November 21, 1960
The august Senate hearing room was jammed to capacity. Every seat in the large, wood-paneled room filled the instant the Senate pages opened the sluice gates to permit a tide of newsmen, photographers, and curiosity seekers to flood in. The aisles were jammed by camera crews and their equipment; wires and cables were taped to the rugs, running down to microphones at the front of the room.
Photographers, cameras dangling from their necks, roamed the aisles between the television crews, focusing and flashing their cameras on the empty witness chairs and tables, the curved podium from which the interrogation would soon begin. The noise and banter from the spectators was growing louder, swelling with excitement as the moment neared when the Chairman would gavel into session the Select Joint Congressional Committee to Investigate Organized Crime.
“Just a few more minutes,” murmured J.T. Wright, the young associate counsel to the committee. He stood just outside the door of an antechamber, studying the restless crowd. Beside him stood Marty Boxer, a law-school intern attached to the committee counsel’s office. Boxer, looking out into the main chamber, nodded at Wright’s remark.
J.T. Wright was short and physically unimpressive. His dark eyes bulged slightly, his hair was slick and black, his complexion sallow. He was all of twenty-six years old.
Marty Boxer was twenty-four, and still awaiting word from the bar examiners. He was tall, athletically broad, with a strong jaw and dark, wavy hair. He and J.T. had attended the same college and law school.
Behind Wright and Boxer, the antechamber was crowded with committee members, both senators and representatives, and their aides and staff members. A few select reporters had been permitted exclusive access to the committee members for pre-game interviews. Senator Evard Anders, the chairman of the committee, stood near a sideboard on which coffee and pastry were set out; he was surrounded by assistants, other congressmen, and two reporters, making comments that could not be heard beyond the small circle of people around him. The antechamber buzzed with anticipation; the players were up, adrenaline pumping. This was the big game, the one heralded in all the papers, the one that would be on television screens all across the country in a few minutes, and, later tonight, flooding the newscasts in living rooms and bars for all the voters back home.
“Christ, J.T.,” Marty Boxer said, not turning his eye from the spectacle, “the hearing chamber is jammed. You can’t even walk down the aisle.”
“That’s just what we wanted,” J.T. smiled. He turned, with Marty following, and walked toward Senator Anders.
J.T. stopped suddenly. “Are the guards keeping an aisle open for the committee?” he asked Marty.
“I didn’t even notice.”
“Well, go back and notice,” Wright directed, his attention now focusing on the reporters and committee personnel in the room. “We don’t want the committee to have to fight their way to their chairs.”
Boxer nodded and turned back toward the hearing chamber.
“Did everybody get this morning’s updated schedule and transcript?” J.T. called to Boxer as an afterthought.
Boxer turned back. “Yes, I made sure they did.”
Wright nodded rapidly, nervously. He glanced in a wall mirror momentarily, cocking his head, patting his hair.
“You look terrific,” Boxer smiled.
“Stop the horseshit. Did you check the aisle yet?”
“I was just going.”
“Great, great, you were just going. Listen, Marty”—J.T.’s eyes wandered around the room—“I have a thousand things on my mind. When I tell you to do something, just go and do it, okay?”
Marty nodded and walked toward the door to the hearing room.
“Talk to you a minute, Mr. Wright?” asked James C. R. Duneden, a star columnist for the Washington Post. Duneden’s column always contained a lot of inside political information. He was a self-appointed watchdog, with contacts in every branch and agency of the government. He was respected, even feared, all the way up Pennsylvania Avenue.
“Sure, Jim.” A slit of a smile flickered across Wright’s lips.
“What are your views on this investigation, Mr. Wright?” asked Duneden.
“Jim, do you really want an interview, or did you just come over to bust my balls?” Wright said softly, familiarly. His eyes darted quickly from one side to the other, to see that no one could overhear them.
“My interview piece with you is already in type, J.T. It’ll run as a special supplement to my column tonight.”
“How long is it?”
“I don’t know how long it’ll be after the city editor gets at it. But you’re splashed all over it, featured picture and all.”
“One of the pictures we took in my office the other day?”
Duneden nodded.
“Good. How did your interview of the chairman go?”
“Just as you wanted it.”
