When I first discovered that the letters and numbers of each word describe the word itself, I was beside myself with excitement. I would wake up in the morning analyzing words and thrill to the new meaning I found behind them.
I wondered if words, like names, showed their animating spirit in their vowel count. They do. For over a year I analyzed them by their root numbers, for example, A, J, and S are all 1's. Then I tried something new. I totaled them by their full numbers, i.e., A-1, J-10, S-19, and discovered that if I put a number to each letter in a word, I would often arrive at a homophone, anagram, or direct spelling of a related word, e.g.:
The first letter of our alphabet is A, the 22nd is V, the fifth is E: AVE. A prayer. Isn't that what a sanctuary is used for?
This was all too exciting to keep to myself, so I decided to share it in this book. When I had it half written, a book title in a catalogue caught my attention. It was The English Cabalah by William Eisen. I had never heard of the English Cabalah before, but I knew by then that “Cabalah” (or Kabbalah, or Qabala) meant letters and numbers as symbols of mystery, so I ordered the book.
The very next weekend I attended a lecture on letters and numbers at the Philosophical Research Society, and to my astonishment, the lecturer was no other than the author himself. And there on a table was not only The English Cabalah, but his other books as well: The English Cabalah, Vol. 2; The Cabalah of Astrology; The Essence of the Cabalah; Agasha: Master of Wisdom; and The Agashan Discourses. His lecture was exciting because this man already knew and understood all the revelations and enlightenments I had been experiencing on my own, plus some more. And he understood higher math to such a degree that Pi and Phi and the pyramids were no mystery to him at all.
Eisen said we lose information when we don't analyze our names by their full number as well. I tried it with Disney and was amazed at the results.
This total can be analyzed two ways:
BOAC = Be complete (0) AC (ace). Ace is Number 1. In Tarot it is the magician who has the power to create. TA C = CAT. Here is the cat that caught the mouse and made it famous.
Mr. Eisen was definitely onto something. Since his retirement from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory he founded the Cabalah Research Foundation in Los Angeles. His background gave great credibility to this science, and the Kabbalah definitely is a science. The English language follows the same rules as the original Hebrew, as though our alphabet were as divinely conceived as was the Hebrew.
Few know it, but Aramaic was the spoken language of the Semites, while Hebrew was sacred and used only for scripture. The basic laws on which our Universe was built are: “As Above, So Below,” and “What is true as a whole is also true in part.” The Hebrew Kabbalah follows these basic laws.
If a letter appears twice in one word, the first one begins a mission that relates to that letter and the last one completes it. In God's name, Yod Hé Vau Hé (IHVH), the first Hé (H) is the appearance of the feminine force and the second Hé is regeneration or, her powers to give birth. The first is the mother, the second, the child.
There is a great significance to the arrangement of letters in a word, and in shorter words extracted from them. Words that have the same numerical value have a relation to each other. And, if in related words other words can be found, they, too, have a special meaning.
For example, Binah, the second Sephira on the Tree of the Sephiroth (Understanding), and the feminine part of the Godhead, is the Mother of us all. In that aspect, she is called in Hebrew, “Aima.” Aima totals 52 in Hebrew. This makes Aima “the desirable one” or “the precious thing” because the noun that means just that, khamad, Ch-M-D, also totals 52.
The root is 7.
They say the son is hidden in the mother because the value of the word for son, BN (Ben), is 52 again. And those letters (BN) are in Binah (BINH). The Yod (1), is a masculine force present in Binh, so within Binh is the Trinity: I—Father, H—Mother, and Bn—Son.
English corresponds well with Hebrew in this way. We call Earth “Mother Earth,” and the full number of Earth is 52. Binah has the power to Create (52); it created the Planets (52), and gave us Form (52). Plus we have, on our planet, 52 weeks in the year. In English, Binah's root total is 25 and the root is 7, which are the same numbers.
Another example is in Genesis 3:20, “So Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living.”
There is no E in Hebrew, but it is the fifth letter in the English alphabet. In Hebrew the fifth letter is H. Eve would be HVH, the last part of the tetragrammaton, IHVH; H—Mother, V—Vau, the connecting link causing fecundity so there can be birth in the final H. So Eve means “the mother of all living.”
Now we see how English corresponds so well with Hebrew. All of this is really about vibrations. When we see how we vibrate in sympathy with our own note wherever it is found, then we can understand how the relationship exists between words of the same number. This is all part of physics: the science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions.