
Abbas, Mohammed, 23738

Abernathy, M. Gleen, 212n.23

Abravanel, Don Isaac, 118

Abu-Zayyad, Ziad, 246

Access for All, 279, 281

Accountable media, 3, 16

Achille Lauro, 237

Acton, Lord John Emerich Edward, 108n.2

Adams, William C, 24041

Administrative detention, 8889

Alali, A. Odasuo, 242

Allen-Mills, Tony, 222

Allyn, Bruce J., 244

Amal Muslim militia, 240

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 280

Amin, Abu Abdul Rahman, 239

Amir, Yigal, 4, 79, 90, 131n.19

Anderson, Charles W., 18, 232, 23537, 23941, 246. See also Liberalism, pragmatic

Annesley, Sir Hugh, 58

Anti-Defamation League, 226

Arafat, Chairman Yasser, 83

Aristotle, 103

Askin, Avigdor, 9091, 93

Assisted suicide, 93

Atwood, Margaret, 109n.6

Bach, Justice Gabriel, 93

Barak, Aharon (President), 93

Barrett, Richard, 230n.31

Barry, Brian, 44

Basic Law: The Knesset, 114, 120

Bauer, Yehuda, 151

Bellah, Robert, 227

Ben-Dor, Uri (Judge), 85, 96n.16

Ben-Yair, Michael, 80, 81, 86, 87, 89

Black, Julia, 51, 53, 60

Black, Justice Hugo L., 2, 206

B'nei Akiva, 106

Bok, Sissela, 217

Bollinger, Lee, 2, 5, 62n.5

Bombach, Ilan, 80

Bradlee, Ben, 237

Branch Davidians, 200, 208, 220, 226, 234. See also Koresh, David

Brandeis, Justice Louis D., 74

Bremer, L. Paul, 234

Brennan, Justice William J., 206

Brown, Simon L. J., 54

Calcutt, Sir David, 9596n.8

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 150n.23, 15457, 16064, 16773, 17677, 178n.12, 186, 198n.6, 212nn.19, 21

Canadian Human Rights Act, 251

Chafee, Zechariah, 83

Chilling effect, 173, 18990, 196

Christie, Doug, 175

Civil disobedience, 11, 106, 114, 116, 11819, 126, 128

Classical republicanism, 101

Clear and present danger, 221

Clinton, Bill (president), 28

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 28

Clipper chip, 280

Coates, James, 226

Cohen, Jeff, 219

Cohen, Morris, 111n.26

Cohen-Almagor, Raphael, 148n.7, 149n.8

Cohen Committee, 164, 16667, 172, 179n.40

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 236, 23940, 245, 248n.13

Communication Decency Act (CDA), 27980, 28485

CompuServe, 278

Consequentialist approach, 5, 148

Contagion effect, 204, 242

Content-neutral rules, 60

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 256

Cory, Justice Peter de C, 168, 173, 17677, 212n.15

Cotliar, George, 238

Criminal Code, Germany, 96n.l7

Cultural pluralism, 44

Cunningham, Richard, 23637

Cyberhate, 153. See also “Zundelsite”

Davis, K. C, 5051

“Degel Hatorah,” 107

Democracy “catch” of, 1 rationale of, 2

Denning, Lord Alfred Thompson, 49, 65n.29

Dewey, John, 235, 240

Dickey, Christopher, 241

Dickson, Chief Justice Brian, 158, 162, 167, 17074, 186, 19293

Dixon, James, 268

Dorfman, Ron, 23839

Dorner, Justice Dalia, 8889, 93, 97n.26

Dorsen, Norman, 5

Douglas, Justice William O., 16

Duke, David, 22325, 290

Dunn, John, 102

Dworkin, Ronald, 2, 3031, 41n.10

Edwards, Edwin, 22324

Eek, Hilding, 267

Eitan, General Rafael, 107

Electronic Freedom Foundation, 280

Enlightenment, 104

Epstein, Rabbi Jacob, 119

Etzion, Yehuda, 12223, 126, 131n.19

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), 4647, 50, 56, 59, 61,64n.16, 207

