generous. Great artist. High ideals. Philanthropic. Romantic. The great lover. Unselfish. Very considerate.
Negative: Aimless. Burdened. Extremely sensitive. Fickle. Frustrated. Impolite. Overly emotional. Resentful. Tactless. Thoughtless. Unfulfilled.
Destructive: Bad habits. Bitter. Dissipates. Immoral. Liar. Possessive. Vulgar.