Chapter One

There are Things that do not love the sun. They weep and curse their own creation.

Sometimes on earth a cruel shift takes place. Time splits.

Corpses possessed at the moment of their death rise from tombs. The dark ages of history flow mindless from stagnant wells and lime-dripping cellars. The corpses, those creatures of possession, walk through ancient halls and rooms.

The house of the Trackers stands. It was begun by Johan Traker, father of Theophilus Tracker, grandfather of Justice Tracker, and great grandfather of John Tracker.

Through endless halls are dusks gathering like the memory of screams. There is a concatenation. Presences drift toward combination. Darkness rises and takes shape behind the sound of footsteps. The house prepares.

Autumn rains followed the river, and the construction crews made a final effort. Men slogged through slick clay that stained the weeds blown dead by powerful chemicals. Grasses and leaves fell to decay.

Fungus grew between the toes of men, with boots greasy with clay that dried overnight like well-fired pottery. The storm-thrown rain drove operators from high seats on machines that stood hefty in the puddling soil; the yellow compactors, the tough orange graders and the green buckets.

The new highway stretched raw along the bottoms. It jumped creeks and cut hillsides. It drove a plumb line through the rolling country. For miles it was enclosed by burr and acid-loving weeds which insinuated seed into the soil of the sprayed ditches. In the third heavy frost all of the plants were dead, but the men were gone by then.

The road ran in spurts like extended humps over mass graves. One section ran to the edge of an industrial city where stack flame and sulphur hung over the crowded population. Another section leap-frogged the Ohio River on the bluffs of southern Indiana. All sections were joined by a scheme on blueprints, and all were actually to be joined in the coming year.

After the rain came arctic cold. The mud froze. As the winter turned into one of the worst ever recorded in Indiana, the highway became a mound of white. Storm followed storm. The new year opened with ferocious wind. Then, in the third week of the new year, there was a lull. The highway stretched toward the horizon, unmarked except by an occasional track of a fox or rabbit, a stain of blood when the tracks met.

That is how John Tracker first saw the highway that cut him from property he had not seen since he was twenty, a house where he had not lived since he was ten. During his teens, when his father was normal, John had visited his father here. He had tried to push these years from his mind. Failing that, he had tried to press them into his memory and hide them. It was almost like those memories lived in a well of fear; and he had tried to cover that well. Now it seemed about to burst its cover. Tracker cursed the circumstances that brought him here.

The mound of highway stood like a wall. Beyond that wall, the house of the Trackers.

Fear. His spine felt numb, a contradiction, but true. It was as uncontrolled as a hanged man’s kicking. His shoulders were tight. The back of his neck felt like it was in a clamp.

He had avoided thinking about this place. He had avoided dreaming of it. Usually John Tracker worked so hard that he believed the absorption of work kept him from dreaming. For years he had fought memory and believed it was whipped. Now he was finding that some of his memories were present like the events of yesterday. He told himself that of all men in the world he was best equipped to handle this place. While he thought it, he also thought that he might not be able to handle it at all. Memory pressed. He could nearly hear his own childish voice questioning:

“What’s in the well?”

“Nothin’ in that one, boy.” His grandfather, tall, gray haired, blue-jeaned and with tools at his belt. “Nothin’ in that one, atall. Don’t get nowhere near that other’n.”

“Where is the other one?”

“If you don’t know, then you got no troubles.”

“What’s in the well?”

“Water. Don’t fall in. Don’t go near any well.” His father was usually preoccupied, his brown hair curly and uncombed, his head bent over ledgers or old and crackling books.

“What’s in the well?”

“Fall in there and you’ll see, all right. Look in there and it’ll grab you.” His grandmother knew and was not telling. She was sharp-tongued and had no time for little boys, unless she was scaring them into silence.

John Tracker sat in his car and watched the snowy grade. He was forty years old. For the last twenty years, since the last time he saw this place, he had admitted that there were at least two minds in his head. There was the business and decision-making mind. It was the mind that ruled him. It caused a little laughter, a lot of money-making and lately it was beginning to accept and enjoy pleasure.

He thought of the girl. Amy seemed a long way off, which was not true. She was in the hotel in Indianapolis. He had slept beside her last night. Something beyond casual sex was happening between him and Amy. When he thought of it, it made him shake his head and concentrate on business.

The other mind that lived in his head came from the past. It once lived in the passages of that house beyond the freeway. He controlled it pretty well, but now it seemed ready to make demands. Tracker knew enough of himself to know he was at least partly depraved. He knew enough about the world to believe that most other people were too, but he figured he was, somehow, a special case. He shook his head. Except for the girl, who was really a woman but who thought of herself as a girl, he was alone too much. Either that, or he was in the company of businessmen.

