
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abelard, Peter,

Adam of Persigny,

Adomnán, Vision(s) of,

Adso of Montier-en-Der,

Ailbe (saint),

Albertus Magnus,


Alexander, Paul,

Alexander III, pope,

Alexander’s gates,

Anastasius IV, pope,

Angenendt, Arnold,


Apocalypse, eschatology of,

Apocalypticism; and authorial treatments; and natural phenomena; in Arnau de Vilanova; in church of the martyrs; in Ireland; in reform movements,

Appollonius (martyr),

Aquinas, Thomas,

Aries, Philippe,



Armagh, church of,

Arnau de Vilanova,



Augustine of Hippo; on sin,


Bacon, Roger,


Becket, Thomas,


Bellamy, Edward,


Benedict XI, pope,

Benz, Ernst,

Berengaudus of Ferrières,

Bernard of Clairvaux,

Bernstein, Alan,

Bible: Gen. 19, 175; Ex., 124–25, 138; Ex. 8:1–15, 171; 9:8–12, 171; 9:23–26, 171; 21:24, 249; Judith, 136; Esther, 136; Ps. 30:13, 195; 43:21–22, 26; 51:17, 26; 72:26, 195; 78, 171; 87:19, 197; 105, 171; 116:12, 29; 132:1, 200; 141:8, 202; 145:25, 26; Wis. 3:6, 26; Isa., 141; Isa. 29:6–7, 163; Lam., 136; Ezek., 141; 1:4–21, 128; Dan., 41, 143, 148; Matt. 1:2–17, 131; 3:12, 27; 5:17, 249; 6:21, 35; 6:24, 23, 25; 6:25, 153; 7:2, 28; 10:32, 28; 14:25–33, 127; 17:2–3, 35; 21:9, 241, 242; 22, 241; 24:7, 156, 157, 164, 168; 24:14, 159; 25:32, no; 26:39, 23; Mark 4:24, 28; 6:46–52, 127; 9:2–3, 35’, 13:8, 164; 13:24, 166; 14:36, 23; Luke, 150; 3:23–28, 131; 6:38, 28; 10:30, 66; 11:23, 25; 12:20, 153; 21:11, 157, 164, 168; 21:25, 174; 22:42, 23; John 5:28, 194; 6:15–21, 127; 9:18–36, 39; 17:21, 200; Acts 1:1, 170; 16:16, 164; Rom. 8:8–16, 34; 8:8–35, 26; 14:14–2, 153; 1 Cor. 3:3–13, 46; 6:6, 195, 198; 6:6–19, 28; 7:7, 103; 13:13, 198; 15:15, 33; 15:15, 195; 2 Cor. 6:6, 25; 12:12–1, 236; 72:72, 168; Eph. 5:5, 193; Col. 7:7, 28; 3:3–7, 202; 2 Tim. 3:3–1, 168–69; 1 John 4:4, 192, 198; Rev. (Ape), 25, 128, 141, 143, 148–50; 1:1, 149; 1:1, 149; 6:6, 164; 8:8–5, 156, 164, 171; 9:9–2, 169, 171; 11:11, 164; 11:11, 164; 16:16–8, 157; 16:16, 171; 16–18, 164; 16:16, 171; 18, 137; 18:18, 157; 19:19, 215; 20:20–1; 132; 20:20, 160, 168; 20:20, 159, 160, 171, 186; 20:20–11, 236; 21:21, 24.2; 22:22, 201

