
Allen, Clarrie 90

Allen family 88

The Alley (fishing place) 278, 426, 78, 848, 92, 96, 103, 107, 1534, 160, 1669, 205

Alverson, Lee 10

Alvey, Jack 266

Alvey reels 143, 150, 266

anchovy (Engraulis australis) see froggies (anchovies)

anchovy (Stolephorus buccaneeri) 161, 168

Andrews, ‘Shorty’ 30

angling, defined 367; see also recreational fishing

aquaculture 1712, 253

aquatic habitats see Cudgen Creek, NSW; marine ecosystems; rivers and creeks; wetlands

area closures 2423, 247, 250, 2534, 2823, 287

Argue, Sandy 10

Australian bass 261, 293

Australian bonito (horse mackerel) 50, 174, 293

Australian Hotel, Murwillumbah 57


bag limits 53, 63, 251, 273, 275

bait 501, 54

baitfish 812, 95, 101; see also froggies (anchovies); garfish; luderick; mullet; pilchard; whiting

fresh bait 16475, 192

live bait 32, 165, 1845

prawns 164, 191

see also bait under specific types of fishing: bream fishing; jewfish fishing; snapper fishing; tailor fishing; tuna

Barker, David 172, 216

Barnett, Paul 224, 2267

barracuda 161

basa 58, 293

bass see Australian bass; red bass (mangrove jack)

beach fishing 37, 71, 1067, 115, 1924, 2001, 217

beach worms see worms

beaches closed to power vehicles 288

Bell, Graham 2356

Bell, Johann 11

‘better fishing’ question see ‘quality of fishing’ question

biota kills 2468

birdlife see seagulls

black snapper see drummer

blackfish see luderick

black-tip reef sharks 1045

blue groper 86, 293

blue pilchard 43, 1067, 119, 170, 193, 197, 293; see also pilchard

boardriding see surfing impact on fish presence

boats 51, 195, 1979, 2034, 252, 267, 288

Bogangar (Cabarita) 48, 74, 80, 92, 187, 1967

The Bombie (fishing place) 856, 196

bonefish 1045, 293

bonito (horse mackerel) 50, 174, 293

Botany Bay habitat modification and loss 197, 244

bow-and-arrow fish hunting 1835

Boyd brothers 67, 186, 192

bread 66, 902, 96, 1578

bream 103, 182, 217, 293

bitten in two 1612

cooking and eating 1557

large size 155, 1923

mouth abnormality 15860

bream fishing 289, 53, 54, 127, 1545

bait 160, 1623

catch 155, 187

The Bream Hole (fishing place) 82, 160, 1623

Broadhead, Gordon 10

Brunswick Heads, NSW 53

Bunny (jewfish fisherman) anecdote 1735

burley 91, 96, 1701

butterfish 103, 182, 217, 293

Byron Bay, NSW 53, 76, 135


Cabarita (Bogangar) 48, 74, 80, 92, 187, 1967

Cape Byron, NSW 135, 203

casting 289, 30, 43, 1356, 1889, 2012

catch and release 53, 601, 2901

Charnock, Tom 29, 51, 88

Church, Kevin 213

Clarence River, NSW 123, 188, 200, 240

climate change 27981

Clynch, Normie 51

commercial fishing 556

catch and effort data 2745, 279

catch magnitude 389, 251, 2745

in Cudgen Creek, NSW 51, 257

efficiency 267

effort creep 26970

fishing power 252, 267

hauling grounds 1056

impact on fish populations 2501, 279, 283

livelihood 58

prices for catch 55, 67

regulation and management 249, 2735, 2846, 289, 291; see also fisheries management

see also fish sales by recreational fishers

commercial fishing licences 55, 569, 62

conservation 38, 2423, 2534, 2912; see also area closures; marine ecosystems

COVID-19 impact on fishing 2689

creeks see rivers and creeks

Crop, Ben 86

Cudgen Creek, NSW 11, 27, 31, 110

causes of ecosystem change/ongoing threats 257, 25862, 264

commercial fishing in 51, 257

ecosystem in 1950s 256

fisheries resources (impacts on and threats to) 2612

habitat modification and loss 241, 244, 2523, 25562

training walls 11, 28, 31, 71, 102, 241, 2523, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 264

