Chapter 24


There are nine basic numbers. All the following compound numbers, when added together, always return to one of the basic nine. However, there are several compound numbers that are considered numbers of mastery and are usually not reduced in numerology or astrology. It is said that these numbers are bestowed on “old souls” who are here to be of service to mankind. People who have these numbers prominent in their names or Birth Path are aware of a tremendous amount of nervous energy in their lives. Some can channel it into constructive projects that benefit many. Others use the energy in its negative aspect and never really realize their full potential. Still others use the destructive side and cause great harm.

Children with master numbers have more nervous energy than other children and must be kept busy or given special projects to work on. It is extremely helpful for parents to know if their child's energy is due to the high vibration of their name or birth number.

People with these numbers do not always work in the high velocity of this energy or they would feel depleted in a short time. Instead, they often work and live in the root digit of the master number, but the achievement potential is always there.

The numbers considered to be master numbers are mainly 11 and 22. There are others: 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99, though these are rarely mentioned.

The 11 is the first and is the “As Above,” as is every alternate master number: 11, 33, 55, 77, and 99. The others are the “So Below”: 22, 44, 66, and 88.

The “As Above” numbers are more intuitive, psychic, and spiritually sensitive. The “So Below” numbers are better adapted to the material world. All are meant to be of service: the “As Above” in a spiritual or professional way, and the “So Below” in a material or physical way. All master numbers are powerful because they accentuate themselves and their root number, e.g., 11/2, 22/4, 33/6, and so on.


“The Psychic Master”

The ancient temples of mystery had a pillar on either side of the entrance looking very much like the figure 11. The one on the right is called Jachin and means, “He shall establish.” The left is called Boaz, which according to Albert F. Pike's Morals and Dogma means, “In it is strength.”

They represent the positive-negative, masculine-feminine, active-passive forces— that by walking between the two of them we bring a sense of balance into our lives. So the 11 who enters the temple by the center between the two pillars has chosen the positive, upward way. Once on the right path, his success is assured.

Where 2 is a follower, the 11 likes to stand on its own two feet. It has the natural abilities of the 1 and is artistic, spiritual, and inspired.

All 11's are meant to be professional people for they cannot be happy in mundane work. Here are the inspired artists, painters, teachers, philosophers, ministers, musicians, composers, performers, and decorators. Their desire is to uplift others through the beauty of their creations or with their inspired thoughts.

They are an “As Above” number because of their highly intuitive and inspirational thoughts. They can mingle freely in the world and yet not be a part of it. They have a charisma, a mysterious glamour that makes them stand out in a crowd, and they easily draw followers.

The 11 is known as “The Psychic Master”—a messenger of God and a master among men, for it is the nature of 11 to delve into the mysteries of life.

Jesus was such a master and his name total is 11. He desired to bring his light to the world, and LIGHT is the same vibration. He said: “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but he shall find for himself the light of life” (John 8:12).

An 11 who does not pursue a spiritual or religious vocation is either artistic, musical, or politically inclined. Irving Berlin, who brought us hundreds of America's best-loved songs, was born on May 11. And an inspired pianist and brilliant entertainer who thrilled us with his performances was a man with a name totaling 11: Liberace. All 11's need music in their lives. The root of 11 is 2, and music is a strong 20 whose root also is 2 but with the power of the spirit (0) next to it.

All master numbers are filled with greater energy than single numbers because they include the vibration of the root number. The difference between 2 and 11 is that the 11 prefers to stand on its own two feet and take the lead rather than be the modest, willing follower that the 2 is.

The 11 strives for perfection and will study hard to achieve it. They don't feel fulfilled unless they can give something to the world. Many become famous.

On the other hand, they are easily disappointed in people for they expect the same perfection in those they look up to.

ABLE is an 11-word that vibrates to this energy. It begins with A, the letter of action and initiative. All 11's are able.

LAUD means to praise highly, and often 11's are praised for their talents, their abilities, and their spiritual strength.

On the opposite end of the vibration are the destructive 11's. Rather than uplift humanity as the positive 11's do, these 11's want to rule and enslave others. They become despots, wicked leaders such as Mussolini and Hitler (name totals of 11), who were blinded by and misused their powers.

Negative 11's lack the practical aspect because they are not in tune with material matters. They become neurotic from not being able to make their brilliant dreams work for them on the material plane, and they have trials and hardship.