“That’ll make his hillbilly heart swell.” J.T. smiled. “You’re not going to interview anybody else, are you? I mean,” he said, looking around, then whispering, “you can interview them all you want. But you don’t have to print anything on them for tomorrow, do you?”
Duneden smiled. “Probably not. We’ll have enough special material with your interview and the chairman’s.”
“If things get crowded,” Wright whispered even more softly, “cut out the chairman.”
Duneden chuckled.
“Whatever you do, don’t interview that creature,” J.T. said, looking directly across the room at a man of about fifty, with metal-frame glasses, a dark blue suit, brown shoes, and a striped tie. He was looking at Craig Rogers, chief counsel to the committee.
“You mean your boss?” Duneden asked.
“What a creep,” said J.T. “He’s still wearing the official prep uniform of an FBI agent, or one of those New York United States Attorneys. A hard-assed prig. Did you get an updated copy of today’s transcript?” he said, changing the subject.
“Yes, the transcript, the agenda, the whole thing. I see you’re leading off with John Entrerri.”
“Right. Gentleman Johnny. What do you think about him from a publicity point of view?”
“Might as well start out with some glamour. He’s dapper, always in the papers, nightclubs, sporting events. You think he’s going to testify about anything?”
“Of course not. He’ll take the Fifth, which is just perfect as far as I’m concerned.”
“How so?” Duneden asked.
“I can ask him anything I want—‘Did you kill your grandfather?’—and he’ll refuse to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate him. I love it. I hope almost every one of them takes the Fifth.”
“That sounds like you have something up your sleeve. Didn’t I get a full transcript of today’s activities?”
“Today’s, yes. I can’t give away all my secrets, though,” Wright said slyly.
“Come on, ‘fess up, J.T. Let me in on it.”
“I will, I will. Let me keep a couple of things to myself until the right moment.”
“I won’t use it until you tell me. But give me a chance to work something up,” Duneden said.
“Talking about working something up,” Wright parried, “how did you like that blonde from the party?”
Duneden glanced around, then turned to J.T., a leer dripping from his face. “You son of a bitch, where the hell did you get those wild bozos? That one almost chewed my dong off.”
Wright emitted a quick chuckle. “Sorry about that. I’ll get you something more sedate in the future.”
“Hell, no. Send me two like that one.” Duneden had forgotten J.T.’s withheld information already.
“Two? That’s a little exotic for my taste, but do a good job with today’s coverage, and you’ll have three at your own private party.”
“J.T.,” the chairman interrupted, touching Wright’s arm. “Excuse us a moment, Mr. Duneden.”
“Of course, Mr. Chairman. I’ll talk to you later about those three items, Mr. Wright,” Duneden smiled.
“Yes, Mr. Chairman?” J.T. said courteously, turning to face the tall, rawboned man with glasses and a reddish complexion.
“Do you think we should get going now?” the chairman asked, walking with Wright to a place apart from the crowd.
“In a few minutes, Mr. Chairman. Perhaps you can let the others go in and take their seats, get their papers in order. Then you can walk in at the end. Make a dramatic entrance, you know?”
The chairman nodded, smiled appreciatively, then turned toward the crowd. “Gentlemen,” he called out.
The noise began to subside.
“Gentlemen, may I have your attention?”
The room was down to a murmur now.
“Would you committee members start into the hearing room and assume your places? I’d like to get things started on time. We have national television for two hours this morning, and I don’t want to hold up the networks or our folks back home more than we have to.”
The murmurs increased again as the committee members began to gather their papers. As they started toward the chamber, a few of the members glanced in the mirror on the wall, giving themselves a last once-over.
The chairman and Wright conferred to one side, as the members filed out.
“Once at center stage,” J.T. told him, “you’ll begin the proceedings with your initial statement. Then we’ll call Entrerri as our first witness.”
“Lucy already gave you a final copy of my opening statement. What do you think?”
“It’s fine,” Wright assured him. “Just the right tone. I made one slight suggestion somewhere in the middle.”
“I saw it, and I thought it was a good one. I’ve already incorporated it into the statement.” He looked at his watch. “I think it’s about time we went in, don’t you?”
“Just a second, Mr. Chairman. Marty,” he called.
“Yes, J.T.?”
“What’s happening out there?”
“The committee is all in place. The cameramen and the photographers are all crowded around the podium, waiting for the chairman.”
