Editors: Mark J. Williams & Adrian W. B. Randolph, Dartmouth College
This series, sponsored by Dartmouth College Press, develops and promotes the study of visual culture from a variety of critical and methodological perspectives. Its impetus derives from the increasing importance of visual signs in everyday life, and from the rapid expansion of what are termed “new media.” The broad cultural and social dynamics attendant to these developments present new challenges and opportunities across and within the disciplines. These have resulted in a trans-disciplinary fascination with all things visual, from “high” to “low,” and from esoteric to popular. This series brings together approaches to visual culture—broadly conceived—that assess these dynamics critically and that break new ground in understanding their effects and implications.
Jonathan Beller, The Cinematic Mode of Production: Attention Economy and the Society of the Spectacle
Ann B. Shteir and Bernard Lightman, eds., Figuring It Out: Science, Gender, and Visual Culture
Anna Munster, Materializing New Media: Body, Image, and Interface in Information Aesthetics
Luc Pauwels, ed., Visual Cultures of Science: Rethinking Representational Practices in Knowledge Building and Science Communication
Lisa Saltzman and Eric Rosenberg, eds., Trauma and Visuality in Modernity