Editor: David Brotherton
Founding Editor: Jock Young
The Studies in Transgression series will present a range of exciting new crime-related titles that offer an alternative to the mainstream, mostly positivistic approaches to social problems in the United States and beyond. The series will raise awareness of key crime-related issues and explore challenging research topics in an interdisciplinary way. Where possible, books in the series will allow the global voiceless to have their views heard, offering analyses of human subjects who have too often been marginalized and pathologized. Further, series authors will suggest ways to influence public policy. The editors welcome new as well as experienced authors who can write innovatively and accessibly. We anticipate that these books will appeal to those working within criminology, criminal justice, sociology, or related disciplines, as well as the educated public.
Terry Williams and Trevor B. Milton, The Con Men: Hustling in New York City
Christopher P. Dum, Exiled in America: Life on the Margins in a Residential Motel
Mark S. Hamm and Ramón Spaaij, The Age of Lone Wolf Terrorism
Peter J. Marina, Down and Out in New Orleans
David C. Brotherton and Philip Kretsedemas, editors, Immigration Policy in the Age of Punishment