He wished he were back in the hotel with Amy instead of sitting in his car looking at the snow-covered mound. She was a tall woman who showed a strange combination of sensuality, grace and sexual desire, mixed with prudishness. Tracker knew enough about women to understand that Amy sometimes worked under a lot of pressure that seemed unnecessary. It was like she made pressure so she would seem important when she solved the problem. She was still the best woman he had ever met, though she did not seem to have had much experience with men.

Amy was his traveling secretary, and had been for three years. They had always slept in separate rooms until this last week. Tracker again wished she were with him, right now, and the wish did not have much to do with sex. He slouched in his car and stared at the grade. The few automobiles that traveled this side road held farmers and small-townspeople who looked at his foreign car and were always talking as they passed. Talking in the stores, or on the courthouse lawn or in the churchyards on Sunday. Talk was the most plentiful commodity in the world. By evening the whole county would know that John Tracker had returned to the house of the Trackers.

A low rumble vibrated in the back of his throat. His lower jaw dropped, and he felt his hands curling. A feral sound seemed to rise from his throat. It sounded to him like the warning of a cornered animal.

He was shocked by it, he thought it was long past. He’d worked so hard to get rid of it. He knew that other people did not hear it; at least he was pretty sure they did not. But now, here in the presence of the house of the Trackers, it had returned, and even if others did not hear it, he did. Once again, he did.

The story going around the county might say that John Tracker was eight feet tall and had the blood of babies on his breath. For a shocking moment he wished it were true. Actually he was 5’ 11” and muscular. His teeth were clean and even and unbloodied. He kept from fat by constant work and exercise. His face was weathered from the years before the first big money, and he had dark eyes that sometimes announced decisions well ahead of his voice. On this visit to the house he was dressed in wool shirt, work pants and boots. Usually he wore business suits.

His Mercedes was out of its element. Snow melted on the windshield and wind gusted against the car. It responded with shudders like his own. He stopped the engine and continued to look beyond the freeway. He could not name his fear, but he could name its source.

Immense and towering beyond the mound was the house, rising like twisted battlements on the bluff above the river. Coarse, cankered, its spires and points faded in and out of Tracker’s vision as low clouds ran through the snow-blown sky—a sky that seemed a funnel of gloom. A well of despair? The house reached high, weatherbeaten. It looked like the last castle of defense in a chess game against civilization-striding forces. Yet Tracker knew that the house was, in its fashion, as contemporary as himself.

Beneath the cold sky the house seemed luminous. Its brown and yellow mosaics, the Stars of David in purple, blue and green, the silver crosses, the umber and gold birds, black octagons, russet circles, white moon crescents and multicolored triangles. Rusted iron railings on tiered balconies held carved satyr’s masks, sea beasts. There were griffins and Biblical renderings ofJonah and Goliath and the Fall. Because of the light and distance, Tracker could not make out the figure on the enormous stained glass window that wove the face of the house into an imitation of a medieval cathedral.

Rusted, cracked, faded, the designs swirled and beckoned, as sure as the Book of Revelations, as obscure. Some balconies were tumbled. Carvings that decorated them stood singly on posts like chopped heads displayed as some stern lesson. Ancient fecundity figures with oversized bellies dwelt beside satanic forms. From eaves sprouted faces of forgotten gods that seemed struck dumb by surrounding gargoyles. The wind pressed against closed shutters. The house bore the injury of time and weather, yet at no place did it seem weak. Only the shrill tumbling of its symbols was affected.

Nothing so huge could be just a house. It was more a trap, a disaster visited on Trackers for over a century. Man after man, and woman after woman, they added their share: predestined, it seemed, to pour into the monster the best of each individual genius.

And they were, in their fashion, geniuses:

Johan the builder. In Johan’s middle age the theme of the house emerged. Johan began to worry about his soul. He built the first trap in his already enormous house. It was a trap to capture the Devil. Johan’s wife was named Sarah. Her genius was sainthood, if tales about her were to be believed. Sarah was a saint of patience and forbearance.

Their son Theophilus was the designer and primitive artist. Theophilus was also a builder. His wife’s name was Vera, and her genius was to inflict mental and emotional pain. If John Tracker, their grandson, could not remember his great grandparents Johan and Sarah, he could remember his grandparents Theophilus and Vera too well.

Justice, John’s father, was considered by many to be out of his mind, but in his rational moments he was a theologian and historian. Justice’s wife was also named Sarah. John Tracker did not know what his father Justice had built into this house, but it had to be something huge; when Justice was all right he was truly brilliant. John’s mother, the second Sarah, ran away from this house, and John figured that no matter how frenzied his mother’s later life was, she gave this house its proper name. Sarah never called it the house of the Trackers, she spoke of it as “that hideous place.”

As for himself, John Tracker had no wife. He also, he was sure, had no genius. Right now his job was to destroy, and you did not need genius to do that. You also did not need a wife. This was a job best done alone.

The house had to be destroyed because of the new freeway. Actually that was only one reason. There were other considerations. If it was only a matter of destruction then the state could do the job. He smiled and tried a low laugh, and this time the laugh came. He would think of the other considerations later.

