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When you have let your digestion rest sufficiently, you will be ready to start incorporating the recipes from the Clean section into your life. This is the time to get out that notebook and make some notes about how you react as you bring foods back into your diet, like seeds, beans, and a little bit more natural sugar. And even though I call this section “Clean Breakfasts,” many of the recipes in Clean can be eaten whenever it suits you. Take this “Breakfasts” category with a grain of sea salt—because while these recipes are traditional breakfast foods, they don’t have to be for breakfast, just as recipes in other sections might make good breakfasts for you. This is one of the things I hope to do for you in this book: change the way you think about food. Just because you see the word “pie” or “french toast” doesn’t mean it’s just for a special occasion or just for dessert or just for breakfast. The ingredients may be fine for you to eat every day or at any time of day. I want you to rediscover and remake food in such a way that nutrition meets function. So forget labels and just look at the ingredients.