And in other thanks…

Thanks to Liliana Hart and Scott Silverii for including me in the exciting launch of SilverHart books! Without Liliana and Scott, Tess and Jack would have taken a very long time to get from my mind to your hands. Thanks to my editor, Heather Osborn, who gets my voice and my humor and gave me excellent insights. And huge thanks to my amazing cover artist, Lyndsey Lewellen, who totally understood and interpreted my vision and gave me stunning art that fits Jack and Tess perfectly.

Thanks to my son, College Ninja Connor McLevey, who beta-read every page and offered insights and suggestions, and to Ann Thayer-Cohen and Judi Szabo, for early reads and cheerleading.

Finally, thanks to Princess Lauren and Navy Guy Judd, for holding down the home front when I’m “deadlining.”