Like 2, they must learn to choose between good and evil, the opposite ends of the vibration. When they turn toward the light, which is the Yod of Divine Light within, it will illuminate the way. Then the darkness of confusion will be replaced with the light of understanding and 11 will reflect that light. When that happens, we see the special glow, feel the charisma, and sense that something special which radiates from the 11. “If we live in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another” (1 John 1:7).


The 29 behind the 11 stands for spiritual power.

Words that total 29 are:

Abundance. Associate. Author. Beloved. Bride. Force. Forest. Grail. Guides. Light. Messiah. Parent. Risen. Wisdom. Ultimate.

In English, the word LIGHT is spelled rather strangely. Why not lite? If we analyze the spelling we can see where the letters are absolutely perfect for its meaning. The word itself tells us it is first, last, and always because it begins with L, our 12th letter; 12/3 = the Holy Trinity. In Hebrew L is Lamed, number 30: the Trinity (3) by the All (0) of God.

Light ends with a T which is Tav, the final letter in Hebrew, thus first and last. T is also a plus sign (+) meaning “add more,” so it continually adds warmth from Light and that is necessary for continuing creation.

The very center is G, the first initial of God; God at its center. It is our seventh letter and 7 is spiritual and mysterious. G is also for geometry, the science that governs the shape of every letter, number, and physical manifestation.

In Hebrew G is Gimel, the third letter, and 3 again is the number of the creative Holy Trinity which governs creative ability and communication.

Then there are the I and H, the masculine Yod, I, meaning “the creative hand of God.” The I also refers to the great I AM, the eye that sees and comprehends all. H is the feminine, receptive, magnetic force known as the “childbearing letter.”

In English H is 8, a picture of the above becoming manifest below. In Hebrew H is Hé, the fifth letter, connected with the fifth house of astrology that is the “giver of children.”

In the Bible, Light is the first principle of the awakened consciousness. In man it is necessary for life and intelligence. When we understand something we see it clearly; we have “the light of understanding.”

Jesus came to enlighten the multitudes. He said “I am the truth and the light. None come to the Father but through my teachings. . . .” He was the light personified as the Son (sun) of God. So 11 has come to mean Light. According to biblical scholar and researcher of ancient religions, Max Freedom Long, in his book What Jesus Taught in Secret, this pure and correct translation was misinterpreted by the church fathers to read “only through me” and “in my name,” and these misinterpretations became the convictions and tenets of the Christian religions.

Negative 29/11 words are opposite of light:

Angry. Fever. Fiend. Hatred. Unaware. Weapon.


This means “a gift of vision.” It requires a lot but the rewards are worth it.

The 11 always brings light when positive.

Words that total this 38 vibration are:

Admirable. Agreeable. Ambition. Articulate. Authentic. Christmas. Conserve. Creative. Delight. Diction. Education. Emanation. Energy. Friend. Healing. Heavenly. Illustrate. Immortal. Oration. Practical. Prayer. Prince. Psychic. Purpose. Rejoice. Splendid. Winner.

“Christmas” begins with the two letters Ch, which is called Cheth, or Heth in Hebrew and is its eighth letter, meaning “field.” It refers to two worlds: the spiritual and the material. In this sense it means that man is born of dust and then evolves out of dust into the spirit.

The letter Cheth is a picture of two columns with a crossbar (image) over the top and resembles a doorway or opening between two pillars. In Egypt, Initiates would walk through the pillars of the temple to reach the sanctuary. Before they could enter the Holy Place they were required to walk through two more columns. These inner two columns signified that the Initiate was able to balance his own dual natures and was therefore worthy to proceed.

Christ and Christmas show the worthiness of entering the Holy Place. The full number of Christ is 77, showing it is the Christ-consciousness achieved. The full number of CHRISTMAS is 110, or the self (1) seeking perfection (10) or Power (11) from the Godhead (0). Truly they are “a gift of vision.”

There is a negative side to even the most beautiful vibrations. We can see that side reflected in the following 38-words:

Abominable. Blasphemy. Braggart. Bullheaded. Cowardly. Frustrate. Narcotic. Negative. Reverse. Traitor. Vexation.


A 47 behind an 11 means “inner wisdom reflected through organization.”

As a root, the 11 always points out a leader who is quite intuitive and inspirational.

