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Aboriginal people: avoidance strategies of; and drinking; on ghosts; treatment of. See also Kuku Yalanji people; Warlpiri people
absence. See detachment
Adorno, Theodor
African Sketch-Book, The (W. Reade)
Alexander, F. M.; technique
Allegories of the Wilderness (Jackson)
Anandmayee. See Anandamayi
Andersen, Hans Christian
Anderson, Patricia
ANRC. See Australia National Research Council (ANRC)
Arendt, Hannah
Art of the Boyds, The (Herbst)
association. See involvement
Aurobindo, Sri
Auster, Paul
Austerlitz (Sebald)
Australia, Aboriginal
Australia National Research Council (ANRC)
awayness. See detachment
Bail, Murray
Baldwin, James
Balinese culture
Banerjee, Beena
Bateson, Gregory
Baudelaire, Charles
Baumann, Zygmund
Becker, Ernest
beef: Sierra Leone story; use of term
behavior: and experience; explaining; as habitual
belief: as blueprint; and experience; vs. faith; and truth
Beng people
Benjamin, Walter
Berger, John
Berger, Peter
Bhagavad Gita
Bharati, Agehananda
Big Men
Black Atlantic, The (Gilroy)
Blacking, John
black writers
Bohr, Niels
Borsodi, Ralph
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bowles, Chester
Boyd, Arthur
Bredsdorff, Elias
Bredsdorff, Kristine
Bridge of San Luis Rey, The (Wilder)
Brown, Norman O.
Broyard, Anatole
Buber, Martin
Buchanan, Scott
Bucket List, The (film)
Burghers of Calais (Rodin)
Bynner, Witter
Camus, Albert
Castro, Fidel
Catchpool, Gwen
Catholic Worker
Cavell, Stanley
Cendrars, Blaise
change, source of
Childe, Vere Gordon
“Christer, The” (Mayer)
Civil Rights Act (i960)
Clark, Margaret
Cloister and the Hearth, The (C. Reade)
Coleman, Ornette
collective unconsciousness
communities: closed; intentional; unintentional
Congo, violence in
Congress Socialist Party (India)
Conjuring Hope (Lindquist)
Connerton, Paul
Connolly, James
consciousness: body; and creativity; critique on; egocentric vs. sociocentric; false; and mask; oscillation in
Consequences of Pragmatism (Rorty)
control: as acceptance; and experience; and magic; and philosophy; and writing
Coser, Lewis
Dancer, Cliff
Day, Dorothy
Delphi, Greece
Derrida, Jacques
Descartes, René
Desjarlais, Robert
detachment, and action; and contradiction; and identity; methods of; need for; and philosophy; and refuge; and self/other; and subjectivity; and writing. See also involvement
Devereux, George
Devisch, René
Devonshire, Deborah, Lady
Dewey, John
Didion, Joan
difference and tolerance
disease and inner peace
dissociation. See detachment
Distomo, Greece, massacre
Docili, Peter
Doniger, Wendy
Draper, Hal
Dreams in a Time of War (Ngugi)
dubria, defined
dubu. See ghosts
Durrell, Lawrence
Economic and Political Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx)
economic market and magic
Egan, Keith
Elias, Norbert
Eliot, T. S.
Ellenberger, Henry
Ellison, Ralph
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (Hastings)
engagement. See involvement
Engels, Friedrich
Erechtheion (Athens, Greece)
Essence of Christianity (Feuerbach)
ethnographic studies: ethics in; fieldwork, innovative, and judgment; roles in; and understanding; and writing. See also social anthropology
evasion. See detachment
Évian Conference
existence, paradox of
experience: analogies for; a priori; and behavior; and belief; and control; and faith; and hypothesis; lived, and memory; shared; and subjectivity; transitional; transitive/intransitive
Eyeless in Gaza (Huxley)
faeries in Ireland
Fairweather, Ian; paintings
Fairweather, Rose
faith: vs. belief; philosophical; vs. reason
Fermor, Patrick Leigh
Feuerbach, Ludwig
fieldwork. See ethnographic studies; socialanthropology
fire-building techniques
“Fire of Life, The” (Rorty)
Firth, Raymond
Fischer, Dick
Fischer, Leopold. See Bharati, Agehananda
Fisher, Peter
Forsyth, Thomas
Fortes, Meyer
Foucault, Michel
“Foule, La” (song)
Freeman, Derek
free will
Freud, Sigmund
Fromm, Erich
Fula people
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Mahatma; ashram; and celibacy; on rural socialism; on saint's life; and yoga
Gates, Henry Louis
gender identity
Ghose, Aurobindo. See Aurobindo, Sri
Gilroy, Paul
