By the Same Author

An Introduction to Philosophical Logic

The Refutation of Scepticism

Berkeley: The Central Arguments


The Long March to the Fourth of June (with Xu You Yu)

China: A Literary Companion (with Susan Whitfield)

Philosophy 1: A Guide through the Subject (editor)


The Future of Moral Values

Philosophy 2: Further through the Subject (editor)

The Quarrel of the Age: The Life and Times of William Hazlitt

Herrick: Lyrics of Love and Desire (editor)

What is Good?

Descartes: The Life and Times of a Genius

The Meaning of Things

The Reason of Things

The Mystery of Things

The Heart of Things

The Form of Things

The Continuum Encyclopaedia of British Philosophy (editor)

Among the Dead Cities: Was the Allied Bombing of Civilians in WWII a Necessity or a Crime?

Against All Gods

Towards the Light: The Story of the Struggles for Liberty and Rights that Made the Modern West

The Choice of Hercules

Truth, Meaning and Realism

Scepticism and the Possibility of Knowledge

Ideas That Matter

To Set Prometheus Free

Liberty in the Age of Terror

Thinking of Answers

The Good Book

The God Argument

The Challenge of Things

A Handbook of Humanism (editor, with Andrew Copson)