Some 47-words are:

Authority. Christian. Director. Enduring. Foundation. Graduation. Grandiose. Historic. Incentive. Inspector. Mastership. Meditation. Mysterious. Preacher. Tradition. Training. Vibration.

Negative 47-words are:

Chilling. Frivolous. Horror. Impossible. Probation. Retaliator. Terrify.

The Ch in “chilling” is not the letter Cheth that is in “Christmas,” for the sound of Cheth is a k sound (guttural) rather than a “chi” or “cha” sound made with the tongue behind the teeth.


When the 7 comes first it means outer manifestation (4) is first felt strongly within (7) or comes from the invisible (7). The full number of Mastership is 74. Two words that total 74 by their root number are:

Irrepressible. Precipitation.

Their full number is 155, the self (1) that cannot be held back (55). In the English Cabalah, 74 (GD) refers to God.


This number shows a need for self-control and balance. There is nervous energy because the 5 comes first.

Liberace's name total was 11 and he was a magnificent (56) entertainer at the pianoforte (56). His costumes were a phenomenon (56). He showed generosity (56) in his lifetime. It's interesting that he was so in tune with those 56-words since his own name totaled 65.

Negative 56-words are:

Transgressor. Unfriendly.


When the 6 comes before the 5 it means “a talent for leadership,” and it also refers to things that are systematic and orderly:

Christianity. Coordination. Enlightenment. Investigation. Relationship. Science of Mind. Stenographer. Transportation.

Eleven (11)

Positive: Artistic leanings. Creative. Dignified. High ideals. Highly selective. Inspired. May be religiously or politically inclined. Not a physical laborer, but a professional. Persuasive. Quiet. Reserved. Teacher. Witty. Wants to uplift people (as a whole, not necessarily individually).

Negative: A daydreamer: it's far easier to dream about great things than to accomplish them. Aimless. A loner. Can't always put ideas into constructive form. Confused. Emotional. Expects too high a standard in others. In the world, but not a part of it. Miserly. Not at all practical. Prejudiced. Represses feelings. Repressive leader. Self-centered. Self love. Shiftless. Unfair.

Destructive: Devilish. Dishonest. Wicked. Lacks understanding. May unconsciously antagonize others. Self-indulgent. Religious fanatics.

If there are two 11's in a name, the person may have very little tact.


“The Master Architect”

The 22 came to be known as a master number for several reasons. It has always been the characteristic number of any circle, and the circle is associated with the Monad, or God. The original Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters that are the creative basis and attributes of all that has been created. So 22 represents the whole circle of creation.

The 22 is the “So Below” for it makes manifest on the material plane. It is known as the Master Architect because it is capable of building the great roads, waterways, and buildings of the world.

The 22 knows how to unite the inspirational idea with the physical manifestation. Yet 22 is less spiritual than the “As Above” numbers 11 and 33. It is more adaptable to the Earth plane; it can make manifest because of its root of 4.

The energy with this vibration is very high. In childhood the child is often hyperactive and must keep their hands busy. This is the child who enjoys Erector Sets and building blocks.

When working in the positive energy of this number, much good is accomplished. Many constructive ideas come to 22's and they have the innate ability to make their ideas reality.

Words that add up to 22 reflect the attitudes of success:

Aglow. Capable. Gallant. Heed. Ideal. Modest. Nice. Noted. Pro. Smile.

Negative attitudes of the same vibration are found in these 22-words:

Aloof. Biased. Bore. Dismal. Fret. Jumpy. Rage. Storm.

The 2 pays attention to detail and likes detailed work; so 22's are masters of detail.

As a result they are valuable (22) to society:

Actress. Chef. Clerk. Clown. Crafts. Master. Model. Sleuth. Statesman.

Other types of masters are:

Angels. Buddha. Guru.

A GURU has the full number of 67: a spiritual (7) teacher (6). The full number of BUDDHA is 40, the number of someone who is admired for his honesty and integrity. It is a number of completion and manifestation.

ANGELS have the full number of 58: great activity (5) on the mental level (8).

On the opposite end of the spectrum are those who lack these traits:

Dope. Hobo. Liar.

These all share the full number of 40. They definitely show the opposite of honesty, integrity, and completion.

Most 22's have weak bodies in contrast to their strong minds. It is important for them to have good nutrition. One end of the vibration is starve (22) and the other is food (22). It is invaluable to good health to laugh (22).

