The following terms summarize all the concepts and ideas that were introduced in this chapter. You should be able to explain their meaning and how you would use them in chemistry. They appear in boldface type in this chapter to draw your attention to them. The boldface type also makes it easier for you to look them up if you need to. You could also use Internet search engines like on your computer to get a quick and expanded explanation of these terms, laws, and formulas.
alpha particle atom atomic mass atomic number atomic radii Aufbau Principle Balmer series beta particle Bohr model core electrons covalent radius Dalton’s atomic theory degenerate electron electronegativity first ionization energy gamma ray Geiger counter group or family ground state half-life Hund’s Rule inert gas |
ionic radii isotopes Lewis structure Lyman series mass number Mendeleev metalloids Moseley neutron nuclear fission nuclear fusion nucleon nucleus nuclide orbitals oxidation number Paschen series Pauli Exclusion Principle periodic law period or row phosphorescence photographic plate proton |
quantized quantum quantum mechanics quantum numbers quantum theory scintillation counter s, p, d, f orbitals spectra spectroscope transmutation transition elements uncertainty principle valence valence electrons wave-mechanical model wave mechanics |