Organization of the Text

This textbook is adapted from the second edition of Networking. This third volume has been revised and reorganized around the needs of advanced networking students. This book assumes that the students have been introduced to the basics of computer networking. Throughout the text, the students are introduced to more advanced computer networking concepts. This involves network infrastructure design, advanced router configuration, network security, analyzing data traffic, Internet routing, and Voice over IP.

Key Pedagogical Features

• Chapter Outline, Key Terms, and Introduction at the beginning of each chapter clearly outline specific goals for the reader. An example of these features is shown in Figure P-1.

Figure shows a spread page from “A Practical Guide To Advanced Networking.” Chapter Outline, Objectives, and Key terms are listed and labeled on the left page. Text that reads “Introduction: Chapter openers clearly outline specific goals” points to the introduction section on the right page.

Figure P-1

• Net-Challenge Software provides a simulated, hands-on experience in configuring routers and switches. Exercises provided in the text (see Figure P-2) and on the CD challenge readers to undertake certain router/ network configuration tasks. The challenges check the students’ ability to enter basic networking commands and set up router function, such as configuring the interface (Ethernet and Serial) and routing protocols (that is, static, RIPv2, OSPF, ISIS, EIGRP, BGP, and VLANs). The software has the look and feel of actually being connected to the router’s and switch console port.

Figure shows a page from “A Practical Guide To Advanced Networking.” Text that reads “Net-Challenge exercises are found throughout the text where applicable” points to a Net-Challenge exercise titled “Networking Challenge-OSPF.” Text that reads “Exercises challenge readers to undertake certain tasks” points to an exercise listed on the page.

Figure P-2

• The textbook features and introduces how to use the Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer. Examples of using the software to analyze data traffic are included throughout the text, as shown in Figure P-3.

Figure shows a page from “A Practical Guide To Advanced Networking.” with a screenshot and text that reads “Examples using the Wireshark protocol analyzer are included throughout the text where applicable” pointing to the page.

Figure P-3

• Numerous worked-out examples are included in every chapter to reinforce key concepts and aid in subject mastery, as shown in Figure P-4.

Figure shows a spread page from “A Practical Guide To Advanced Networking.” Text that reads “Configuring, analyzing, and troubleshooting sections guide readers through advanced techniques in networking” points to Configuring Routes with RIP section on the left page. Text that reads “Screen captures and network topologies guide students through different hands-on activities” points to a screenshot and image shown on the right page.

Figure P-4

• Key Terms and their definitions are highlighted in the margins to foster inquisitiveness and ensure retention. This is illustrated in Figure P-5.

Figure shows a page from “A Practical Guide To Advanced Networking.” Text reading “Key terms are highlighted in the text and defined in the margin” points to the key terms.

Figure P-5

• Extensive Summaries, Questions, and Problems, as well as Critical Thinking Questions, are found at the end of each chapter, as shown in Figure P-6.

Figure shows a spread page from “A Practical Guide To Advanced Networking.” Summary of the chapter is labeled “Summary of key concepts,” “Questions and Problems” section is labeled “Questions and problems are organized by sections” on the left page. Text that reads “Critical Thinking questions and problems further develop analytical skills” points to the “Critical Thinking” section on the right page.

Figure P-6

• An extensive Glossary is found at the end of this book and offers quick, accessible definitions to key terms and acronyms, as well as an exhaustive Index (see Figure P-7).


Figure P-7

Accompanying CD-ROM

The CD-ROM packaged with the text includes the captured data packets used in the text. It also includes the Net-Challenge Software, which was developed specifically for this text.

Instructor Resources

The Instructor’s Manual to accompany A Practical Guide to Advanced Networking, (ISBN: 978-0-132-88303-0) provides the entire book in PDF format along with instructor notes for each section within each chapter, recommending key concepts that should be covered in each chapter. Solutions to all Chapter Questions and Problems sections are also included. In addition, the instructor can also access 13 lab and lab-related exercises and a test bank with which to generate quizzes on the material found within the student edition of the book.