Laughter makes the body organs move in a harmonious rhythm that is beneficial.

In Hebrew the 22nd letter is Tav, (image) the sign of the cross. This makes the negative side of the vibration extreme, so negative 22's lack fulfillment and feel oppression. They become destructive materially and spiritually and they are inclined to go to extremes, even against their own judgment. They often have a hard struggle with themselves. These type of people are in sympathy with the negative end of the spectrum which includes the following negative 22-words:

Clip. Crash. Damage. Flop. Hurt. Harm. Lethal. Pain. Spend. Stolen. Stoop.

Adolf Hitler is a prime example of a leader on the negative side of the master numbers. His total name is an 11 and he was born on the 22nd of the month.

Since 2 is a number of sensitivity, 22 is doubly so. Safecrackers, whose unusually sensitive fingers pick up the inner clicks of the combination locks, have been found to have a strong 22 in their charts. TOUCH is another 22-word. People with these master numbers in their name or birth date have an unusually high amount of nervous tension. This means potential for good, and when channeled into constructive projects they become the benefactors of society by building what is most needed by the people.

But those who become frustrated for lack of an outlet for these energies, either through lack of education or misguided direction, become a grave burden on society.

The strength of 22 is seen in nature, as in the following 22-words:

Muddy. Pond. Pool. Water. Woods. Stream. Trees.

The backbone of a mountain range is called a MASSIF (22) and one of nature's strongest forces is found in a STORM (22).

The 22 is the entire circle of God and His creation, and the spiritual qualities that are to be developed for unfoldment. This number is equated with major Water forces such as tidal waves and energy derived from Water. People with this name number benefit from living near Water.

Water also equates with our emotions, so 22's are extremely sensitive. Feelings go as deep as the ocean, and when aroused, they “make waves.” They can be one extreme or the other: calm and deep, or raging fury.

The 22 is 11 + 11. It has the vision of the 11 but is able to put it to practical use. It completes work. It is very strong because it is the double of both 2 and 11.


Positive: A doer. A hard and tireless worker. A master of accomplishment. A very capable leader. An acute sense of touch. Dynamic. Great achievements. Known as the Master Architect. Organized. Practical.

Negative: Aimless. Fanatic. Feels inferior. Frustration. Indifferent. Nervous tension. Talks big. Service with ill will.

Destructive: Black magic. Criminal. Crooked. Evil. Gang leader. On edge.


“Selfless Giving”

This is the master number of spiritual giving. It is the “As Above” for it benefits the spiritual needs of others. The root number 6 is the vibration of home, love, family, service, and responsibility. It must make its voice heard in its family or career. “No greater love has any man than to lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

One who will do this is experiencing the 33 vibration. Jesus was 33 years old when he gave his life for humanity. The word SAVIOUR vibrates to 33, so this is known as the love vibration in its highest form—compassion.

Another aspect of the master 33 vibration is the experience of the Kundalini force making its way upward through the 33 segments of the spine, opening the chakras as it rises, and causing a tingling sensation in the body from the movement of the petals of each lotus-like wheel.

Positive aspects are seen in the following 33-words:

Ability. Angelic. Blessing. Inner. Inward. Peaceful. Potence. Unique.

The diamond was chosen to be the spiritual gift a man gives to his betrothed to show his love. Diamond vibrates to 33.

Hawaii is considered by many as Heaven on Earth. It totals 33.

Our great spiritual gift is the Genesis (33) of life. The opposite side of the vibration is Doomsday, Holocaust, and Calamitous, all 33-words that are the negative side of the spiritual.

Persons with 33 in a name or Birth Path number are highly sensitive to the needs of others, and through their occupations they will give of themselves in caring and comforting:

Broker. Costumer. Customer. People. Person. Pillow. Police. Priest. Salesclerk. Selling. Teacher. Victor. Waitress.

Occupations are the same as for 6, which is 33's root number.

Some 33-words connected with love and family are:

Believe. Desire. Romance.

The 6 root represents the voice. When it is elevated to the 33 vibration we find it at its height in the great orator and in the teacher. 33-words that have to do with the voice and sound are:

Announce. Concert. Dramatic. Dynamic. Preach. Quality. Resound.

The opposite end of the 33 spectrum is the negative voice that is Shrill (33) and Unpleasant (33) to the ear; voices that speak Untruths (33).

