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Thank you to the many people who made this book possible: the encouragement of my terrific CP Peggy, fabulous proof and beta-readers Colin, Sean (aka Captain Grammar Pants), Chassily, Marissa, Nicole, Kaitlynn, and Brynn. My patient and supportive in-house editor, Lawson, and keen-eyed reader Ginger. Thanks also to Annette Nishimoto for copy-editing.

For great design work, Kim Killion, and for the inspiration to move forward, gratitude to Kris, Dean, and PG.

Finally, for all the adventures in-game, epic thanks to Sylven, Dom, and Fates Legion that was.

For other wonderful YA retellings of the ballad of Tam Lin, Anthea recommends Elizabeth Pope’s The Perilous Gard and Diana Wynne Jones’s Fire and Hemlock.