The book of Zechariah presents the words of a prophet and the response of the Jewish community living in the early phase of the restoration of Judah after the devastating Babylonian exile (late sixth-early fifth century BCE).
The book draws heavily on earlier OT ethical traditions. It is dominated by intertextual links to earlier prophets (see 1:4-6; 7:7, 12), especially Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, while also drawing from key Deuteronomic and Priestly traditions.
The Deuteronomic vision of repentance found in Jeremiah dominates the prose sermon material in Zech. 1:1-6; 7:1-8:23. The initial call in 1:3 (“return to me”) emphasizes that repentance is fundamentally a renewal of relationship between Yahweh and people, with the following citation of the earlier prophets in 1:4 (“return from your evil ways”) reminding the reader that such covenantal renewal has ethical implications. The character of the misdeeds is identified in 7:9-10; 8:16-17 as social injustice through manipulation of the courts. The Deuteronomic vision of covenantal blessing/curse underlies the ardent call of both Zechariah and his predecessors, reminding the people that disobedience incites the disciplinary curse of Yahweh, while obedience results in God’s blessed reward. Ethical transformation is encouraged through the threat of discipline (7:11-14; 8:14) and the promise of blessing (8:1-13, 15, 1923) delivered through the prophetic voice (1:4-6; 7:12b-13).
The night visions in 1:7-6:15 represent the predominantly positive divine response to the people’s initial repentance in 1:6b. Yahweh promises to return, rebuild the city, restore its prosperity, and renew its social structures. The cry of the angel in the first night vision expresses the Jewish community’s moral outrage over the enduring destruction and seeming lack of punishment of their exilic abusers (Babylon). God’s promise is to punish those nations (1:14-15; cf. 1:18-21; 2:6-13; 6:1-8). Yahweh’s declaration of the election of Jerusalem and Joshua and provision of clean priestly clothing signal a new start for both community and priestly leadership. Nevertheless, there are enduring ethical concerns within the community: in particular, social injustice through manipulation of the courts (5:1-4) and idolatry introduced from Babylon (5:5-11). The flying scroll in 5:1-4 suggests a role for the written Torah in ethical transformation. Unethical behavior will be treated severely by Yahweh, as his legal curse destroys the lives of offenders (5:4) and heavenly messengers remove idolatrous objects from the land (5:9-11).
Interspersed among the main oracles in Zech. 9-14 are a series of short pericopes focusing on ethical crises within Judah, especially related to its leaders, who are accused of divining through idols (10:1-3), abusing the vulnerable (11:4-16), and deserting their leadership post (11:17). These crises reach a climax in the purging of 13:7-9, which finally produces a remnant able to embrace Yahweh in covenantal relationship. The eschatological vision of the oracles in Zech. 12-14 looks to Yahweh’s punishment of the nations and their submission to his rule from Jerusalem through pilgrimage to the Feast of Tabernacles. In addition, these oracles envision the purification of Judah and Jerusalem, with the community grieving over their offenses against Yahweh (12:10-14) and eradicating false prophecy (13:3-6). This response is made possible by Yahweh’s provision of a spirit of grace and supplication (12:10). Yahweh will also intervene directly, providing a fountain able to cleanse from sin and impurity and removing both idols and false prophets from the land (13:1-2). The book concludes with a vision of the ceremonial holiness usually associated with the temple, its personnel and utensils, now characterizing all of Jerusalem and
Judah (14:20-21).
Zechariah expands the ethical vision beyond Haggai’s limited vision of temple reconstruction to include issues related to injustice, idolatry, and imperial compromise. Its introduction is an important reminder that ethical response must be founded on covenant relationship.
See also Old Testament Ethics
Boda, M. Haggai, Zechariah. NIVAC. Zondervan, 2004; idem. “Zechariah: Master Mason or Penitential Prophet?” Pages 49-69 in Yahwism after the Exile: Perspectives on Israelite Religion in the Persian Era, ed. B. Becking and R. Albertz. STR 5. Van Gorcum, 2003; Boda, M., and M. Floyd, eds. Bringing Out the Treasure: Inner Biblical Allusion in Zechariah 9—14. JSOTSup 370. Sheffield Academic Press, 2003; idem, eds. Tradition in Transition: Haggai and Zechariah 1—8 in the Trajectory of Hebrew Theology. Continuum, 2009; Cook, S. Prophecy and Apocalypticism: The Postexilic Social Setting. Fortress, 1995; Larkin, K. The Eschatology of Second Zechariah: A Study of the Formation of a Mantological Wisdom Anthology. CBET 6. Kok Pharos, 1994; Petersen, D. “Zechariah’s Visions.” VT 34 (1984): 195-206; Tollington, J. Tradition and Innovation in Haggai and Zechariah 1—8. JSOTSup 150. JSOT Press, 1993.
Mark J. Boda
The genealogical introduction to this book, unusually long for a prophetic book, places the prophetic activity of Zephaniah in the reign of King Josiah of Judah (640-609 BCE). The connection to “Cushi” in the genealogy raises the intriguing possibility of an African ancestry for the prophet, which in turn may explain the longer introduction for the purpose of stressing legitimacy. For a relatively short composition, the book manages to pack a range of themes that echo the messages of some earlier prophetic figures. Readers may recognize familiar themes such as indictment against wayward religious behavior (1:4—6; 2:10-11), invectives against incompetent and venal leadership (1:8-9; 3:3-4), indignation against social injustices (1:10-13), call for repentance (2:1-3), the idea of the remnant (2:7, 9b; 3:8-13), the day of Yahweh (1:14-16), God’s sovereignty over the nations (2:4-9a), and a picture of future salvation (3:14-20). Aside from these familiar themes, in arranging the materials, Zephaniah also incorporates the familiar threefold pattern of judgment against Judah (1:2-18; 3:1-8), judgment against the nations (2:4-15), and salvation for Judah (3:9-13). Like Amos and Joel, the prophet explicitly develops the concept of the day of Yahweh to frame his prophecies. But Zephaniah never loses sight of the specific reasons for God’s judgment such as social injustices. Here one recognizes the prophet’s affinity with the eighth-century BCE prophetic voices.
From an ethical perspective, some key emphases are worthy of note. The image in the opening lines of the book sets a powerful tone. God’s wrath will sweep away the creation in its entirety The allinclusive nature of the destruction is indicated by references to creatures that populate the heavens, the earth, and the sea. But the ones responsible for the calamity are the humans. From an ecological perspective, the point that can be extrapolated is that the sinful and destructive behavior of humans drags down the rest of the creation.
Scholars have long recognized the paraenetic character of Zephaniah. The exhortation to embrace life-saving faith and conduct, and the admonition to abandon destructive beliefs and action, form the core of the book’s emphasis. Although the prophet talks about life-saving and life-negating conducts, the primary emphasis is on turning to God. The prophet goes to the root of the issue. True devotion to God will result in proper ethical behavior. Obedience to the law may fulfill the letter of the covenant relationship, but the vitality of the relationship derives from a vibrant and genuine attunement to God. Zepha-niah recognizes the deeper theological basis of the prophetic ethical urging.
See also Old Testament Ethics Bibliography
Berlin, A. Zephaniah. AB 25A. Doubleday, 1994; Mason, R. Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Joel. OTG. JsOt Press, 1994; Roberts, J. Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. OTL. Westminster John Knox, 1991; Sweeney, M. Zephaniah. Hermeneia. Fortress, 2003.
D. N. Premnath
Abortion |
Bribery |
Courage |
Abuse |
Business Ethics |
Covenant |
Accountability |
Covenantal Ethics | |
Acts |
