Scuba Diving
Diving off the Bahamas is excellent. Dive operators on most of the islands can take you on scheduled dives, or to locations of your own choosing.
For the most part, the waters off the Bahamas are very clear, shallow and offer an abundance of coral reefs and gardens for you to explore, as well as shipwrecks, modern and ancient.
Unless you are an experienced diver, it's probably best to work with an operator, especially if you want to go wreck or shark diving.
Dive Sites
The dive sites listed throughout this book are, for the most part, remote and difficult to get to without a qualified guide. The locations of most listed sites in the Out Islands are not marked in any way - on maps or in the ocean - and are the closely guarded secrets of the local dive operators who make their living taking divers out on guided tours. If you want to see a particular site, ask your operator. If there are enough people interested in the site to make a full boat, it will cost no more than the regular half-day or full-day tour. If not, you'll have to rent the boat and guide on your own, which can be expensive.
It is not recommended that you go off on your own. Local knowledge of the waters and currents is essential, and it's dangerous to dive without such knowledge, especially where shipwrecks are concerned.
Snorkeling can be enjoyed almost anywhere with clear waters. The only place you need permission to swim is off private beaches.
You should seek professional advice before taking off into the deep. It matters little where you might be staying; even on the most remote of the Out Islands there will always be someone available to warn you about the currents or other dangers at any given spot.
Jean Michel Cousteau Adventures
If you're really interested in a snorkeling vacation, arrange a stay at one of the hotels participating in the Jean Michel Cousteau "Snorkeling Adventures" program. It's a great value. For $98-$99 you can "immerse yourself into an exciting new world of wondrous corals and colorful fish...." Unlock the secrets of thousands of miles of coral reefs, more than 700 islands, and over 100,000 square miles of ocean.... Receive snorkeling instruction by trained professionals on guided excursions, a snorkeling instruction book, reference books and a custom T-shirt. And, within 10 days of your return home you'll receive your very own set of US Divers Limited Edition Jean-Michel Cousteau diving mask, fins, snorkel and gear bag. You'll also receive a personalized certificate from Jean-Michel Cousteau welcoming you to the exciting new world as well as the Snorkeling Guide To Marine Life and the accompanying Underwater Identification Cards." Participating Out Island hotels are listed throughout the book and in the At a Glance section. Your travel agent can book the program for you or you can book it yourself through the Bahama Out Island Promotion Board, tel. 800-688-4752, fax 954-475-8354,
Sharks, predators of the deep, have gained an undeserved reputation. But sharks kill only when hungry. Shark attacks are extremely rare, especially in the Bahamas. They say you have more of a chance of being twice-struck by lightning than of being attacked by a shark.
Moray eels, on the whole, are nocturnal creatures and like to be left alone inside their chosen lair. There are a few that might have become accustomed to humans - and the handouts they have come to expect from them - but those that haven't can, if disturbed or threatened, give you a very nasty bite. Stay at a respectful distance.
Barracuda are not really dangerous, just scary-looking, especially with their rather frightening and ever-present grin. The sleek, silver tiger of the ocean is a curious creature, however, and will often follow you around, which can be a little unnerving. If you happen to be feeding the local reef fish, which you shouldn't do, you should always be on the lookout for something bigger. A barracuda after his share of the pie will attack like lightning and, although he's only after your hand-out, it might be your hand he takes.
Reef fish tend to be curious. They're not dangerous, but you might find them nipping at your fingers, toes and hair.
Rays, on the whole, are not dangerous. Tread on a stingray buried in the sand, however, and you're probably in for a trip to the local hospital. The ray's first reaction is self-preservation, and its natural instinct is to lash out with its murderous tail. Unless threatened or trodden on, however, it's pretty much harmless and fascinating to watch as it flaps over the sandy bottom. Just be careful where you're putting your feet.
Tasselated scorpionfish
Scorpionfish lie in wait for the unwary on coral heads or close to the ocean floor. They have a set of thick spines on their backs that can inflict a nasty sting. Keep your hands clear.
The stonefish, often hard to see due to its camouflage, can also give you a nasty sting. Look carefully before you touch anything.
Jellyfish, transparent and often difficult to see, are almost all harmless. There are, however, some that are not. It's best to avoid them all.
Coral is often sharp, and tiny pieces can become dislodged in cuts and abrasions. If this should happen, you'll be in for a painful couple of days. Fire coral should not be handled at all. Your best bet is not to touch any coral - not only because it can hurt you, but also because it's a delicate, living organism.
Sea urchins are spiky little black or red balls that lie on the sandy ocean floor or in nooks and crannies among coral heads in the shallow waters of the reef. Step on a sea urchin with bare feet at your peril. The spines are brittle, often barbed, and will give you a very nasty experience. Fortunately, urchins are easily seen and thus easily avoided. Keep a sharp lookout and don't touch.
If you do happen to get stung by coral, jellyfish, or an urchin, you can treat the sting first with vinegar. This will neutralize the poison. Then you should get some help from the local drugstore to ease the pain.
Wreck Diving
It is said that there are more than 500 shipwrecks in the Bahamas, and it's probably true. Some of these wrecks, especially those that allow access to their interiors, can be dangerous and even experienced divers should not go into them alone. There are plenty of guides and dive operators who do know their way around. Many wrecks are infested with fire coral. Many more are home to moray eels that are not dangerous if you give them space.
Take reasonable precautions and stay alert. You'll get into trouble only if you do something you shouldn't, are neglectful, or fail to take note of expert advice. Never dive alone.