Cudgen Lake, NSW 257, 261

Cudgera see Hastings Point (Cudgera), NSW


dart (swallowtail) 94, 111, 293

deep-freezes see freezers

drummer 54, 82, 86, 177, 217, 226, 293

Drummer Rock (fishing place) 823, 84, 96

Dunn, Frank 165, 186, 192

Duranbah Beach 97, 165

dusky flathead 141, 156, 191, 194, 287, 293


ecological and economic benefits and problems of fishing 41, 623

ecosystem-based fisheries management see under fisheries management


aquatic see estuaries; marine ecosystems; rivers and creeks; wetlands

Cudgen Creek see Cudgen Creek, NSW

Kingscliff rocks see Kingscliff rocks

eels 77

electronic devices 2512, 2668


case studies of ecosystems 25562

commercial fishing 2501

habitat destruction 244

mesh netting in 2501

pollutants 2467

see also Cudgen Creek, NSW; rivers and creeks; walls at river mouths

estuary perch 261, 293

Everson, Beryl 51

evolutionary science 345, 290

exotic marine species in Australia 248, 283


Fanning, Tuck 1445

Fingal 51, 80, 92, 124


blood-clotting mechanisms 1612

learning 1045

sense of smell 102, 1045, 107, 117, 119, 171, 173

size specificity in schools 2339

see also fish populations; and specific types of fish

fish abundance

relative abundance 2323, 23942

sand mining impact 27

species disappearance 935, 100

see also commercial fishing; recreational fishing

fish behaviour 889, 104, 1057, 2329

jewfish behaviour 789, 1057, 109, 110113, 118, 120, 126, 144, 2245

migratory behaviour 2334

mullet schooling behaviour 2335, 238

school restructuring 2368

tailor behaviour 112113, 162, 209

fish consumption 35, 36, 645, 28991

family favourites 90

fish and chips shops 50, 58

health benefits 2901

imported product 58, 289

preparation, cooking and eating 1567, 177

fish eggs and larvae

impact of pollutants 2456, 281

and temperature fluctuations 2801

‘fish kills’ 2468

fish populations

decline see fish populations, decline in

habitat preference 2323, 239; see also marine ecosystems

impact of recreational fishing 55, 63, 2512, 2789

range contraction 232, 239

school restructuring 2368

sustainability 2302

see also jewfish populations

fish populations, decline in 925, 23944

commercial fishing 2501

habitat destruction 2434, 249

introduced species and pathogens 2489, 2834

localised depletion 925, 193, 231, 268

pollution 243, 2448

recreational fishing 2514

fish sales by recreational fishers 52, 53, 5560, 61, 270

fish that got away 20823

giant trevally 210211

groper 212213

jewfish 113114, 1314, 139, 213216

lutjanid red-snapper 2089

snapper 216217, 2203

Spanish mackerel 208

tailor 459

fisheries management 624, 22831, 2414

area closures strategy 2823, 287, 288

commercial fishing 249, 2735, 2846, 289

ecosystem-based 2912

jewfish (mulloway) recovery program 2401, 286

progress 2534, 264, 2736, 284

recreational fishing 249, 2534, 262, 2736, 2789, 2867

Threat and Risk Assessment (TARA) approach 242, 2823

fisheries resources

allocation of 2289, 251, 2534, 2889

impacts and threats 2612, 27792

see also fish populations

fisheries science 10, 160, 22943, 250, 267


categories of 3940

terminology 1112

value of fishing 401

women fishers 11, 51, 52, 278

fish-finding electronics 2512, 2668

fishing area closures 2423, 247, 250, 2534, 2823

fishing competitions 52, 535, 76, 1878, 191

fishing effort

collective fishing power 252, 26670, 2723

‘effort creep’ 26970

fishing for food see fish consumption

fishing gear 14, 16, 2830, 37

bait net 164

electronic devices 2512, 2668

handlines 2023; see also handline fishing

hooks 1212, 2203, 266

improvements in 2512, 2656

jewfish fishing 701, 75, 114, 1216, 148, 2512

lines and line strength 1223, 125, 144, 266

lures 37, 1236, 251, 2656, 272, 287

mullet rig 901

‘Ned Kelly’ rig 667

reels 143, 149, 179, 207, 266