“Sounds like the right moment for your entrance, Mr. Chairman.” J.T. smiled.
“Well, here goes nothing,” said the chairman, glancing in the mirror, touching his tie.
J.T., behind the chairman, glanced at Marty with a deprecating smirk as he watched Anders primp.
The hubbub that filled the chamber grew perceptibly as the chairman made his way slowly to the center of the high podium. J.T. followed directly behind him. Boxer slipped almost unobserved from the anteroom and quietly made his way to the committee counsel table in front of the podium. Craig Rogers was already seated at the center of that table.
The chairman and J.T. purposely stood at the center of the podium now, chatting casually as the cameras flashed. J.T. finally moved away from the chairman and made his way toward the committee counsel table.
“Are we all set to begin, Mr. Wright?” Rogers asked J.T. acidly. He reciprocated J.T.’s dislike of him, particularly since Wright, still wet behind the ears, had eclipsed him in committee affairs and was considered the chairman’s fair-haired boy.
It was no secret that the chairman thought Rogers stiff and mirthless, a man who didn’t like to belly up to the bar for some serious drinking. Second only to his love of politics and public acclaim, Anders enjoyed his drink. Not that J.T. ever caroused with the chairman, but he did have the redeeming quality of being clever, and more than that, he got along well with the media people. It was J.T., for instance, who had thought up the entire idea of the organized-crime hearings in the first place. It was J.T. who had calculated that those legendary hearings from the McCarthy days, the fabled witch-hunts for Communists, could be duplicated or even surpassed now that there was unlimited television coverage to bring the hearings into every home in America. He had only to find the right witches to hunt. And it had taken just a little time to find them: the Mafia, organized crime, the syndicate, the mob, the boys. This was an entity as well known in America as Rice Krispies. Anders loved it immediately and saw the coverage such hearings would command. He couldn’t stop praising—privately, of course—Wright’s idea. Publicly, it was the chairman’s brainchild, which Wright didn’t protest. After all, he realized, the chairman could hardly put together all the necessary plans by himself. Wright became the real thinking force behind the hearings. Which, of course, incensed Rogers. He couldn’t understand how someone with no family background or money, one so obviously not “in,” could have jockeyed one of the Wall Street Rogerses, the Park Avenue/Palm Beach Rogerses, into such a corner. Yet it was done, Rogers fumed as he sat alone at the counsel table, ignored by the chairman, by the members of the committee, even by the press. If you read the newspapers, Rogers thought, you wouldn’t know there was a chief counsel to the committee, or if you did know, you would have thought it was Wright.
“Everything is right on schedule,” Boxer responded when J.T. ignored Rogers’s question.
“Thank you,” Rogers replied, staring at Wright.
“You got your copy of this morning’s transcript, didn’t you?” Boxer added, to defuse the tension. Rogers was so obviously not in the chairman’s or the committee’s favor, Boxer went out of his way to be courteous to him. Sometimes Boxer would go over to Rogers, as he shuffled papers around his desk, to let him know what was going on, so he wouldn’t be totally out in the cold.
“Yes, I did, Marty,” Rogers replied. True, Boxer wasn’t from his social stratum either, but he was a pleasant, intelligent young man. “I was sure you had left them for me.”
“Marty,” demanded Wright, turning in his seat two chairs to the right of Rogers. “Come here a minute, will you?”
“Excuse me a minute, Mr. Rogers.”
“Come over to this side,” Wright said, indicating that Boxer should come to his side away from Rogers. “Why are you talking to Rogers? I told you to stay away from him, didn’t I?”
“I just asked if he had a transcript—”
“I don’t give a damn what he has. He can’t read anyway. I told you to ignore him, and that’s what I want you to do.”
Boxer said nothing. He always tried to be a buffer between the two men. He disliked neither of them, but he certainly disliked the tension and antagonism between them—particularly since J.T. usually maneuvered him right into the middle.
John Entrerri was dressed in an elegant, dark gray flannel suit and a crisp white shirt with gold cufflinks at the wrists. His tie was gray silk with a tiny polka-dot pattern. His shoes, custom made for Gentleman Johnny in Italy, were black, highly polished, and a touch pointed. He put a long, thin cigarette to his lips, and lit it with a gold lighter. He was looking out a window in the small witness room. George Russo, his lawyer from New York, was at his side, also facing the window.
