Chapter 10

Charlotte was glad Curtis had decided to pick up Matthew from practice so the two could spend some quality time together because she’d decided she needed to talk to at least one more person about the troubles she was struggling with. She’d shared her story with Janine, but at the same time, she still felt the need to confide in someone else. Of course, that someone was none other than her Aunt Emma, the woman she loved and admired but who was estranged from her sister, Charlotte’s mother. They did speak to each other whenever they were in each other’s presence, but they never said more than a few words. Sadly, this was all because Charlotte’s mother had betrayed Aunt Emma many years ago.

Still, regardless of the distance her mother and aunt kept between them, Charlotte still looked up to Aunt Emma. She loved her mother more than anyone, but Aunt Emma had always polled in as a close second.

Now she and Aunt Emma were sitting at the dining room table, eating her delicious casserole. It was tuna and no one made it as well as Aunt Emma did. As a matter of fact, she would never tell her mother, but Aunt Emma’s casserole tasted even better than hers.

“Honey, I’m so glad you came by to see me.”

“I am, too. I know it’s been a few weeks.”

“I wish you’d brought Matthew.”

“He would have loved seeing you and he definitely would have loved having dinner over here.”

Aunt Emma laughed. “That he would have.”

“Curtis wanted to spend some time alone with him.”

“Because of David?”

“Yes. And I have to tell you, Aunt Emma, I’m so afraid I don’t know what to do.”

“Why? What are you afraid of?”

“I don’t know. I guess, I’m worried that David will cause problems for Matthew.”

“Honey, I really doubt that. I mean, David and Anise had their issues, but I can’t imagine him doing anything to harm his own son.”

“Maybe not. But I still don’t like it. And I never would have called him if Matthew hadn’t asked me to.”

“It’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to. Matthew and David will get along just fine, and you’ll eventually be at ease about it.”

“Do you know if he’s in a serious relationship? Because I even worry about what strange women he might end up subjecting Matthew to. Not every woman is overly receptive toward another woman’s child,” Charlotte said and couldn’t help thinking about her own feelings toward Curtina.

“I’m not sure. He got married only a few months after he and Anise divorced, but that lasted only a little over a year.”

“I remember that.”

“Like I said, I’m sure everything will be okay.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am. You’ll see.”

Charlotte lifted her fork to take another bite of food, paused, and set the fork onto her plate.

Aunt Emma noticed. “Are you okay?”

Charlotte broke into tears. “No. I’m not.”

“What’s wrong?”


“Like what?”

“Curtis has a six-month-old baby girl, and now the mother is calling our house.”

“Honey, no.” Aunt Emma set her fork down and placed her elbows onto the table.

“It’s true, and I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

“How long have you known about this?”

“Before Marissa died.”

“My Lord. I just can’t believe what you’re telling me.”

“We paid her off and we made her agree to leave us alone, but now she’s hounding Curtis. She even showed up with the baby at church on Sunday morning.”


“Because she thinks she has the right to, I guess.”

“What is Curtis saying about all this?”

“Not much, but he definitely wants to see the baby.”

“Then why hasn’t he?”

“Because I told him not to.” Charlotte spoke matter-of-factly and didn’t like her aunt’s question. Aunt Emma was sounding as though she didn’t see any problem with what Curtis wanted to do. If that was the case, Charlotte wasn’t going to be happy.

“I know this has to be the worst time for you, but, honey, you’re wrong.”

“Wrong how?”

“Charlotte, please try to settle down. I’m not taking sides or trying to disregard what you’re feeling, but right is right and I would be less than an aunt to tell you differently.”

“How can you say that? How can you actually think it’s okay for Curtis to see some illegitimate child he conceived behind my back?”

“I know he was wrong for what he did. He was way wrong.”

“Then why would you expect me to just welcome her into our lives like everything is normal?”

“Look. Two adults may have made a terrible, terrible mistake but no matter what, that little baby is as innocent as innocent can be.”

Charlotte gazed down at her plate and picked up her fork. She was so furious with Aunt Emma that she didn’t know what to do. So angry that it was best she didn’t even look at her.

“I know you don’t want to hear what I’m saying, but it’s the truth.”

