Shakespeare’s Works
Ado |
Much Ado About Nothing |
Ant |
Antony and Cleopatra |
All’s Well That Ends Well |
As You Like It |
Cor |
Coriolanus |
Cym |
Cymbeline |
Err |
The Comedy of Errors |
Ham |
Hamlet |
1H4 |
The First Part of Henry IV |
2H4 |
The Second Part of Henry IV |
H5 |
Henry V |
1H6 |
The First Part of Henry VI |
2H6 |
The Second Part of Henry VI |
3H6 |
The Third Part of Henry VI |
H8 |
Henry VIII |
JC |
Julius Caesar |
Jn |
King John |
LC |
A Lover’s Complaint |
Love’s Labour’s Lost |
Lr |
King Lear |
Luc |
The Rape of Lucrece |
Mac |
Macbeth |
MM |
Measure for Measure |
A Midsummer Night’s Dream |
MV |
The Merchant of Venice |
Oth |
Othello |
Per |
Pericles |
PhT |
The Phoenix and Turtle |
PP |
The Passionate Pilgrim |
R2 |
Richard II |
R3 |
Richard III |
Romeo and Juliet |
Shr |
The Taming of the Shrew |
Son |
The Sonnets |
The Two Gentlemen of Verona |
Tim |
Timon of Athens |
Tit |
Titus Andronicus |
Tmp |
The Tempest |
TN |
Twelfth Night |
The Two Noble Kinsmen |
Tro |
Troilus and Cressida |
Ven |
Venus and Adonis |
Wiv |
The Merry Wives of Windsor |
WT |
The Winter’s Tale |
EM |
Early Music |
Galpin Society Journal |
Journal of the American Musicological Society |
Journal of English and Germanic Philology |
Lute Society Journal |
MaRDiE |
Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England |
ML |
Music and Letters |
MQ |
Musical Quarterly |
MP |
Modern Philology |
N&Q |
Notes and Queries |
RD |
Renaissance Drama |
Review of English Studies |
ShQ |
Shakespeare Quarterly |
ShS |
Shakespeare Survey |
Frequently Cited Works
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book |
Grove |
The New Grove Dictionary of Music, 2nd edn (2001) |
Grove Online |
The Grove Dictionary of Music Online |
Introduction |
Thomas Morley, A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke (1597) |
MB |
Musica Britannica |
My Lady Nevells Booke |
The Oxford English Dictionary |
Ed. |
editor, or edited by |
Edn |
edition |
Folio |
First Folio of Shakespeare’s plays (1623) |
opening stage direction |
Q |
quarto |
Q1 (2, 3 . . .) |
first (second, third . . .) Quarto |
SD |
stage direction |
Tr. |
translator, or translated by |
Books of Ayres and Madrigal Collections Cited
The abbreviations to books of madrigals and ayres in the main text of the Dictionary (e.g. Attey, 1622; Weelkes, 1598) refer to texts (without music) taken from, for the sake of convenience, the collected modern-spelling edition, English Madrigal Verse, eds F. W. Sternfeld and David Greer, 3rd edn, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967. The short full titles are listed below.
Alison, Richard, An Howres Recreation in Musicke, apt for Instrumentes and Voyces, 1606.
Attey, John, The First Booke Of Ayres, 1622.
Bartlet, John, A Booke Of Ayres, 1606.
Bateson, Thomas, The first set of English Madrigales, 1604.
——, The Second Set Of Madrigales, 1618.
Bennet, John, Madrigalls To Foure Voyces, 1599.
Byrd, William, Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadnes and pietie, 1588.
——, Songs of sundrie natures, 1589.
——, Psalmes, Songs, and Sonnets, 1611.
Campion, Thomas, A Booke of Ayres, 1601 (cf. Rosseter).
——, Two Bookes Of Ayres (The First; The Second), c.1613.
——, The Third and Fourth Booke Of Ayres, c.1617.
Carlton, Richard, Madrigals to Five Voyces, 1601.
Corkine, William, Ayres To Sing and Play To the Lute and Basse Viol, 1610.
——, The Second Booke of Ayres, 1612.
Daniel, John, Songs For The Lute[,] Viol and Voice, 1606.
Dowland, John, The First Booke of Songes or Ayres, 1597.
——, The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres, 1600.
——, The Third And Last Booke Of Songs Or Aires, 1603.
——, A Pilgrimes Solace, 1612.
Dowland, Robert, A Musicall Banquet, 1610.
East, Michael, Madrigales . . . apt for Viols and voices, 1604.
——, The Second set of Madrigales, 1606.
——, The Third Set Of Bookes, 1610.
——, The Fourth Set of Bookes, 1618.
Ferrabosco, Alfonso, Ayres, 1609.
Ford, Thomas, Musicke Of Sundrie Kindes, 1607.
Gibbons, Orlando, The First Set Of Madrigals, 1612.
Greaves, Thomas, Songes of sundrie kindes, 1604.
Handford, George, Ayres To be sunge to Ye Lute, and Base Vyole, 1609.
Hume, Tobias, The First part of Ayres, 1605.
Jones, Robert, The First Booke Of Songes & Ayres, 1600.
——, The Second Booke of Songs and Ayres, 1601.
——, The First Set Of Madrigals, 1607.
Kirbye, George, The first set Of English Madrigalls, 1597.
Morley, Thomas, Canzonets. Or Little Short Songs To Three Voyces, 1593.
——, The First Book Of Ayres, 1600.
Morley, Thomas (ed.), Madrigales The Triumphes of Oriana, 1601.
Mundy, John, Songs And Psalmes, 1594.
Peerson, Martin, Private Musicke. Or The First Booke of Ayres and Dialogues, 1620.
Pilkington, Francis, The First Booke Of Songs or Ayres, 1605.
——, The First Set Of Madrigals And Pastorals, 1613.
——, The Second Set Of Madrigals, and Pastorals, 1624.
Ravenscroft, Thomas, Pammelia, 1609.
——, Deuteromelia, 1609.
——, Melismata, 1609.
Rosseter, Philip, A Booke of Ayres, 1601. See Campion, 1601.
Tomkins, Thomas, Songs, 1622.
Ward, John, The First Set of English Madrigals, 1613.
Watson, Thomas, The first sett, Of Italian Madrigalls Englished, 1590.
Weelkes, Thomas, Madrigals, 1597.
——, Balletts And Madrigals, 1598.
——, Madrigals Of 5. and 6. parts, 1600.
——, Ayeres Or Phantasticke Spirites, 1608.
Wilbye, John, The First Set Of English Madrigals, 1598.
——, The Second Set Of Madrigales, 1609.
Youll, Henry, Canzonets To Three Voyces, 1608.