Glendalough (County Wicklow, Ireland)
Goodson, Kendra
Gordon, Dexter
Gottlieb, Alma
Gregory, Robert
Griaule, Marcel
Guangdá, Méi
Guibert, Hervé
Gupta, Brijen K.; background; on God and Christ; humanism of; influence of; influences on; marriage and children; move to New Zealand; Pendle Hill community; Quakerism of; on retreat/engagement; on social justice; voyage to London; on women
Hadden, Maude
Hallen, Barry
Harrington, Michael
Harris, Frank
Hastings, James
Heaney, Seamus
Heidegger, Martin
Herbst, Peter
Herbst, Valerie
Herrick, Paul
Herzfeld, Michael
Hesse, Hermann
Hirsch, Don
Hitler, Adolf
Ho Chi Minh
Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell)
Hoselitz, Bert
Howe, Irving
How Musical Is Man? (Blacking)
human condition: ambiguity of; magicality of; and myth; as paradox
Human Condition, The (Arendt)
Humanities Research Centre (Australian National University)
human rights
Hurston, Zora Neale
Husserl, Edmund
Hustvedt, Siri
Huxley, Aldous
ideas and action
identity: and balance; and bonding; and collectivity; common; and detachment/involvement; eclipsed; gender; loss of; and place of birth; politics; racial; and relationality; transcending; as varying; writer's
Illich, Ivan
infants: and dissociation, and potential space
initiation rites
“In Search of Zora Neale Hurston” (Walker)
introduction to Social Anthropology, An (Piddington)
involvement, and action; and aloneness; and contradiction; and identityn; methods of; and philosophical thinking; as refuge; and self/other. See also detachment
Iyengar, B. K. S.
Jackson, Freya
Jackson, Heidi
Jackson, Michael (pop star)
Jackson, Pauline
Jacob's Room (Woolf)
James, Henry
James, William
Jaspers, Karl
Journey with the Genius (Bynner)
Kalabari Ijo people
Kamara, Alhaji Magba
Kama Sutra
Kant, Immanuel
Kapferer, Bruce
Keat, Russell
Kennedy, John F.
Kevin, Saint
Keyserling, Herman
Kierkegaard, Søren
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Koestler, Arthur
Koroma clani
Koroma, Keti Ferenke
Koroma, Samaran Bala
Koroma, Sewa Magba
Koroma, Sheku Magba
Koroma, Sumban Kona
Krishnaprem, Sri
Kuku Yalanji people
Kuranko people; Big Men; and fieldwork; fire-building techniques; hierarchy among; and hospitality; initiation rites; and moral personhood; neighborliness of; on open vs. covert; on others' experience; on social intelligence; storytelling
Kurtz, Glenn
La Barre, Weston
Laing, Alexander
Laing, R. D.
Lalitha Sahsarnamah
Larsen, Nella
Lasch, Christopher
lawa, defined
Lawa lawa people
Lawrence, D. H.
Leopold II, King of Belgium
Letter of Lord Chandos (Hofmannsthal)
Levi, Primo
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Levy, Benny
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien
liberation movements
Lindquist, Galina; illness and death
literacy. See writing
Lohia, Ram Manohar
Lokeshwaranand, Swami
Lorimer, Francine loss: and bereavement; and intersubjectivity; of personal identity; recovery from
Love's Work (Rose)
Lowry, Malcolm
Luxemburg, Rosa
magic and control
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Mamet, David
Man, Das (Heidegger)
Man Who Died, The (Lawrence)
Mao Zedong
Marah, Fasili
Marah, S. B.
Marcel, Gabriel
Marriage at Cana (Fairweather)
Marriott, McKim
Martin, Virginia
Martyrdom of Man, The (W. Reade)
Marx, Karl
Maxwell, Val
May, Hawtrey
Mayer, Milton
McCarthy era
McCarthy, Patrick
McGinn, Bernard
Mead, Margaret
Mehinaku people
Melville, Herman
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Merton, Thomas
Midnight's Children (Rushdie)
Miller, Henry
Miller, James
mind-body separation
misfortune, explanation for
Mitford, Deborah. See Devonshire, Deborah, Lady
Moby Dick (Melville)
Monastery (Fairweather)
Montaigne, Michel de
Moore, G. E.
Morgenthau, Hans
Mulvaney, D. J.
Munz, Peter
Murphy, Fiona
Murti, T. R. V.
Mussolini, Benito
Muste, Abraham Johannes
mystical experience
myth: classical; and human condition; and superiority. See also specific myths
Narang, Rita
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Neville, A. O.
New Age cosmology
Newton, Isaac
Ngugi Wa Thiong'o
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nigam, R. L.
