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Isaac took his carriage to visit an old companion. His friend had joined him in the old days when he was a heartbroken bachelor. They spend most of the day together. In the afternoon, they visited a famous brothel in town. Isaac couldn’t stop regretting the way he had gotten carried away last night. Now that they had consummated their marriage, there was no going back.
“Hello, sweetheart.” A blond woman with blue eyes approached him. She started to stroke his hair. “You look so serious tonight.” She touched his face trying to seduce him.
Isaac pushed her hand away briskly. “Let´s just go upstairs,” he told her.
The woman didn’t care about his harsh voice. She walked upstairs with him. On the bed she started to get undressed, trying to get the count´s attention. But Isaac wouldn’t look at her.
“You are so tense, sweetheart.” The courtesan sat between Isaac’s legs and started to touch him through the fabric of his trousers. “I will take care of you.” She started to stroke him, and tried to open his trousers.
“I have not seen you in a while. I was waiting for you,” she talked in a sweet voice.
“I had things to do,” Isaac´s answer was rather dry.
“I was told you are no longer single.” The prostitute wouldn’t drop the topic.
“I am not going to discuss my marriage with you. Just let it go.” Isaac was in no mood for long conversations.
“As you wish.” The woman took his penis out. She sucked it softly, and then again harder. But Isaac couldn’t stop remembering the face of his wife. He wished it was her instead of this woman. Unable to resist, he stood up briskly. “I cannot do this today.”
She was surprised. She had never seen him like this. “Are you sure?” she asked.
Isaac didn’t answer. He took out some money and gave it to her. “Take this, for your effort.”
The courtesan smiled. She couldn’t resist flirting with him. “You know I am always here for you. You are my best client after all.”
Isaac abandoned the room. He left the place without even looking for his friend. He was angry with himself and with the world, thinking Angustias had spoiled him forever.
The days passed by quickly. Isaac made up all kinds of excuses to stay away from home. He wanted to be as far away from Angustias as was possible. While Angustias blamed herself for the distance that had appeared between them. She had been glad about the way their relationship had been going until that night. Things had gone so well that they had started behaving like their marriage was real. But she didn’t want to suffer. And her heart told her that if she fell for Isaac, it wouldn’t end well for her.
Finally, they had reached the point of only speaking when it was strictly necessary. They were polite to each other. But every night, Isaac came home late. Or didn’t come home at all.
One afternoon, Angustias was sitting in the parlor. She concentrated on embroidering a scene with roses for her mother. Suddenly, she heard loud voices coming from the entrance. A moment later, the butler walked in.
“Milady, the widowed countess is here,” he said.
“What do you mean? Which widowed countess?” Angustias didn’t understand a thing.
The butler looked uncomfortable. “I mean, the previous countess.”
Angustias stood up and went to see personally what was going on. Isaac hadn´t spoken about any visitors. In front of the house, a servant was carrying several wrapped boxes. One footman was having a hard time transporting a heavy trunk up the stairs. Angustias went upstairs into the bedroom. From the door, she could see a woman commanding a multitude of servants that were arranging everything according to her wishes.
On the first glance, Angustias saw the woman was a true lady. She was wearing an elegant dress, way too provocative for Angustias’ taste. Her hair was carefully styled in a modern fashion. When the strange woman turned around, Angustias could see she was very attractive. She was probably what men would call “a true beauty”. She had the face of an angel. While Angustias was still taking in her image, the woman seemed to perceive her presence. She looked up and said, “Good afternoon. You must be Angustias.”
Angustias noticed she hadn’t used her title but she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to start badly with the newcomer. Angustias guessed she was the former owner of the house.
“I am Angustias.”
“It is good to finally meet you.” The lady gave her a shining smile. “I have been waiting for this moment since I heard that Isaac would get married. I am Isabella. I assume Isaac must have told you about me.”
“Of course, I am sorry that you couldn’t come that day,” lied Angustias.
“Trust me, I tried. But it was completely impossible,” said Isabella. “It does not matter now. We can get to know each other starting today.”
“Of course we can.” Angustias felt encouraged by Isabella´s attitude.
“If you want, we can talk a little longer once I have settled in. I hope you do not mind me sleeping in this room.” Isabella smiled again charmingly.
“Of course, I don’t mind. This is your house,” replied Angustias. “We will wait for you at dinner. At seven.”
