This bibliography contains the primary and secondary sources that most influenced my research and thinking in the writing of this book over the course of a decade. It is by no means an exhaustive list of published and unpublished material on the subject of the Eureka Stockade or the Victorian gold rushes.

The full references for material cited in-text and in the endnotes can be found here.

Note that the Public Record Office of Victoria (PROV) holds an extensive collection of archives related to the management and regulation of the Victorian goldfields in general and the Eureka Stockade in particular. Individual accession records for material cited in this book can be found in the endnotes.

PROV series most useful to this study are as follows:

VPRS 30 Office of the Crown Solicitor, Criminal Trial Briefs
VPRS 937 Victoria Police, Inward Registered Correspondence
VPRS 1085 Governor's Office, Duplicate Despatches from the Governor to the Secretary of State
VPRS 1189 Colonial Secretary's Office, Inward Registered Correspondence
VPRS 3219 Colonial Secretary's Office, Outward Registered Correspondence
VPRS 3253 Legislative Assembly, Original Papers Tabled in the Legislative Assembly
VPRS 4066 Governor's Office, Inward Correspondence
VPRS 5527 Attorney-General's Department, Eureka Stockade—Historical Collection
VPRS 7601 Licensing Courts, Licensing Register—Metropolitan
VPRS 11878 Legislative Assembly, Select Committee Records, Sessional Arrangement
VPRS 1288 Department of Crown Lands and Survey, Index to Applications Registers, All Districts, Section 42, Land Act 1865
VPRS 12882 Resident Commissioner for Crown Lands at the Goldfields Ballarat Inwards and Outwards Correspondence Regarding the Ballarat Riots
VPRS 289 Ballarat Courts, Court Records (includes Petty Sessions Registers 1854–1962)
VPRS 1011 Outward Correspondence Books
VPRS 61 Denominational School Board, Inward Registered Correspondence
VPRS 24 Registrar-General's Department, Inquest Deposition Files


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Anderson, Robert. Robert Anderson Diary, 1851–56. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 8492.

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Anon. Craig’s Royal Hotel, Ballarat. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 01/111.

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Austin, Anna. Letter to Lizzy, 1856. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 10514.

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Bogg, Henry. Letters to Mother, 1854. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, PA 99/68.

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Bond, John James. The Diary of J. J. Bond, 1853–54. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, AJCP M724.

Bonwick, James. Australian Gold Digger’s Monthly Magazine and Colonial Family Visitor. 8 vols Melbourne: Argus Office, 1852.

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Boynton, Alpheus. Diary of Alpheus Boynton, 1852–56. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, ML MSS 1058.

Bridges, Walter. The Travels of Walter Bridges, c. 1856. Central Highlands Library (Ballarat).

Bristow, Mary. Aunt Spencer’s Diary, 1854. Royal Historical Society of Victoria, MS 23801.

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Brown, H. Letter to Sister, 1854. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 12255.

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—–—. Letter to W. Archer, 1854. Royal Historical Society of Victoria, MS 000315.

Chisholm. Chisholm Family Letters, 1854–75. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 10512.

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—–—. Lights and Shadows of Australian Life. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1854.

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Clark, Seth Rudolphus. Seth Rudolphus Clark Diary, 1852–58. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 10436.

Cleland, Robert Glass. Apron Full of Gold: The Letters of Mary Jane Megquier from San Francisco, 1849–56. California: Huntington Library, 1949.

Clendinning, Martha. Recollections of Ballarat: A Lady’s Life at the Diggings Fifty Years Ago, 1892. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 10102/1.

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Coyne, J. Stirling. Wanted, 1,000 Spirited Young Milliners for the Gold Diggings: A Farce in One Act, 1852. University of Melbourne, Special Collections, SpC/MCL L-D Coyne.

Cripps, James. James Cripps Reminiscences, 1906. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, MLMSS 1524.

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D*L*. The Digger’s Hand-Book and Truth About California. Sydney, 1849.

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Davies, Alice. Recollections of Mrs Alice Davies, Royal Historical Society of Victoria, MS 000992.

Davis, Fanny. Ship Diary, 1858. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 10509.

Deegan, John Francis. The Mining Camps of the Fifties, 1889. Royal Historical Society of Victoria, MS 000825.

Dexter, Caroline. Caroline Dexter Collection, 1858–61. State Library of Australia, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 11630.

—–—. Ladies Almanack, 1858, the Southern Cross, or, Australian Album and New Year’s Gift. Melbourne: Caroline Dexter, 1858.

Dick, Alexander. Alexander Dick Diary, 1854–56. State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection, MS 11241.

Dugdale, Henrietta. A Few Hours in a Far Off Age. Melbourne: McCarron Bird, 1883.

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—–—. The Mystery of a Hansom Cab. Melbourne: Text Publishing, 1999 (first published 1886).

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