restrictions 62

rods 143, 144, 145, 148, 218, 266

spinners 32, 37, 54, 879, 99, 123, 179

fishing in hunter–gatherer societies 35; see also Indigenous fishing practices

fishing licences 55, 569, 62; see also commercial fishing; recreational fishing

fishing line see lines and line strength

fishing stories 78, 41, 2001

fishing success

comparisons over time 3441

see also ‘quality of fishing’ question

flagtail 81, 96, 293

Flat Top (fishing place) 95, 18990

flathead 139, 140, 141

dusky flathead 141, 156, 191, 194, 287, 293

flathead fishing 28, 29, 54, 186, 1914, 217

flat-tail mullet (tiger mullet) 97100, 101, 102, 105, 293

flood mitigation schemes 246, 247; see also walls at river mouths

fly fishing 16970

foam cover 1078

four-wheel-drive vehicles 37, 534, 1912, 288

Fowler, Allan (Chookie) 51, 1959

Foyster’s (fishing place) 217

Fraser Island, Queensland 188

freezers 37, 534, 88, 1912

froggies (anchovies) 106, 160, 163, 1658, 1701, 191, 197, 293

schools 209, 210211, 233

frogs as bait 1845

future of fishing 27792


garfish 82, 88, 91, 98, 293

catch 197, 200

catching technique 96

as jewfish bait 96, 106

as mackerel bait 121, 136

recovery plans 284

as tailor bait 31, 32, 37, 52, 534, 59, 878, 96, 165, 186, 188, 189

Garvin, John 267

Gee, Mr and Mrs 723

gemfish 231, 293

giant groper see Queensland groper

giant trevally (GT) 86, 889, 924, 95, 99, 20911, 293

‘good old days’ see ‘quality of fishing’ question

GPS 252, 266, 267, 268

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 2823

green tree frogs as bait 1845

groper 293

blue groper 86, 293

Queensland groper 213, 294

Gulland, John 10, 229

gulls see seagulls

The Guts (fishing place) 86


Halpin, Cyril 1346, 2034

handline fishing 52, 72, 1356, 192, 196, 2024

Hardge, Tony 136

hard-gut mullet 13, 17, 22, 62, 97, 98

schooling behaviour 2335, 238

Harris, John 11

Harris, Trilly 323, 84, 88

Hastings Point (Cudgera), NSW 26, 74, 75, 80, 171, 203, 206

Flat Top fishing place 95, 18990

Hat Head, NSW 1367

health benefits of seafood consumption 2901

Higgins, Cec 54, 97, 98, 114, 119120, 146, 216223, 266

Higgins, Graham 114, 216, 218

Hilborn, Ray 229, 237

Hill 60 (fishing place) 60, 84, 85, 96, 20910

hoki 58, 293

Holt, Arthur 49, 534, 192

Holt, Sidney 10, 229

hooks 1212, 2203, 266

horse mackerel (Australian bonito) 50, 174, 293

human population growth

pressure on habitats 244, 246, 259

Tweed Shire 257


Indigenous fishing practices 36, 17685

inexperienced fisherman anecdote (jewfish fishing) 1324

information exchange 265, 268; see also electronic devices

introduced species 248, 283


jagging 56, 612, 67, 97, 12930, 146, 147, 178

Jefferts, Keith 10

Jenner, Ted 52, 111

Jenner’s Corner 50, 52, 217


appearance 77, 139

behaviour 789, 1057, 109, 110113, 118, 120, 126, 144, 2245

breeding programs 1712, 253

echo-sounding detection 266

food 110112, 113

functional design and power 13942, 144

juvenile by-catch 250, 274

large size 134, 1368, 149, 1501

motionless reflex response to stranding 6970

mullet predation 110113

names for 10, 478, 67, 293

quality eating size 60, 67

senses 1056, 119

jewfish fishing 30, 40, 478, 53, 54, 719, 82, 218, 2645

author’s addiction to 6679, 1278

bag and size limits 251, 253, 275

bait 31, 32, 68, 723, 96, 97, 98, 101, 106, 1467, 1702, 173, 182, 217

bait liveliness 116119, 1201

bait size 117, 119, 1735

Bunny anecdote 1735

catch 51, 73, 134, 136, 1378, 251, 2523

catch and release 601

catch magnitude 312, 71, 251, 2745, 279

catch sales 52

catch transport system 10910

commercial fishing 251, 279, 289

daytime (priority conditions) 1048, 1201, 1278

efficiency comparisons 2712

‘effort creep’ 26970, 272

fishing places 11, 28, 323, 102, 103, 116, 188

foam cover 1078