Canon Law |
Creation, Biblical Accounts of |
Additions to Daniel |
Capitalism |
Creation Ethics |
Additions to Esther |
Capital Punishment |
Crime and Criminal Justice |
Adoption |
Cardinal Virtues |
Cross-Cultural Ethics |
Adultery |
Care, Caring |
Cruciformity |
Affections |
Casuistry |
Cruelty |
African American Ethics |
Celibacy |
Culture |
Agape |
Character | |
Aged, Aging |
Charity, Works of |
Daniel |
Alcohol |
Child Abuse |
Dead Sea Scrolls |
Aliens, Immigration, and |
Childlessness |
Death, Definition of |
Refugees |
Children |
Death and Dying |
Almsgiving |
1-2 Chronicles |
Debt |
Altruism |
Circumcision |
Deception |
Amos |
Civil Disobedience |
Dementia |
Anabaptist Ethics |
Civil Rights |
Democracy |
Anger |
Class Conflict |
Deontological Theories of |
Anglican Ethics and Moral |
Clean and Unclean |
Ethics |
Theology |
Collection for the Saints |
Dependent Care |
Animals |
Collective Responsibility |
Desertion |
Antichrist |
Colonialism and |
Desire |
Antinomianism |
Postcolonialism |
Deterrence, Nuclear |
Anti-Semitism |
Colossians |
Deuterocanonical/Apocryphal |
Anxiety |
Common Good |
Books |
Apartheid |
Comparative Religious Ethics |
Deuteronomistic History |
Apostolic Fathers |
Compassion |
Deuteronomy |
Ars Moriendi Tradition, Use of |
Conception |
Deviance |
Scripture in |
Concubinage |
Didache |
Artificial Intelligence |
Confession |
Dirty Hands |
Asceticism |
Confidentiality |
Disability and Handicap |
Atonement |
Conflict |
Discernment, Moral |
Authority and Power |
Conquest |
Discipline |
Autonomy |
Conscience |
Discrimination |
Conscientious Objection |
Dishonesty | |
Ban, The |
Conscientization |
Dissent |
Baptist Ethics |
Conscription |
Divination and Magic |
Baruch |
Consequentialism |
Divine Command Theories of |
Beatitudes |
Consumerism |
Ethics |
Benevolence |
Continence |
Double Effect, Principle of |
Bioethics |
Contrition |
Dualism, Anthropological |
Birth Control |
Conversion |
Duty |
Blasphemy |
1 Corinthians | |
Blessing and Cursing |
2 Corinthians |
Ecclesiastes |
Body |
Cost-Benefit Analysis |
Ecclesiology and Ethics |
Ecological Ethics |
Good Works |
Jeremiah |
Economic Development |
Government |
Job |
Economic Ethics |
Grace |
Joel |
Ecumenism |
Gratitude |
John |
Egalitarianism |
Greed |
1-3 John |
Emancipation |
Guilt |
Jonah |
Emotion |
Joshua | |
Empathy |
Habakkuk |
Jubilee |
Ends and Means |
Habit |
Jude |
Enemy, Enemy Love |
Haggai |
Judges |
Ephesians |
Happiness |
Judgment |
Equality |
Harm |
Judith |
Eschatology and Ethics |
Hatred |
Justice |
Esther |
Headship |
Justice, Distributive |
Ethnic Identity, Ethnicity |
Health |
Justice, Restorative |
Eugenics |
Healthcare Ethics |
Justice, Retributive |
Euthanasia |
Healthcare Systems in |
Justification, Moral |
Evangelical Ethics |
Scripture |
Just-Peacemaking Theory |
Evangelism |
Hebrews |
Just Wage |
Evil |
Hedonism |
Just-War Theory |
Excellence |
Holiness | |
Excommunication |
Holiness Code |
Killing |
Exile |
Holy Spirit |
Kingdom of God |
Exodus |
Holy War |
1-2 Kings |
Exploitation |
Homelessness |
Koinonia |
Ezekiel |
Homosexuality | |
Ezra |
Honesty |
Lamentations |
Hope |
Land | |
Faith |
Hosea |
Latino/Latina Ethics |
Family |
Hospice |
Law |
Family Planning |
Hospitality |
Law, Civil and Criminal |
Feminist Ethics |
Household Codes |
Law, Uses of |
Fidelity |
Humanitarianism |
Law and Gospel |
Food |
Humanity |
Leadership, Leadership Ethics |
Force, Use of |
Human Rights |
Legalism |
Forgiveness |
Humility |
Letter of Jeremiah |
Foster Care |
Hypocrisy |
Leviticus |
Freedom |
Libel | |
Free Will and Determinism |
Idolatry |
Liberation |
Friendship, Friendship Ethics |
Image of God |
Liberationist Ethics |
Fruit of the Spirit |
Imitation of Jesus |
Libertinism |
Fundamentalism |
Imperialism |
Liturgy and Ethics |
Incarnation |
Loans | |
Galatians |
Incest |
Love, Love Command |
Gambling |
Individualism |
Loyalty |
Gender |
Infanticide |
Luke |
Generosity |
Infertility |
Lust |
Genesis |
Information Technology |
Lutheran Ethics |
Genocide |
Institution(s) | |
Globalization |
Integrity |
1 Maccabees |
Gluttony |
Intention |
2 Maccabees |
Godliness |
Isaiah |
Malachi |
Golden Rule |
Malice | |
Good, The |
James |
Manipulation |
Goodness |
Jealousy and Envy |
Mark |
Markets |
Perfection |
Revenge |
Marriage and Divorce |
Persecution |
Reward and Retribution |
Martyrdom |
1 Peter |
Right and Wrong |
Materialism |
2 Peter |
Righteousness |
Matthew |
Philemon |
Rights |
Media, Ethical Issues of |
Philippians |
Roman Catholic Moral |
Meekness |
Play |
Theology |
Mental Health |
Pluralism |
Romans |
Mercy |
Poetic Discourse and Ethics |
Ruth |
Micah |
Political Ethics | |
Military Service |
Polygamy |
Sabbath |
Monism, Anthropological |
Population Policy and Control |
Salvation |
Moral Absolutes |
Pornography |
1-2 Samuel |
Moral Agency |
Poverty and Poor |
Sanctification |
Moral Development |
Powers and Principalities |
Sanctity of Human Life |
Moral Formation |
Practices |
Sanctuary |
Moral Law |
Praxis |
Science and Ethics |
Moral Psychology |
Preferential Option for the |
Security |
Motive(s) |
Poor |
Self |
Murder |
Prejudice |
Self-Denial |
Mutual Aid |
Pride |
Self-Esteem |
Priestly Literature |
Self-Harm | |
Nahum |
Prison and Prison Reform |
Selfishness |
Narrative Ethics, Biblical |
Prisoners of War |
Self-Love |
Narrative Ethics, |
Privacy |
Sermon on the Mount |
Contemporary |
Procreation |
Seven Deadly Sins |
Nationalism |
Professional Ethics |
Sex and Sexuality |
Natural Law |
Profit |
Sex Discrimination |
Natural Rights |
Promise and Promise-Keeping |
Sexual Abuse |
Necromancy |
Propaganda |
Sexual Ethics |
Nehemiah |
Property and Possessions |
Sexual Harassment |
Neighbor, Neighbor Love |
Proselytism |
Shame |
New Testament Ethics |
Prostitution |
Sin |
Nihilism |
Proverbs |
Singleness |
Norms |
Prudence |
Sirach |
Numbers |
Psalms |
Slander |
Public Theology and Ethics |
Slavery | |
Oaths |
Punishment |
Sloth |
Obadiah |
Social Contract | |
Obligation |
Quality of Life |
Social Service, Social Ministry |
Obscenity |
Sociology of Religion | |
Old Testament Ethics |
Race |
Sodomy |
Omission, Sins of |
Racism |
Solidarity |
Oppression |
Rape |
Song of Songs |
Orphans |
Reconciliation |
Speech Ethics |
Orthodox Ethics |
Reformed Ethics |
Spousal Abuse |
Religious Toleration |
Stewardship | |
Pacifism |
Reparation |
Submission and Subordination |
Parables, Use of in Ethics |
Repentance |
Subsidiarity, Principle of |
Parenthood, Parenting |
Reproductive Technologies |
Suffering |
Passions |
Resistance Movements |
Suicide |
Patience |
Resource Allocation |
Supersessionism |
Peace |
Responsibility | |
Pedophilia |
Restitution |
Taxation |
Penance |
Resurrection |
Technology |
Penitence |
Revelation, Book of |
Teleological Theories of Ethics |
Temperance |
Trinity |
War |
Temptation |
Truthfulness, Truth-Telling |
Wealth |
Ten Commandments |
Tyranny |
Welfare State |
Terrorism |
Wesleyan Ethics | |
Theft |
Urbanization |
Widows |
Theocracy |
Utilitarianism |
Wisdom Literature |
Theodicy |
Wisdom of Solomon | |
1-2 Thessalonians |
Value, Value Judgments |
Women, Status of |
Time, Use of |
Vegetarianism |
Work |
1-2 Timothy |
Vice |
World |
Tithe, Tithing |
Vices and Virtues, Lists of |
Worldliness |
Titus |
Violence |
World Poverty, World Hunger |
Tobit |
Virginity | |
Tolerance |
Virtue(s) |
Zechariah |
Torah |
Virtue Ethics |
Zephaniah |
Torture |
Vocation | |
Trade |
Vows |
Old Testament
1 187, 188, 189,
190, 259, 334,
395, 481, 622,
623,789, 800,
837, 845
1-2 190, 326, 710, 849
1-3 724 1-11 325 1:1 325 1:1-25 258 1:1—2:3 186, 187,
1:1—2:4 187, 428 1:2 187, 325, 367,
395, 396, 479
1:3 189, 467, 800
1:3-2:3 781
1:4 325, 396, 513 1:6 800 1:6-7 325 1:9 187, 461, 800
1:10 259, 325, 396, 513
1:10-12 95 1:11 187
1:12 259, 325, 396, 513
1:14 187, 800 1:17 236
1:18 259, 325, 396, 513
1:20 187, 800 1:21 259, 264, 325,
396, 513
1:22 70, 187, 325, 396, 605 1:24 187, 800 1:25 259, 325, 396, 513
1:26 151, 334, 384, 748, 749, 800 1:26-27 88, 152, 231, 395,544,
671, 702, 843, 844 1:26-28 55, 191, 255, 256, 258,
325, 394, 395,
396, 404, 477,
564, 749, 839,847 1:26-30 270 1:26-31 270, 719 1:27 51, 118, 187, 270, 282, 325,
326, 373,508,
553, 628, 655,724 1:27-28 396, 402, 674
1:27-31 720 1:28 42, 70, 76, 102, 126, 134, 187,