Nixon, Ronald. See Krishnaprem, Sri
Observation: participant; scientific
Oedipus complex
Ong, Walter
orality. See speech
Orwell, George
palka, defined
Palmier, Leslie
Panourgiá, Neni
Paris Manuscripts (Marx). See Economic and Political Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx)
Parlan, Horace
Parvati (goddess)
Passion of Michel Foucault, The (Miller)
Peirce, Charles S.
Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty)
philosophy: and being-in-the-world; and control; and estrangement; evasive; hypothesis/experience in; metaphysical bias in; nonempirical; philosophizing, defined; pragmatic value of; and self/world; and suspicion; Western vs. non-Western. See also thought; specific disciplines
Piaf, Edith
Piddington, Ralph O'Reilly
porcupine parable
potential space
Pound, Ezra
Practicing (Kurtz)
presence. See involvement
public sphere vs. private sphere
Quicksand (Larsen)
Quit India movement
Quong Tart. See Guangdá, Méi
Raboteau, Albert
racism in Denmark
Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
Radin, Paul
Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission
Randall, Narena Oliver
Rank, Otton
Reade, Charles
Reade, Winwood
reality: and appearance; conditions of; hunger; and thought
reason, pure
Redfield, Robert
Reiner, Rob
relatedness. See involvement
religion, unrevealed
retreat. See detachment
Richard, Mira Paul
Ricoeur, Paul
Rimbaud, Arthur
Rodin, Auguste
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rorty, Mary
Rorty, Richard; background; on death; described; friendship with; influence of; interview with; on life meaning; on philosophy; on poetry; on poor
Rose, Gillian
Roy, M. N.
Rushdie, Salman
Russell, Bertrand
Rustin, Bayard
Sacks, Oliver
Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain)
Saramba myth
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Schachtman, Max
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy
Schlatter, Colette
Schopenhauer, Arthur
scientific observation
scientific thought
Sebald, W. G.
Segovia, Andrés
separateness. See detachment
Seven Storey Mountain, The (Merton)
Sextus Empiricus
sexuality: and jazz; and spirituality
shared experience
Shields, David
Siddhartha (Hesse)
Sierra Leonei. See also Kuranko people
Sign of Jonas, The (Merton)
Sinhalese sorcery
Sisyphus myth
Siva (god)
social action
social anthropology: culture shock in; defined; dilemma in; engagement in; existential-phenomenological; fieldwork; and judgment; roles in; on structure and agency; and transnationalism; and writing. See also ethnographic studies
social intelligence
social justice social science, limits of
Sofka. See Zinovieff, Sofka
Song of Myself (Whitman)
Soseki, Natsume
sound and writing
Soyinka, Wole
speech vs. writing
Spinoza, Baruch
spirituality and sexuality
Stiegler, Bernard
subjectivity: objectivity and; and relationality; scientists on; and thinking
Sunyavad (doctrine of voidness)
Survey of Anglo Indian Fiction, A (Singh)
symbolic capital
Tallensi people
Tantric tradition
thought: as coping strategy; as instinctive; and reality; reflective; scientific/nonscientific; and subjectivity; tradition of; and world representation. See also philosophy
Tito, Josip Broz
tolerance and difference
Totem and Taboo (Freud)
Toynbee, Arnold
transitional phenomena
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein)
Travels in the Timanee, Kooranko and Soolima Countries (Laing)
Trilling, Lionel
Tronick, Ed
Trotsky, Leon
trust, problem of
truth: and belief; and mystical experience
Turtle and Temple Gong (Fairweather)
unconsciousness. See also collective unconsciousness
Urantia Book, The
Vigh, Henrik
vita activa. See also involvement
vita contemplativa. See also detachment
Vivekananda, Swami
Vivisector, The (White)
voidness doctrine. See Sunyavad (doctrine of voidness)
waiting. See willing and waiting
Walker, Alice
Warlpiri people
Waterfield, William
Webster, Ben
“Weeping Willow Blues” (song)
Weil, Simone
White, Patrick
Whitman, Walt
Whose Is This Song? (documentary)
Wilder, Thornton
willing and waiting
Winnicott, D. W.
Wiredu, Kwasi
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wofford, Clare
Wofford, Harris
women: as anodyne; Vedic literature don
Woolf, Virginia
writing: anthropological/ethnographic; and control; and detachment; and past; and personal identity; and speech; writer's block
Yalunka people
yoga practice: and body consciousness; branches of; and distancing/ integration; and faith; integral; universality of
Yoga Stra (Patajali)
“Yogi and the Commissar, The” (Koestler)
“Yonder” (Hustvedt)
Zinovieff, Sofka
zoning in. See involvement
zoning out. See detachment