gear 701, 75, 114, 1216, 148, 2512

inexperienced fisherman anecdote 1324

local myths 32

lost fish 113114, 1314, 139, 213216

lures 1246

mesh netting 251

Mick anecdote 14750

night fishing 10810

prey species presence 104, 105, 110111

social licence 289

Stan (Sluggo) anecdote 1501

success factors 113119, 1201, 270

in Tweed River 6770

jewfish populations

conservation and management 1712, 2401, 253, 2746, 286, 287

decline 23942, 243, 249, 2524, 265, 2789

impact of recreational fishing 2712

population size estimates (2020) 241

range contraction and habitat preference 2402

Jordan, Vince 1367

Joseph, Jim 10, 11

Joubert’s Hole, Tweed River, NSW 191

Julian Rocks, Cape Byron, NSW 2034

Jumpinpin, Queensland 187


Kearney, Jack

bream cooking and eating 1557

on commercial fishing 56, 578

on Cyril Halpin 1356

fishing expertise 75, 165

fishing stories 78, 2007

on froggies 165

on The Guts’ name 86

on jewfish 60, 67

and seagulls 89

on snapper fishing 207

on whiting 645, 68

Kearney, John 8, 72

Kearney’s Rock (fishing place) 126

Kellaher, Jimmy 534, 87, 95, 192

King, Bernard 231

kingfish 434, 85, 2267, 293

Kingscliff, NSW 2533, 255

in 1960s 10, 505, 62, 2656

population growth 257

see also Cudgen Creek, NSW

Kingscliff Amateur Fishing Club 523, 55, 152, 206

Kingscliff beaches 89, 1067

Kingscliff rocks 278, 31, 809, 92102

ecosystem 802, 92102, 241

habitat destruction 11, 28, 102

jewfish abundance 2401

sand build-up 11, 28, 33, 846, 100, 183, 252, 256, 2589, 264

Kingscliff rocks, specific fishing places

The Alley see The Alley (fishing place)

The Bombie 856, 196

Drummer Rock 823, 84, 96

The Guts 86

Hill 60 60, 84, 85, 96, 20910

The Ledge 824

No Hopers 28, 91, 96, 217

Round Rock 289, 301, 84, 85, 89, 96, 989, 103, 1789, 217

Snapper Hole 30, 856, 89, 114, 180, 2023, 206, 207, 212216, 219223

The South End see The South End (fishing place)


The Ledge (fishing place) 824

Lewis, Tony 11, 161

lines and line strength 1223, 125, 144, 266

live bait 32, 165, 1845; see also bait

long-tail tuna 1405, 293

luderick 82, 86, 1012, 105, 226, 293

as bait 32, 217

catching 56, 61, 101

lures 37, 1236, 251, 2656, 272, 287; see also spinners


mack tuna 209, 293


slimy mackerel 1067, 294

Spanish mackerel 74, 834, 1212, 136, 195, 196, 208, 209, 294

mangrove jacks (red bass) 1835, 294

marine ecosystems 264, 2801

change in 264

conservation and management 2823, 2867, 2912; see also area closures

habitat destruction 11, 28, 102, 2412, 2434, 2523

Kingscliff rocks 802, 92102, 2523, 264; see also Cudgen Creek, NSW

seagull numbers 8990

threats to 2423, 2823, 288

see also estuaries; fisheries management

Marine Estate Management Authority (NSW) 242, 282, 283

Martin, Aub 52, 55, 56, 5960

Mary’s Rock 31

mesh netting 2501

Mick (new fisherman) 14750

mining (sand mining) 27, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260

mud crabs 26, 293

mullet 293

as bait 1423, 28, 32, 81, 901, 97, 98, 219220

as bait (live bait) 119121, 217

catching (line or net) 66, 902, 1012

for fish and chip trade 58

flat-tail mullet (tiger mullet) 97100, 101, 102, 105, 293

jagging 56, 612, 67, 97, 12930, 146, 147, 178

jewfish prey 110113

sand mullet 28, 32, 90, 101, 294

schooling behaviour 2335, 238

schools of 978, 99100, 102, 12931

sea mullet 62, 90, 97

smell of 1056

tailor prey 112113, 162

mulloway see jewfish

Murwillumbah, NSW 57, 66, 67, 68, 77

Murwillumbah fishermen 67, 71, 216

Bunny anecdote 1735

Cec Higgins 216223


names of fish species 910

jewfish 10, 478, 67

snapper size classes 204

see also terminology

National Health and Medical Research Council 290

‘Ned Kelly’ rig 667

New Caledonia 1045, 136, 208, 213

New Zealand 16970, 2357

night fishing 429, 85, 87, 1001, 1089

nippers see yabbies (nippers)