325, 362, 396,
406, 467,605,
628, 632, 670,
671, 748, 811,849 1:28-30 182 1:29 308 1:29-30 70, 187, 256, 260, 324, 396 1:30 325, 450, 805 1:31 104, 152, 187,
190, 259, 308,
334, 396, 480,
513, 706, 724,
2 187, 188, 394,
395, 720, 768, 845 2-3 526,735 2:1-3 187, 325,395,
2:2 781 2:2-3 695, 789
2:4-24 655 2:4-25 384 2:4-3:24 187 2:7 35, 69, 159, 264, 352, 353, 384,
401, 724 2:9 288, 325 2:15 188, 256, 264,
394, 632 2:16 325
2:17 199, 467, 599, 768
2:18 43, 188, 508, 811
2:18-24 126
2:18-25 270, 409, 604, 607 2:19 69 2:21-23 159
2:21-25 325, 720 2:23 188, 384, 720,
2:23-25 43, 608 2:24 188, 199,373, 384, 508, 628, 724, 747
2:25 325, 508, 725
3 52, 190, 207, 308, 334, 384, 409, 731, 807, 843,846 3:1 325, 644, 771 3:1-7 237, 418 3:1-8 771 3:1-19 325 3:3-5 334
3:5 |
553, |
599, 621, |
720 | ||
3:6 |
325 | |
3:7 |
508, |
719, 720 |
3:8 |
401 | |
3:12 |
13 |
719 |
3:14 |
19 |
188 |
3:14 |
24 |
467 |
3:16 |
97, |
219, 326, |
508, 719, 720, 843,844 3:16-19 351 3:17 104, 264, 397 3:17-18 755 3:17-19 843,845, 846
3:18 720 3:19 748 3:21 845 3:22 52, 599, 720 4 266, 395, 800, 810, 846 4-6 384 4-11 848 4:1 43, 384, 508, 742
4:1-8 418, 771 4:1-16 533,654 4:2-5 846 4:7 684 4:8-16 325, 326 4:9 237 4:10 264 4:10-12 846 4:10-14 55 4:12 264 4:14 264 4:17 395 4:19 604 4:20-22 395 4:23-24 118,193, 325, 534, 682 5:1 384 5:1-2 325, 395 5:1-3 394 5:1-32 43 5:3 395 5:22-24 677 6 120 6-8 385 6-9 450
6:1-4 288, 731
6:2 |
771 |
6:3 |
367 |
6:5 |
288, 504, 526, |
771 | |
6:7 |
341 |
6:8 |
341 |
6:9 |
325, 341, 685 |
6:11 |
325, 395 |
6:11-13 118, 450
6:13 395 6:21-22 450 7:11 325 7:17-24 450 7:22 206 8:1 69 8:17 70 8:20 450 8:22 781
9 118, 259, 265, 622
9:1 42
9:1-4 325, 805 9:1-7 182, 450, 451 9:1-17 257 9:4 118
9:5-6 118, 193, 533, 758
9:5-7 326
9:6 118, 394, 396, 671,702
9:8-17 |
182 |
9:10 70, 184, 654 | |
9:12-15 |
264 |
9:12-16 |
259 |
9:17 265 | |
9:18-27 |
655 |
9:20 265 | |
9:20-25 |
403 |
9:20-27 |
325, 620, |
654 | |
9:24-27 |
282, 326 |
10 199, 396, 620, 655
10-11 55 10:5 55
10:9-10 574 10:20 55 10:30-31 55
11 385, 800
11:1-9 199, 326,
389, 656 11:30 42, 669 11:31-12:5 55
12 55, 385, 513, 624 12-36 604
12-50 325 12:1-3 6, 134, 225,
271, 325, 362, 513, 790
12:1-4 98, 184, 819 12:2 199, 540 12:3 184, 397, 656,
760, 848 12:4 819 12:10-20 56, 325 12:13 291, 797 13:5-13 325 13:6-7 163 13:8-13 605
13:16 134
14 824 14:1-12 170 14:1-24 325 14:13-16 170 14:18-24 784
15 182, 502
15-23 406 |
21:6 508 |
30:3 160, 604 |
41:50-52 56 |
7-13 |
294 |
15:1-7 134 |
21:18 608 |
30:3-13 43 |
42-45 56 |
7:11 |
241 |
15:1-21 790 |
21:22-24 325 |
30:22 159 |
42-46 55 |
7:12 |
241 |
15:5 134 |
21:22-34 556 |
30:25-43 96 |
42:38 347, 348 |
7:13 |
352 |
15:5-16 378 |
22 121, 405, 502, |
30:25-31:42 237 |
43:30 521, 628 |
7:16 |
486 |
15:13 325 |
579 |
30:27 240 |
44 375 |
7:22 |
241, 295 |
15:16 165,733 |
22:1 325 |
30:27-28 6 |
44:1-5 747 |
8:7 241 | |
16 134, 303,418, |
22:1-19 245,325, |
31:10-13 241 |
44:5 240 |
8:19 |
241 |
608 |
326 |
31:36 163, 730 |
44:15 240 |
8:32 |
295 |
16-21 605 |
22:2 579 |
31:43-55 325 |
44:17 583 |
9:12 |
295 |
16:1 42 |
22:8 795, 797 |
31:50 556 |
45:1-15 325 |
9:34 |
295 |
16:1-4 43 |
22:12 325 |
32:6-7 325 |
45:3 325 |
10:1 |
295 |
16:1-6 721 |
22:13-21 723 |
32:22-32 325 |
45:4-15 325 |
10:2 |
37 |
16:2-4 160 |
22:16 744 |
33:4 274 |
45:5 274 |
10:20 |
295 |
16:3 604 |
22:18 397 |
33:4-11 325 |
47:1-12 55 |
10:27 |
295 |
16:3-6 325 |
22:24 160 |
34 37, 237, 533, |
47:13-26 325 |
11:2 |
547 |
16:4 734 |
23:4 54, 55 |
657, 658, 721, |
48:5 42 |
11:4-12:39 405 | |
17 622 |
24-25 406 |
722, 743 |
48:10 51 |
11:10 |
295 |
17:1 362 |
24:2 747 |
34:1-31 326 |
49:3-4 160 |
12-13 |
789 |
17:1-8 513 |
24:16 811 |
34:2-3 219 |
49:4 403 |
12:5 |
590 |
17:5 540 |
24:23 556 |
34:7 658 |
50:2 56 |
12:14 |
700 |
17:9-14 139, 736 |
25 714 |
34:8 219 |
50:5 556 |
12:16 |
700 |
17:10-14 134 |
25:6 160 |
34:25-27 682 |
50:15-21 325,682 |
12:29 |
271, 627 |
17:12 139 |
25:21 42 |
34:25-31 325 |
50:20 580 |
12:38 |
57, 656 |
17:15-21 629 |
25:23 325 |
34:31 811 |
50:21 580 |
12:43 |
54 |
17:19 508 |
25:29-34 325 |
35:9-12 513 |
50:26 56 |
12:43- |
49 378 |
17:23 736 |
25:33 556 |
35:11 406 |
12:45 |
54 | |
18 378 |
26 6, 55, 98 |
35:17 359 |
Exodus |
12:48 |
620, 656 |
18-19 6 |
26:1-11 325 |
35:22 160, 403 |
1 55 |
12:48- |
49 57 |
18:1-8 56, 308, 742 |
26:2-5 513 |
36:12 160 |
1-2 55, 405 |
13 385 | |
18:1-15 629 |
26:4 397 |
37 55, 134, 271,418 |
1-15 294,672 |
13:2 |
405, 700 |
18:11 669 |
26:6-11 56, 721 |
37-44 374 |
1-18 312 |
13:5 |
308 |
18:11-14 51 |
26:7 797 |
37-50 580 |
1:8 608 |
13:9 |
788 |
18:16-33 242 |
26:10 344 |
37:3 51 |
1:8-14 325 |
13:12 |
700 |
18:18 397, 540, 605 |
26:17-33 325 |
37:5 349 |
1:8-22 294 |
14:4 |
295 |
18:19 139 |
26:19 353 |
37:5-9 241 |
1:15-16 210 |
14:8 |
295 |
18:25 434, 435, 845 |
26:24 181 |
37:18-19 325 |
1:15-21 140, 525 |
14:13 |
697 |
19 371, 372, 378, |
26:29 347, 348 |
37:34 81 |
1:19 211, 353 |
14:13- |
-14 369 |
731 |
27 237, 375, 797 |
38 375,403,640, |
2 55, 135, 272, 409 |
14:14 |
170, 583 |
19:1-4 742 |
27-31 55 |
836 |
2:1-10 42, 294 |
14:21 |
366, 461 |
19:1-10 371 |
27:1 51 |
38:1-30 723 |
2:6 272 |
14:23 |
149 |
19:1-11 325, 326, |
27:1-40 325 |
38:8-10 102, 690 |
2:11-15 294, 533 |
15:2 |
697 |
721 |
27:25 52 |
38:9 303, 669 |
2:13 547 |
15:3 |
170,369,523, |
19:4-9 742 |
27:41 325 |
38:24-36 325 |
2:15-20 56 |
585, 845 | |
19:5 371 |
28:10-22 784, 822 |
38:26 686 |
2:19 56 |
15:3 LXX 824 | |
19:8 742 |
28:12-17 241 |
38:28 359 |
2:25 273 |
15:18 |
170,369,777 |
19:24-28 742 |
28:13-15 325 |
39-41 6,55 |
2:27 157 |
15:20 |
595 |
19:30-38 403 |
28:14 397 |
39-50 271,409 |
3:1-4 443 |
15:21 |
540 |
20 55, 721 |
28:20 556 |
39:1-6 747 |
3:1-12 819 |
15:24 |
732 |
20:1-18 325 |
28:20-22 556 |
39:6-23 721, 728 |
3:5 700 |
15:25 |
434 |
20:2 797 |
29-30 606 |
39:7-10 502 |
3:7 273 |
15:26 |
96, 98, 351, |
20:3-7 241 |
29-35 406 |
39:9 194 |
3:7-10 700, 790 |
354, 359, 584, 684 | |
20:3-9 351 |
29:7 781 |
40-41 234 |
3:8 104, 271, 513, |
16 308, 789 | |
20:4-6 590 |
29:15-30 43 |
40-47 606 |
827 |
16-18 |
294 |
20:6 194 |
29:31 42, 134, 159, |
40:5-19 241 |
3:13-16 295 |
16:4-36 378 | |
20:12 403 |
669 |
40:8 241 |
3:18 50, 486 |
16:11- |
31 147 |
20:18 42, 159, 351 |
29:35 161 |
41 55, 98 |
4:22-23 790 |
16:23 |
700 |
21 301, 418, 714 |
30 98, 303, 375 |
41:1-36 241 |
5 55 |
16:23- |
30 695, 846 |
21:1-7 134, 629 |
30:1 42, 669 |
41:16 241 |
5-12 409 |
17-18 |
307 |
21:1-21 608 |
30:1-21 325 |
41:38-45 502 |
6:20 403 |
17:8-16 369 | |
21:5-7 51 |
30:1-24 134 |
41:45 56 |
7-12 450 |
17:14- |
16 89 |
17:16 369 18 434 18:15-16 777 18:21 419
19- 24 182, 294 19:1-24:18 700 19:1-Num:10
10 312 19:5 184
19:5-6 363, 474, 700, 702, 789, 848 19:6 362, 385, 397, 467, 553,701,
778, 819 20 148, 384
20- 23 772 20:1-17 5, 184, 242,
295, 333, 469,
475, 749,772 20:1-20 777 20:2 5, 184, 467, 773,790
20:2-3 486, 560 20:2-5 228 20:3 43, 295, 392 20:3-5 118
20:3-6 468 20:3-17 5, 467 20:4 187, 392 20:4-5 418, 478 20:4-6 295 20:5 393, 733 20:5-6 295, 674 20:5-7 184 20:6 467 20:7 745 20:7-17 295 20:8 565, 700 20:8-11 57, 180, 325, 467, 789, 846 20:8-12 695 20:10 57, 295 20:11 187
20:12 133, 184, 217, 565, 606, 773 20:13 450, 533, 758 20:13-15 565 20:14 43, 509 20:15 775 20:16 210, 374, 480, 735, 744 20:17 514, 750 20:18-21 788 20:22-26 470 20:22-23:19 5, 226, 295, 467, 468, 469 20:22-23:33 184
21:1-36 470 21:2-6 276, 471, 736 21:2-11 271 21:7 843
21:7-11 471, 734 21:12 118, 193 21:12-13 119
21:12-14 118, 413, 471, 472,533 21:12-17 450 21:13 704 21:15 301 21:15-17 471 21:16 118, 471, 775 21:17 118, 301 21:18-19 472 21:18-25 193
21:20 682 21:20-21 472 21:20-25 120, 193
21:22 16, 193, 472 21:22-23 35 21:22-27 682 21:23-24 650 21:23-25 118, 472,
21:26-27 472 21:28-32 193 21:33-36 193 22 666, 676 22:1 193, 439, 470,
22:1-14 468, 652 22:1-17 470 22:4 193, 439, 775 22:5 652 22:5-6 193, 470 22:7 193, 439, 775 22:7-8 470 22:8 730 22:9 193, 439, 471
22:10 470 22:11 556 22:16 472 22:16-17 193,734, 843
22:17 811 22:18 228, 240, 471, 787
22:18-31 470 22:19 119, 471
22:19 MT 89 22:20 89, 468, 787 22:21 149, 184, 295,
311, 378, 562,
620, 828 22:21-23 6
22:21-24 470 22:21-27 352 22:22 42, 102, 135, 199, 311, 836 22:22 MT 562 22:22-23 217 22:22-24 567 22:22-27 51, 828