Once Angustias had turned her back, Isabella looked at her until she disappeared. She thought this Angustias girl was pathetic. Nothing special at all. She didn’t understand how Isaac had taken an interest in her but Isabella would make sure things got back in order. She would make it clear to Isaac that the only woman that was good enough for him was her.
Isaac arrived that night to find Isabella already well accommodated. He didn’t like the news much but there was little to do about it. At dinner, the three of them sat together around the table. Angustias chatted happily with Isabella. She was delighted by Isabella´s descriptions of all the beautiful places she had visited around Europe. In the meantime, Isaac looked at the women thinking of their differences. From the outside, it looked like the two ladies were close friends, but Angustias had no clue about the kind of person she was talking to. Isaac knew Isabella to be a poisonous snake.
“Isaac, my dear. You have not spoken a word all night. Are you not happy to see me?”
“Of course I am, Bella. It was unexpected but I am glad to see you.”
Angustias felt a subtle tension in the air between them, but she couldn’t figure out why. Trying to change the subject, she asked, “Bella, did you enjoy dinner?”
“Of course, dear. Everything was delicious, but I think the staff has forgotten some things in the kitchen. Generally I have told them not to use so much salt and they seem to have forgotten that the dinner plates are different from the ones used in the afternoon.”
Angustias felt embarrassed. “I apologize. I am just getting to know the staff. I am still learning some things about the house.”
“Oh, dear. You do not have to talk with all of the staff. Only with the housekeeper,” Isabella said lightly.
“Yes, of course.” Angustias didn’t want to give the impression that she didn’t know how to manage the household. She felt ashamed in front of the former countess.
“You do not have to apologize, Angustias. You have done nothing wrong.” Isaac was annoyed. “This is your house, now. You do not have to apply the same rules. Besides, I like the way you have been handling everything so far and that is what is important.”
“I am so sorry. I did not want to sound impertinent.” Isabella looked mortified. “I just forgot that I am no longer part of this household. I know I am not part of the family now.”
“I agree. You are not,” Isaac said.
“Isaac! How can you be so rude?” Angustias felt terrible. “Of course you are part of the family. You always will be. You used to be the countess of this house. I understand. I would love your help to make everything better.”
“Of course, Angustias.” Isabella was satisfied with her answer. “I will gladly help.”
Isaac was well aware of Isabella’s performance. He looked at Isabella.
“I have to leave now,” he told his wife. “Do not wait up for me.” He tried to hide the fact that Angustias, and he were not close these days.
“But we have a guest, Isaac,” replied Angustias.
“Do not worry about me. I am part of the family as you said. As a matter of fact, I will take my leave too. I still have to finish unpacking my belongings.”
“I will see you tomorrow, then,” said Angustias.
Isabella took Angustias hand. “Angustias, you have been so kind. You have made me feel welcomed. Thank you for everything.”
“It was nothing,” Angustias said.
They said good night. Bella started to go upstairs wondering where Isaac had gone.
That night Isaac returned home late. He went straight upstairs into Isabella´s room. She was awake in bed drinking a glass of wine. When she saw him at the door, she smiled victoriously.
“I knew you would come,” Isabella said.
“Did you?” Isaac raised an eyebrow.
“Even if you do not believe me. I was sure you could not resist your feelings for me,” Isabella sounded confident.
“You are very sure of yourself, Bell,” Isaac said.
“I am not like you. I do not deny the desire that we have for each other. I have a gift for you.” Isabella stood up and showed him what she was wearing. “I dressed like this just for you.” She was wearing a short transparent nightgown. When she took it off, Isaac could see her underwear. It was an expensive piece of lace like the ones used by highly paid courtesans and it left nothing to the imagination. It was very sexy. Isaac could see her tight breasts were aroused and ready to receive his caresses.
“Do you like it?” Isabella´s look revealed her lust.
“Very pretty,” Isaac said coldly. Bell had always been beautiful. Every time he looked at her his body took charge. He desired her but at the same time he thought her beauty was boring. She was shallow inside. She had only selfishness, ambition, and lust to give him. He knew exactly her reasons for returning now. Isabella wanted to ensure that Angustias and him were not happy together. She considered him to be her property. She just wanted to rub it in Angustias’ face.