It is the negative 33's that are the Martyrs (33). Other negative 33-words are:

Cheater. Helpless. Phantom. Robber. Selfish. Torment. Unpleasant.

Both Cheater and Robber have the full number of 60 which is a vibration of power, and in these cases, in the negative use of power.

“33” FACTS


Positive: Compassion. Deep understanding. Empathetic. Gentle. Kind. Loving service. Nurturing instinct. Selfless giving with no thought of return. Unpretentious.

Negative: Burdened. Careless. Sweet tooth.

Destructive: Martyr. Meddlesome. Slave to others. Slovenly.


“Master Therapist”

The 44 is the master who solves the material needs of the world. It is the “So Below” that makes manifest on the material plane.

Two 4's make this number doubly practical. The 44's are very resourceful. They can take valuable ideas and put them to work helping people build or rebuild their lives. Some help through Medicine (44). The full number is 62: help (2) the body (6).

Edgar Cayce provided solutions for seemingly unsolvable, insurmountable physical problems, and his Birth Path was 44.

Dr. Jack Ensign Addington of the Abundant Living Foundation had a 44 Birth Path, and he gave spiritual insight, hope, and rehabilitation to countless prisoners and others through his radio ministry, “Peace, Poise and Power,” and Abundant Living magazine. Minister is 44. Its full number is 107: spiritual help (7) on Earth (10), or, seek perfection (10) through spirituality (7). The 10 is the 10th sphere on the Tree of Life: Malkuth. This is where spirit descends into matter.

The 44 is a very special kind of Therapist (44), one on a Spiritual (44) level. These people usually have a foundation in Theology (44).

Edgar Cayce did his work while under self-imposed Hypnosis (44). As his conscious self, his knowledge was ordinary. But when he had these Tremendous (44) Encounters (44) with his Mastermind (44) while in a trance-like state, his knowledge was Unlimited (44).

The church, throughout the ages, has been a powerful Therapist in showing how spiritual ideas can be used for our benefit. There are quite a few words that total 44 which are associated with the church and the ministry, such as:

Benefactor. Ceremony. Contentment. Eternity. Happiness. Improve. Influence. Minister. Rebirth. Respectful. Reverent. Spiritual. Theology.

It is interesting to see the esoteric difference in meanings between certain words. Both Happiness and Contentment total 44, so they are important to the spiritual-material balance. But Happiness has the full number, 107: completeness (10) from within (7), while Contentment has the full number 143: ease, joy, and comfort (3) worked for and earned (4) by the self (1).

Certain 44-words also show some problems that must be handled:

Dependence. Discordant. Disturbance. Eccentric. Hysteric. Ignorant. Shrewdness. Suspicion. Stupidity. Unpopular. Wrongful.

Sometimes an extraordinary type of person will have a name that totals 44, such as Houdini. His Influence (44) in illusion was such that people could not tell Appearance (44) from Realities (44).

The 44 also relates to persons, places, and things of beauty:

Beauty contest. Gorgeous. Shangri-La.

Two 4's make this number doubly limited, for 4 sets up its own boundaries, as is seen by the four-sided square. There can be boundaries such as the infliction of Pollution (44), which is Poisonous (44). By disobeying basic laws we cause our own misfortunes. But we can Improve (44) our lives with proper Exercises (44). Swimming (44) is particularly beneficial.

Where exercises can be used for therapeutic value physically, harmonious music is of like value to us emotionally. The Orchestra (44) is a dynamic medium for balancing our energies through musical sound.

We can group certain 44-words together and come up with powerful ideas that total 88:

Marriage-ceremony. Marriage-happiness. Respectful-appearance. Spiritual-therapist. Unlimited-diplomacy. Tremendous-influence. Tremendous-masterwork.

People with a 44 Birth Path or name total find themselves involved in helping themselves and others in physical or emotional therapy. It is a master commitment.


Positive: A leader. Confidence. Knows what needs to be done and how to do it. Mental Control. Strength of conviction.

Negative: Inconsiderate. Overworked.

Destructive: Self-destructive.

“Creative Power”









These master numbers are rarely found in the name or birth date. But words that add up to these numbers correspond with the qualities of the numbers themselves.