22:24-26 546 22:25 59, 209, 488, 489, 515, 796 22:25-27 471, 749 22:27 471 22:28 103, 104
23:1 472 23:1-3 437 23:1-19 470 23:2-3 194
23:2-6 472 23:4 274, 471 23:4-5 652 23:6 472, 829 23:8 109
23:9 57, 157, 295, 311, 467, 486, 562, 620, 651, 828 23:10 470 23:10-11 470,546 23:10-12 81 23:12-19 468 23:13 468 23:19 200, 470, 846 23:20-21 295 23:22-33 5 23:28-33 379 23:30 224 23:36 406 24:4 788 24:12 788 25-27 479 25-31 294,341,700 25:25-27 652
26:33 700 26:34 700 28 703 28:3-4 700 28:28-30 241 28:30 777 28:36 700 28:40-43 700 29:14-46 588 29:37 700 29:44-46 700 31:2-5 395 31:12-17 146, 622 31:14 119 31:14-15 193
31:18 772 32 341, 486, 554, 588
32-34 294,295 32:1-24 295 32:9-10 38 32:10 295 32:11-14 295 32:12 347, 348 32:32 756 32:33 38 32:33-34 38
32:34 39
33 341 33:11 401 33:12-16 341 33:17-23 341 33:19 271, 522 33:23 401
34 148
34:6 341, 634 34:6-7 288, 295, 306, 310, 441, 467, 521
34:7 104, 295, 307, 674
34:9 341 | |
34:10-16 |
379 |
34:10-26 |
467 |
34:10-28 |
295 |
34:12-26 |
470 |
34:14 307, 393 | |
34:15-16 |
640, 656 |
34:26 846 34:28 772 35-39 700 | |
35-40 294, 622 | |
35-47 410 | |
35:5 324 | |
35:30-35 |
395 |
40:34-35 |
187, 395 |
40:34-36 |
255 |
40:34-38 |
700 |
Leviticus | |
1-3 624 | |
1-16 467, 478, 479 | |
1:4 82 | |
2:2-3 700 | |
2:10 700 |
3 479,697
4 624
4-5 385, 624 4:1-5:13 479 4:1-6:7 732 4:3-12 624 4:4 82 4:13-21 624 4:20 310 4:26 310 4:27-31 624 4:31 310 4:35 310 5:5 161, 588
5:10 310, 434 5:13 310 5:14-26 MT 479 5:14-6:7 479 5:16 310 5:18 310 6-7 82
6:1-7 82, 193, 439, 652
6:2 470 6:2-7 471 6:3 556
6:7 310 6:9 788 6:14-18 700 7:1-6 700 7:2 193 7:11-18 698 7:28-36 698 8-9 479
10:1-2 362, 479, 525 10:9 52 10:10 145, 700 10:10-11 479 10:11 788
11 145, 235, 450, 468, 700
11:9-12 623 11:44 275, 553 11:44-45 700
12 479 13-14 358 13:1-46 479 13:47-59 479 14:33-38 479
15 479
15:5-8 365
15:25 781
16 479 16:2 479 16:8 322 16:21 161 16:29 80 16:29-30 57
17 82, 296 17-26 5, 364, 467,
470, 479 17:7 288 17:10 366 17:11 479 17:14 479
18 366, 403
18:5 467 18:6-18 133, 721
18:6-19 402 18:6-23 228 18:7-29 193
18:16 403 18:20 371, 372 18:21 405, 822 18:22 365, 623,742 18:23 623
18:25 461, 733 18:26-28 193, 366
18:28 365, 366 18:29 366
19 51, 145, 296,
19-20 700 19-26 362, 790 19:1-2 467 19:2 33, 362, 363, 365, 412, 467,
553, 590, 700,789 19:2-4 307 19:4 187 19:5-8 344 19:8 700 19:9-10 57, 633, 652, 694, 846 19:10 547, 620 19:10-17 547 19:11 775 19:12 556 19:13 445, 651, 775, 846
19:13-14 194 19:14 199, 547 19:15 194, 235, 472
19:17 547, 774 19:17-18 470 19:18 53, 131, 226, 229, 331,332,
469, 490, 493,
530, 544, 547,
548, 565, 579,
682, 714
19:19 366, 372, 623 19:20 193 19:20-22 365 19:22 310 19:23 365 19:24 700 19:26 240 19:26-28 359 19:27-28 372 19:29 461, 640 19:30 700 19:31 240, 545 19:32 51 19:33-34 6, 149, 282, 378, 470, 704 19:33-37 194 19:34 57, 311, 465, 486, 490, 493,
579, 620,831 19:35-36 651, 749, 775
20:1-3 471 20:2-5 365, 822 20:3 366 20:6 240, 545 20:7 553 20:7-8 700 20:9 118
20:10 43, 120, 509 20:10-16 119 20:10-21 471 20:11-12 402 20:13 119, 365, 371,
372, 742
20:14 402 20:15-16 119 20:17 402 20:22 365, 366, 470 20:22-26 145, 146 20:24 513, 827 20:26 553,700 20:27 240, 471, 545 21:1-5 545 21:2 403 21:5 372 21:6 700 21:7 640, 700, 811 21:8 365, 700 21:9 640 21:12 700 21:13-14 640, 811 21:15 700 21:16-23 232 21:22 700 21:23 365, 700 22:2-4 700 22:4 479,790 22:6-7 700 22:9-10 700 22:12 700 22:14 700 22:15-16 365, 700 22:18 821 22:21 821 22:32 365, 700 23 479 23:2-4 700 23:4-44 781 23:7-8 700 23:13 52 23:20-21 700 23:22 365, 694, 846 23:24 700 23:25 365 23:27 80, 700 23:35-37 700 24:10-14 228 24:10-16 103 24:10-23 118
24:14 119 24:14-16 193 24:16 119, 471 24:17 471 24:18 193
24:19-22 120,193, 650
24:21 118, 193, 471
24:22 57 24:23 193
25 81, 117,209, 260, 265, 276, 428, 534, 564, 652, 676, 695, 784, 796 25-26 384
25:1-5 428 25:1-7 470 25:2-7 365 25:5 700 25:6 54 25:8-10 428 25:8-12 471 25:8-55 46, 515, 828
25:9 428 25:10 700, 736 25:10-55 365
25:11-12 428 25:12 700 25:13-17 428 25:14-17 428 25:18-19 365 25:19 461 25:23 54, 57, 209,
378, 428, 461, 676, 776, 827
25:23 |
-28 |
633 |
25:25 |
-28 |
144, 428 |
25:33 |
-34 |
461 |
25:35 |
54 |
,437,438 |
25:35 |
-37 |
59, 157, |
488,749,831 | ||
25:35 |
-38 |
209, 471 |
25:35 |
-43 |
370 |
25:36 |
438 | |
25:36- |
-37 |
428 |
25:38- |
-41 |
736 |
25:39 |
-42 |
437 |
25:39 |
-43 |
428 |
25:39 |
-45 |
271 |
25:39 |
-46 |
471 |
25:40 |
54 | |
25:42 |
-43 |
736 |
25:44 |
-46 |
471,736 |
25:47 |
54 | |
25:47 |
-55 |
736 |
25:55 |
428 | |
26:3- |
5 636 | |
26:3- |
9 406 | |
26:3- |
12 |
145 |
26:3- |
13 |
831 |
26:3-45 |
193 | |
26:4 |
461 | |
26:12 |
748 | |
26:14 |
-33 |
649 |
26:25 |
682 | |
26:27 |
-33 |
756 |
26:38 |
540 | |
26:46 |
788 | |
27 479 | ||
27:1-! |
8 822 | |
27:6 |
843 | |
27:16- |
-25 |
428 |
27:28 |
-29 |
89 |
27:29 |
119 | |
27:30 |
-33 |
750, 784 |
1-10 467, 554 1:26 554 5:2 790
5:5-8 193, 439, 652
5:5-10 82 5:11-30 119 5:11-31 418, 554 5:16-28 43 5:29-30 788 6 81
6:3-6 |
822 |
6:9-21 822 | |
6:22-27 555 | |
6:24-26 584 | |
9:14 |
378 |
11 555 | |
11-20 |
554 |
11:4-6 |
i 731 |
11:5 |
308 |
11:8 |
361 |
11:16- |
30 555 |
11:25 |
367 |
11:31 |
366 |
12 555, 656 | |
12:3 |
389, 778 |
12:3 LXX 94 | |
12:9-16 351 | |
12:10- |
16 656 |
13-14 |
554 |
13:27 |
513, 827 |
13:30 |
502 |
14 148 | |
14:2-4 731 | |
14:10- |
19 554 |
14:18 |
521, 733 |
14:20- |
35 554 |
14:21 |
397 |
14:22- |
-23 771 |
14:42- |
-43 369 |
15 467 | |
15:23- |
24 413 |
15:25 |
310 |
15:26 |
310 |
15:28 |
310 |
15:29 |
57 |
15:32- |
36 119 |
15:35 |
119 |
15:35- |
36 193 |
15:37- |
41 640 |
15:39 |
496 |
16:35 |
479 |
18 467 | |
18:14 |
89 |
18:20- |
32 750 |
18:21- |
29 784 |
19 467 | |
19:11- |
22 703 |
20:12 |
700 |
21 89 | |
21-25 |
554 |
21:2 369, 822 21:4-9 96 21:14 369 21:27 15 22-24 555 22:29 37 23:7 576 23:18 576 24:1 240 25:1-18 533,554 26-36 554 27 555
27:1-11 469, 789 27:14 700 27:18-21 777 28-30 467 30:1-16 822 30:2 556, 822 31 89 31:1-54 555 31:2 682 31:3 369
35 467, 533
35:6-32 533 35:6-34 774 35:9-12 472 35:9-15 704 35:9-28 118
35:9-34 119 35:16-18 533 35:16-28 682 35:19 193
35:30 119 35:31 119, 193
36 555 36:1-4 428
1 227 1:5 227, 788
1:8 513 1:9-18 227 1:16 434
1:16-17 57, 194, 378
1:26 732
1:43 732
2-3 89
2:14 781
3:6 298
3:21 89
3:44-28:46 5
4:1 227
4:1-14 525
4:5 227
4:5-8 57, 529, 564,
4:6 |
385 |
4:8 |
227, 788 |
4:10 |
227, 423 |
4:13 |
772, 774 |
4:14 |
227 |
4:15-18 187 |
6:21 353, 362 |
12:18 226 |
16:18-20 193, 435, |
20:10-15 89 |
4:15-19 392 |
6:24 773 |
12:26 226 |
472, 739 |
20:10-18 450, 656 |
4:24-31 649 |
7 369,656, 824 |
12:31 405 |
16:18-18:22 227 |
20:16 227 |
4:25 288 |
7:1 89, 718 |
13 787 |
16:19 109 |
20:16-18 89, 427, |
4:34-38 540 |
7:1-4 166, 298, 656 |
13:1-16 118 |
16:19-20 109 |
822 |
4:35-39 490 |
7:1-5 89,392 |
13:3 470, 490 |
16:20 472 |
20:17 89, 627 |
4:41-43 119,451, |
7:1-6 245, 369, 427, |
13:5 119, 471 |
17 457, 490, 703 |
20:19 352 |
472, 704 |
787 |
13:6-10 307 |
17:2-5 471 |
20:19-20 227 |
4:44 227, 467, 788 |
7:1-11 379 |
13:6-18 89 |
17:2-7 228 |
21:1-9 193, 533,732 |
5 148, 384, 420 |
7:2 306, 655 |
13:8 119 |
17:4 119 |
21:10-14 160, 471, |
5:1 434 |
7:6 184, 700 |
13:11 650 |
17:6 119 |
627, 656 |
5:1-3 470 |
7:6-8 362 |
13:12 471 |
17:6-7 472 |
21:11 219 |
5:4 772 |
7:7-8 272 |
13:12-18 656 |
17:7 119, 193 |
21:11-13 219 |
5:6 353, 773 |
7:8-11 634 |
14:1 545 |
17:8-13 193, 471, |
21:15-17 604 |
5:6-21 5, 242, 469, |
7:12-14 406 |
14:2 700 |
472 |
21:17 435 |
772 |
7:12-16 467 |
14:22-27 784 |
17:10 226 |
21:18-21 118, 301, |
5:7 392 |
7:22 224 |
14:22-29 515, 750, |
17:12 119, 441 |
330 |
5:8 392 |
8:7-10 608 |
828 |
17:13 650 |
21:21 193, 650 |
5:8-9 418, 478 |
8:11-20 756 |
14:22-16:17 227 |
17:14-20 224, 225, |
21:23 461 |
5:8-10 393 |
8:12-14 749 |
14:23 226 |
457, 739 |
22 260, 658, 723 |
5:9 733 |
8:12-18 748 |
14:27-29 59 |
17:15 54 |
22:1-3 471 |
5:9-10 674 |
8:17-18 749 |
14:28-29 57, 656, |
17:18 226, 788 |
22:1-4 227 |
5:11 745 |
9 227 |
784 |
17:18-19 227, 788 |
22:6-7 227 |
5:12 390 |
9:4-5 165 |
14:29 568, 620, 828, |
17:20 420 |
22:13 349 |
5:12-15 227, 695, |
9:4-7 790 |
836 |
18:3-5 434 |
22:13-21 43, 471 |
846 5:14 57, 227 5:15 187, 390 5:16 227 5:17 450, 533,758 5:18 43 |
9:6-9 790 9:11 774 9:13-14 38 9:25-29 242 10:4 LXX 772 10:12 469 |
14:33 370 15 9, 534, 695 15:1-2 428 15:1-6 227 15:1-8 828 15:1-11 276, 515, 784, 828 15:3 488 |
