When I’m eating pure, I focus on the most gentle, anti-inflammatory foods I can have, that will still make me feel content and happy. Remember, this is not about depriving yourself. It’s all about rethinking your food. For example, you may think raw vegetables are healthy—well, yes, but they are also really hard on the digestive system. On the other hand, fruit is highly anti-inflammatory and soothing. It’s a perfect remedy for those high-inflammation days (or weeks). It’s about keeping your system calm and keeping inflammation at bay. Pure meals, like muffins, cacao pudding, grain-free biscuits, even my pumpkin pie and homemade Turkey-Apple Breakfast Sausage are all items you would never think would be okay to keep inflammation down and your gut happy, but they are. I often enjoy all of these favorite foods for breakfast, but I also enjoy them for snacks, lunch, or any other time I need Pure nourishment. Meals shouldn’t be about labels. They should be about what you want and need when you are hungry.