It’s the end of another sensational day in the outdoors. The sun slips towards the horizon, and birds and wallabies come out to feed in the twilight. A campfire is lit, and close friends and family gather around its glow to sink a sundowner, cook a meal and share the adventures of the day – waves that were caught, fish that got away, discoveries that were made.

The darkness deepens and the stars – much brighter away from the city lights – twinkle and shine over possums, gliders, owls, frogs and other creatures that begin to explore the night.

Around the campfire, senses are heightened so the meal tastes better, the jokes seem funnier and the ties that bind are strengthened.

Camping refreshes the mind, revives the soul and reminds us of what is special. Through it, we gain new experiences, visit parts of the world we otherwise wouldn’t see, and relearn the importance of the simple things in life.

The incredibly comprehensive guide you hold in your hands is packed with great ideas of where to take your next camping holiday or weekend away. An experienced team of researchers has painstakingly scoured the country looking for top camping spots and their facilities, so you can start planning that next unforgettable excursion into the great outdoors.


Planning a trip is often the hardest part of camping. There are so many questions! Do you keep going to the same places that you know and love, or do you venture somewhere new? Will you go to a well-placed campground that has hot showers, flushing toilets and firewood supplied, or slip off the beaten track to an isolated, more rugged spot? Should you stay near the coast with its beaches, lush forests and nearby facilities, or venture into Australia’s vast interior, where sites are usually quieter, and the landscape so spacious and vastly different? Do you need to camp in school holidays or public holidays when many campsites are overflowing, or can you slip away mid-week or at other non-peak times?

It’s also worth considering what sort of a camping experience you want. Driving to a campsite is the most common way to get there, but have you considered hiking with a backpack? For a first hiking trip, it’s best to start with an overnight walk over not too great a distance (no more than about ten kilometres each way). Many campers love this form of isolated camping so much, they disappear for weeks at a time on some of Australia’s legendary, long-distance routes: the Larapinta Trail (Northern Territory), the Australian Alps Walking Track (east coast), the Bibbulmun Track (Western Australia) or the South Coast Track (Tasmania).

But if hiking isn’t your thing, what about a canoe or kayak camping trip, a boat trip to an island, cross-country skiing or mountain-biking? All of these activities can deliver you to some exceptional out-of-the-ordinary camping experiences.

Whatever your method of transport, if your planned route takes you through or on to Aboriginal land, make sure you start applying for permits with the relevant Land Council well in advance, as it can take some time to have permits approved.


It is almost impossible to define what any single individual will need on a camping trip – the amount and type of gear varies greatly with the style, length and location of the trip. A tough, three-day hike in a remote and cold area will require a vastly different list of essentials compared to a week spent with children at a well-established caravan park in summer by the beach.

Even when camping in the same conditions, people will choose to bring varying amounts and types of gear. Some campers (or ‘glampers’) bring along so much tonnage that you wonder why they left home at all: fairy lights, gas fridges, bikes, wine glasses, pillows and TVs. Others at the same campground may have decided to ‘get back to basics’ and bring little more than a ‘hoochie’, or mosquito net, and a billy.

Outdoor/camping shops will nearly always try to sell you more gear than you actually need. It isn’t necessary to own the latest ‘must-have’ gizmo to have a satisfactory, fun and safe camping trip. The best advice is to start simply, with a few basic necessities, and to then add any extra items as you gain experience and discover what would be helpful or desirable for your style of camping.

Whatever style of camping trip you are undertaking, you will need to consider three key areas: bedding and shelter, food and cooking, and safety.

Bedding and shelter

Most people immediately think of a tent when contemplating camping, but in many situations a tent is unnecessary. If you are camping in a dry environment, such as Central Australia, a swag can be one of the nicest ways to spend the night. It’s comfy and sleeping directly under the stars is blissful. Swags usually contain a warm layer or two (such as a sleeping-bag), a pillow, a rollable mattress and a canvas outer layer that keeps off the dew. Some even have a small flap that can be erected to keep off the rain.

