Chapter 1: Life Fountains
1. 4 Pour 1000, www
Chapter 2: Planting
1. Charles Mann, 1491 (New York: Vintage Books, 2005).
Chapter 7: Chestnut
1. Sandra Anagnostakis, Saving the Ozark Chinquapins (New Haven, CT: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, n.d.), http://
2. Noel Riggs, “FAOSTAT Data, 2005,” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, http://
3. Susan Freinkel, American Chestnut: Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Perfect Tree (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2007).
4. Douglas Tallamy, Bringing Nature Home (Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2007).
5. J. Russell Smith, Tree Crops (New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1929), 126.
Chapter 9: Poplar
1. Peter Greatbatch, The Practical Guide to Renewable Energy Using Hybridized Hardwoods (Frisco, TX: Greatbatch, 1982).
Chapter 10: Ash
1. “About Emerald Ash Borer,” Emerald Ash Borer Information Network, www
2. Monitoring and Managing Ash, www
3. Alexander Martin, Herbert Zimm, and Arnold Nelson, American Wildlife and Plants (New York: Dover Publications, 1951), 359.
Chapter 11: Mulberry
1. Samuel Thayer, Incredible Wild Edibles (Bruce, WI: Forager’s Harvest Press, 2017), 234.
Chapter 12: Elderberry
1. Samuel Thayer, Nature’s Garden (Birchwood, WI: Partners/West Book Distribution, 2010), 399.
2. Martin, Zimm, and Nelson, American Wildlife and Plants, 362.
Chapter 14: Hazelnut
1. “Hazelnut Production,” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, www
2. Peter Schwartzstein, “This Small Turkish Town Grows a Quarter of the World’s Hazelnuts,” Quartz, August 22, 2015, https://
Chapter 16: Beech
1. Martin, Zimm, and Nelson, American Wildlife and Plants, 306.
2. Courtney LaMere, “Adirondack Black Bears,” New York State Conservationist, April 2013, http://
3. Randall Morin, “Spread of Beech Bark Disease in the Eastern United States and Its Relationship to Regional Forest Composition,” Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (2007): 726–36, https://
4. Jennifer Koch et al., “Screening for Resistance to Beech Bark Disease: Improvements and Results from Seedlings and Grafted Field Selections,” in Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry (Albany, CA: USDA Forest Service, 2012), https://