“I don’t give a good rap, George. I won’t be put on television,” Gentleman Johnny protested softly.
“I’ll tell the committee counsel, and see—”
“Tell that little prick Wright that I won’t be his patsy. He only subpoenaed me here to put on a show, to make a fool out of me. He knows I have nothing to do with anything he’s investigating. The FBI knows that too. Do they have the right to take television pictures at these hearings?”
“That’s tough to answer. They may have, they may not.”
“George, tell Wright that I won’t have my face on television, so people can recognize me, bother me in the streets. I’m not some Milton Berle. He’s going to have to start contempt proceedings, because I won’t testify if those television cameras are on me in there.”
Several other witnesses and their lawyers were in the witness room, waiting to be called. None of the witnesses spoke to each other, although occasionally their eyes would meet for a moment and then slide away without a sign of recognition. Not that most of them didn’t know one another. They didn’t know everyone in the room, however, and they were sure that the FBI had planted a phony witness and a phony lawyer just to see who spoke to whom, who paid deference to whom, and what, if anything, could be overheard while the witnesses spoke among themselves. The waiting witnesses were, according to Wright’s stories to the press, leaders and members of organized crime in America.
“I’ll see what I can do,” said Russo. “I’ll talk to Wright. You’ll be all right by yourself here, won’t you?”
Johnny smiled. “Go ahead. I’ll be all right.”
Russo opened a side door and entered the hearing room. Immediately he was engulfed in a babel of sound and a sea of people as he threaded his way to the counsel table.
“May I interrupt you a moment?” Russo asked when he reached Wright.
“What is it, Mr. Russo? I’m very busy,” Wright said curtly, looking up from his papers only for an instant.
“I’d like to discuss my client’s reservations about—”
“The hearing’s going to begin in a moment. You’d better get him ready.” Wright didn’t bother to look up.
“My client refuses to testify,” Russo said flatly, annoyed at Wright’s rudeness.
“What do you mean, he refuses to testify?” Wright demanded venomously. He suddenly became aware that several members of the press corps had turned to listen.
“What’s happening?” Rogers asked, turning toward the commotion.
“I’ll take care of it,” Wright snapped. He stood and moved quickly to the side, motioning Russo to follow him. The media people hovered, straining to catch their conversation. Wright realized that John Entrerri’s refusal to testify—even if he were cited for contempt—could be a major disruption of the hearings, could make them lose a great deal of force and drive, and that could make him look like a kid who’d tripped on his own shoelace. Over Russo’s shoulder, he noticed the chairman motioning to him, asking if it was time to begin the proceedings. “Excuse me,” Wright said, rushing forward, standing on tiptoe to whisper to the chairman, who leaned over the podium. Anders nodded gravely. Wright walked hurriedly back to Russo.
“What the hell do you mean, Entrerri refuses to testify? I’ll have him tossed in jail so fast his head will swim.”
“He’d prefer that to having his face spread all over the television screen.”
“Is that it? The television cameras?”
“That’s it.”
Wright thought rapidly, his hand to his chin, ignoring Russo. The crowd in the room was getting restless. The noise was noticeably louder.
“My client realizes that you’re putting on a sideshow here, and that he’s one of the main attractions. He’s not interested in being made a public exhibition. Even if that causes you to start contempt proceedings against him.”
“You said that already,” Wright said impatiently.
“Mr. Wright, I’m an attorney, just as much as you are. I—”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” Wright said impatiently. He thought silently for a moment, shrugged, then turned to Russo. “Listen, Mr. Russo, if your client’s only worried about his face being on television, why don’t we stipulate that during his testimony his face won’t be shown?”
“Let them televise the table top, his hands, his feet, the soles of his shoes, for all I care,” Wright explained. Secretly, he was thinking of the tremendous dramatic effect of Entrerri’s face not being televised.
“That’s not what my client had in mind.”
“Why not? His face won’t be on television, and he won’t be prosecuted for contempt. And more importantly, we get on with the proceedings.”
“I think you took me a little too literally, Mr. Wright.”
“We don’t have time for semantics. Either he gets going now or we get going with contempt proceedings. Mr. Boxer—” Wright called to Marty.
