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December 3, 1962. Bill Birge. “Charms Fought Their Way Up.”
April 6, 1972. “Armijo Center Charged as ‘Shooting’ Gallery.”
April 12, 1972. “Thunderbird Club Members Meet with Mayor Williams.”
April 24, 1972. Bert Salazar. “Area Respects Unwritten ‘Law.’”
April 26, 1972. Bert Salazar. “Can Hindsight Help Now.”
June 21, 1973. Charles Kreher. “DA Says Organized Crime Active in EP.”
January 29, 1976. “Beefed-up EP Juvenile Squad Not Just Additional Manpower.”
August 19, 1976. “Baby Faced ‘El Raton’ Terrorizing Elderly in South El Paso.” By Ramon Villalobos.
September 19, 1976. Bill Moore and Ramon Renteria. “Gang Wars in El Paso? Views Vary.”
September 20, 1976. Bill Moore. “20 Years Ago Southside was a Battleground.”
September 21, 1976. Ramon Renteria. “Mourning for Son Began Before He Died.”
October 23, 1976. “Youth Charged with Murder in South EP Slaying.”
November 4, 1976. Ed Curda. “Gang Strife, EP Housing Violence Bring Planning for Security Force.”
November 7, 1976. Bill Moore. “EP Social Agencies Face Gang Problems with Cluster Effect.”
October 30, 1977. “Gang Brotherhood Lacks Toys.”
May 19, 1978. Ron Dusek and Ed Kimble. “Feds Allege EP Singer in Conspiracy.”
August 6, 1978. Ron Dusek. “DEA Thinks Major Blow Dealt Smuggling Ring.”
January 26, 1979. Ed Curda. “FBI Joins List of Chagra Probers.”
March 2, 1979. Ron Dusek. “El Paso Businessmen in Crime—Big Time—FBI Chief Says.”
August 19, 1979. Barbara Funkhouser. “KKK Had El Paso Day.”
October 14, 1979. Karen Gorham. “Wallace Guilty in Lee Chagra Murder.”
October 15, 1979. Karen Gorham. “Wallace Gets Death for Chagra Murder.”
February 16, 1981. “Gang Warfare Erupted in El Paso 50s Scene.”
February 16, 1981. “Waning Attention Doesn’t Curb Gangs.”
January 16, 1989. Julian Resendiz. “Gang Violence Top Concern.”
January 8, 1992. Leon Lynn. “Cops on the Campuses: Police Making Their Presence Known at Middle Schools.”
April 24, 1992. “Gangs Claim Turf in Every Part of Town.”
April 24, 1992. Sito Negron. “California Connection Can Be Tough to Pin Down.”
April 12, 1996. “Reno on Right Track to Control Gangs in Prisons, on Streets.”
August 25, 1996. Betsy McArthur. “El Paso Shows Slight Increase in Gang Activity.”
September 29, 1997. Raul Hernandez. “Mexican Mafia Murder Trial Begins.”
January 11, 1999. Laura Smitherman. “Legal Errors, Bickering Hamper Trial, Lawyers Say.”
January 16, 1999. “Jury Acquits Man Charged in Death.”
March 26, 1999. Laura Smitherman. “Jury Ponders Fate of Man Accused of Hanging Inmate.”
March 27, 1999. Laura Smitherman. “Inmate Trial Ends in Hung Jury.”
May 10, 1999. Laura Smitherman. “2 Convicted Teens Violate Their Probation.”
June 3, 1999. Christina Ramírez. “Officers Fired Over Killing.”
June 5, 1999. Laura Smitherman. “Inmate Found Guilty in County Jail Murder.”
June 13, 1999. Christina Ramírez. “Police, Mother Debate Facts of Teen’s Death.”
July 28, 1999. Diana Washington Valdez. “Kidnapping Suspects Arrested in Mexico.”
September 19, 1999. Christina Ramírez. “Crackdown Produces 20 Gang Arrests.”
October 9, 1999. Sharon Simonson. “Armed Students Interrupt Las Cruces Class.”
October 10, 1999. Diana Washington Valdez. “Homicide Suspects in Juarez are Getting Younger.”
October 19, 1999. “Man Gets 30 Years in Killing.”
October 28, 1999. Laura Smitherman. “Scientist Contends Evidence Doesn’t Match Fired Officers’ Story.”
October 30, 1999. Christina Ramirez. “Leon: Firings Reflected New Philosophy.”
November 2, 1999. “Gang-beating Case.”
November 10, 1999. Christina Ramírez. “Supervisor Says Teen Shot by Police Was Gang Member.”
December 12, 1999. Opinion. “Dismantle the Cartel.
December 14, 1999. “Gangs Queried in Gadsden Threat Case.”
December 15, 1999. Ken Flynn. “El Paso Could Get $200,000 in Federal Crime-fighting Cash.”
May 5, 2000. Christina Pino-Marina. “Fired Police Officers Are Back in Uniform.”
July 21, 2000. Guadalupe Silva. “Happy Anniversary, Father Rahm.”
January 21, 2001. “Man Gets Life Term in County Jail Killing.”
January 28, 2001. Jennifer Shubinski. “Killing Won’t Alter Plans to Disband Gang Unit.”
November 16, 2001. Louie Gilot. “62 Charged in Alleged Prison Gang.”
March 24, 2002. Donna Lynn Dennis. “In the News.”
September 18, 2002. Diana Washington Valdez. “Officials Link 2 Charged in FBI Beating with Gang.”
September 20, 2002. Jennifer Shubinski and Daniel Borunda. “13 Indicted in FBI Beatings, Train Theft.”
