Friday September 28, 2012




It’s not like I wanted our relationship to be like this. To be honest, it made me feel like shit knowing girls like Donna had free reign to touch him, to hang out with him at school.

I barely saw him today.

Things weren’t the same lately. He’d been more distant this past week and he wasn’t telling me why either. I wanted more than anything for him to tell what was wrong. I was going through my own shit at home, but I didn’t take it out on him by keeping him out.

After school I went home. I got a text from him that baseball practice was over and that he was coming to pick me up. Ten minutes later and in his car, we drove to his house in silence, but he did take my hand and kiss it.

In his room, he wasted no time and I was lying on my back on his bed with him on top of me. He sat up on my hips and pulled his fabric softener-scented shirt over his head. I caught a glimpse of his ripped stomach and the sight had me smiling.

You like what you see, Fireball?” James grinned, leaning over and giving me a kiss. I grabbed his naked waist and pulled him down the rest of the way. The kiss intensified.

My head tilted back into his pillow.

“Wait,” I murmured into his mouth and pulled back. “When is your family coming home?”

“They left already.” he answered, breathing heavily.

“Oh.” I propped myself up on my elbows and rested my back against his headboard. “Let’s chill out for a bit.”

“What?” he grunted, rolling off of me with his arm wrapped around my waist. “I don’t want to talk.”

I glanced down at him. “Let’s just talk for a little bit. I barely saw you today.”

“Fine,” he murmured, his arm squeezing my waist.

“How was your day?” I asked, angling slightly away from him.

“It was nothing special. Same old” James responded, bringing me down. “Give me a kiss.”

“No, I want to talk with you. Um, actually there’s something I wanted to ask about your coach. Is he normally so…. angry?” I whispered a breath away from his lips. “Last week I bumped into him and he gave me the nastiest look and told me to_”

Before I could finish and without a word, James jumped off the bed, opened the door and left.

“Where are you going? I wasn’t finished. Come back here!” I yelled after him. When he didn’t come back I started to get angry. It’s bad enough he ignored me during school hours, now I had to deal with his temper tantrum in the privacy of his house. “You’re going to ignore me in your house too!”

I got off his bed and left his room enraged. Downstairs, I heard the TV from his basement turn on. I halted over the bannister on the front step from the foyer. “Not cool! That was the biggest douchebag, dick move I’ve ever seen. See if I ever come over again! In fact, this is the last time I’m ever coming to your house!”

With the doorknob turned and the front door partly opened, I decided to leave one last message. “Next time call Donna, I’m sure she’d love to just make out with you!”