“Yes, Mr. Wright,” Marty answered, sensing the formality of the moment.
“Do you have those contempt papers I asked you to draw up in reference to John Entrerri?”
“Yes, sir.” Marty walked back to the counsel table. He picked up a folder and began to leaf through documents inside. He selected one and came back to Wright. “Here they are.”
Wright shoved the documents toward Russo. “Read these.”
Russo took them and began to read.
“You see, we’re ready for action this morning,” said Wright, “and frankly I don’t care whether the action is testimony or contempt.”
Russo calmly read the proposed contempt application. He was impressed by the thoroughness with which Wright approached the hearings.
The hubbub in the room was more intense. J.T. looked toward the chairman, who was staring back at him, waiting to gavel the hearings to order.
“You can’t bring a summary contempt proceeding before this committee now,” said Russo calmly. Inwardly, he was anything but calm. “We’d be entitled to an opportunity to answer the allegations.”
“I don’t have time for all these legal niceties right now. Just get your client into that witness chair, or stay inside the witness room and watch the contempt proceedings on television. If I’m wrong, you’ll have to prove it in an appeal court. Believe me, you won’t win here.” He turned toward the chairman, nodding, silently mouthing the word “okay.”
Anders brought his gavel down resoundingly on the podium. “Ladies and gentlemen …”
J.T. resumed his seat, leaving Russo standing in the aisle, the contempt documents in hand.
“Mr. Wright—” said Russo, walking toward Wright.
“What, what? Jesus Christ, more?”
“If my client does testify, the camera will not focus on his face. Agreed?”
“Fine. Marty, go talk to the camera crews, you know who to talk to. Tell them that for legal reasons, when Entrerri testifies, they can’t focus on his face.”
“Just listen to me, all right? Tell them the tabletop, the floor, his hands, anything but his face. Come on, Marty. We’ve been delayed enough already.”
“Ladies and gentlemen …” the chairman repeated, his gavel sounding again.
George Russo walked back toward the witness room, where Gentleman Johnny waited. He carried the copies of the contempt papers that Wright had given him.
The noise in the room was changing now. It was quieter, yet more intense, swirling into the corners of the room, under the chairs, filtering to the floor.
“I saw you on television talking to that weasel. What did he have to say for himself?” Johnny asked.
On a high shelf to one side of the room, Russo saw a television monitor showing the proceedings. It displayed a miniature reproduction of everything he had just left in the hearing room. The chairman was still gavelling the chamber quiet.
“He said the television cameras won’t focus on your face. They’ll focus on the tabletop, on your hands.”
“You’re kidding.”
“No, I’m not.”
“My face, my hands? What the hell’s the difference?”
“The difference is that he’s ready to start contempt proceedings if you refuse to testify. Look.” Russo handed Entrerri the papers. “He’d love you to refuse to testify. He’ll start these hearings like a circus, with you as the featured attraction. What’s the difference if you take the witness stand? You’re not going to say anything anyway.”
Entrerri read the papers.
The chairman began making his opening statement.
“I’m still going to take the Fifth?”
“That’s right. They have the power to hold you in contempt if you don’t appear, but they can’t give you immunity, so you can still invoke the Fifth Amendment. Let’s beat him at his own game.”
“The little son of a bitch.”
“Call your first witness, counselor,” the chairman intoned at the end of his opening remarks. The television monitor showed a closeup of Anders’s mountain-rough features. The camera panned to the counsel table and a closeup of Wright reading legal papers.
“That punk. I’d like to give him a punch in his mouth,” Entrerri said as he watched the monitor.
“Let’s do what we have to do,” said Russo. “Do you have the paper I prepared for you?”
“Right here,” Entrerri said, reaching into his inside breast pocket. He glanced over the page again. “I repeat this after each question?”
Boxer opened the door to the witness room and said, “Mr. Wright wants to know if you’re ready for testimony.”
“Tell that little—” started Gentleman Johnny.
“We’re ready,” Russo interrupted. “But the cameras are to stay off my client’s face.”
“I took care of the television situation myself,” said Marty. “The television people assured me they would strictly follow counsel’s instructions.”
“You think you can trust that Wright? Maybe he’ll double-cross us.” Turning to Marty, Johnny said, “They can’t take my picture as I walk in, either.”
