Here’s a peek at Jeffrey’s next adventure with Max, the third-grade ghost!


That afternoon, after lunch, it was Ben’s turn to give his science report. He picked up his shoe box and note cards and walked up to the front of the class. Then he wrote the word SNAKE on the chalkboard in wavy snakelike letters.

“People don’t understand a lot of things about snakes,” Ben began. “But now its time to come face to face with the truth.” With that, Ben dramatically ripped off the top of the shoe box and pulled out Miranda—his long, dark, garden snake. Miranda was a foot and a half long and thin. She curled around Ben’s arm, her tongue darting in and out.

“Pass her around,” said Melissa.

“Don’t do it!” shouted Arvin Pubbler. “Put it back in the box!”

Ben started to show the snake around. But Arvin Pubbler kept yelling.

“It’s on me! I can feel it!” Arvin shouted.

Everyone looked over at Arvin.

“It’s crawling on my neck!” Arvin said, afraid to move.

No one could see a snake on Arvin. And no one could understand why he was so upset. Only Jeffrey knew.

Standing next to Arvin was Max, the third-grade ghost. He was running his finger up and down Arvin Pubbler’s back, giving him the chills. He made himself visible only to Jeffrey for just a second. Then he disappeared again.

“Arvin,” said Mrs. Merrin, trying to comfort her frightened student, “it’s just your imagination.”

No it’s not, Jeffrey thought. But he kept the truth to himself.