Charlotte dropped her fork, not caring where it fell. “Aunt Emma, I love you and you know I respect you, but I will never allow Curtis to have any kind of relationship with Tabitha or that baby, period.”

“Then, honey, I’m sorry to tell you this, but you and Curtis are in for a very rough ride. If you don’t find some sort of common ground, your marriage is going to suffer. It’s going to suffer in a way you can’t even imagine.”

It was all Charlotte could do not to tell her aunt where she could go—the same place she’d advised Curtis he could go just yesterday. What was with everybody? First it was Janine and her farfetched opinion and now Aunt Emma was being just plain out tactless. They were so quick to offer inappropriate advice, but she wondered just how well they’d be willing to take that advice themselves. There was no way they would be able to handle what she was dealing with and she was sorry she’d confided in either one of them. Next to her mother, they were her two favorite women, but after this, maybe she needed to reevaluate her choices. She’d never been at odds with Aunt Emma, particularly the way she was now, so she didn’t see any other alternative except to leave. It was best that she went ahead and thanked her for dinner, told her good-bye, and went to her car.


Charlotte left her aunt’s subdivision in a noticeable hurry, but about a mile into her drive, she dialed her parents and quickly told her mother what had happened.

“Mom, can you believe Aunt Emma?”

“Actually, I do. Emma tries to see good in everyone, and she’s always had this crazy idea that God wants us to do whatever we have to when it comes to forgiving people. She thinks we should all let bygones be bygones in every situation.”

“Well, that’s just too bad because I’m not doing it.”

“I don’t blame you. Everyone you talk to about this is going to have a different opinion, but under no circumstances should you allow Curtis to communicate with that woman. I love my son-in-law, but he’s wrong for even asking you to see his ex-mistress. Baby or not.”

“I’m glad you understand, Mom, and that you support my position on this.”

“Of course I do. I support you because no matter what that Tabitha says, deep down, her reasons for contacting Curtis are less about the baby and more about her wanting to be with him the way she used to. I’m telling you that woman can’t be trusted, and I hope you never forget that.”

“I won’t. I know what she’s up to, and she’s not taking my husband from me.”

“Ever since you told us that baby was born, your daddy and I have been worried sick about you and Curtis.”

“I’m sorry to place such a heavy burden on you.”

“No. Don’t apologize, because this isn’t your fault.”

“Where is Daddy, anyway?”

“He had a library board meeting tonight.”

“Then maybe I’ll call him later.”

“He’ll be glad to hear your voice.”

“Oh and hey, Mom, I almost forgot to tell you. Janine is pregnant.”

“Really? Well, good for her.”

“She took two home pregnancy tests last night, and they were both positive. She’s still going to her doctor to get final confirmation, but she’s very sure that she is.”

“That’s wonderful, and tell her I said congratulations.”

Just then, Charlotte heard a beep from her Palm Treo and moved it away from her ear. She frowned when she saw Curtis’s cell number. She had a mind not to answer but relented and told her mother she had another call.

“What?” she answered tersely.

“I just wanted to say how sorry I am for blowing up the way I did this morning.”

Charlotte continued driving but didn’t respond.

“I know I upset you, and I didn’t mean it.”

“Is there something important you needed to speak to me about? Because if not, I really don’t want to talk to you.”

“I just want to make things right. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Does that mean you’re going to forget about Tabitha and that baby?”

Curtis paused. “Charlotte, I love you with all my heart, but I can’t forget about Curtina.”

Charlotte blasted XM-Radio and dropped her phone on the seat without ending the call so Curtis could hear it. She’d been listening to Suite 62, a wonderful R&B channel, but she purposely changed it to XL RAW, the channel that played uncut, hardcore rap, something she knew Curtis couldn’t stand. She’d hoped they’d be playing the kind of rap with lyrics capable of telling Curtis exactly what she thought of him and right now 50 Cent was doing a fabulous job of it.


Charlotte pulled Matthew’s comforter up to his shoulders and smiled when she saw the squirrelly look on his face.

“What? You think you’re too old to be tucked in?”

“I am, Mom. And you stopped doing that a long time ago, remember?”

Charlotte sat on the side of the bed. “I know. But you’re my baby, and I can’t help myself. Especially not now.”

“It’s because I want to see my father, isn’t it?”

“I love you more than anything or anyone in this world, Matthew, and I’m scared.”