Fifty-five (55)

The entire scope of all knowledge is contained within the Ten Sephiroth, or numbers. When 1 through 10 are added to each other, their total is 55, so 55 is known as the number of intelligence. Since 5 plus 5 is 10, the number of perfection, 55-words strive for perfect answers:

Aristocratic. Dictionary. Discipline. Intelligent. Numerology. Omniscience. Orchestrated. Picturesque. Profession. Refinement. Researcher.

The basic meanings of 5 are sexuality and the senses, freedom, curiosity, and adaptability, so the 55 is both a physical and a mental number. Its 10 root is a new start, on a new cycle:

Generations. Grandparent. Personality. Rejuvenation.

The negative vibration is found in: Braggadocio. Condemnation. Counterfeit. Profligate (reckless spendthrift).

Some 55-words that have 100 as their full number are: Discipline. Lightning. Researcher.

The 100 is the power of 10 raised to the Cosmic level: 10 multiplied by itself. It has been described as the Ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life accomplishing by self-contemplation.

These are strong words. Lightning is unharnessed primal energy. Discipline makes us strong, and it is the researcher who finds the answers.

Sixty-six (66)

There are six-dimensional aspects of matter as we know it—height and depth, right and left, back and front. This corresponds to the vowels of EARTH: E-5 + A-1 = 6. So Earth's desire (vowels) is to bring forth matter and to be our Cosmic Mother.

Where 6 is representative of matter, 66 refers more to the higher spiritual perspective, as in the following 66-words:

Discipleship. Personified. Religionists (a body of believers). Resurrection. Spiritual work. Transformation. Venture-inward.

Something pertaining to purely renewing the body is RECONSTRUCTIVE (66) surgery.

The 6 is the number of the voice, for that is a creative tool to bring forth words. Two 6's double the strength behind this creative power. The words CURSE and SWEAR both total 66 by their full numbers and they do give body to negative feelings.

It is interesting that WOMAN is 66 in its full number, and it is from the body of woman that the child is born. The 6 is known as the Cosmic parent. The 66 is both father and mother, and 6 plus 6 is 12/3, so 66/3 is father, mother, and child. There are several words that are 66 in their full number which relate to the family:

Family. Happy. Sociable. Wedding.

Seventy-seven (77)

The 77 is known as the number of the Christ-consciousness because CHRIST has 77 as its full number, and Jesus was the 77th in his line of ancestry. Related words that total 77 as the full number are: Abundant. Disciple. Glory. Power. Stamina. Stars.

Three ideas that total 77 by their root are:

Intensification. Psychoanalytically. Spiritual-quality.

77 is the analytical thinker—as can be seen by the “77-word,” RESEARCH. True 7's are spiritual. The more spiritual, the more they radiate that “spiritual-quality,” an “intensification” of inner wisdom.

Eighty-eight (88)

The master numbers 88 and 99, I have found, exist in words by their full totals only. The 88 is a number of the master executive. By full word total it has such words as:

Agreement. Apostle. Conference. Dignity. Excellence. Exercise. Pianist. Pleasant. Proper. Vision.

To me it is particularly interesting that Pianist should have the full number of 88, for the instrument played has 88 keys. Excellence (88) is achieved by Exercise (88) resulting in Pleasant (88) sounds.

8 and 8 = 16/7, and 7 is the root that represents analytical study, spirituality, and perfecting the self. The words above reflect the positive side of the 16/7 vibration. The 16 is known as a karmic number and corresponds with the 16th Tarot card, the Lightning Struck Tower, that depicts ruin unless the spirituality of the 7 is sought. When the mind is kept on a purely physical level it becomes Poison to the body (Poison's full word total is 88/16/7). But when consciousness is raised to the spirituality of the 7, the great power of the double eight blossoms forth in the full-fledged Apostle with his Vision, the Pianist who reaches Excellence through Exercise, and all is Pleasant and Proper.

Since H is the eighth letter, 88 = HH. Each H is a ladder up to success or down to failure. The 8 is a picture of the cycle of all life, and success is due to continual application of the governing laws.

Ninety-nine (99)

The 99 represents complete fulfillment. By full word total it has such words as:

Accomplish. Answers. Ascension. Comforted. Fortune. Poetry. Physics. Satisfy. Thought.

The ninth letter is I. So 99, or Ii, is the I of the Higher Self and the i of the ego. When the ego is in tune with the Higher Self, complete fulfillment is possible.