Selected Poems

Translated from the Persian by Reza Baraheni and David St. John

I Am an Underground Man

Now I am an underground man

I will never appear on the earth again

God libraries poetry belong to the earth

my holograph holds no fantasy for children

or romance for the senile

I am the rotten well of history

they seek me, they poke me, they

curse me and, finally, they drain me

I have mortgaged my beard in the vaults of history

my deadly ink will blot out the hand

outreached to me I am not fit for textbooks

for schools and universities

if you wish to see me, look into the pit

of an oil well from the summit of Everest

throw your matches down

so that I can set the whole world aflame

I am an underground man

my fire alone shall appear on the face of the earth

Doctor Azudi, the Professional

Azudi* is just like

Genghis Khan    when he walks

he walks on a pile of fresh corpses

the Khan did not clean his teeth either

the Khan also belched    the Khan

did not take off his boots either    Azudi

has shattered the mouths of twenty poets today

Azudi wears a tie something

Genghis Khan never did

only this splendid detail reveals the prodigious march of history

Zadan! Nazadan!

suddenly a woman is sleepless in her dream

she screams:

Nazan! Nazan! Nazan!

prisoners wake in the block one by one

and man and woman scream:

Nazan! Nazan! Nazan!

and in the torture chambers

the beating begins

Nazan! Nazan! Nazan!

Hosseinzadeh, the Head Executioner

Azudi lights his cigarette

—say Doctor Azudi!

and Doctor Hosseinzadeh!—

he’s short, with a bald head, and eyes uneasy

as the asshole of a nervous rooster

he is a man of great renown:

he always stubs his cigarette on the back of a human hand

he never smokes more than forty a day

and the first caress is always

the privilege of this Pahlavi slut

and the last caress too

between the two cuffs

Azudi and Rassuli and Shadi and Manuchehri

Azudi and Parvizkhan and Rezavan and Hosseini nurse

the patient

one extracts his nails

another his teeth

a third scours the skin

a fourth provides the shock treatment

a fifth the reflagellation

and the sixth prepares the ailing for the coup de grace

there’s a short man whose name is Ardalan

—say Doctor Ardalan!—

he fucks the afflicted

man and woman are the same to him

he holds a PhD in rapacity

(and you, prisoner! you try all this time to forget

the name of the half-blind man who printed that

article of yours, he has a wife, three children, a

father and a mother, and he provides for them all)

and then Hosseinzadeh

—say Doctor Hosseinzadeh!—

administers the final cuff

the final verdict to shoot you

comes between the two caresses

The Shah and Hosseinzadeh

the Shah has granted full authority

to Hosseinzadeh

once he mustered six of us    blindfolded

we were loaded on a truck    an hour before

dawn they took us out of the city    then they

brought us back to the city    it was

as though we were traveling from one city

to another in our dreams    then we were

unloaded and bound to six iron posts

then the command of that familiar voice was heard:



prepare to fire!


all six of us pissed our pants!

they removed our blindfolds

Hosseinzadeh and Azude stood in a corner

pissing themselves with laughter!

say Doctor Hosseinzadeh! and Doctor Azudi!