Holidays happen year-round, so while eating cannabis might not be something you can indulge in every day, or even every month, enjoying the occasional high holiday can sometimes make the special occasions in life even more special. We’ve included recipes for the major partying holidays, including 4/20, the Fourth of July, Halloween, and other celebrations where it’s fairly acceptable to get a little crazy and have a great time.
On the family-friendly holidays like Thanksgiving, most celebrating is traditionally done with relatives. If you’re lucky, your family includes a stoner uncle or cousin who you can slip pot cookies to with a knowing wink and a nod. For others, the holidays are so harried and stressful that it’s only natural to try relaxing any way you can—and cannabis is great for soothing nerves jangled by out-of-town guests, crowded shopping malls, and canceled flights.
Holidays, no matter what the origin, serve to remind us that it’s important to step outside of day-to-day life and remember to view the world with some kind of higher perspective occasionally. And if that’s not a job for cannabis, what is?
Of course, if the idea of getting baked in front of grandma fills you with dread, why risk it? Instead, host a smaller holiday celebration for just your stoner circle to serve up one of these dishes, and start a new tradition all your own. Just be sure you’re ready for a nice holiday hibernation after your cannabis feast!