But this time things were different. His feelings about Angustias were so strong that he had no eyes for Isabella´s beauty. What would have seemed desirable for every man was too simple for him.
“Why don’t you come closer?” asked Isabella reaching for his hand.
“I did not come here for this, Bell,” Isaac answered.
“Didn’t you?” Isabella wondered with a spark of insecurity in her eyes.
“I came to warn you. I will not allow you to hurt Angustias. Or to interfere with my marriage.” Isaac wanted to make it very clear.
She was untouched enough by his words to laugh out loudly. “Why would I do something to Angustias? She is not a problem for me.” Isabella made a disrespectful gesture. “I have never seen such an unimportant person in my life.”
“She is not unimportant. Angustias is a better person than you are,” Isaac said. “That is what made you come back, did it not? You were wondering who was the woman that I finally decided to marry. You could not stand the thought of me forgetting you. Deep inside, you wanted to be the one walking to the altar with me.”
Isabella started trembling with anger. “Do not dare to compare me with her. I am the countess of this house. That is how it was supposed to be, but you ruined everything when you suddenly decided to play gentleman. Do you think I do not know the true reason for this marriage?”
Isaac was shocked. He did not know how to reply at first.
“The truth always comes out. I may not live in this country anymore, but I am well informed about you.” Isabella smiled.
“You have been misinformed, then. That may be how this started, but what you do not know is that as soon as I got to know my wife better I fell in love with her.”
“You do not seriously expect me to believe you have fallen in love with Angustias in this short amount of time. After all, she has nothing to offer you,” Isabella replied.
“You are blind, Bell.” Isaac shook his head in denial. “She gives me everything. She has offered me her body and soul.”
“If that is true, why do you sleep elsewhere? Why do you come home so late?” asked Isabella.
Isaac realized someone close must have been informing her of his actions. Maybe someone from the household was telling Isabella about Angustias and himself.
“That is none of your business,” Isaac replied clenching his fists.
“Why? Is your marriage not so perfect after all?” mocked Isabella.
“Angustias and I just got married. Like everybody else we have issues we must solve. We have to learn to live together like a couple, but that is between her and me. Between you and me, there is nothing.” Isaac turned to leave.
“I am not leaving, Isaac. I have a right to be here,” Isabella spat out.
“As long as you behave I will not object you staying here for a couple of days, but no longer. And be aware of something. I am not doing this for you. I am doing it in memory of my father.” The door closed behind Isaac, leaving Isabella alone with her anger.
“We will see if you can hold yourself from coming back to me, sweetheart,” Isabella spoke to herself.
The weeks passed by quickly and Angustias felt more and more uneasy. At first, she was glad about Isabella´s arrival, but later she started to feel the lady’s disapproval of everything that she did. As soon as Angustias instructed the servants to do something, Isabella commanded the opposite. The tension was rising quickly in the house. Even the servants started fighting amongst each other. When Angustias complained politely about Isabella´s attitude Isabella replied harshly that someone had to put some order in the house, otherwise the household would fall apart. She made Angustias feel useless, but worst of all was Isabella´s behavior towards Isaac. She used every excuse she could get to be near him. When Isaac was not home during the day Isabella managed to find him late in his study arguing that she needed a book or that she was looking for paper to write a letter. Angustias felt certain that Isabella was aware of the difficulties Isaac and she were having in their marriage. Once, Isabella went as far as to tell her to take better care of her husband, because there were a lot of women out there that would go crazy to have him in their beds.
Angustias felt outraged with Isabella´s insolence, but what annoyed her the most was the way that Isabella told her how to handle her own marriage.
One day Isaac arrived home early. His friend the marquess had advised him to fix things with his wife before it was too late. Isaac didn’t know the way to close the gap that had opened between them, but Robert had told him some tricks that would help him to soften Angustias heart. Isaac had decided to try them out. He was still unsure about how to settle things between them, and he didn’t know if he could make Angustias happy. Even if it was not on purpose his way of living could hurt her. He was deep in his thoughts when he ran into the butler. “Where is my wife?” he asked.
“The lady is in her chamber, milord,” the butler informed him.
Isaac hurried upstairs. Before he could knock on the door he heard the soft noise of someone crying inside. Without asking permission he entered the room. Angustias was in her bed crying. She stopped suddenly when she noticed her husband had come in.