No Hopers (fishing place) 28, 91, 96, 217

NSW Fisheries Inspectors 579, 60, 634; see also fisheries management

NSW Fisheries Research Institute 1712


O’Connor, Len 767

octopus 1802, 183

overfishing 62, 241, 248, 24953, 274, 275, 2845

oysters 248, 256


Padden, Harold 2013

Panama 208

pathogens 2489, 284

Pearce, Harry 52, 192

Pearce, Mary 11, 52

Perandis, Frank 1778

perched lakes 261

pests 2489, 284

Philp, Hughie 207

Philp, Ian 534, 192, 207

pilchard 31, 32, 37, 434, 52, 88, 1623, 166, 293

blue pilchard 43, 1067, 119, 170, 193, 197, 293

eastern versus western varieties 1723

pathogens 248

size specificity in schools 233

white pilchard 92, 154, 160, 1623, 166, 1679, 191, 294

Piper, Wayne 124

pipis 284

Plato, on fishing 356

pollution 243, 2448, 279, 2812

population (human) see human population growth

populations (fish) see fish populations

prawn trawling 58, 250, 274

prawns as bait 164, 191

Prewitt, Reg 71, 76, 82

Pritchard, Keith 534, 87, 95, 155, 192

Prosser, Harry 204

Proudfoot, Tom 70


‘quality of fishing’ question 3441, 26376

fisheries management 264, 2736

fishing effort 26670

fishing gear improvements 2658, 2778

future 27792

impact of fishing on fish population 2716

jewfish stocks 265

social value 3941, 2701, 28990

Queensland groper 213, 294


Rat Island, Jumpinpin, Queensland 187

recreational fishing 358

bag limits 53, 63, 251, 253, 275

catch and effort data 274, 279

catch and release 53, 601, 2901

catch magnitude 389, 251, 274

catch sales 52, 53, 5560, 61, 270

categories of fishermen 3940

collective fishing power 252, 26670, 2723

comparisons over time 3441, 2634

competitions 52, 535, 76, 1878, 191

COVID-19 impact 2689

current practices 2878

ecological benefits and problems 41

economic benefits and problems 41, 623

gear see fishing gear

impact on fish populations 55, 63, 2512, 2716, 2789, 283

‘industrialisation’ of 37

management and regulation 249, 2534, 262, 2736, 2789, 2867, 2912

number of anglers 265

size limits 62, 634, 249, 251, 253, 275

social attitudes 3941, 5065, 264, 273, 27980, 289

social benefits 3941, 2701, 292

target species 54

value to fishermen 401

red bass (mangrove jack) 1835, 294

reels 143, 149, 179, 207, 266

Richmond River, NSW 100, 182, 200, 2478, 262

Riesenweber, Artie and Ritchie 1524, 192

rivers and creeks 246

estuaries see estuaries

pollutants 2468

rating of pressures on 256

river mouths and jewfish populations 2401

threats to fisheries resources 2612

training walls see walls at river mouths

see also Clarence River, NSW; Cudgen Creek, NSW; Richmond River, NSW; Tweed River, NSW

Robbins, Carl 10

rock fishing 201; see also Kingscliff rocks

rods 143, 144, 145, 148, 218, 266

Round Rock (fishing place) 289, 301, 84, 85, 89, 96, 989, 103, 1789, 217

Russell, Terry 1445


salt-marsh 257, 260, 261; see also wetlands

samson see giant trevally (GT)

sand build-up 11, 28, 33, 846, 100, 183, 252, 256, 2589, 264

sand mining 27, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260

sand mullet 28, 32, 90, 101, 294; see also mullet

sand whiting 95, 294; see also whiting

sand worms see worms

sandy sprat see white pilchard

Sanotti, Billy 74

Scharnock, Tom 51

Schields, Des 28, 2930, 31

Schields, Mick 25, 267

scientific classification of fish 9, 2934; see also

names of fish species

scientists see evolutionary science; fisheries science

scoffle fishing 54

sea mullet 62, 90, 97; see also mullet

seafood industry 56, 589, 289

fish and chips shops 50, 58

fish naming consistency 9

see also fish consumption; fish sales by recreational fishers

seagrass 257, 260, 261


behaviour 8990, 912

fisher interactions with 912

numbers 8990, 91

sharks 1045, 198, 211212

shovelnose 53, 294

silver trevally 268, 287, 294

size limits (fish) 634, 249, 251, 253, 275

skipjack tuna 2323, 2358

slimy mackerel 1067, 294

smell, sense of (in fish) 102, 1045, 107, 117, 119, 171, 173

Smith, Alex 207

Smith, Barney 11, 161

Smith, Basil 1678

Smith, Billy 10, 459, 84, 126, 182, 266

snapper 287, 293, 294

schools of large snapper 2047

size classes 204

snapper fishing 2931, 856, 89, 196, 2017, 219223, 265

bait 180, 182

Chookie anecdote 1979

lost fish 216217

Snapper Hole (fishing place) 30, 856, 89, 114, 180, 2023, 206, 207, 212216, 219223