In a hot, tropical environment, you are often better off with a mosquito net that lets through any whisper of breeze, rather than sweltering under potentially stifling plastic or canvas. If you don’t have a suitable mosquito net, you can usually use a modern tent’s ‘inner tent’ without a fly.

If you are going to buy a tent, think of the main purposes for which you will be using it. If backpacking, you will need the lightest tent you can buy, that is suitable for the conditions in which you will be travelling (for example, snow, heavy rain, high wind). If you will be setting up in a campground for a week or more with a family, a large walk-in tent with multiple rooms will be more suitable.

Many long-term car campers swear that camping becomes much more pleasurable with a large tarpaulin. A large tarp placed over the tent and extending out beyond it to provide an extra ‘living space’ gives you extra protection in rain, and also provides vital shade for the tent – and you – during summer holidays.

Although they are one of the most common camping items, sleeping-bags may not necessarily be the most appropriate bedding for your camping trip. They can be very hot, and if you are car camping with a trailer, it may be a better idea to bring sheets, a pillow and a comfy mattress, or even a camp bed.

Also remember that you will need to choose the most appropriate sleeping-bag for your trip. For example, a lightweight summer sleeping-bag will not be adequate if you are camping during winter in Central Australia.

Many air mattresses are very thin (particularly the self-inflating kind) but can still be surprisingly comfortable. If you are camping in very cold conditions, it is advisable to put a second layer – such as a foam mat or groundsheet – between the air mattress and the ground.

Food and cooking

Once again, the style of trip will greatly influence the cooking gear you bring – a backpacking trip will require a small gas-powered or methylated spirits cooker, but most car campers will have a larger, gas-powered cooker. Of course, cooking over a campfire, or using the coals for the camp oven, is often a great alternative, but it’s a good idea to bring along another cooking source, in case of fire bans, lack of firewood or incessant rain. As you will see in this guide, many campgrounds now also have gas barbecues on-site.

When compiling your camp list, it is also worth thinking about the peripheral items relating to preparing food and maintaining hygiene: a cotton bag to hang your plates and cutlery can be helpful, alcoholic gel is a great tool for cleaning hands and, if you’re staying at a campground with sinks, a plug can be helpful for washing up.

For great recipes, and more ideas on what to bring along for your campsite kitchen, pick up a copy of Explore Australia’s Camping Chef by Heidi Marfurt.


No medical kit is useful if you don’t know how to use its contents, or if it is left at home. Stock your medical kit with more medications than you think you will need (for example, antihistamines, pain killers) as well as bandages and saline solution. It is very worthwhile for at least someone in your group to do a first-aid course, particularly if you will be travelling in remote areas.


Many campers make poor choices when selecting where to set up camp. However, if you are arriving in a busy or pre-booked campground, your decision about where to camp will probably be limited.

Choosing a flat piece of ground is preferable, but if it is likely to rain make sure the ground isn’t the lowest land around. Shade provided by trees is great in summer, but beware of river red gums and other lethal eucalypts that can unexpectedly drop huge branches.

Choosing a campsite with a great view can be ideal, but beware of how exposed the site is if the weather should turn nasty.

Before placing your tent or swag, always check for sharp rocks, sticks or insect nests that could make your night uncomfortable.


Firewood that is gathered from bushland is not ‘waste wood’ waiting to be burned. Much of it provides habitat to a host of animals – in particular animals such as lizards, numbats, snakes and echidnas – and as it decays it also puts nutrients back into the soil. So, in many national parks, collecting firewood is illegal.

If collecting firewood is legal, be conscious of not using too much – restrict your fire to a size that’s appropriate for your group.

Many national parks, particularly in bushfire-prone areas, do not allow fires at all. If you have chosen to camp in these areas, respect the park manager’s wishes.