Faurisson, Robert, 25760

Fighting words, 161, 291

First Amendment, 5, 45, 62n.5, 70, 72, 76, 16061, 16973, 208, 213n.27, 238, 268

Flanagan, Ronnie, 58

Flood insurance, 38, 42n.25

Fogelman, Uzi, 8081

Ford, Franklin, 112n.30

Fourth Amendment, 31

Frankfurter, Justice Felix, 170

Free Speech Principle, 7, 36, 81, 82, 84, 93, 94

Freund, Paul, 160

Fried, Charles, 173

Friendly, Fred W., 241

Fritzsche, Hans, 25354

Galligan, Denis, 51

Gandhi, Mahatma, 73

Gayssot Act, 258

Genocide Convention, 253

Gilmore, John, 280

Ginsberg, Rabbi Yitzhak, 8789, 93

Goldberg, Justice Eliezer, 93

Goldstein, Abraham, 161

Goldstein, Baruch, 87, 89, 92, 96n.14, 97n.18

Goodman, Hirsh, 246

Gorelick, Jamie S., 234

Goren, Rabbi Shlomo, 12225, 130n.17

Graham, Katherine M., 237

Grossman, Larry, 241, 243

Group defamation, 256

Group libel, 166, 170

Guerin, Veronica, 23940

Gush Emunim (Bloc of the Faithful), 131n.27

Habermas, Jurgen, 109n.13

Ha'etzni, Elyakim, 120

Haiman, Franklin, 2

Hamas, 88, 105, 114

Hampson, F., 254, 256

Hanegbi, Zachi, 26

Harassment, 264, 291

Harlan, Justice John Marshall, 16

Harwood, Richard, 237

Hate speech/literature, 1215, 19, 13336, 14042, 145, 147, 15357, 159, 16365, 169, 173, 177, 18285, 187, 189, 19192, 19496, 25153, 255, 26065, 26769, 279, 281, 290

HateWatch, 290

Henkin, Louis, 252, 256

Himmler, Heinrich, 85

Hobsbawm, Eric, 1025

Hoge, Warren, 237

Holmes, Justice Oliver Wendell, 16, 36, 78n.10, 83, 160

Holocaust denial, 13, 145, 15253, 15859, 162, 165, 17576, 182, 190, 290. See also Zundel, Ernst

Honderich, John, 220

Howell, Vernon.See Koresh, David

Human Rights Act 1998, 46, 48, 50, 55, 56, 59, 61

Incitement, 3, 7, 8, 25, 26, 36, 71, 7476, 78n.10, 79, 8088, 9091, 9394, 147, 15456, 159, 16364, 167, 25354, 260, 262, 272n.37, 289. See also Instigation

Instigation, 146. See also Incitement Institute of Historical Review, 145, 290

International Convention Concerning Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace, 253

International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), 4647, 64n.16, 65n.19, 168, 172, 25658

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), 168, 172, 25657

International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, 256

Internet Society (ISOC), 278

Islamic fundamentalism, 105

Islamic Jihad, 88

Israeli, Rabbi Shaul, 124

Jabotinsky, Zeev, 106

Jackson, Justice Robert H., 167

Jaehnig, Walter, 23334

James, William, 235

Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 236, 24647

Jewish Underground, 12223, 126

Joinet, Louis, 260, 26365

Jones, David, 201

Judah Maccabee, 127

Jurkowitz, Mark, 222

“Kach,” 85, 88

Kaczynski, David, 222

Kaczynski, Theodore, 222. See also Unabomber

Kahane, Meir, 88, 94, 97n.21 “Kahane Chai” (“Kahane Is Alive”), 96n.14

Kalven, Harry, 73, 7576, 78n.10

Kant, Immanuel, 31

Keegstra, James, 158, 175, 18688, 19092, 19495

King, Martin Luther, 73, 120

Klanwatch, 223

Klinghoffer, Leon, 237

Kook, Rabbi Abraham Isaac, 124, 131n.27

Koresh, David, 200201, 220, 226, 234. See also Branch Davidians

Kovach, Bill, 240

Kremnitzer, Mordechai, 90

Kritsis, Anthony, 232

Ku Klux Klan, 2829, 40n.3, 42n.22, 72, 216, 22325, 290

La Forest, Justice Gerald, 170

Lambeth, Edmund, 22425

Law of Return, 120

Levy, David, 107

Lewis, Robert, 222

Libai, David, 89

Liberalism, 99101, 1067, 129, 133, 138, 235; pragmatic, 232, 23538, 24042, 244, 246

Machiavelli, Nicolo, 104

Mahoney, Kathleen, 165

Maimonides, 119, 12223, 12526, 130n.3

Mangan, Mark, 290

Marketplace of ideas, 1516, 162, 169

Marmari, Hanoch, 246

Matza, Justice Eliyahu, 88, 9193

Mayhew, Sir Patrick, 58

McLachlin, Madam Justice Beverley, 16970, 173, 186, 18991, 193, 196, 198n.10

McVay, Ken, 290

Mea Shearim, 111n.28

Media, accountable. See Accountable media

Media liability insurance, 3839

Media literacy, 28889

Meiklejohn, Alexander, 2, 16, 172

Meron, T., 274n.90

Mill, John Stuart, 2, 7, 8, 1213, 15, 74, 77n.9, 8283, 103, 109n.8, 116, 13348, 149nn.7, 11, 12, 150nn.23, 24, 15254, 236