18:9-14 379 18:9-22 545 18:10 405 18:10-11 240, 545 18:10-14 359 18:11 240, 545 |
22:20-21 811 22:22 43, 288, 723 22:22-24 119, 120 22:23 658 22:23-24 120 22:23-27 472 |
5:19 775 |
10:12-13 470, 490 |
18:13 411 |
22:23-28 721 | |
5:20 480 |
10:12-15 474 |
18:13-22 757 |
22:24 43, 119 | |
5:21 172, 413 |
10:14-19 57 |
15:4 227, 428, 458, 470, 534, 611, 828 |
18:15-22 225 |
22:25-27 657 |
5:22 772 |
10:15 219, 490 |
18:21 72 |
22:25-29 119 | |
5:22-33 788 |
10:15-16 470 |
19:1-10 119 |
22:26 658 | |
5:31 227 |
10:16 227, 490, 771 |
15:4-5 608 |
19:1-13 451, 472, |
22:27 658 |
5:33 127 |
10:16-17 139 |
15:7 608, 831 |
704 |
22:28-29 472, 657, |
6-26 468 |
10:17 109, 235, 822 |
15:7-8 370, 852 |
19:3-13 774 |
723,734 |
6:1 227, 434 |
10:17-18 378, 431 |
15:7-11 227, 436 |
19:5 533 |
22:29 193, 658 |
6:2-7 135 |
10:17-19 307, 567, |
15:10 831 |
19:8-10 533 |
22:30 402 |
6:3 513, 827 |
620 |
15:11 95, 227, 470, |
19:10 193 |
23:1 MT 402 |
6:4 229, 269, 792 |
10:18 135, 437, 836 |
608, 611 |
19:11 533 |
23:2 43 |
6:4-5 226, 352, 412, |
10:18-19 362, 438, |
15:12 471 |
19:11-13 118 |
23:15-16 437 |
490 |
490 |
15:12-14 608 |
19:12 193 |
23:18 640 |
6:4-6 789 |
10:19 311, 378, 470, |
15:12-15 295 |
19:13 119 |
23:19-20 209, 488, |
6:4-7 455 |
472 |
15:12-18 227,271, |
19:14 471 |
796 |
6:4-9 470 |
10:20 556 |
276, 428 |
19:15 119 |
23:21-23 556, 635, |
6:5 204, 307, 394, |
11:13 470, 490 |
15:13-14 471, 609 |
19:15-16 472 |
822 |
530, 643 |
11:13-15 636 |
15:15 736 |
19:15-21 193 |
24:1 509 |
6:5-8 565 |
11:16 470, 490 |
15:16-17 471 |
19:16-19 118, 119 |
24:1-3 509 |
6:5-9 469 |
11:17 461 |
15:20 226 |
19:18 744 |
24:1-4 508, 509, |
6:6-9 468, 789 |
11:18 470, 490 |
16 227 |
19:18-21 120, 193 |
734, 836 |
6:7-9 529 |
11:19 227 |
16:6 226 |
19:19 119, 120 |
24:4 461 |
6:10-25 771 |
11:26-28 104 |
16:9-12 656 |
19:19-21 118, 119 |
24:6 488 |
6:11-15 353 |
12-25 469 |
16:9-15 378 |
19:21 650 |
24:7 118, 471, 775 |
6:12 353 |
12-26 227, 772, 788 |
16:11 57, 226, 828, |
20 293,369,824 |
24:10 546 |
6:13 556, 744 |
12:1-14 533 |
836 |
20:1-20 227 |
24:10-13 471 |
6:14 224 |
12:5 226 |
16:14 57, 828, 836 |
20:5-8 502 |
24:14-15 57, 445, |
6:20 467 |
12:11 370 |
16:15-16 226 |
20:10 471 |
470, 656,775,846 |
6:20-25 5, 774 |
12:13 226, 471 |
16:16 789 |
20:10-12 584 |
24:14-22 378 |
24:16 148, 193, 650, |
29:10-15 736 |
674 |
29:17 514 |
24:17 435, 488, 567, |
29:19-20 104 |
836 |
29:20 227, 788 |
24:17-18 194, 739 |
29:28 227, 788 |
24:17-21 135, 620 |
30 14, 182, 225 |
24:17-22 378, 567, |
30:2 490, 588 |
656 |
30:3 470, 490 |
24:18 567 |
30:6 227, 469, 526 |
24:19 293, 846 |
30:8-10 756 |
24:19-21 836 |
30:10 227, 470, 490 |
24:19-22 57, 59, |
788 |
606, 694,831 |
30:11-14 790 |
24:20 293 |
30:11-19 314 |
24:21 567 |
30:15 14, 229 |
25:3 650 |
30:15-19 755 |
25:4 13, 157 |
30:15-20 433, 529 |
25:5 836 |
30:16 470, 490 |
25:5-10 303, 403, |
30:19 35, 385, 758, |
836 |
808 |
25:7 836 |
30:19-20 768 |
25:13-16 172, 470, |
31:9 227, 788 |
749,775 |
31:9-13 227, 468, |
25:15 651 |
788 |
25:16 237 |
31:10-13 57 |
25:17-19 89 |
31:11 226, 788 |
26 227 |
31:11-12 227 |
26:1-11 846 |
31:12 788 |
26:1-15 378 |
31:16-71 640 |
26:5 55, 540 |
31:19 227 |
26:5-8 262 |
31:24 227, 788 |
26:5-9 5 |
31:24-26 788 |
26:8 401 |
31:24-29 788 |
26:12-13 828, 836 |
31:26 467, 788 |
26:12-15 784 |
31:26-29 790 |
26:16 470, 490 |
32 227 |
26:19 700 |
32:2 227 |
27 217 |
32:4 288, 374 |
27:3 227, 788 |
32:6 135 |
27:8 227, 788 |
32:7 50 |
27:19 57, 135, 217, |
32:8 55 |
620 |
32:8-9 76, 790 |
27:19-26 645 |
32:10-18 636-37, |
27:20 402 |
828 |
27:22-23 402 |
32:16 54 |
27:26 227, 788 |
32:17 288 |
28 359 |
32:21 307 |
28-30 221, 346, 362 |
32:35 13, 369, 682 |
28-33 93 |
32:35-36 682 |
28:14-68 351 |
32:36 157, 503 |
28:15-68 232 |
32:39-42 369 |
28:35 421 |
32:40 556 |
28:39 52 |
32:46 227, 788 |
28:41 627 |
33:10 227 |
28:49-68 292 |
34 227 |
28:50 51 |
34:9 367 |
28:58 227, 788 | |
28:61 227, 788 |
Joshua |
28:63-64 224 |
1-2 211 |
29 225 |
1-3 21 |
29:10-12 119, 194 |
1-12 326 |
1-21 165 |
10:4 584 |
24:19 700 |
1:1-9 224 |
10:6-11 224 |
24:19-22 790 |
1:1-18 426 |
10:6-12:24 426 |
24:20 54 |
1:5 181 |
10:8 165 |
24:23 225 |
1:7-9 225 |
10:9-11 369 | |
1:9 181 |
10:11 165 |
Judges |
2 89, 225, 227,378, |
10:12-14 165 |
1 224, 656 |
744 |
10:13 682 |
1:1-36 429 |
2:1-6 374 |
10:28 165 |
1:12-15 226 |
2:1-14 640 |
10:28-12:24 426 |
1:14-15 226 |
2:1-24 426, 795 |
10:30 165 |
1:21 227 |
2:1-12:24 426 |
10:31 165 |
1:27-36 227 |
2:5 211, 795 |
10:34 165 |
2 271 |
2:8-14 374 |
10:37 165 |
2:1-5 429 |
2:10-14 656 |
10:39 165 |
2:6-10 429 |
2:12 556 |
11:1-5 426 |
2:6-16 777 |
2:12-14 427 |
11:6 165 |
2:11-13 392 |
3:17 590 |
11:6-9 224 |
2:11-23 429 |
4:18 461 |
11:8 165 |
2:11-3:6 224 |
4:22 461 |
11:11 165 |
2:16-23 224 |
5:1 426 |
11:12 165 |
2:17 640 |
5:13-15 224 |
11:14 165 |
2:18 591 |
6 225, 227 |
11:18-20 224 |
2:19-23 227 |
6-7 89, 369 |
11:20 165 |
3:1-5 227 |
6:1-27 426 |
11:21 165 |
3:1-16:31 429 |
6:2 165 |
12:1-6 224 |
3:7-11 430 |
6:16 165 |
13:1-13 224 |
3:11 461 |
6:17 211, 744, 787 |
13:1-21:45 426 |
3:12-30 430 |
6:17-25 640 |
13:2-3 165 |
3:15-25 798 |
6:19 89 |
13:2-6 426 |
3:15-30 369 |
6:20 165 |
13:13 656 |
4-5 433, 720 |
6:21 165, 227 |
14:12 656 |
4:1-5:31 430 |
6:22-25 427 |
15:63 224, 656 |
4:3 104 |
6:24 89 |
16:10 224, 656 |
4:17 584 |
6:25 427 |
17:12 656 |
5:11 438 |
7 288 |
17:12-13 224 |
5:20-21 369 |
7:1-12 427 |
17:14-18 426 |
6 271 |
7:1-26 426, 674 |
18:1-10 263 |
6:11-9:57 430 |
7:11 374 |
18:6 322 |
6:23 584 |
7:24-25 148 |
18:8 322 |
6:24 520, 584 |
7:25 119, 193 |
18:10 322 |
6:29 547 |
8:1 165 |
19:47-48 426 |
7 369, 472,574 |
8:1-29 426 |
20:1-9 119 |
8-9 160 |
8:2 165, 744 |
20:3-9 774 |
8:3 160 |
8:10-29 199 |
21:43-45 224, 426 |
8:22-23 225 |
8:18 165 |
22:1-24:33 426 |
8:23 225, 369 |
8:22 165 |
22:10-34 427 |
8:29-31 160 |
8:30-35 427 |
22:17 732 |
8:30 604 |
8:34-35 57 |
22:20 732 |
9:22-25 288 |
9 227 |
23:1-16 224, 426, |
9:23 367 |
9-10 656 |
513 |
9:50-56 758 |
9:1-2 426 |
23:6-13 225 |
10:13-16 394 |
9:1-27 426 |
23:12 656 |
11 304, 579 |
9:3-27 656 |
23:12-13 379 |
11:1-12:7 430 |
9:15 584 |
23:15-16 225 |
11:21-24 612 |
9:15-27 427 |
24:1-28 427 |
11:27 685 |
9:27 427 |
24:2 225 |
11:29-40 224, 226, |
10 224 |
24:2-13 5 |
556,579,635,822 |
10-11 89, 224 |
24:12 369 |
11:30-39 746 |
10:1 165, 584 |
24:14 307, 392,411 |
11:36 369 |
10:1-5 426 |
24:15 166, 314 |
11:36-40 226 |
13 81, 406 |
1:5-6 42, 734 |
16:1-13 699 |
6 406 |
1 Kings |
13:1-16:31 430 |
1:11 81, 556, 822 |
16:7 225 |
6:6-7 525 |
1-2 733 |
13:2 42 |
1:12-18 226 |
16:13 699 |
6:16-22 389 |
1:1 51 |
13:4-5 822 |
1:19 742 |
16:14 288 |
7 183, 224, 777 |
1:29 556 |
13:5 822 |
1:19-20 134 |
16:15 367 |
7:14 362 |
1:39 339 |
14:4 430 |
1:22 821 |
16:20 52 |
8 763 |
1:50-53 533, 703 |
14:10-18 576 |
2 225 |
16:22 288 |
8:1-14 165 |
2:4 553 |
14:12 781 |
2:1-10 699 |
17 104, 135,225, |
9:1-12 312 |
2:21-22 161 |
15:12 556 |
2:11-17 698 |
369 |
10:1-19 165 |
2:28-34 533, 703 |
16:1 640 |
2:12-17 410 |
17:45 369 |
10:1-12:31 165 |
2:32 533 |
16:16-21 822 |
2:31 51 |
17:47 369 |
11 37, 165, 505, |
2:33 584 |
16:18-19 719 |
3:1-14 819 |
18 699 |
699, 714, 719 |
2:42 556 |
16:21 627 |
3:1-20 134 |
18:12 418 |
11-12 534, 728 |
3:2-6 138 |
16:23-31 758 |
3:17 556 |
18:17 369 |
11-18 699 |
3:3 457 |
16:31 434 |
3:19-21 822 |
18:19 781 |
11:2-4 219 |
3:6-9 457 |
17-18 392 |
4-6 699 |
18:22 628 |
11:2-5 657 |
3:7-14 234 |
17:1-18:31 430 |
4:15 51 |
19 237 |
11:6-8 506 |
3:11 434 |
17:6 430 |
4:18 51 |
19:6 556 |
11:9-11 506 |
3:13 457 |
18:1 430 |
5-6 669 |
19:11-17 392 |
11:12-13 506 |
3:16-28 640 |
19 224, 226, 378, |
5:3-4 777 |
20:17 556 |
11:14-27 506 |
3:26 521 |
579, 657,658 |
5:6 96 |
20:42 556 |
12-19 733 |
4:1-28 457 |
19-21 161, 472 |
7 225,600 |
21:1-7 273 |
12:1-15 454, 699 |
4:26 457 |
19:1 430, 604 |
7:7-11 369 |
21:5 369 |
12:9 288, 554 |
5-6 457 |
19:1-21:25 430 |
7:14 584 |
23:22 644 |
12:10 534 |
5:12 583, 584 |
19:3 LXX 659 |
7:15-17 434 |
24 682 |
12:13 193, 403, 587, |
5:13-18 225, 457, |
19:19 52 |
8 170, 183, 339, |
24:12 431 |
778 |
763 |
19:20 584 |
354, 672, 739, 763 |
24:15 434 |
12:14 554 |
6-7 410 |
19:22-30 721, 746 |
8-12 410 |
24:21 556 |
12:14-23 351 |
8 224 |
19:22-20:7 719 |