Snapper Rock, Kingscliff (fishing place) 84, 115, 119, 214, 215216

Snapper Rocks, Coolangatta (fishing place) 48, 59

social attitudes to fishing 3941, 5065, 264, 273, 27980, 28991

social benefits of fishing 3941, 2701

The South End (fishing place) 11, 768, 845, 97, 102, 103, 10710, 119120, 122, 126

attributes and advantages 1278

Bunny anecdote 1735

fishing difficulties 113115, 1314, 1467

Mick anecdote 14750

Stan (Sluggo) anecdote 1501

Spanish mackerel 74, 834, 1212, 136, 195, 196, 208, 209, 294

spinners 32, 37, 54, 879, 99, 123, 179, 18990

chasing fish away 18990

Stan (Sluggo) (fisherman) 1501

Stewart, Jim 63

Suda, Akira 10

surfing impact on fish presence 48, 197

sustainable yield 2301

skipjack tuna 2378

swallowtail (dart) 94, 111, 293

swamp see wetlands


tailor 294

as bait 196, 217

behaviour 112113, 162, 209

schools 867, 889

tailor fishing 29, 30, 31, 429, 535, 824, 153, 1967

bait 31, 32, 37, 52, 534, 59, 878, 96, 165, 186, 188, 189, 217

catch 87

catch sales 52, 5960

fishing places 59, 85, 945

garfish as bait 186, 188, 189

kingfish anecdote 2267

lost fish anecdote 459

spinning/spinners 32, 54, 83, 879, 99, 18990

Talbot, Bill 172

Tangalooma, Moreton Island, Queensland 152

Taylor, Valerie 86

teraglin (trag jew) 139, 294


benchmarks 12

‘fishermen’/’fishers’ 1112

jewfish names 10, 478, 67

names of fish species 910, 2934

snapper size classes 204

Thompson, Len 29, 53, 1623, 18694, 266

tiger mullet see flat-tail mullet (tiger mullet)

toads (fish) 95, 294

trag jew (teraglin) 139, 294

training walls see walls at river mouths


giant trevally (GT) 86, 889, 924, 95, 99, 20911, 293

silver trevally 268, 287, 294

trout fishing 16970

trumpeter whiting 95, 294; see also whiting

tuna 2323, 237

as bait 173

bait for 1612

long-tail 1405, 293

mack tuna 209, 293

skipjack 2323, 2358

turrum see giant trevally (GT)

Tweed Heads, NSW 52, 55, 589, 135, 213, 265

Tweed region, NSW

commercial fishing 556, 58, 59

population growth 257

Tweed River, NSW 57, 59, 100, 200

‘fish kills’ 2478

jewfish fishing in 6670

Joubert’s Hole 191

training walls 6970, 91


value of fishing see social attitudes to fishing; social benefits of fishing


walls at river mouths

Cudgen Creek 11, 28, 31, 71, 102, 241, 2523, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 264

Tweed River 6970, 91

see also Kingscliff rocks

Watego, Siddy 1767

wetlands 25, 184, 185, 241, 246, 2567, 259, 260, 261, 264

Wettle, Bob 11

whales, fisher encounters with 199, 204

white pilchard 92, 154, 160, 1623, 166, 1679, 191, 294; see also pilchard

white sea bass 13940, 294


for bait 27, 32, 723, 81, 95, 102

large size 68

nursery grounds 65

sand whiting 95, 294

trumpeter whiting 95, 294

undersized 27, 635

whiting fishing 635, 68, 72, 127, 188

Williams, Georgy 745, 171, 206

wind direction 10810

wirrah 81, 217, 220, 225, 294

wobbegong 53, 103, 294

wobblers see lures

Wogis, Billy 17885

women fishers 11, 51, 52, 278

Wooyung, NSW 192

worms 501, 68, 70, 72, 1712

catching techniques 1768

Wright, Bill 168

Wylie, Beryl 50

Wylie, Noel 50, 85, 89, 123, 148, 193, 218


yabbie pumps 27

yabbies (nippers) 267, 1623, 294

yellowtail 135, 136, 2034, 294