There are two ways in which chemists routinely determine ∆H values. One is experimentally using calorimetry; the other is theoretically using Hess’s Law.
A calorimeter is a laboratory device used to measure the enthalpy change in a chemical or physical process. There are two types of calorimeters, one open, the other closed. In open calorimetry, the chemical system is open to the atmosphere and, as such, is subject to a constant pressure. In this case, the heat that flows into or out of a system is equal to the change in enthalpy. This is not the case in closed calorimetry. A simple open calorimeter consists of an insulating container (often just a Styrofoam cup) housing a known mass of water, along with a thermometer and stirring device. Since a calorie is a unit of energy (described in Chapter 1) and is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C, a calorimeter, as its name implies, measures energy change. Based on this definition, the specific heat for water—that is, the particular amount of energy needed to raise a particular amount of water by a certain degree—is 1 cal/g°C. Since a joule, the SI unit for energy, is 4.186 times smaller than the calorie, the specific heat of water is also 4.186 J/g°C. Because of the known specific heat of water, the amount of energy change involved in a process can easily be calculated by monitoring the temperature of the water in the calorimeter present to the reaction to see how much it changes during the process. The calculation uses the formula
where q denotes the heat flow into or out of the water, m stands for the mass of the water, c represents the specific heat of the water, and ∆T its temperature change.
Heating and Cooling Curves
Besides calorimetry, the equation q = mc∆T is used in determining the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of any substance, not just water in a calorimeter. This is typically the case when evaluating the amount of energy needed to take a substance in the solid state, below its freezing point, to the gaseous state, above its boiling point. Figure. 8.2 provides a visual depiction of the process for water and is called a heating curve, as heat energy is constantly being supplied to the water as time goes by. If viewed in reverse, with energy being removed as time goes by and the gas caused to be turned into a solid, it would be called a cooling curve.
Figure8.2Changing Ice to Steam
Ice changing to water and then to steam is not a process of continuous and constant change of temperature as time progresses; rather, it is accomplished in stages. Although there are really five stages to analyze when changing a solid below its freezing point to a gas above its boiling point, this graph supplies only numerical information to calculate the amount of energy needed to take ice at its freezing point to steam at its boiling point. Therefore, we will evaluate only these three energy changes for the system.
Starting at 0°C, water’s normal melting point, the ice begins to melt. Notice that the temperature is not increasing despite the constant supply of heat as time passes. The lack of temperature increase indicates that the kinetic energy of the system is not changing; this is so because temperature and kinetic energy are directly related to each other (see Chapter 7). If the energy is not being used to make the particles move more, what is it doing? The answer is that it is overcoming the attractive forces between the solid particles that hold them in fixed crystalline positions and thus allowing them to exist as non-rigid clusters of particles characteristic of the liquid phase. Consequently, the potential energy of the system must be on the rise, as the energy is being used to overcome the attractive forces between the particles and accomplish the phase change. The energy required to do this, the heat of fusion, was discussed in Chapter 7 as an important property of a solid. The heating curve shows various values, utilizing various units, for the heat of fusion of water. Different substances have values different from those shown for water. An upcoming calculation will use the value 6.01 kJ/mol as the heat of fusion of ice. In light of what has been discussed in this chapter, it is simply another particular ∆H value.
Once the entire sample of the solid has melted, the liquid water’s temperature begins to rise as more heat is pumped into the system. Since the temperature of the water is rising, the kinetic energy of the system is rising as well. The q = mc∆T equation can be used to calculate the energy required to do this. The temperature will continue to rise until it reaches 100.0°C and the liquid water begins to normally boil.
At the normal boiling point, liquid water turns into gaseous water (steam); once again we see a plateau associated with the temperature change. As before, KE (kinetic energy) is not increasing, and so PE (potential energy) must be going up. This time, the clusters associated with the liquid are being ripped apart into randomness. The energy required to do this, the heat of vaporization, was discussed as well in Chapter 7 as an important property of a liquid. From the heating curve, one value for the heat of vaporization of water is 40.79 kJ/mol.
Hess’s Law of Constant Heat Summation
As suggested previously, there is a theoretical way to determine the heat of reaction for a process. Hess’s Law takes advantage of the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that like matter, energy is conserved in chemical and physical changes. Consequently, knowledge of ∆H values for certain reactions allows you to find the ∆H value for a reaction whose heat of reaction you don’t know. This is so because the change in enthalpy is constant—irrespective of whether a process takes place in one step or many—because energy is conserved. This idea complements previous ideas in this chapter, which stated that heat of reaction is pathway independent (and is called a state function) in that the total enthalpy change is dependent only on the initial and final enthalpies of the reactants and products.
Stated in a useful manner, Hess’s Law allows for reactions about which you know ∆H values to be added to find ∆H values for reactions about which you don’t know. This is seen in the examples below.