8:1-3 225 |
25 378, 836 |
12:15-23 359 |
8:12-13 187 |
19:25 37 |
8:1-9 553 |
25:6 584 |
12:16-23 81 |
8:14-53 224 |
20 271 |
8:3 775 |
25:28 369 |
13 37, 226, 304, |
8:23 306 |
20:6 658 |
8:4-5 170 |
25:38 226 |
606, 657, 658, 746 |
8:26 306 |
20:16 730 |
8:5 540, 699 |
26 682 |
13-20 682 |
8:33-34 457, 649 |
21 226 |
8:7 430 |
26:23 127, 307 |
13:1-22 721 |
8:36 599 |
21:25 430, 579, 600, |
8:11 435 |
28 545 |
13:2 219 |
8:41 54 |
685, 698 |
8:11-12 170 |
28:3 545 |
13:12 658 |
8:41-43 225 |
23 271 |
8:11-18 410, 435 8:19 540 |
28:6 241 28:7 545 |
13:15 349 14 225 |
8:43 54 8:46 590 |
Ruth |
8:20 434 9-10 699 |
28:7-8 340 28:9 545 |
14:11 193 15 418 |
8:46-50 627 8:46-53 457 |
1:16-17 56, 579 |
9:16 591 |
28:13 545 |
15:13-18 656 |
8:47-48 588 |
1:21 579 |
10:1 409 |
28:15 546 |
15:16 161 |
8:50 157, 294 |
2-3 56 |
10:1-8 699 |
31:4 37 |
15:20 306 |
9:4 590 |
2:1 298 2:10 54 |
10:12 576 11-12 44 |
35:1-5 758 |
15:25 699 16:20-22 43 |
10 225,434 10:14-19 763 |
3:13 556 4 836 4:7-17 298 |
11:27 699 12:1-15 224 |
2 Samuel 1:5-16 758 |
16:21-22 161, 403 17:14 226 |
10:26 457 10:28-11:40 138 |
4:13 693 |
12:3 776 |
1:12 81 |
17:23 758 |
11 588, 604, 606 |
4:13-22 56 |
12:7 438 |
1:14 339 |
18:19-33 656 |
11:1-8 54, 392, 457 |
4:15 51 |
12:12-15 224 |
1:21 369 |
18:31 431 |
11:1-13 161 |
12:13-15 553 |
2-4 138 |
19:7 556 |
11:9-13 392 | |
4:21 676 |
13:14 699 14 369 |
3:7 161 3:8 733 |
19:35 51 20:3 161 |
11:20 42 11:29-33 457 |
1 Samuel |
14:6-15 225 |
3:12-16 226 |
21:1 756 |
11:35 288 |
1 226 |
14:24 369 |
3:31-35 81 |
21:1-9 148 |
12 51, 410 |
1-2 134, 406 |
14:42 322 |
4:11 193 |
21:11 161 |
12:18 193 |
1:1 669 |
14:44 556 |
5:8 232 |
22:2-51 699 |
12:19 730 |
1:1-2 604 |
15 89 |
5:10 699 |
22:31 288 |
13:1-25 359 |
1:1-2:10 698 |
15:3 824 |
5:13 43 |
23:3 225 |
14:4 51 |
1:2 42 |
15:22-23 225 |
5:17-25 165 |
23:29 656 |
14:7-14 457 |
1:5 159, 606 |
16-30 138 |
5:23-24 288, 612 |
24 408, 656 |
14:8 457 |
15:3 457
15:11 457 15:18 110
15:23 51 16:18-19 758 17 225, 308, 378, 580
17-19 |
225 |
17:8-24 359 | |
17:17- |
24 677 |
18 410, 457 | |
18:27 |
392 |
19:1-2 |
720 |
19:10 |
6, 502 |
19:14 |
6, 502 |
19:15 |
782 |
19:18 |
782 |
20:31 |
81 |
21 226, 276, 4 |
774, 776 21:27 81, 587 22 458
22:20 288
2 Kings
1-2 225 1:1 730 2:1-12 677 2:11 288 2:23-24 135, 458 3:5 730 3:7 730 3:26-27 288 3:27 405
4 406
4:1 488, 546 4:8-37 378 4:14-17 51 4:18-37 677
5 225
5:1-15 359 5:2 274 5:7 359 6:8-23 525 6:15-18 612 6:16-17 288 6:17 369 7:4 218 8:20 730 8:20-22 558 9:7 682 9:14-26 798 11:12 339 11:18 187
13:20-21 677 14:6 193, 650 15:16 226 16:3 405 16:7-9 110
17 55 17:7-23 224 17:8 224 17:13 225 17:17 405 17:31 405
18- 19 104
18:3-6 226 18:4 96 18:5-6 225 18:22 226 18:32 308
19- 20 225 19:1 81, 587 19:7 367 19:16-19 392 19:18 392
22-23 183, 226, 457
22:2 127 22:14-20 225 23:4 405 23:10 405 23:13 288 23:24 545 23:25 225 23:26 138 24-25 55, 419 24:3-4 138 24:14-16 226 25 700 25:11 226 25:27-29 627
1 Chronicles
1:32 160 2:46 160 2:48 160
10:13 138
12:16-17 685 12:19 218 13:9-10 479 16:36 645 17:15 138
18:1-13 165
21 138, 656
21:16 587 22:6-9 523 22:8 824 22:9-10 138 22:12 139 24:31 322 25:8 322 26:13-14 322 28:6-7 138 28:10 138 29:1-9 138
29:10 104
29:14 104, 750 29:14-15 378 29:18 139
2 Chronicles
1:3-6 138 6:17 306 6:24-35 138
6:36 627 6:37-38 588 10 51 10:18 193
11:15 288 11:21 161 16:12 96, 354, 359
19 434 19:7 235
33:1-10 138 33:11-17 138 36:15 370 36:17 51 36:22 366
1:1-6:22 297 1:5 298, 366, 546 2:1-67 298 2:1-70 546 3:2 788 3:8 627 4:1 298, 546 4:1-2 298 4:1-3 298 4:7-22 298 5:3-6:12 298 6:16 546 6:21 298, 546 7:1 297 7:6 788 7:8-9 297 7:25-26 546 7:25-28 778 8 468 8:21 81 8:35 627 9-10 54, 471, 656 9:1 293, 546 9:1-2 298 9:2 293, 540
9:4 298 9:6-7 733 9:7 627 9:11-12 298 10 362, 694 10:2-3 298 10:3 298 10:5 556
10:6-9 298 10:9 298, 546 10:10 298 10:10-11 298 10:11 546 10:44 298 14:20 674
1:1-7:72 546 1:2-3 627
1:14 81 2 410 2:5-8 546 5 488, 534 5:1-13 546 5:3-4 546 5:5 547
5:14 546 6:15 546 7:2 127 7:6-72 546 7:72-10:40 546 8:1-2 467 8:1-18 788 8:2-3 546 8:3 546, 547
8:9 |
546 |
8:13 |
546 |
8:17 |
627 |
9:1-2 |
588 |
9:1-3 |
471 |
9:2 |
546 |
9:2-3 |
546 |
9:6 |
748 |
9:11 |
461 |
9:13- |
14 788 |
9:16- |
37 385 |
9:17 |
521 |
9:27 |
591 |
10:29 |
546 |
10:29 |
-30 546,547 |
10:31 |
546 |
10:32 |
-39 750 |
10:34 |
322 |
10:34 |
-39 784 |
11:1 |
322 |
11:1- |
12:43 546 |
11:36 |
546 |
12:44 |
-13:31 546 |
13 694 | |
13:3 |
546 |
13:4- |
13 784 |
13:4-31 546 13:6-7 297, 546 13:23-27 54 13:23-30 471 13:25 556, 656
13:31 297
1:10-22 721 2:7 42, 56, 135 2:15 42 2:21-23 56 3:2 56 3:7 322 4 56 4:1-3 588 4:3 81
4:11 140
4:14 480 4:16 140 5:9 56
8-10 56 9:24 322
1-2 536, 841 1:1 411, 421, 756 1:1-2:27 422 1:3-5 756 1:5 421 1:6 288 1:6-11 735 1:6-2:9 421 1:8 411, 421 1:16 164 1:21 748, 781
2 385 2:1 288
2:3 411, 421 2:7 421 2:9 164, 411
2:18-27 422 2:28 423 2:28-3:21 422
3 536
3:7 |
406 |
3:8 |
288 |
4:9 |
401 |
5:2 |
418 |
5:17 |
757 |
5:17- |
18 359 |
5:26 |
781 |
6:10 |
421 |
6:14 |
307,421 |
6:21 |
421 |
6:27 |
135 |
7:6 |
781 |
7:12 |
288 |
7:20 |
422 |
9:8 |
288 |
9:13 288, 611 |
40-41 611 |
10:14 567, 609 |
32:2 38, 374 |
50:23 127 |
10:12 366-67 |
40:15 188 |
10:15-16 452 |
32:5 161 |
51 175, 232,344, |
12:12 50 |
40:15-24 288 |
10:15-18 438 |
33 481 |
587, 588 |
12:20 51 |
41:1-34 288 |
10:17-18 435, 436, |
33:8 848 |
51:1 194 |
13:4 359 |
42:3 431 |
452 |
33:16 369 |
51:4 194 |
13:18 435 |
42:6 588 |
10:18 567 |
33:17 369 |
51:5 135, 628 |
15:10 50 |
42:7-9 351 |
11:7 38 |
34 609 |
51:7 175 |
15:34 406 |
42:7-17 841 |
12:1 330, 609 |
34:7 288 |
51:10-11 367 |
15:35 374 19:21 521 |
Psalms |
12:5 271, 698 14 553 |
34:12 38 34:14 583, 585 |
51:18-19 413 51:106 526 |
19:25-26 678 |
1 468, 529, 644, 645 |
14:2-3 385 |
35:1 609 |
52:7 514 |
21:7 683 |
1-41 644 |
14:6 514 |
35:10 51 |
53 553 |
21:17 683 |
1:1 347, 644 |
14:7 698 |
35:23-24 609 |
53:1-3 385 |
21:19-21 148 |
1:1-3 38 |
15 488, 644 |
36 634 |
55:22 38 |
21:31 683 |
1:2 644, 645, 788 |
15:2 411, 744 |
36:7 751 |
61:2 751 |
22:3 422 |
1:2-3 644 |
15:4 635 |
36:7-10 306 |
62:1 ET 751 |
22:6 488 |
1:4-5 644 |
15:5 109, 209 |
37 519, 609, 644 |
65:4 314 |
22:9 135, 828 |
1:6 644 |
16 756 |
37:2 519 |
66:1-4 257 |
23:6-8 437 |
2 338 |
16:9 105 |
37:7 ET 751 |
66:10 757 |
23:10 757 |
2:1 777 |
16:9-10 678 |
37:11 519, 583, 787 |
67 656 |
23:13-14 314 |
2:7-8 338 |
17 79,756 |
37:16 519 |
68 583 |
24:3 437, 488 |
2:11 75 |
18 645 |
37:17 38 |
68:5 567, 828, 836 |
24:9 488 |
4:3 330 |
18:14-15 369 |
37:19 781 |
68:5-10 438 |
24:21 836 |
4:5 732 |
18:27 787 |
37:21 324 |
68:10 514, 609 |
26:12-13 611 |
5:2 845 |
18:34 369 |
37:23 340 |
68:17 288, 369 |
27:4-6 411 |
5:5 349 |
19 644 |
37:25-26 489 |
68:21 645 |
27:14 148 |
5:6 374, 744 |
19:1-6 257, 513, 644 |
37:29 38, 519 |
69 MT 698 |
28 7, 93 |
6 232, 588 |
19:7-10 788 |
37:37 583, 590 |
69:9 13 |
29:12-17 232 |
6:1 581 |
19:7-11 474 |
37:39 698 |
69:13-15 609 |
30:16-23 431 |
6:1-4 757 |
19:7-14 644 |
38 232, 588 |
69:19-20 698 |
31 421 |
6:2 157 |
21:1-7 219 |
38:1-4 757 |
69:28 38 |
31:1 421 |
6:9 79 |
22 756 |
38:1-8 756 |
69:29 698 |
31:1-12 422 |
7:8 431 |
22:1 101 |
38:3 96, 583 |
69:33 609 |
31:2 421 |
7:9 38, 685 |
22:2 599 |
38:4 733 |
71:9 51 |
31:5-6 411 |
7:10 413 |
22:9 845 |
38:4 MT 583 |
71:18 51 |
31:9 496 |
7:15 440 |
22:18 322 |
39:11 756 |
72 325, 777, 829, |
31:13-18 422 |
8 188, 258, 394, 395 |
22:25 821 |
40:10 698 |
852 |
31:14 422 |
8:2 135 |
22:26 514 |
40:17 514, 608 |
72:1 438 |
31:15 422 |
8:3 682, 845 |
24 452, 644 |
41:5 127 |
72:1-4 829 |
31:16 836 |
8:3-9 513 |
24:1 190, 343, 429, |
41:13 646 |
72:1-7 583 |
31:18 836 |
8:5 384, 395 |
748, 776, 827, 848 |
42-72 644 |
72:4 438 |
31:24 732 |
8:5-6 152 |
24:3-4 362, 452 |
42:5 352 |
72:7 520, 583 |
31:32 56, 379 |
8:5-8 395 |
24:4 374, 556 |
42:11 352 |
72:12 608 |
31:38 461 |
8:6 748, 749 |
24:8 369, 845 |
43:3 374 |
72:19 646 |
32:7 50 |
8:6 ET 751 |
25 609 |
43:5 352 |
73 621, 644 |
32:8-9 51 |
8:7 751 |
25:2 729 |
44:6 732 |
73-89 644 |
33:4 367 |
9 434 |
25:12-13 828 |
44:13-16 682 |
73:8 504 |
34:9 422 |
9:3 599 |
25:13 637 |
44:18 127 |
74:10 288 |
34:11 127 |
9:4 685 |
26:1 127 |
45:11 219 |
74:10-14 611 |
34:19 235 |
9:5 38 |
26:5 349 |
46:9 370 |
74:13 288 |
34:30 390 |
9:7-8 431 |
26:10 109 |
47 453 |
74:13-14 288 |