“I’ve instructed them to aim their cameras at you only when you’re at the witness table, and never at your face.”
“The first witness, Mr. Chairman, is John Entrerri of New York City,” said the chief committee counsel, reading from notes on the table before him. The television screen showed the committee counsel table.
The television announcer’s voice spoke in hushed tones from the monitor in the waiting room. Gentleman Johnny and Russo looked up at the screen.
“… A most unusual situation is about to unfold here momentarily. John Entrerri—Gentleman Johnny, as he is better known—has refused to permit his face to be televised, for reasons that we do not now know. When Entrerri, the reputed head of gambling rackets in New York City and a high-echelon member of organized crime, testifies before the committee, you will hear his voice, but you will see only his hands. We are trying to find …”
Johnny removed a diamond ring from the pinky of his left hand and unstrapped his watch, placing both items in his jacket pocket. He felt inside his pocket for the paper that Russo had given him, in case he needed it.
“Okay, let’s get it over with,” said Johnny.
George Russo walked first down the aisle toward the witness table, between rows of gawking spectators. He indicated a chair in front of several microphones for Johnny, and sat next to him.
“Are those things working?” said Johnny, pointing to the microphones.
“Assume they are,” said Russo, putting his hand over the one closest to him.
“I can ask you a question if I want, can’t I?”
“What is your name, please?” the chairman began.
“John Entrerri.”
“Where do you live?”
“Pound Ridge, New York.”
“What line of business are you in, Mr. Entrerri?”
“Mr. Chairman, on the advice of my counsel,” said Johnny, “I respectfully decline to answer that question on the grounds that my answer may tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
On the television monitor, a pair of clasped hands appeared.
“… This is really unusual, as you can imagine, ladies and gentlemen. The witness, whom you cannot see on your screen, is just sitting with folded hands, and we are only permitted to take pictures of those hands. In a moment we will flash a still picture of Mr. Entrerri from our files, so you will have some idea of what Entrerri looks like. But you will not be seeing any live coverage of Entrerri’s face, or anything else except for his hands on the screen …”
“Mr. Entrerri,” the chairman asked, “are you a citizen of the United States?”
“Mr. Chairman, upon the advice of my counsel I respectfully decline to answer that question on the grounds that my answer may tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
Wright was watching Entrerri intently.
“Mr. Entrerri, are you married?”
“Mr. Chairman, upon the advice of counsel I respectfully decline to answer that question on the grounds that my answer may tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Are you, sir, sometimes known as Gentleman Johnny?”
“Mr. Chairman, upon the advice of my counsel I respectfully decline to answer that question of the grounds that my answer may tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Let me ask you this, Mr. Entrerri,” Wright interrupted, leaning forward across the table. “Is there any question you will answer before this committee and the American public?”
“Most respectfully, sir, I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that my answer might tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Is that on advice of counsel?” Wright prodded sarcastically.
Gentleman Johnny shot a stiletto look to Wright as he moved an inch closer to the microphone. “Most respectfully, on the advice of my counsel I refuse to answer that question, too, on the grounds that my answer might have a tendency to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Do you have any children, Mr. Entrerri?” Wright snapped, staccato and hard, taunting Johnny.
“Most respectfully—”
“I know, I know,” said Wright patronizingly, “you refuse to answer on the grounds that your …”
The rest of what Wright mimicked was lost in the audience’s loud guffaws. Anders, fighting a smile, gavelled for silence.
The television cameras, passing from the chairman to Gentleman Johnny’s hands, failed to pick up the menacing stare Johnny gave Wright.
“Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman,” George Russo called loudly, to be heard over the crowd.
“Yes, Mr. …” The chairman’s eyes searched his desk for the piece of paper with the lawyer’s name.
“Mr. Chairman, I realize these hearings are public, are being televised on national hookup, and as such there is some theatrical aspect to the proceedings. However—”
“Just a minute, counselor,” reprimanded the chairman, not wanting to lose face before millions. “These proceedings are most serious indeed, and I believe that your comments are intended to cast aspersions on the character of this committee.”
“Mr. Chairman, neither my client nor I mean to be disrespectful of this committee. However, may I ask that your counsel—or should I say junior counsel—accord some respect to the Constitution of the United States.”
“The Constitution?” Wright chimed in, his face screwed into a frown.