There are many other camping spots where fires are welcome, such as most state forests, and you will find those sites listed in this guide.

Fires should be lit in existing fireplaces where possible. If this isn’t possible, dig a small pit or use rocks to contain the fire. Make sure your fire is lit in an appropriate place with no overhanging branches. Fires should be completely extinguished before you leave a site, preferably with water, as covering a fire in sand can make the sand ferociously hot for many hours, potentially causing serious burns to the next visitors to the campsite.

If you are likely to be lighting a fire with damp wood and kindling, it may help to use a fire starter or two.


Taking children into the great outdoors provides them with positive experiences they will remember for life: seeing wildlife up close, enjoying the freedom of the outdoors and toasting marshmallows by the campfire. Many of today’s keen adult campers were taken on camping trips when they were younger.

Initially, it’s advisable to take young children on easy camping trips, where there are good amenities and help is nearby if necessary. However, as they gain experience and confidence, they will enjoy more varied and remote camping trips.

Generally, if the weather is good, children who become comfortable in the outdoors can quickly create their own fun, so there is no need to go overboard with prepared activities. In fact, it’s often a great chance to get them away from video games and the television. However, it can be helpful to include card games, board games and books, particularly if you experience a stretch of bad weather.

Make sure all first-time little campers have their own torch to ward off night-time fear, and be extra vigilant with all safety hazards: in particular, fire, water and getting lost.


There is no substitute for proper first-aid training, and the following advice is not definitive or comprehensive. Treatment regimes can change with new information and regular campers are advised to update their first-aid training with suitable courses.

There are many great courses, including some specifically designed for camping and remote situations. A good starting point is a course through large, respected organisations such as St John Ambulance (, the Australian Red Cross ( and Australian First Aid (


Cold, clean, running water is the best first-aid treatment for burns. Ideally, place the person or limb under a cold, running shower for at least ten minutes. Place a sterile, non-stick dressing over the wound, and seek medical assistance if the burn is severe.

Insect bites and stings

Ticks, sandflies and mosquitoes may all cause itchy bites. An antihistamine may be helpful in severe cases. Ticks can be almost microscopic, so check carefully and remove them with tweezers or a tick remover. Ice can be used to help dull the pain of bee and wasp stings, or the bites of other invertebrates such as ants, scorpions and centipedes.

Spider bites

The general rule of thumb with spiders is that if they are up high, in a web, they are almost certainly not dangerous. Spiders that live in burrows on the ground are most likely to be dangerous. With most dangerous spider bites, do not wash the wound, but apply a firm compression bandage, a splint if possible to immobilise the limb, and seek emergency help immediately. Try to identify the spider.

The exception is red-back spiders: do not bandage the bite, but apply ice and use painkillers while seeking urgent medical attention.


Bluebottle stings can certainly take the enjoyment out of a summer ocean dip. The latest treatment is to first place the affected area in warm to hot water, to nullify the sting, then in cold water to help ease the pain, which should fade with time.

Other stings and bites

Although rare, other stings and bites may be caused by animals such as snakes and blue-ringed octopuses. Most animals, such as snakes, will flee from humans if given the chance. Generally, if there is a bite or sting with venom involved, the first-aid treatment is a compression bandage, keeping the patient or limb still, and seeking urgent medical attention. If the bite does not involve venom (such as a dog bite), keep the wound clean and stem the bleeding with bandages.

Sprains and breaks

The basic first-aid treatment for ankle and other sprains is remembered by the acronym RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression bandage (to immobilise and support it) and Elevation (placing it higher than the level of the heart when the patient is lying down).

If bones in a limb or elsewhere have been broken, the patient may well have other serious difficulties, so check breathing, circulation and stem any serious bleeding. Immobilise the limb with padding and a splint if necessary, and seek help.


Again, all regular campers should receive proper training on this resuscitation technique that can save lives. The current recommended CPR technique is two breaths, and then 30 chest compressions, repeated until the patient recovers.