The house dominated his view, and he plotted its destruction while wondering at its size. There would be more than two hundred and fifty rooms, not counting the towers, not counting the darkened plain of the cellar nor the subcellar, which he considered a true nether-region.

He paused. There was one decent thing in that house his father, Justice, once built a greenhouse on a third floor terrace, which was the sole retreat for John as a child.

He smoothed his hair, rubbed at his eyes, was surprised by the rough wool shirtsleeves. He raised his hands. They were strong, not trembling. Dark hair on the backs of his hands contrasted with the brightly colored wool shirt.

It was past time to get moving, but he remained seated to watch the scud of clouds between the towers. High gables gave onto areas of flat roofs, wide porches; first floor, second, third, and now there was a porch on fourth. That was new in the past twenty years. Roof to subcellar the house stood railed, bannistered, balconied of oak, pine, teak, mahogany, walnut, elm, poplar, cherry, gum, rosewood and maple. It was foundationed in rock with rock underfootings cut from the bones of the land.

Tracker thought of his grandfather Theophilus and of his eyes that sometimes flared with new ideas, that at other times were cold, flat like the eyes of a reptile. No doubt Theophilus was dead by now, his eyes blank, slatelike. The corded arms of Theophilus, the white, Methuselah hair…dead, kicked out of Hell, if John Tracker was any judge.

Wind buffeted the car and whirled snow along the top of the grade. The snow danced formless. Tracker shuddered. It seemed like there were memories that were going to come no matter how he tried to hold them back. He had visited his father here more than once. Those years between ages ten and twenty had been bad ones. Maybe they’d also been bad for his father.

Tracker turned from the memories. Snow whirled on the grade. Time to get moving. He was, after all, John Tracker; a millionaire businessman who did not put up with foolishness from anything human. This was not, after all, the thirteenth century. A cold draft touched his ankle. Tracker restarted the engine to run the heater. The weather was already dragging on the afternoon light. With this kind of winter, he was sure there would be more snow. The heater warmed him, and he reluctantly stopped the engine, opened the door and stepped into deep snow, nearly sliding into a shallow ditch along the access road. From the trunk he took a flashlight and a crowbar.

The snow whirled, danced, feathered.

He was sure the place was abandoned. His father was reported missing and presumed dead for more than the required seven years. His grandfather Theophilus was either dead, or in his nineties. His grandmother Vera, the same. Nothing was alive in that house except spiders and rats.

He wished he knew more about his family. If he knew more he would not feel so damned alone, so alien. Those were strange things for a man to feel when that man controlled the kind of business John Tracker owned. Still, he needed facts and his memory mostly fed him emotion. If he had more facts there might emerge some overall scheme in his family’s history. That scheme might not be logical, but at least you could look at it logically.

The mound of freeway rose high. The house seemed to stand as a prop for the mound. Thirty-by-thirty rafters. Double-slate roofs. Limestone and granite mazes far beneath the earth. The monster was built and ballasted against winds so incredible they could never blow except in the mind of a demon imagination. He paused and wondered if he was overstating. Demon? Were his grandparents that bad? And he remembered their furious needs, their bizarre compulsions. Yes, his grandparents’ lives wove a tapestry of lust and spite and destruction.

The snow whirled in his face and he slid twice before gaining the top of the grade. On the crest he felt saturated with snow. It was down his shirt and coat, his boots were full. He thought of going back to the car and knew he was trying to kid himself.

He looked down the white, snow-dancing grade, then caught movement in the corner of his eye and looked back at the house. A sliding gray shadow? He saw nothing. Blown snow? If it was a running, sliding gray shadow then it meant…he shook his head, there was something he should allow himself to remember.

A door on the right side of the house opened and an angel carrying a large cross emerged and moved, draped and gowned, through the snow to disappear through another door at the left side of the house. The transit was slow. The angel wore gilded wings, was taller by far than a tall man. It made a faint but distinct clicking as it mechanically followed rails. It plowed snow with its carved-wooden robes. The red and silver cross was faded, but before disappearing the angel turned and presented the cross forward, directly at the grade. Some trick of light, some illumination of the dull afternoon magnified the words written on the cross. Apage Satanis.

Either it was a trick of the light, or a trick once constructed by John’s grandfather Theophilus. John now remembered that there were three basic styles of mechanics that had been built into the house by Theophilus: there were Tricks, there were Traps, there were Warnings.

This mechanical angel, of course, was a Warning, though John did not know whether Theophilus had built the thing to warn the Devil or just to warn everyone, including himself.

The thought of generations pressed in John’s mind. He recoiled from the angel, then relaxed. It was exactly the kind of trash-ridden symbol that he needed to get him started. Wooden angels. Magic crosses. He tightened his hold on the crowbar and prepared to slide down the grade, skidding through drifts toward the house of the Trackers, where the voices of generation after generation of the dead were not yet stilled.