Business Library




The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli

ISBN: 9781909175938 Paper Back

ISBN: 9781909175426 E-book

The Prince is one of the first works of political philosophy, in which the effective truth is taken to be more important than any abstract ideal. Written by by the Italian diplomat, historian and political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli, the treatise is the most remembered of his works and the one most responsible for bringing the word Machiavellian into wide usage.


The Art Of War by Sun TzuY

ISBN: 9781910343159 E-book

The Art of War is written by Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is the definitive work on classic military strategy and tactics. The book influenced Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.


The Age of Big Business

ISBN: 9781910343166 E-book

The Age of Big Business, written by triple Pulitzer Prize winner Burton Jesse Hendrick using a series of individual biographies, as an enthusiastic look at the foundation of the corporation in America and the rapid rise of the United States as a world power.


Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche

ISBN: 9781909676084 E-book

Beyond Good and Evil refers to the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favour of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectival nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern individual.


The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

by Swami Swatmarama

ISBN: 9781909676794 Paper Back

ISBN: 9781909676800 E-book

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a classical text describing Hatha Yoga. It is the oldest surviving text on Hatha Yoga. Swami Swatmarama, a disciple of Swami Goraknath, wrote the text, drawing upon previous texts and his own experiences. While the text describes asanas (postures), purifying practices (shatkarma), mudras (finger and hand positions), bandhas (locks), and pranayama (breath exercises), it also explains that the purpose of Hatha Yoga is the awakening of kundalini (subtle energy), advancement to Raja Yoga, and the experience of deep meditative absorption known as samadhi.


The Etiquette Book for Gentlemen by Cecil Hartley

ISBN: 9781910150061 Paper Back

ISBN: 9781910150078 E-book

A complete guide for a gentleman’s conduct in all everyday situations including table manners, street etiquette, partying, evening functions, morning call, Full directions for polite correspondence, dress, conversation, sports, and hints and tips for a successful dashing gentleman.


The Cynic’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce

ISBN: 9781910150313 Paper Back

ISBN: 9781910150320 E-book

AThe Cynic’s Dictionary is an indispensable resource offering satirical reinterpretations of terms in the English language, covering every aspect of human foolishness and frailty. A conspicuous, and it is hoped not unpleasant, feature of the book is its abundant illustrative quotations from eminent poets.


The 5 Human Types: How to Read People Using The Science of Human Analysis

ISBN: 9781907832970 Audio Book CD

ISBN: 9781907832925 MP3 Download

The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. From this book you are going to learn which of the 5 types you are and how to get the best out of it. The Alimentive type or The Enjoyer is discussed in this volume as well as all key principles of human analysis. Read in English (unabridged).


Applied Psychology: The Laws of Success by Warren Hilton

ISBN: 9781910343173 Ebook

Individual mental efficiency is an absolute prerequisite to any notable personal achievement or any great individual success. Your mental energies are the forces with which you must wage your battles in this world. Are you fully equipped to take a valiant part in the work of the coming years?