Many people who profess to love camping and the outdoors show little respect for the places they visit, and for other campers. Commonsense and courtesy should cover most issues, but all campers should think of the following.

Leave no trace

As a general rule, a campsite should look better when you leave than when you arrived. That means all rubbish needs to be removed, including fruit peel and lolly wrappers. Simply piling rubbish on top of or beside an already overflowing rubbish bin is ridiculous and leads to foraging by dogs, birds and other animals. If there is no suitable place to leave rubbish, take it with you. If you carried it in, you can carry it out.

And remember, just because you are camping doesn’t mean you can ignore the principles of recycling. If possible, separate your recyclables and dispose of them accordingly.

For more information on the principles of ‘leave no trace’ camping, see


If there are toilets at a campsite, use them. If not, dig a hole at least 20 centimetres deep, a long way from water sources (at least 100 metres) and other campers. As wild dogs and some other animals will dig up used toilet paper, leaving it to blow around unpleasantly, you should burn the used paper either in the hole, or place it in a small paper bag and burn it on the campfire. This will not be possible if a fire ban is in place. Used tampons, sanitary pads and disposable nappies should be carried out.

Camping with pets

You will see in this guide that many campsites allow pets, such as dogs on leashes, but that doesn’t mean that every other camper will instantly fall in love with your animal. Keep pets under control, away from other campers, and clean up their faeces.

Noise and light pollution

Generators, loud music and wild parties can ruin the quiet ambiance that many seek when they camp. Only use generators in the places and times they are allowed, and be sensitive to the wishes of others.


Some beautiful but vulnerable natural areas need extra protection – for example, above the snowline in the Australian Alps, or in the no-fire zones in many national parks – and so there are special rules and tips about camping in those areas.

In some areas, rather than burying toilet waste, you are encouraged or required to carry all human waste out. The easiest way is to bring along a chemical toilet, which you can buy at outdoor and camping stores.

In such sensitive areas, also consider the other chemicals you may be inadvertently leaving behind. Choose toothpaste with little or no fluoride (often children’s toothpastes are best), and use biodegradable detergents and soaps or, preferably, none at all. (A combination of sand or grit and hot water can usually clean most things.) Never do the washing up directly in a water source, and make sure any fats and grease are poured out a long way from the water, preferably into a small hole.

If swimming in pristine waterholes or creeks, avoid the use of sunscreen as it can pollute the water. Swim in clothes if necessary to protect yourself from the sun.


No matter how much planning you have done, some things can still go wrong. A camping trip may be plagued by sickness or injury, bad weather, or crowded or unpleasant campsites. Although most keen campers are prepared to put up with a little discomfort, being flexible can save a camping trip from complete disaster, and leave you keen and willing to camp again.


The following list is intended as a helpful guide. You will need to modify it for your own trip.


•    Tent, poles and pegs

•    Tent repair kit

•    Hammer/mallet

•    Spring-loaded pegs

•    Guy ropes

•    Large tarpaulin

•    Mozzie net

•    Ground sheet

•    Sleeping-bag

•    Inner sheet

•    Swag/airbed/camp bed/mattress

•    Airbed repair kit

•    Pump

•    Pillow


•    Stove and fuel

•    Stove stand

•    Gas bottle

•    Gas attachments

•    Barbecue plate or baking paper to place on the dirty hotplate

•    Esky/car fridge/gas fridge

•    Drink bottles

•    Water supply if none available

•    Plates/cups/bowls/mugs/cutlery

•    Cooking utensils (e.g. a sharp knife)

