Warming Turmeric Milk

Serves 2

TURMERIC is of huge benefit when you are attempting to reduce inflammation. It’s an intense antioxidant, offering many beneficial compounds for gut healing, and has also been found to help level out thyroid function, which can’t hurt, even if you think your thyroid is fine. Black pepper may seem out of place in a breakfast tonic, but it actually helps the body absorb much more of the healing properties of the turmeric. The creamy coconut milk is also great for your brain (you could also use any other plant milk that you tolerate). Served warm in a big mug, this creamy and savory-sweet turmeric milk, sometimes called “golden milk,” also works great any time of day. So give it a try for breakfast, or as a soothing before-bed drink.

1 (15-ounce) can full-fat organic coconut milk with no additives or fillers

1¼ cups filtered water

1 teaspoon coconut oil

1 tablespoon ground turmeric, or 1-inch piece fresh turmeric, grated (fresh turmeric is easy to find in health food stores now, and I much prefer fresh to ground in this recipe)

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Pinch of freshly ground black pepper

About 1 tablespoon raw honey, or to taste

Combine the coconut milk, water, coconut oil, turmeric, cinnamon, and pepper in a small saucepan and whisk together until combined (you could also use an immersion blender). Heat over medium heat until simmering, about 5 minutes. Pour into two mugs, sweeten with honey, and enjoy. You can also drink one mug and reserve the other half for the evening or the next morning. It will keep fine in the refrigerator.