The Nature of Radioactive Emissions

While the early separation experiments were in progress, an understanding was slowly being gained about the nature of the spontaneous emissions from various radioactive elements. Becquerel thought at first that they were simply X-rays. However, three different kinds of radioactive emissions, now called alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, were soon found. We now know that alpha particles are positively charged particles of helium nuclei, beta particles are streams of high-speed electrons, and gamma rays are high-energy radiation similar to X-rays. The emissions of these three types of radiation are depicted in Figure 2.8 below.

Emission of alpha, beta, and gamma rays diagram. There is radioactive material being emitted out of a lead block. The emissions pass through a negative charged plate and a positively charged plate and then it a screen. The gamma rays are most straight, the alpha particles deflect slightly to the left, and the beta particles deflect the most to the right.
Figure 2.8  Deflection of Radioactive Emissions

The important characteristics of each type of radiation can be summarized as follows:


Know the types of radiation and the characteristics of each.