Appendix I

Men's Interview Attire and Grooming Checklist

The key to appropriate interview attire is to keep things simple. Do not wear anything that may distract the interviewer. Your appearance should be professional and tasteful, yet completely unremarkable.


Box Make sure you're clean shaven.
Box Keep shoes well-polished and clean (don't wear military/uniform shoes) with dark socks.
Box Wear a belt that is in good shape and free of scratches.
Box Invest in two suits. Keep the style conservative: dark color (e.g., dark grey, blue, or black), solid or with subdued patterns. Single- or double-breasted suits with two or three buttons are acceptable. (Two-button jackets are the current style.) Wool is always a good choice, but any high-quality fabric will do.
Box Wear a high-quality white shirt with a straight collar.
Box A good-quality tie with a conservative pattern in blue or red is always a good choice. Tie it with a double knot (when tied, the point should come down to about the top of the belt buckle).
Box Ensure your dark socks will not allow any skin to be exposed when crossing your legs.
Box Wear modest jewelry (no more than one ring per hand), if any.
Box Wear a conservative wristwatch.
Box Wear contact lenses rather than glasses. (If you must wear glasses, wear a conservative style.)
Box Carry a handkerchief (not in your breast pocket).
Box Keep your nails neatly trimmed.
Box Be conservative with cologne (if you wear any at all).

Do Not:

Box Wear a lapel pin or miniature medals.
Box Wear tie clip or pin.
Box Wear a collar stay.
Box Wear bracers/suspenders.
Box Wear a vest (not even a matching vest that came with your suit).
Box Wear cufflinks/French cuffs
Box Wear military-issue shoes.
Box Wear military-issue glasses.