35:6-8 422 |
9:7-12 435 |
27 79 |
47-48 369 |
75:10 38 |
36:13 390 |
9:8 436 |
29 583 |
47:9 453 |
76:3 369 |
38-39 777 |
9:12 609 |
29:3-4 288 |
48:1 288 |
76:8-9 436 |
38-41 187,188,779 |
9:16 756 |
29:10 288, 845 |
48:9 288 |
76:9 438 |
38-42 257,258 |
9:18 514, 609, |
31 79 |
49:1 848 |
77:16 288 |
38:1-41:34 431 |
756-57 |
31:9 105 |
49:6 514, 732 |
77:16-20 369 |
38:6-11 611 |
10 609 |
31:15 781 |
49:10-20 828 |
78:10 788 |
38:8-11 288 |
10:1-6 637 |
31:16-17 422 |
49:15 678 |
78:17 732 |
38:26-27 188 |
10:2 591, 608 |
32 82, 232, 588 |
50:10 776 |
78:34 649 |
38:36 816 |
10:7 374 |
32:1 310 |
50:14 556, 821 |
78:38 157 |
79:10 682 |
100:3 748 |
119:123 698 |
148:1-4 395 |
6:17 374 |
80:7 401 |
101:5 735 |
119:134 312 |
148:5-7 395 |
6:20 135, 788 |
82 288, 434,435, |
102 232, 588 |
119:150 591 |
148:7-12 395 |
6:23 788 |
609, 777 |
103:2-3 310, 351 |
119:153 698 |
148:12 50 |
6:25-26 640 |
82:1 288 |
103:3 441 |
119:165 583 |
148:13-14 395 |
6:27-28 682 |
82:1-2 235 |
103:6 438 |
119:174 698 |
149 645 |
6:30-31 193, 439 |
82:1-8 288 |
103:8 521 |
122:7-8 584 |
149:4 609 |
7:1-27 640 |
82:2 435 |
103:10 441 |
125:5 584 |
7:4 641 | |
82:3 42 |
103:10-12 38 |
127:1 845 |
Proverbs |
7:10-12 642 |
82:3-4 36, 435 |
103:13 157 |
127:1-2 781 |
1 293, 528,839 |
8 189, 304 |
82:6-7 435 |
103:20 288 |
127:3 136 |
1-9 641, 642 |
8-9 839 |
82:8 435 |
104 24, 71, 187, |
127:3-5 102, 134, |
1:1 576 |
8:10-11 641 |
83:3 644 |
188, 257, 513, 605 |
217, 301, 734 |
1:1-4 528 |
8:12 643 |
85 121 |
104:2-3 188 |
128:2 846 |
1:2 642 |
8:13 621, 808 |
85:1-4 698 |
104:6 288 |
128:3-6 134, 301 |
1:2-4 642 |
8:15 600 |
85:4 698 |
104:7-8 611 |
128:5-6 583 |
1:2-6 642, 813 |
8:15-16 339 |
85:7-13 584 |
104:14-15 188 |
128:6 584 |
1:2-7 838 |
8:18 641, 828 |
85:9 698 |
104:24 188 |
130 588 |
1:3 642, 643 |
8:21 828 |
85:10 584 |
104:30 367 |
130:4 310 |
1:4 642 |
8:22 643 |
86:1 608 |
104:31 188 |
132:11 556 |
1:5-6 642 |
8:22-23 789 |
86:5 310, 324, 609 |
105:42-45 634 |
133 598, 599 |
1:5-7 528 |
8:22-31 187,188, |
86:9-10 656 |
106 470 |
133:1 598 |
1:6 576 |
643,731 |
86:15 609 |
106:3 435 |
133:2 598 |
1:7 7, 643, 814 |
8:23-26 643 |
87:4 611 |
106:27 540 |
133:3 598, 599 |
1:8 135, 528, 788 |
8:24-25 188 |
88:13-18 756 |
106:34-39 379 |
135:14 157 |
1:10-19 293, 642 |
8:27-29 611, 643 |
89 470 |
106:37 288 |
135:15 514 |
1:13 293 |
8:29 288 |
89:1-2 288 |
106:46 627 |
135:15-18 392 |
1:17-19 528 |
8:29-31 789 |
89:1-4 306 |
106:48 646 |
135:16-17 393 |
1:20 323 |
8:30 189, 643 |
89:3 556 |
107 470 |
135:18 393 |
1:20-21 642 |
8:30-31 188, 596 |
89:7-18 583 |
107-150 644 |
136 470, 634 |
1:24-25 731 |
8:35 349 |
89:9-10 288 |
107:17-22 351 |
136:5-9 257 |
1:29-33 731 |
8:36 731 |
89:13 401 |
107:36 437 |
137 55, 293 |
1:32 440 |
9:1-6 642 |
89:14 437 |
107:41 609 |
137:1-3 627 |
2:1-6 731 |
9:6 815 |
89:32 733 |
109:2 374 |
137:4 461 |
2:1-11 813 |
9:10 7, 128, 504 |
89:35 556 |
109:31 608, 609 |
137:8-9 199 |
2:4 641 |
9:13-18 642, 771 |
89:52 646 |
110:1 104 |
139:13 159, 422 |
2:12-15 808 |
10 686 |
90-106 644 |
112:5 324, 489 |
139:13-14 35 |
2:16-19 640, 642 |
10-29 641, 642 |
90:4 781 |
112:10 219 |
139:13-16 24, 670 |
3:1 135, 788 |
10:2 637, 749 |
90:12 51, 782 |
113:7 609 |
139:15 422 |
3:5 299, 732 |
10:4 609, 610, 636, |
91 378 |
113:7-8 436 |
139:16 159, 314, 781 |
3:11 757 |
643,828 |
92:12-14 38 |
115:4 514 |
139:19 645 |
3:11-12 135 |
10:15 643 |
92:14 50 |
115:4-8 392 |
139:21 349 |
3:14-16 641 |
10:22 104, 636, 828 |
92:15 288 |
115:8-11 394 |
140:12 51, 609 |
3:19 128 |
10:24 219 |
94:1 682 |
116:12-19 821 |
140:13 38 |
3:19-20 395 |
10:27 52 |
94:1-3 756 |
116:16-18 556 |
143 232, 588 |
3:28-35 359 |
11:2 621 |
94:2 845 |
117:1-2 656 |
144:7 54 |
3:31 418 |
11:4 828 |
94:6 135, 836 |
118 470 |
144:15 347 |
4:2 788 |
11:13 162 |
94:12 757 |
118:18 757 |
145:6 452 |
4:5 816 |
11:18 637 |
95:7-11 782 |
118:22 349 |
145:8 157 |
4:6 641 |
11:19 359 |
95:8 352 |
118:28 LXX 737 |
145:10 452 |
4:7 816 |
11:20 411 |
95:9 771 |
119 312, 468, 470, |
145:13 452 |
4:8-9 641 |
11:21 288 |
96:1 257 |
529, 790 |
146 369 |
4:11 684 |
11:23 219 |
96:10 452 |
119:1 411, 788 |
146:3 732 |
5:1-20 640 |
11:25 324 |
96:11 848 |
119:9 127 |
146:5-9 438 |
5:3-23 642 |
11:28 514, 828 |
97:1 257 |
119:28 737 |
146:6-9 57 |
5:15-23 44 |
12:10 199 |
97:2 435 |
119:30 307 |
146:7-9 436 |
6 374 |
12:11 828 |
98:4-9 257 |
119:36 714 |
146:8-9 645 |
6:6-19 717 |
12:13 288 |
98:7 288 |
119:41 698 |
146:9 378, 567, 836 |
6:8-11 846 |
12:16 643 |
99:1-4 435 |
119:81 698 |
147:6 609 |
6:10 852 |
12:20 374 |
99:4 438 |
119:84-86 591 |
147:14 583 |
6:14 288 |
12:23 643 |
99:8 682 |
119:105 2 |
148 70, 257, 395 |
6:16-19 808 |
12:24 828 |
12:24- |
27 737 |
21:15 435 |
2:11 846 |
11:1-2 251 |
3:13-15 415 |
12:25 |
75 |
21:25 737 |
2:24 189 |
11:5 159, 503 |
3:14 415, 609 |
12:27 |
828 |
21:28 735 |
2:24-26 251 |
11:7-12:1 251 |
3:14-17 514 |
13:1 |
135,217 |
22-23 294 |
2:26 250 |
11:9 250, 496 |
3:16-17 415 |
13:4 |
828,852 |
22:1 127 |
3:1 163 |
12:1-7 51 |
3:16-4:1 61 |
13:10 |
621 |
22:2 396 |
3:1-8 781 |
12:9 250 |
4:2-6 415 |
13:12 |
219 |
22:4 756, 787 |
3:1-10 756 |
12:9-14 840 |
5 468 |
13:13- |
23 359 |
22:7 643 |
3:1-15 250 |
12:13 7, 250 |
5:1-7 576 |
13:16 |
643 |
22:9 324, 609 |
3:8 163 |
12:13-14 528, 756 |
5:7 72, 362, 435, |
13:18 |
609 |
22:13 533, 643,737 |
3:9-11 781 |
686 | |
13:19 |
219 |
22:14 54 |
3:10 164 |
Song of Songs |
5:8 343, 415, 609, |
13:21 |
636, 682, 828 |
22:15 135 |
3:11 250, 731 |
1:2 52 |
749 |
13:24 |
133, 135, 217, |
23:1-5 828 |
3:11-22 731 |
3:1-4 743 |
5:8-9 265 |
527 |
23:2-3 329 |
3:12-13 251 |
4:1-7 743,744 |
5:8-24 415 | |
13:25 |
828 |
23:14 135 |
3:13 250 |
4:6 599 |
5:8-25 61 |
14:3 |
621 |
23:17 418 |
3:14 250 |
4:9 743 |
5:11-13 415 |
14:8 |
643 |
23:21 609 |
3:16 250, 756 |
5:13 72 | |
14:15 |
127, 643 |
23:22 51 |
3:22 251 |
5:2-3 725 5:5-7 725 |
5:16 362, 436, 686, |
14:20 |
438 |
24:3-4 395 |
4:1 250, 251 |
6:5 743 |
701 |
14:21 |
95 |
24:5—6 294 |
4:1-3 756 |
8:6 725 |
5:22-23 415 |
14:31 |
370, 396, 609 |
24:12 674 |
4:7-8 251 |
5:23 109, 609 | |
15:5 |
643 |
24:17 274 |
4:9-12 251, 437 |
5:24-25 72 | |
15:10 |
757 |
24:21 600 |
4:13 51 |
Isaiah |
5:25-30 369 |
15:18 |
164 |
24:28 480 |
5:1-6 828 |
1 82,436 |
5:26-30 351 |
15:19 |
737 |
24:30 737 |
5:2 250 |
1-39 414 |
6:1-8 82, 145 |
16:7 |
294 |
25:9 162 |
5:4-5 556, 822 |
1:2 431 |
6:1-13 409, 819 |
16:18 |
621 |
25:10 162 |
5:6 250 |
1:2-4 307 |
6:3 385 |
16:21 |
643 |
25:15 294 |
5:7 841 |
1:2-20 474 |
6:5 145, 225, 778 |
16:31 |
51, 52 |
25:21-22 13, 274 |
5:8 829 |
1:3 455 |
6:9 393 |
17:1 |
361 |
26:7-9 576 |
5:10-12 828 |
1:4-6 351 |
6:9-13 393 |
17:5 |
396 |
26:13-16 737 |
5:17 250 |
1:7 54 |
7:3 415 |
17:8 |
109 |
26:17 164 |
5:17-19 251 |
1:10-15 415 |
7:3-9 584 |
17:9 |
294 |
26:24 374 |
5:18 846 |
1:10-17 81, 468 |
7:4 732 |
17:14 |
164, 294 |
26:27 440 |
6:1-3 250 |
1:10-20 61 |
7:15 599 |
17:22 |
294 |
27:4 418 |
6:6 250 |
1:11-17 435 |
8:6 584 |
17:23 |
109 |
28:7 330 |
6:9 250 |
1:11-20 438 |
8:11-15 415 |
18:5 |
235 |
28:8 488 |
7:1 79 |
1:13 436 |
8:16 788 |
18:9 |
737 |
28:9 788 |
7:13-14 250 |
1:13-15 413 |
8:19 545 |
18:10- |
11 514 |
28:18 590 |
7:14 250, 251, 781 |
1:14 349 |
8:19-20 545 |
18:15 |
643 |
28:19 609, 846 |
7:15 250 |
1:16-17 436 |
8:20 788 |
18:16 |
109 |
28:24 217 |
7:18 250 |
1:16-20 414 |
9:2-7 583 |
18:19 |
164 |
29:3 640 |
7:20 590 |
1:16-23 415 |
9:7 340 |
18:23 |
643 |
29:14 438, 852 |
8:9 250 |
1:17 42, 52, 95, 135, |
9:8-10:11 369 |
19:2 |
344 |
29:23 621 |
8:10-14 250 |
836 |
9:13 649 |
19:6 |
547 |
30-31 641 |
8:11 288 |
1:21 307, 533, 685 |
10:1-2 343, 415,514 |
19:15 |
737 |
30:8-9 266, 394 |
8:12-13 250 |
1:21-26 608 |
10:1-3 828 |
19:17 |
370, 489, 609 |
30:17 217 |
8:14 756 |
1:23 61, 109, 734, |
10:1-4 829 |
19:21 |
782 |
30:33 164 |
8:15 251 |
836 |
10:2 135, 435, 610, |
19:22 |
307 |
31 632, 846 |
9:2 250 |
1:23-24 567 |
836 |
19:24 |
737 |
31:8-9 51 |
9:4 375 |
1:26 307 |
10:5-19 415 |
20:4 |
852 |
31:10-31 838, 846 |
9:7-10 251 |
1:58 61 |
11:1-4 367 |
20:7 |
590 |
31:26 788 |
9:9 734 |
2:1-4 824 |
11:1-9 370, 656, 824 |
20:13 |
609 |
9:10 782 |
2:2-4 583, 656, 778 |
11:1-10 70, 778 | |
20:19 |
162 |
Ecclesiastes |
9:11-12 756 |
2:4 370, 415, 584 |
11:4-5 438 |
20:28 |
