MEANWHILE, THE MAN IN the Moon stood alone looking around the beautiful room that had once been his nursery. Not a thing had ever been changed since those long-ago days, so it was like going back in time. MiM remembered everything from his past, which was a treasure both sweet and bitter. Joy and sorrow had equal purchase in his memory. But his memories of his days and nights in this room were almost entirely happy. The hugs and the kisses good night from his mother and father, followed by the ever-watchful Nightlight and his Dreamsand and his good-night song. Nightlight. His first friend. His oldest friend. His friend was much changed now, in name and in appearance, but one thing had stayed absolutely the same: Whether he was called Nightlight or Jack Frost, he was still the bravest boy there had ever been.
MiM had no room for worry. He knew that the Moon would be full and bright on the night when his friend would need him most.