Milton, John, 15, 166

Miners strike (1984–85), 57

M'membe, Fred, 239

Moore, Barrington, Jr., 110n.23

Moral taxonomy, 217

Nahimana, Ferdinand, 255

Namir, Ora, 84

National Religious Party (“Mafdal”), 1067, 111n.28

Neier, Aryeh, 2

Netanyahu, Prime Minister Benjamin, 111n.27, 112n.30, 207

Netiquette, 289

Net Nanny, 287

Nizkor Project, 290

North, Peter, 58. See also North Report

North Report, 60

Nozick, Robert, 30, 31

Oakeshott, Michael, 101

O'Connor, Justice Sandra D., 285

O'Higgins, C. J., 207

Orme, William A., Jr., 240

Osgood, Charles, 237

Oslo Accords, 8, 2425, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 120

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 115

Paletz, David L., 242

Paradox of tolerance, 169

Pascal, Blaise, 217

Peirce, Charles Sanders, 235

Peloponnesian War, 103

Penal Law, Israel (1977), 81, 84, 8687, 89, 91

Pentagon Papers, 206

People's Electronic Network (PEN), 28788

Peres, Prime Minister Shimon, 17, 9091, 229

Pericles, 101, 103

Pole, Jack, 16

Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984), 56

“Poll Tax,” 46, 57

Popper, Karl, 169

Pornography, 93, 134, 180n.70, 278, 28586

Pragmatic liberalism. See Liberalism, pragmatic

Press Complaints Commission (PCC), 95n.8

Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance (1948), 81, 87, 91, 92

Provisional Irish Republican Army, 207

Public Order Act (1986), 51

Public Order Act (1994), 53

Public Order (Northern Ireland) Order (1987), 5152, 58

Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act (1998), 52, 59

Pulsa Denurah, 90

Rabin, Prime Minister Yitzhak, 8, 9, 2427, 35, 7071, 7375, 79, 8186, 9091, 94, 108, 112n.30, 123, 128, 131n.32, 205, 2089, 215, 229

Racial intolerance, 137

Racism, 88, 9293, 143, 163, 188, 194, 196

Radikal, 279, 281

Rather, Dan, 240

Raviv, Avishai, 86

Rawls, John, 2, 1011, 133, 153

Religious fundamentalism, 100, 105, 110n.22, 123, 129

Religious persecution, 143

Reno, Janet, 28, 218, 280

Rodriguez, Robert, 21On.1

Ross, Alf, 2

Ross, Malcolm, 154, 160, 175

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1034, 109n.7

Rule utilitarianism, 3132, 36

Rushdie, Salman, 190

Sachs L. J., 53

Scanlon, Thomas, 5, 41n.9

Scarman, Lord Leslie, 56

Schapiro, Rabbi Abraham, 122

Schauer, Frederick, 2, 5, 16, 159

Schmid, Alex P., 242

Schorr, Daniel, 237

Schwarzkopf, General Norman, 201

Search for Common Ground (SCG), 236, 24546, 248n.13

Sedition, 87, 116, 11920, 122, 12729

Serrin, William, 219

SHABAC (Israeli Internal Security Service), 86, 91

Sharkey, Jacqueline, 243

Sharon, Ariel, 107

Sharon, Gil, 84, 93

Sharon, Judge Amiram, 84

Shemer, Naomi, 24

Sinn Fein, 207

Six Day War, 127

Skillen, Anthony, 5

Skokie, 56, 40n.2, 42n.22, 93, 283

Smeyak, Gerald, 222

Smolla, R., 251

Somm, Felix, 278

South Africa's 1996 Constitution, 47

Special Committee on Hate Propaganda. See Cohen Committee

Squires, James, 23738

Statute of the International Military Tribunal, 253

Steiner, Henry, 24344

Stevens, Justice John Paul, 28485

Stoppard, Tom, 247

Streicher, Julius, 25354

Stuart, Reginald, 236

Sulzberger, Arthur, 219, 221

Sunstein, Cass, 30

Surf Watch, 287

Tadic, Dusko, 255

Tal, Justice Zvi, 91

Taylor, John, 175

Terror/terrorism, 94, 2012, 2045, 209, 215, 226, 228, 23235, 237, 24243, 283, 289 theater of, 18

Thatcher, Prime Minister Margaret, 205

Thomas, Jo, 243

Tirkel, Justice Yaacov, 91, 93

Toleration, Conditions for, 48

Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 108n.3

Tribe, Laurence, 170

Tudjman, Franjo, 245

Turk, Danilo, 260, 26365

Unabomber, 202, 216, 21822, 225, 23637. See also Kaczynski, Theodore

United States Justice Department's Task Force on Disorders and Terrorism, 233

Uris, Leon, 19092, 194

Usenet, 286, 290

Vaanunu, Ahuva, 84, 93

Vardi, Moshe, 87

Vernon, Richard, 134

Vietnam War, 207

Waco raid, 16

Walker, Samuel, 251, 26869

Wallace, Jonathan, 290

Weaver, Randy, 226

Webcom, 279

Weimann, Gabriel, 242

Weinrib, Lorraine, 171

Weitzman, President Ezer, 97n.28

Whitman, Walt, 24

Wiesel, Elie, 151

Wilde, Oscar, 102

Wilkinson, Steven, 244

Wills, Garry, 227

Wilson, Madam Justice Bertha, 163

Winn, Conrad, 242

Woods, Keith, 224 Wright, Q., 270n.8

Yosef, Rabbi Ovadiah, 125

Yousef, Ramzi, 234

Zionism, 104, 106, 111nn.26, 27, 129

Zo Artzeinu (This Is Our Land), 128

Zolty, Amir, 95n.1

Zuckerman, Mortimer, 237

Zundel, Ernst, 20, 145, 147, 150nn.23, 24, 175, 279, 281. See also Holocaust denial

“Zundelsite,” 145, 251, 279, 281. See also Cyberhate