“As I understand the Constitution,” said Russo, “my client enjoys certain rights and privileges, one of which is the Fifth Amendment prohibition against compelled selfincrimination. Now I’m not sure, but it seems your junior counsel is, by inflection and attitude, ridiculing the constitutional privileges of Mr. Entrerri.”
“That’s a scurrilous smokescreen,” countered Wright, “fabricated to allow Mr. Entrerri to make a mockery of this committee and the very Constitution his lawyer is parading for television.”
“Mr. Chairman,” said Russo, “I’ve made an objection to the proceedings and I’d appreciate your advising me as to whether a witness before this committee, invoking lawfully and rightfully a constitutionally sanctioned privilege, must be subject to the taunts and derision of counsel?”
The chairman hesitated.
“He can hide behind it if he has to,” Wright injected caustically.
“Mr. Chairman, are you conducting these proceedings according to American law or according to Mr. Wright’s distasteful need for national publicity?”
“I advise you, counselor,” the chairman said gravely, “not to mock these proceedings yourself. I think we’ll all get along fine if everyone observes the usual protocol. Let’s proceed.”
The television audience saw Gentleman Johnny’s hands calmly folded into each other, waiting for the next question. Nothing had happened that he hadn’t expected. He and Russo had both known that Wright would try to make a production out of his invocation of the Fifth Amendment. They had discussed it together and agreed upon a strategy of passive repetition of the Fifth, regardless of Wright’s antics. Russo sat back momentarily, the onslaught abating as the participants took a breath and a pause to reevaluate.
“We both got a little too involved,” Russo whispered, leaning to Johnny, covering the microphone with his hand.
“I know. That—” Johnny hesitated, lest the microphone pick up what he was going to say about Wright, then went on, “He gets to you after a while.”
“Mr. Entrerri, are you a member of an organized crime family known as the Pasquale Bedardo family?” J.T. hurled at Gentleman Johnny.
“Most respectfully, on the advice of counsel, I decline to answer on the grounds that my answer might tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Is this Bedardo family one of five organized crime families in the New York City area?”
“Respectfully, on the advice of counsel, I refuse to answer on the grounds that my answer might tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Wright,” the chairman interrupted. “I’d like to ask Mr. Entrerri some questions, and I know my colleagues also have some questions they’d like to ask.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Chairman,” Russo said. “I’d like to confer with my client first.”
Anders nodded.
“Now they’re going to get down to specifics,” Russo said to Gentleman Johnny, automatically covering the microphone with his hand.
“I know. Now they’re going to parade out families and names and all that other garbage the newspapers write.”
“Don’t let it bother you. Just keep taking the Fifth,” said Russo. “Their questioning may go on a long time.”
“Let them go on forever, I’ll sit here and repeat the same thing.”
“In a couple of questions, answer by saying ‘same answer,’ instead of repeating the whole thing over and over.”
“Just say ‘same answer’?”
“Right. See if we can cut this short, not make it seem so long and drawn-out.”
“Okay, counselor.”
They both sat back, ready to proceed.
“Are you ready now, sir?” asked the chairman.
Gentleman Johnny did not reply.
“Very well. Mr. Entrerri, are you the consigliere”—he made a hillbilly singsong out of the attempted Italian pronunciation—“of the Bedardo crime family?”
“Most respectfully, Mr. Chairman, on the advice of my counsel, I decline to answer on the grounds that my answer might tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Mr. Chairman?” asked Senator Carleton.
“The chair recognizes the distinguished senator from Louisiana.”
“Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Entrerri”—Senator Carleton, although he tried, did hardly better with the Italian pronunciation—“are these crime families tied together in a national alliance, presided over by a central commission?”
“Most respectfully, Senator, on the advice of counsel, I decline to answer on the grounds that my answer may tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“Does this commission oversee all crime families in the United States, including the crime family of Francesco Venitello in my home state of Louisiana?”
“Same answer, Senator.”
“Same answer as what?” countered J.T.
“I respectfully decline to answer that question on the advice of counsel, on the grounds that my answer might tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
Wright folded his arms, a sour look on his face. He noticed that the little red on-the-air light was lit on a television camera pointed toward him. He leaned back in his chair with a look of disgust.