“But you don’t have to be. You’ll always be my mom and Dad will always be my dad.”

“Yeah, but things might change after this weekend.”

“No they won’t. I promise.”

Charlotte smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

“Did you say your prayers?”

“I always do.”

Charlotte was glad he did, but admittedly, she rarely prayed herself at all. Just didn’t see a reason to.

“Sleep tight.”

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too, sweetie.”

When Charlotte left Matthew’s room, she went to hers and Curtis’s but when she entered, she made no eye contact with him. In her peripheral vision, she could see that he was in bed, leaning against a stack of pillows and looking her way, but she proceeded through to her bathroom, which was adjacent to his. Inside, she opened the glass door, turned on the shower, and closed the door leading to the bedroom. She didn’t even want to think about Curtis and once she finished showering, she would go to her favorite guest bedroom until morning.

After removing her V-cut, flare-leg jeans, waist-length sweater, panty hose, and underwear, she washed her face and slipped into the shower. The water was hot and soothing and she stood there longer than usual, enjoying it. She was tired, more mentally than physically, and she just wished her life could go back to the way it used to be. She was beyond miserable, and if Tabitha didn’t leave them alone soon, Charlotte would be forced to take matters into her own hands, something she was trying so hard not to do. She was trying her best to wait this whole thing out, hoping Curtis would finally come to his senses, but after hearing what he’d said in terms of not forgetting about Curtina, well, that wasn’t good. He was sounding more and more like he’d made his mind up to see her. He’d sounded pretty adamant about it and unwilling to change his decision and this wasn’t working for Charlotte.

When she finished drying off, she wrapped the Egyptian cotton towel around her body and opened the door. The mirror above her vanity was completely fogged, so she went to her closet to get her nightgown. That way, she could give the mirror some time to clear up before she came back to tone her face and moisturize it. She hadn’t done so prior to showering because the steam always did such an excellent job of opening her pores.

But after finishing her skin-care regimen, she turned off the light and went over to her nightstand to grab the latest issues of Essence and O magazines.

“Charlotte, you know I love you, right?”

“Curtis, all I want to do is get something to read and then I’m gone. So please save whatever it is you have to say.”

“I know you’re hurting really bad over this, but, baby, I really do love you. I love you from the bottom of my soul, and I can’t bear the thought of living my life without you. I know I said some horrible things to you today, but I’m truly sorry.”

Curtis reached across to where she was standing, attempting to pull her into bed with him, but she jerked away.

“Baby, please don’t do this,” he said. “You’re my heart and joy, and we’ve been through way too much not to be together. And regardless of what problems you and I have, I love that young man down the hallway. I don’t care that David is his real father. All I care is that he loves me, and I love him…and I guess what I’m trying to say is that we owe Matthew. We have an obligation to him and we need to set aside our differences so we can be there for him on Saturday. It’s bad enough that us arguing was the reason Marissa fell down those stairs and died the way she did, so do you want our bickering to cause pain and tragedy for Matthew, too? I mean, is being angry with me really worth causing a ton of heartache for him? I know you’re upset, but there comes a time when we all have to start thinking about other people. We can’t just think about ourselves, Charlotte,” he said, pausing, but then continued.

“I’ve turned my life completely around so that I can honor God the way I’m supposed to as a minister and so that I can honor you as my wife, so do you think it’s right for you to act the way you’re acting? Do you think it’s fair for you to have expected me to forgive you for every one of your mistakes but yet you don’t see a reason to forgive me for mine? I mean, are you really that ready to end our marriage? Because that’s where we’re headed if we don’t get control of this situation. Which would be a shame because I love you so much. It took me losing two other wives to finally be in a place where I want to be faithful to one woman for the rest of my life. And, baby, that someone is you.”

Tears streamed down Charlotte’s face, and Curtis slid his body to the side of the bed and sat up. He pulled her into his lap, and she rested the side of her face against his. Charlotte cried until her body shook, and Curtis consoled her the way he had so many times before. He held her and caressed the back of her head, and for the first time in three days, since Tabitha had dialed their number, Charlotte felt somewhat relieved.

Chances were, this cease-fire might only be temporary, but a small break from rage and anguish was certainly better than no break at all.

Better because she hadn’t been sure how much more she could take.