April 15, 2003. Tammy Fonce-Olivas. “Limits Set on South Side Gang to Make Neighborhood Safer.”
May 3, 2003. Daniel Borunda. “2 Arrested for Alleged Defiance of Court Order.”
May 12, 2003. Daniel Borunda. “Police Unit Expands to Downtown.”
May 15, 2003. Daniel Borunda. “Police Wield New Tool Against Gangs.”
July 11, 2003. Louie Gilot. “FBI Agent Describes Gang Attack in Anapra.”
November 9, 2003. Diana Washington Valdez. “City’s FBI Chief Out.”
November 23, 2003. Daniel Borunda. “El Paso Units Combine in Tactical Teams.”
January 5, 2004. Daniel Borunda. “Anapra Gang Linked to Thefts.”
January 28, 2004. Louie Gilot. “11 Bodies Found.”
May 9, 2004. Louie Gilot. “Gang Fight Responsible for Deadly Prison Riot.”
August 17, 2004. Louie Gilot. “Cartel Killings Sweep Juárez.”
August 2, 2005. Daniel Borunda. “582 Arrested in Gang Roundup, Including Three in El Paso Area.”
September 5, 2005. Opinion. “Our Views: El Paso Shows Way.”
March 12, 2006. Adriana M. Chávez. “Eight Cereso Prison Inmates Killed in Riot.”
March 26, 2006. Reveles Acosta, Gustavo, and Tammy Fonce-Olivas. “Gangs in Schools—West Side High Schools Have Most Gang Activity.”
March 29, 2006. Daniel Borunda. “EP to Get Anti-Gang Prosecutor.”
April 25, 2006. Ramón Renteria. “El Paso was Integrated City Before Most of U.S.”
December 22, 2006. Daniel Borunda. “Drug Sales Dispute Led to Slaying, Report Says.”
December 3, 2008. Daniel Borunda and Erica Molina-Johnson. “6 in Barrio Azteca Guilty.”
May 10, 2011. Ramón Rentería. “Back to His Roots: Performer Joe Renteria Boosts Boys and Girls Club.”
January 12, 2017. Daniel Borunda. “Man Gets Prison in Fatal Horizon Cartel Kidnap.”
July 20, 2017. Daniel Borunda. “Barrio Azteca Gets 3 Life Terms in Consulate Case.”
Frontier Klansman
August 10, 1923. Vol 1. No. 45.
Harper’s Monthly Magazine
July 1925. Katherine Fullerton Gerould.
Hartford Courant
December 26, 1972. “2 Bodies Found; Police Arrest 12 in Cycle Gang.”
May 16, 2012. Angela Kucherga. “Cartels Use Students to Smuggle Drugs Through Busy Border Crossing.”
January 4, 2018. Stephanie Guadian. “Expert: ‘El Chapo’ Vacuum Tied to Rising Juarez Violence.”
Las Cruces Sun-News
February 29, 2004.
March 6, 2004. Gabriela C Guzman. “Two Arrested in Teen’s Death.”
October 2, 2004. T. S. Hopkins. “Seminar Explores Gang Problem.”
October 28, 2004. T. S. Hopkins. “Stats Show Drop in Violent Crime Last Year.”
December 8, 2004. “Taking Aim at Gangs.”
December 10, 2005. Steve Ramirez. “City, County to Get $475,000 for Gang Prevention.”
January 15, 2006. Walter Rubel. “Money Issues to Dominate This Year’s Legislative Meet.”
January 29, 2009. Kevin Buey. “Deming Border Agent Arrested.”
March 14, 2009. Michael Hays. Opinion. “A Tale of Two Cities.”
August 25, 2011. Ashley Meeks. “Vega Pleads Guilty on Gun Ring Charges.”
June 14, 2012. Brian Fraga. “Former Columbus Mayor Sentenced in Gun-Smuggling Case.”
September 26, 2017. Diana Alba Soular. “Doña Ana County to Accept Federal Border-Security Funds through Operation Stonegarden.”
January 23, 2018. “Lordsburg Border Agents Seize $1.6M in Marijuana.”
Los Angeles Times
March 7, 1977. Leonard Greenwood. “A New, Ruthless Breed: Mexican Gangs Pouring Narcotics Across Border.”
New York Times
June 17, 1979. John M. Crewdson. “El Paso Is Called a Major New Hub of Drug Traffic.”
March 11, 2006. Robert J. Sampson. “Open Doors Don’t Invite Criminals: Is Increased Immigration Behind the Drop in Crime?” p. A27 (OP-ED).
April 13, 1972. Chuck Emerson. “Gang Warfare?”
Reason Magazine
July 6, 2009. Radley Balko. “The El Paso Miracle.”
Texas Monthly
April 2007. Skip Hollandsworth. “The Gang’s All Here.”
Texas Tribune
July 21, 2016. Julián Aguilar. “U.S. Citizen Receives Settlement over Body Cavity Search at Border.”
June 26, 2017. Damiá Bonmatí. “Supreme Court Sends Case of Sergio Adrian Hernández, shot on Mexican Territory by U.S. Border Agent, Back to Lower Court.”
USA Today Network
November 22, 2017. Adam Tamburin. “Gangs and Cartels are Teaming Up to Bring Drugs into Rural Tennessee, TBI Director Says.”
December 30, 2017. Travis Dorman. “Homicide Tracker: A list of 37 Killings in Knoxville, Knox County in 2017.”
Washington Post
January 22, 1979. Lou Cannon. “Lawyer Slain: Flamboyant Figure’s Death Shocks Border Underworld.”
September 20, 2013. Lyndsey Layton. “Children Cross Mexican Border to Receive U.S. Education.”