I would like to acknowledge the core group of instructors I got to work with at the inception of the AMGA Guide Training Courses: Alan Jolley, Mark Houston, Kathy Cosley, SP Parker, Steve Young, Alain Comeau, KC Baum, Eric Craig, Dave Staeheli, Bela Vadasz, Jean Pavillard, Karl Klassen, and Colin Zacharias. The foundation of this book was laid in those early days.
More recently, Jay Philbrick was crucial, taking many of the photos, and can’t be thanked enough. The models who helped set up the shots in North Conway: Nicole Wrobel, Justin Guarino, Andrew J. Blease, Holly M. Blease, and Jane Chauvin. Finally, all the candidates and AMGA Instructor Team members I have worked with over the years in the guide training courses and exams.—MC
Without all my instructors, examiners, and mentors within the climbing community, editing and writing this book wouldn’t have been possible. Tim Brown, Joey Thompson, Bill Wilkin, Markus Beck, Lee McNeely, Mike Arnold, Eli Helmuth, Trey Cook, Doug Nidever, Dale Remsberg, Brian Lazar, Paul Rogers, Colin Zacharias, and everyone I’ve missed—thank you.
Sincere thanks to FalconGuides for undertaking such an endeavor. And here’s to the certified guides who commit to the standard and refine the craft daily.
Justin and Berndt, thanks for the endless patience and modeling. You helped a below-average photographer—me—shoot some OK stuff. Emilie, Silas, Angela, PattyP, Howie, Morrone, excellent contributions, appreciate the shared wisdom. And the friendships.
Sean and Azissa, great job on the double duties of writing and modeling. Remember me when you blow up!
Jay Philbrick—your images help make the book. Thank you.—RC