Note written by Catherine Bentley on the back of a copy of the petition to free her husband. Dated 10 April 1892, the anniversary of James Bentley’s suicide. Transcription p. 479.
The Bentleys’ dreams go up in smoke, as witnessed by Charles Doudiet, 1854.
Anastasia Hayes.
‘The Australian Flag’ gets its first airing. Charles Doudiet, 1854.
Original meeting placard, rallying ‘the inhabitants of Ballarat generally’ to Bakery Hill on 29 November 1854.
St Alipius Catholic Church with mass flag flying, as depicted by von Guérard in January 1854.
Eliza Howard née Darcy, seated between Patrick Howard and Ella Hancock’s mother. Date unknown but probably 1890s.
Eureka veterans at the 1904 anniversary, Jane Cuming front row, third from right. Kind permission Ballarat Heritage Services.