•    Barbecue tools

•    Matches

•    Water carrier

•    Billies or pots and pans

•    Camp oven

•    Billy lifter or oven mitt

•    Can opener

•    Dishcloth

•    Scourers/scrubbers

•    Cutting board

•    Washing-up bowl

•    Detergent

•    Garbage bags

•    Tables/chairs

•    Fire starters

•    Firewood

•    Folding saw

•    Tomahawk


•    First-aid kit

•    Sunscreen

•    Water purifying tablets or device

•    Toiler paper

•    Maps and compass

•    Thermals

•    Heat blanket

•    Mirror and/or whistle for signalling


•    Lights (e.g. solar or gas lantern, torches)

•    Swimwear

•    Rain gear

•    Towels

•    Hats

•    Toiletries

•    Fishing gear

•    Shovel or trowel

•    Brush and pan

•    Doormat

•    Camera

•    Binoculars

•    Water toys

•    Ball games

•    Card games

•    Books

•    Clothesline/pegs

•    Mozzie coils

•    Insect repellent

•    Universal sink plug

•    Hot-water shower bag

•    Toilet system



images A 4WD is required to reach the campsite.

images Towed camper trailers can access the campsite.

images There is an undercover camp kitchen area with some equipment.

images A camping fee applies; you may need to pay it in advance or at the campsite.

images Caravans can access the campsite.

images Cold showers are available at the campsite.

images The park, forest or conservation area charges a daily fee, which may be per person or per vehicle.

images The toilets are wheelchair-accessible; showers at this campsite are not necessarily suitable for disabled visitors.

images Some pets are allowed, usually small dogs, and they will need to be on a leash when outside. Always request permission before bringing your pet.

images Drinking water is available. It may need to be boiled/treated before drinking; bore water may taste unpalatable, despite being safe to drink, due to high mineral content.

images Vehicles of any kind (2WD or 4WD) can only reach the campsite in dry weather.

images There is a facility to dump caravan toilet waste.

images No campfires are allowed.

images A gas or electric BBQ is at the campsite. It may be coin-operated.

images Hot showers are available at the campsite. A fee may be charged for access to the shower block, or coins required to turn on the hot water.

images Information about the area is available at, or near, the campsite.

images The camping area or caravan park has a kiosk where basic food supplies or prepared food can be bought.

images No pets are allowed.

images There are no rubbish disposal facilities. Bring rubbish bags with you, and take rubbish away when you leave.

images The camping area is not accessible to vehicles. All gear must be carried in; distances are usually indicated in the entry.

images There is a sheltered picnic table at the campsite.

images There is a picnic area with tables at, or near, the campsite.

images The caravan park has sites with electricity, usually standard 240V.

images There is a payphone at the campsite.

images A ranger operates in the area. There may not be a permanent ranger station at the campsite, but one will visit regularly, or there will be a ranger station within reach.

images This is one of our favourite campsites.

images There is a toilet at the campsite. It may be a pit or composting toilet.

images The campsite is suitable for a vehicle with a pop-up tent, or for a tent to be erected beside a vehicle.

images When fire bans are not in place, fires can be lit at this campsite, generally in designated fireplaces or BBQs.


images A boat ramp is within easy access of the campsite.

images Canoeing or paddling is possible. BYO canoe/kayak, unless otherwise mentioned in entry.

images Crocodiles live in waters near the campsite. Observe warnings.

images Cycle trails are nearby, suitable for either normal bikes or mountain bikes.

images Salt- or fresh-water fishing is allowed.

images Hiking trails are nearby (these are more strenuous than walking trails). Recommended for fit adults.

images A horseriding trail is nearby, or horses may be brought by float to the campsite; facilities are available.

images The campsite is in a scenic area, or a scenic lookout is close by.

images There is a walk near the campsite with information or signage about the flora and fauna in the area.

images There is no swimming at, or near, the campsite.

images The sea or reservoir near the campsite is suitable for sailing small boats. It does not mean there is a boat ramp.

images There is a scenic drive within a reasonable distance of the campsite.

images Swimming is allowed at, or near, the campsite.

images A generally flat or gently sloping walking trail is nearby.

images Facilities for waterskiing are available at, or near, the campsite.