How wonderful that Sasquatch Books decided to dive into sourdough with me! Those at Sasquatch who worked on bringing the book into being include Susan Roxborough, Jill Saginario, Shari Miranda, Erin Cusick, Bryce de Flamand, and the talented Jim Henkens (such pretty photos!). My thanks to each of you.
Somebody besides me has to test the recipes. I was lucky enough to have a throng of folks help out. Patrice Savery and the students in her classes enthusiastically tested many breads and spreads. My dear friend and chef Jeff Basom was invaluable, providing photos, notes, and home visits with just-tested breads. Eric Boutin came to my sourdough assistance many times. Marissa Kerkvliet, Diane Helsel, and Tiffany Cole lent their testing support as well. The students in my bread-making classes at Bastyr University and in my sourdough classes at Puget Consumers Co-op (PCC) contributed mightily. Their questions and challenges gave me more clarity. Not just breads need testing! Matt Smith tested words for me: reading, questioning, and editing. Jamie Lopez handled contracts, listened, and laughed. I’m grateful to all of these generous people.
My daughter, Grace, and her husband, Rodrigo, along with my sister, Cathy, are the best cheerleaders anyone could want; they are full-throttle supporters. They are like the sideliners at a marathon (I’ve never done that, but writing a book is the sit-down version) who high-five you along the way, throw you water bottles, and yell, “You can do it!” and “Keep going!”
The other cheerleader in the family squad is my husband, Michael. He and I keep a spiral notebook on the counter to pass notes to each other throughout each day—simple stuff like “I fed the dog.” One day, during an intense bread-testing period, he left me a note that said, “I think I’m turning into bread.” Without a doubt, he is my number one sampler and devotee.