Birds, images of,

Black Death. See Plague



Body: after death; treatment of, at death,

Boerner, Bruno,



Boniface VIII, pope,

Bonvesin da la Riva,

Book of the Dun Cow (Lebor na h Uidre),

Brendan (saint),

Bynum, Caroline W.,

Caesarius of Heisterbach,

Cambrai, Bibliothèque Municipale ms. ,

Cambrai, Bibliothèque Municipale ms. ,

Carozzi, Claude,

Carthusian Order, passim

Catechesis Celtica,

Cedar of Lebanon vision,

Celestine III, pope,

Charles IV, emperor,

Chaucer, Geoffrey,

Chlothar, king,


Clement III, antipope,

Clement IV, pope,

Clement V, pope,

Clement of Alexandria,

Clement of Rome,

Clynn, John,

Cohn, Norman,

Collectaneum Bedae,

Cologne Cathedral Treasury,

Columbanus (saint),

Columbus, Christopher,

Cullman, Oscar,


Cyril of Alexandria,

Czarski, Charles,

d’Ailly, Pierre,

Dante Alighieri,


Deep Impact,

Delumeau, Jean,

Dinzelbacher, Peter,

Dominican Order,

Doud, Laurel,

Droste-Hülshoff, Annette,

Drythelm, Vision of,

Dub-da-leithe, abbot of Armagh,


Edmund of Canterbury,

Elizabeth of Thuringia,

Emmerson, Richard,

Engelbert II, archbishop of Cologne; Vita et miracula of,

Eugenius III, pope,


“Evernew Tongue, The” (Tenga Bith-nùa),

Eyck, Hubert and Jan van,

Fail Safe,


Feasting, image of,

“Fiction of judgment” (defined),

“Fifteen Tokens of Doomsday” (Airdena inna Cóic Lá nDéc via mBráth),

Finnian of Clonard,

Fiore, Order of,

Fire; as sign of apocalypse; in hell,


Floreffe, Reliquary of the True Cross,

Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana ms. Plut. XII. ,

Foucault, Michel,

Francis of Assisi,

Franciscan Spirituals,

Frederick I, emperor,

Frederick II, emperor,

Frederick III, king of Sicily,

Frederick of Isenberg, count,


Fructuosus (martyr),

Fursey (Fursa) (saint),

Gaucher de Châtillon d’Autresche,

Gelasian Sacramentary,

Gennep, Arnold van,


Gerald of Aurillac,

Gerard, friar of Borgo San Donnino,

Gerhardus de Cosvelde,

Gerhoch of Reichersberg,

Gertrude of Nivelles,

Ghent Altarpiece,


Gilbert of Poitiers,


Gilson, Etienne,

Glaber, Raoul,

Gog and Magog,

Gregory I (the Great), pope,

Gregory VII, pope,

Gregory of Tours,

Guntram Boso,

Gurevich, Aron,

Hadot, Pierre,

Hadrian IV, pope,

Haimo of Auxerre,

Haymo of Halberstadt,

Heaven; by Nardo di Cione; in Bernard of Clairvaux; in visions of martyrs,

Heaven Can Wait,

Heinrich of Herford,

Helinand of Froidmont,

Hell; Harrowing of,

Henry I, king of England,

Henry IV, emperor,

Henry VI, emperor,

Henry of Harclay,

Henry of Molenark (archbishop of Cologne),

Herlihy, David,

Herrad of Hohenburg,

Heyligen, Louis,

Herzman, Ronald,

Hildegard of Bingen,

History, Christian,

Honorius, emperor,

Hugh of Lincoln,

Hugh of St. Victor,

Ignatius of Antioch,

Immortality, eschatology of,

Innocent III, pope,


Irenaeus of Lyons,

Isabeau de Rumigny,


Jacob, bishop of Batnae,

Jaeger, C. Stephen,

James II, king of Aragon,

Jean de Bruges,


Joachim of Fiore,

John of Paris,

John of Winterthur,

John the Baptist,

Joinville’s Credo,

Jonas of Bobbio,

“Judgment” (Bráth), in,

Justin (martyr),

Kerby-Fulton, Katherine,

Kermode, Frank,

Kleist, Wolfgang,

Knighton, Henry,

Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth,


Landes, Richard,

Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury,

Lang, Bernhard,

Langland, William,

Last Judgment; iconography of,

Lateran Council, Fourth,

Le Goff, Jacques,

Leo IX, pope,

Lerner, Robert,

Lévi-Strauss, Claude,

Liturgy of the dead,

Lobrichon, Guy,

Lucius III, pope,

mac Célechair, Mael Muire,

Malachy of Armagh,

Mandeville’s Travels,

Margaret of Louvain,

Martin (saint),


Mary, body of,

Matthew Paris,

McDannell, Colleen,

McGinn, Bernard,

Meaux, monastery of,


Minucius Felix,


Morgan, Alison,

Morrison, Karl,

Morrison, Toni,

Munich, Bay. Staatsbibliothek, clm.835,

Nardo di Cione,

Nartzalus (martyr),


Neuberg, monastery of,

Newman, Barbara,

Nicodemus, Gospel of,

Odo of Cluny,

On the Beach,


Otto of Freising,

Panofsky, Erwin,

Paris, Coronation of the Virgin and Last Judgment,

Paris, University of,

Patrick (saint),

Paxton, Frederick,


Perpetua (martyr),

Person, concept of, See also Self

Peter Damian,

Peter Lombard,

Peter of Marienstatt,

Philip, Lotte Brand,

Pionius (martyr),


Polycarp (martyr),

Prester John,

Prophecy, See also Visions

“Prophecy of Doomsday” (Armes Dydd Brawd, Yrmes Detbrawt),


Psalter of the Quatrains (Saltair na Rann),


Ptolemaeus (martyr),



Rebillard, Eric,

Reeves, Marjorie,


Resurrection: and body; eschatology of,

Richard I, king of England,

Richard of Chichester,

Richard of St. Victor,

Ringbom, Sixten,

Sacramentary of Gellone,

Salimbene, Friar,

Sanctus (martyr),

Self, See also Person, concept of

Sens, Sacramentary of,

S. Giovanni in Fiore,



Soul: and body; after death; somatomorphic,

St. Patrick’s Purgatory,

St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia ms. Lat.Q.v.I,

St. Pierre de Longoret,

Steinberg, Lawrence,

Suffering; as punishment after death; of Christ; of Mary,

Super Hieremiam prophetam,

Surius, Laurentius,

Tancred of Lecce,


Taurin (saint),

Tempier, Stephen,

Tertullian, passim

Theodosian Code,

Thérel, Marie-Louise,

“Tidings of Doomsday” (Scéla Lái Bràtha),

“Tidings of the Resurrection” (Scéla na hEsérgi),

Tipler, Frank J.,

Tnúdgal, Vision of,

Triumph of the Virgin iconography,

Truly, Madly, Deeply,

Tugwell, Simon,

“Two Sorrows of the Kingdom of Heaven” (Dá Bròn Flatha Nime),

Urban III, pope,

Valentinian I,

Veronica, the,

Victor IV, antipope,


Visions, See also Prophecy

Visser, Derk,

Voyage literature,

Walther von der Vogelweide,

Watts, Pauline Moffit,

Weber, Nancy,

William II, king of Sicily,

William Dene,

William of Auxerre,

William of Bourges,

William of Rubruck,

William Pinchon,