“What is it? Why are you entering my room like this? Good Lord! Don’t I even have a right to have privacy in my own bedroom anymore?”
“I am sorry.” Isaac felt ashamed. “I heard you crying and I was worried. What is wrong?”
“Nothing, it is nothing,” Angustias replied bitterly.
“Please, Angustias. If you do not tell me about it how can I help you?” Isaac begged.
“I don’t need your help, Isaac.” Angustias left her bedroom and headed to the garden. She thought maybe Isaac would leave her alone but he followed her.
“Just tell me about it. I promise I will leave you alone if you do.”
Suddenly, she looked at him in anger. “What do you think is wrong?” she exploded. “I am so tired of all of this! I barely see you anymore. You are never home at night. You don’t care about this house anymore, and especially about anything that has to do with me. You are never here to talk. It´s like you are punishing me for what I said the day that we slept together.”
“It is not like that.” Isaac approached Angustias trying to comfort her. He couldn’t stand seeing her so sad.
“It is like that, Isaac. I have tried to be busy, to distract myself from thinking about you, but I feel rejected about everything I try. I feel so lonely,” Angustias answered in tears.
Isaac hugged her desperately. “I am so sorry, my love. I really did not think you were feeling this way. As a matter of fact, I came home today wanting to tell you something important.”
Angustias felt afraid of what she was about to hear. She didn’t want to hear bad news. She didn’t want to hear empty words anymore. “Please... don’t say anything. I don’t want to hear it. I just want you to make me forget my sadness. I need to feel that I am loved even if I know it is not true,” Angustias said.
“You are the most special woman I have ever met. I do not feel like I deserve your love, Angustias. It was never about not liking you, or that I cannot love you.” Isaac looked into those beautifully expressive eyes. “But with you, I may give myself a chance.”
Isaac kissed her intensely, offering all his feelings to her. When the kiss was over he took her hand gently and guided Angustias through a path that was unknown to her. It turned out to be a secret passage that went from the garden directly into their rooms. Only a few minutes later they were in Isaac’s bedroom. Angustias felt as Isaac took her garments off piece by piece. He started to go down her body, kissing her, tasting every inch of her skin. His hands caressed her hips softly, holding her tightly. Angustias felt how Isaac pushed her towards the bed and laid her down. He looked into her eyes. His lips touched her mouth and went down from there following the curve of her jaw. He touched her ear and bit it carefully. She gasped when he touched the sensitive spot behind her ear. She felt as he continued moving towards her neck. He licked the spot where her neck joined her shoulder and bit her again tenderly. Angustias moaned out loud again and then laughed.
Isaac hooked his fingers in her camisole. It was the only piece of clothing that she was still wearing. He pulled the camisole down, freeing her breasts. It was Isaacs turn to moan at the sight. The moonlight made her beautiful body shine. Her delicious skin was white as milk and looked soft as silk. He wanted to take her right there. His desire was reflected in his eyes. His lips closed around her nipple, and he started to suck on it softly, biting tenderly. Angustias couldn’t take the feelings and moved towards him. Isaac started to touch her other nipple and she felt his tongue licking her breasts and touching the valley between them. She felt his hand move between her thighs. He stroked her between her legs until he touched the soft and sensitive secret spot that made her explode in pleasure. She felt a pressure that caused her legs to open. She opened herself for him and felt his hand softly stroke the folds of her entrance. His hand moved in tender circles. Angustias moaned out in pleasure and moved her hips towards him. His finger pushed in and out of her body and Angustias felt that she lost control over herself. She lost herself in the delicious feelings that took over her body.
Angustias held her breath when she felt him moving his finger away. She didn’t want him to stop but then she felt him enter her body. He was careful, trying not to hurt her. He started moving inside her and heard her scream in pleasure. She threw back her head, abandoning all resistance and forgot about everything. Angustias screamed as she reached climax. She felt like she fell off a cliff over and over again. She shivered completely abandoned to her feelings. Finally, exhausted she rested on the bed. Isaac moved faster and faster inside her until he finished too, shaking. He ejaculated inside her, trembling he poured his seed inside xher body. Later he rested beside Angustias and stroked her soft hair. He was amazed by the intensity of what had just happened. He had thought he would feel like that only the first time but his wife was like a drug to him. Being with her in bed felt better and better each time.