437 |
1:3-11 187, 188 |
9:11-13 250 |
2:5-18 828 |
11:6-7 256 |
20:29 |
51 |
1:4 188 |
9:13-18 294 |
2:6 240 |
11:6-9 260, 415, |
21:1 |
600 |
1:9 188 |
9:18 730 |
2:7-8 514, 637 |
450, 806 |
21:3 |
438 |
1:13 250 |
10:8 440 |
2:11-22 415 |
11:9 397 |
21:4 |
496 |
1:16-18 756 |
10:10 250 |
3:4-5 135 |
12:2-3 697 |
21:10 |
219 |
2:1 250 |
10:16-20 251 |
3:5 51 |
12:3 353 |
21:14 |
109 |
2:3 250 |
10:18 737 |
3:7 354 |
13-23 61 |
13:4 369 |
35:8 701 |
46:4 51 |
57:1-13 756 |
Jeremiah |
13:11 39, 733,798, |
35:10 701 |
46:13 697 |
57:3-9 545 |
1-25 419 |
848 |
37:6 104 |
47:3 682 |
57:4 374 |
1:2-10 819 |
14:1 620 |
37:6-7 415 |
47:6 51 |
57:15 175, 415 |
1:5 35, 159, 670 |
15 273 |
37:17-20 393 |
48:1 556 |
57:18 583 |
1:5-19 420 |
15:5-8 263 |
37:23 104 |
48:6 189 |
57:19 359 |
2 420 |
16:5 437 |
40-55 187, 189, |
48:10 757 |
58 652 |
2-3 418 |
19 293 |
414, 415 |
49 656 |
58:1-7 588 |
2:4-13 474 |
19:3 545 |
40-66 93 |
49-52 697 |
58:1-14 414, 415, |
2:5 807 |
19:18-25 274 |
40:3 797 |
49-53 697 |
486 |
2:11-13 732 |
19:19-25 656 |
40:5 697 |
49:1 670 |
58:2 437 |
2:19-21 640 |
19:24 199 |
40:8 415 |
49:1-6 415 |
58:4-7 81 |
2:20-23 807 |
20:4 627, 729 |
40:10 682 |
49:5 670 |
58:6 428, 495, 695, |
2:20-24 43 |
22:13 361 |
40:12-31 415 |
49:6 293, 656, 677 |
736 |
2:23 641 |
24:1 730 |
40:13 367 |
49:6-8 697 |
58:6-7 379 |
2:30 314, 649, 757 |
24:4-5 265 |
40:18-20 732 |
49:7 306 |
58:6-8 666 |
2:33-35 43 |
24:10-13 265 |
40:22 189 |
49:8 697, 781 |
58:6-12 468 |
2:34 514 |
24:17 385 |
40:26 190 |
49:10 273 |
58:7 370, 437 |
2:36-37 732 |
24:17-23 756 |
41:8-9 819 |
49:13 273 |
59 237 |
3:1-3 640 |
24:21 340 |
41:17-21 189 |
49:15 157 |
59:1-15 415 |
3:1-5 509 |
25:6 52 |
41:23-24 393 |
49:24 798 |
59:8 583 |
3:1-9 43 |
25:6-9 46 |
42 121 |
49:25 627, 798 |
59:12-19 682 |
3:4 135 |
25:9 697 |
42:1-4 367 |
50:1 546 |
60-62 415, 697, 701 |
3:19 42, 135 |
26:1 697 |
42:1-9 415 |
50:4-10 756 |
60:6 697 |
3:22 307 |
26:1-21 756 |
42:4 788 |
50:4-11 415 |
60:6-18 828 |
4:2 556 |
26:3-4 415 |
42:5 189 |
51:4 788 |
60:16 697 |
4:4 757, 771 |
26:16 757 |
42:9 189 |
51:6-8 697 |
60:17 583, 584 |
4:14 627 |
26:19 678 |
42:13 369 |
51:9-10 611 |
60:18 697 |
5:1 307 |
27:1 288 |
42:13 MT 824 |
51:9-11 288 |
61 94, 656 |
5:2 556 |
28:1 52 |
42:14 323, 845 |
52:2 627 |
61:1 94, 627 |
5:3 649 |
28:1-13 415 |
42:21 788 |
52:7 554, 584, 585, |
61:1-2 217, 368, |
5:4 610 |
28:16 697 |
42:22 627 |
748 |
428, 495, 560, 667 |
5:7-8 828 |
28:17 437, 686 |
42:24-25 468 |
52:7 LXX 585 |
61:1-4 695 |
5:9 682 |
28:24-25 781 |
42:25 649 |
52:7-10 584, 697 |
61:2 428 |
5:17 732 |
29:1-24 415 |
43:2 461 |
52:13-53:12 415, |
61:8 349 |
5:26-29 263 |
29:4 545 |
43:7 314 |
756 |
61:10 697 |
5:27 609, 637 |
29:5 798 |
43:9 848 |
52:14 384 |
62:1 697 |
5:28 135, 436 |
29:13 390, 477 |
43:15 845 |
52:15 492 |
62:1-4 367 |
5:29 682 |
29:20 798 |
43:16-23 189 |
53 197, 574 |
62:8 401, 556 |
6:13 637 |
29:21 415 |
43:19 189 |
53:1-12 389 |
62:11 682 |
6:28 735 |
30:1-5 369 |
43:19-21 368, 385 |
53:4-12 353 |
62:12 701 |
7 271, 420, 667 |
30:1-15 415 |
43:25 38 |
53:5 583, 584 |
63:10 369 |
7:1-11 61 |
30:15 415, 584 |
43:25-26 38 |
53:6 314 |
63:16 135 |
7:3 420 |
30:18 157 |
43:28 89 |
53:9 374 |
64:4 492 |
7:4-7 57, 438 |
30:26 351 |
44:1-2 35 |
53:12 697 |
64:8 135, 845 |
7:5-6 149, 420 |
31:1 732 |
44:1-5 367 |
54 78 |
65:16 492, 556 |
7:5-7 57 |
31:1-3 369 |
44:9-20 393 |
54-56 554 |
65:17-22 849 |
7:5-11 554 |
31:4-5 369 |
44:21-26 677 |
54:1 406, 734 |
65:17-25 190,415 |
7:6 836 |
32:7 374 |
44:24 189 |
54:2-3 189 |
65:20 52 |
7:6-7 42 |
32:15-18 367, 368 |
44:28 415 |
54:10 584 |
65:20-25 46 |
7:8-11 468 |
32:17 415, 520, 584 |
45 400 |
55-65 672 |
65:21-22 437 |
7:9 556, 775, 808 |
33:2 697 |
45:1 340, 415, 600 |
55:10-11 189 |
65:25 256, 450 |
7:9-10 420 |
33:5 307 |
45:5-6 392 |
55:11 415 |
66 395 |
7:11 444 |
33:6 697 |
45:6-7 189 |
56-66 414, 415 |
66:1 395 |
7:23 127 |
33:15 109 |
45:7 288 |
56:1-8 57 |
66:1-2 395 |
7:30-31 405 |
33:22 845 |
45:8 189 |
56:3 293, 379 |
66:2 175, 415, 514, |
8 237 |
33:23 232 |
45:14 656 |
56:3-5 407 |
787 |
8:10 420 |
34:2 89 |
45:17 697 |
56:3-8 415 |
66:12 583, 584 |
8:15 583, 781 |
34:5 89 |
45:18 189 |
56:4-5 606 |
66:16 431 |
8:18-22 420 |
35 674 |
45:19 684 |
56:5 734 |
66:18-24 656 |
8:22 354 |
35:1-10 415 |
45:23 556, 730 |
56:6-7 379 |
66:24 415 |
8:22-9:6 359 |
9:1-5 797 |
25:1-15 848 |
52 271,419 |
16 297, 393, 418, |
34 50, 61, 325, 728 |
9:4 735 |
25:6 347, 348 |
52:11 627 |
509, 526, 640 |
34:12-31 845 |
9:8 583 |
25:9 89 |
52:31-33 627 |
16:20-21 405 |
34:15-16 438 |
9:23-24 352 |
25:12 733 |
16:22 781 |
34:16 359 | |
9:24 436, 634 |
25:15-29 420 |
Lamentations |
16:35-43 746 |
34:23-24 438 |
9:25-26 139 |
26-33 93 |
1-14 733 |
16:36 405 |
34:25 584 |
10 478 |
26-45 419 |
1:2-14 733 |
16:37 349 |
35:10-15 558 |
10:1-5 514 |
26:3 588 |
1:4-5 591 |
16:38 393 |
36:16-32 296 |
10:3-4 393 |
26:11 435 |
1:5 598, 627 |
16:42 393 |
36:20 362 |
11 344 |
26:16 435 |
1:17 781 |
16:49 370 |
36:22 297 |
11:1-17 468 |
28 294 |
1:18 627 |
16:49-50 742 |
36:23-27 701 |
11:4 748 |
28:6 646 |
1:18-2:22 757 |
16:52-53 627 |
36:25-26 368 |
11:18-12:6 419 |
28:9 72 |
2:5 369 |
17 454 |
36:26 297, 771 |
11:20 682 |
29 478, 672 |
3 460 3:1 460 |
17:2 454 |
36:26-27 367, 490 |
12:1-2 683 |
29:1-14 56 |
17:2-24 576 |
36:26-36 392, 526 | |
12:4 461 |
29:4-7 199, 627 |
3:9 730 |
18 297, 526 |
36:27 296, 367 |
12:6 307 |
29:4-23 293 |
3:21-23 307 |
18:1-4 148 |
36:32 362 |
12:16 556 |
29:7 293, 601 |
3:25-39 460 |
18:1-32 193,296 |
37 677 |
13 393 |
29:14 627 |
3:30 460, 461 |
18:2 454 |
37:1-14 296, 367, |
13:14 157 |
30-31 419 |
18:4 20, 650 |
526, 678 | |
13:17 627 |
30:10 627 |
3:32 157 3:37-38 288 |
18:6 43,496 |
37:9 367 |
13:23 526,656 |
30:14 757 |
18:8 489 |
37:11 375 | |
13:27 640 |
30:16 627 |
3:39 590 |
18:11 43 |
37:13-14 367 |
14:12 81 |
30:22 748 |
3:42 460 |
18:13 489 |
37:14 367 |
14:19 583 |
31:4 596 |
3:59 685 |
18:15 43 |
37:26 584 |
14:22 393 |
31:8 232 |
4:22 733 |
18:17 296, 489 |
40-48 296,677,701 |
15:2 627 |
31:8-9 232 |
5:3 836 |
18:20 20 |
43:1-9 296 |
15:10-21 419 |
31:12 265 |
5:7 148 5:11 721 5:12 51 |
18:23 38 |
43:9 640 |
15:15 591 |
31:18 649, 757 |
18:27-28 38 |
45:9 609 | |
15:15-21 756 |
31:29 148 |
18:30 588, 589 |
46:16 480 | |
16:1-4 407, 734 |
31:30 674 |
18:32 38, 297 |
46:20 701 | |
17:9 288 |
31:31 184 |
Ezekiel |
20 526 |
47:21-23 57 |
17:11 749 |
31:31-33 470 |
1-24 296 |
20:7-8 496 |
47:22-23 620 |
17:13 353 |
31:31-34 420, 526 |
1:1-28 296 |
20:11 296 | |
17:14-18 419 |
31:33 385, 771 |
3 526 |
20:31 822 |
Daniel |
17:19 526 |
31:33-34 234, 490 |
3:18-20 148 |
20:40-41 701 |
1 410 |
18:18 788 |
32:6-15 435 |
4:14 296 |
20:44 38 |
1-6 56, 202, 292 |
18:18-23 419 |
32:18 521 |
5:6-7 296 |
21:21 239 |
1:3-7 202 |
19:5 405 |
32:35 405 |
5:7-12 431 |
22 237 |
1:8-16 202 |
20:6 627 |
33:1-9 828 |
6:9 496 |
22:7 734, 836 |
1:17 202 |
20:7 721 |
33:6-9 583 |
7:19 514 |
22:9 735 |
1:17-2:45 234 |
20:7-18 37, 419 |
34:8-20 736 |
7:19-24 828 |
22:11 43 |
2 202 |
20:9 411 |
36:27-32 93 |
7:26 788 |
22:12 489 |
2:19-23 202 |
20:13 610 |
38:19-20 37 |
8-11 296 |
22:26 788 |
2:46-49 202 |
21:5 401 |
42:5 556 |
11 526 |
22:29 149, 609 |
3 202, 393, 502 |
21:5-6 369 |
43:11 627 |
11:12 296 |
23 297, 393, 509, |
3:8-30 411 |
21:8 229, 808 |
44:3-5 352 |
11:16 540 |
526, 640 |
3:15-18 202 |
21:12 438 |
44:4 349 |
11:16-17 701 |
23:25 393 |
3:23 40, 257 |
21:14 39 |
44:10 175, 788 |
11:19 297, 367, 385, |
23:25-35 746 |
3:24 40 |
22 420 |
45:1-5 93 |
413 |
24:8 682 |
3:25-29 202 |
22:1-16 61 |
46-51 61, 419 |
11:19-20 470 |
24:11-13 526 |
3:29 104 |
22:2-3 438 |
46:27 627 |
11:20 296 |
25-32 296 |
3:30 202 |
22:2-5 57 |
49:7-22 558 |
13:17-18 359 |
28:25 701 |
4 202 |
22:3 135, 435, 836 |
49:11 836 |
13:17-23 546 |
29:16 732 |
4:27 438 |
22:13 445, 846 |
49:12 558 |
14 526 |
29:19-20 445 |
5 202 |
22:13-17 609 |
50-51 293,369 |
14:1-11 296 |
30:17 627 |
5:23 514 |
22:15-16 435, 438 |
50:15 682 |
14:3 394 |
33 526 |
5:29 202 |
22:17 420 |
50:18 149 |
14:6 297, 588 |
33-48 296 |
6 140, 202, 393, 502 |
22:22 627 |
50:20 38 |
14:7 394 |
33:11 441 |
6:1-28 411 |
23:10 43 |
51:10 438 |
14:12-20 296 |
33:14-16 38 |
6:4 202 |
23:14 43 |
51:36 682 |
14:13 461 |
33:26 43 |
6:23 202 |