“Do you know Francesco Venitello personally, Mr. Entrerri?” Senator Carleton continued.
“Same answer, most respectfully, Senator.”
“Perhaps you’ll answer this question, Mr. Entrerri.” He pronounced the name to rhyme with dreary.
“That’s Entrerri, Senator,” Gentleman Johnny corrected.
The Senator looked up from his notes. “My apologies, sir. Now. Mr. Witness …”
The crowd laughed. Even Gentleman Johnny was amused.
“… does this organized crime family of Francesco Venitello—I hope I’m pronouncing that right …” He looked at Gentleman Johnny again.
Johnny said nothing.
“… does this crime family control usury and gambling operations in New Orleans?”
“Same answer, Senator.”
“Same answer as what?” J.T. said with feigned annoyance. “This committee is entitled to a complete answer to each question.”
Gentleman Johnny said nothing.
“Senator Carleton,” said the chairman, “may I interrupt you for a moment?”
“Certainly, Mr. Chairman.”
“The chair recognizes Representative Wellman of Missouri.”
“Mr. Witness”—the Missourian wasn’t even going to bother to unscramble the name—“is it true that there are twenty-seven major crime families in the United States?”
“I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that my answer might tend to degrade or incriminate me.”
“And that these groups are connected to crime families in Italy?”
Gentleman Johnny leaned over to his counsel.
“What’s the matter?” Russo whispered.
“Nothing. I just wanted to take a breather. These questions are a lot of crap. They know I won’t answer anything.”
“That’s why you’re such a good witness. They can say anything they want, and you won’t disprove them or disagree with them.”
Gentleman Johnny shrugged.
“Same answer, most respectfully,” he said into the microphone.
On the desk before Representative Wellman, and on those of all the other members of the committee, were pages of questions, general and specific questions about cities, families, names, and dates. They were all composed by Wright and the committee counsel staff, for the committee members to ask Entrerri. The Chairman called on each member in turn, and each asked his own questions, focusing particularly on an alleged crime or crime family in the member’s home state. The session went on all morning, with the television cameras showing every questioner, and then cutting back to Gentleman Johnny’s hands. About noon, the chairman announced a luncheon recess.
“Mr. Wright, may I see you for a moment?” asked the chairman as the committee made its way back to its side chamber. He guided Wright to a spot where they could speak privately. “Well, how do you think it went?”
“But that ‘eye-tie’ som-bitch didn’t answer a single question!”
“That’s exactly what we want, Senator. It shows how insidious this crime situation is, how it has a stranglehold on the entire nation, and there aren’t adequate laws to cope with such a vast criminal conspiracy.” Wright was priming Anders for the reporters, and the chairman listened intently. “That’s why these hearings are essential, to let the nation know how badly we need the new legislation that the committee is going to propose at the end of the hearings.”
The chairman nodded, looking up as he saw reporters starting to stream into the committee room.
“What’s on this afternoon?” the chairman asked quickly. “Do we still have that Giono, Giordano … whatever his name is?”
“It might be better if we put Guardaci on tomorrow morning,” said Wright. “More impact. You can build him up this afternoon as a surprise witness—be sure not to mention his name—who’s going to break the code of silence. The media will play it up big. We’ll have a bigger audience tomorrow.”
“Are we on safe grounds to say all these things?”
“Of course, Senator,” Wright lied, knowing there was no place anyone could go to verify the drama Wright was making up.
“This Guardaci is the surprise witness we have that entire script for, who testified before the committee in private session?”
“Exactly, Mr. Chairman,” Wright replied. “In fact, I even had some extra copies of the transcript of his testimony made up. I’m going to slip them to our more important friends in the media. This way they can file an early and complete story of the upcoming proceedings.”
The chairman looked at Wright and smiled. He had to admire this young snake from New York. He really knew his way around.
“Mr. Chairman,” asked the first reporter to reach Wright and Anders, “doesn’t this Entrerri’s constant refusal to answer questions make this hearing rather pointless?”
“Quite the contrary, sir,” said the chairman benignly. “It only points up more dramatically the need for the legislative reform that I and my committee are drafting. Such insidious criminal activity, if it exists in the proportions that we think it does, must be fought with new laws, out in the open, to protect the public from its strangling effects on our everyday life.”
Wright grinned as he walked toward Boxer.