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I STEPPED OUT OF the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. I was half a step away from the bed when the bedroom door swung open, crashing into the wall with a bang, making me jump. Johnson’s wide-eyed stare fell on me, along with the business end of his gun aimed directly at my chest. I froze and my mouth ran dry. I didn’t want to kill our oldest friend, but if he pulled the trigger, I would incinerate the bullet and him along with it.

Behind Johnson stood a woman I had never seen. Her wide eyes narrowed when they took me in, and then her glare moved to Johnson, as if it were his fault I was in Robby’s bedroom, scantily dressed. That look screamed jealousy.

I glanced sideways without moving a muscle. Robby stood with the towel wrapped around his waist, but his complexion had turned almost gray with the fear radiating from him. The hand holding his towel clasped trembled.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, refocusing on Johnson.

“This is my place,” he said.

Johnson’s voice seemed to knock Robby out of whatever terror gripped him, and he stepped into view. “Since when?”

The gun moved toward Robby for a moment and then Johnson slowly lowered it, blinking as he stared at his alpha. It took him a moment to get his composure back. “Since you dropped off the fucking planet. Someone needed to step in and run the pack.” He holstered his gun without me making him as his gaze traveled over the two of us. When it landed on Robby’s neck, his brow creased and the muscles in his jaw twitched.

“Rick, who are these people?” the woman behind him asked.

I had never heard anyone call Johnson by his first name. Not even back when we were in the academy. I traded a glance with Robby.

But Johnson’s gaze had already narrowed into slits of anger as they slashed to me. “What the fuck did you do to him?”

“She didn’t do this to me. The dumpster vamp did.” He crossed his arms over his chest, and his gaze jumped from Johnson to the woman. A single eyebrow rose. “You finally mated?”

Johnson glanced over his shoulder at the woman, and then smiled back at us like a kid showing his parents a prized trophy. It was the quintessential alpha claiming his mate smile. “Mated, married, and are just returning home from our honeymoon.” He puffed his chest out.

She blushed and glanced shyly at the floor.

It was enough to irritate me, and I willed clothing on both Robby and me. Fabric shifted under the towels, and I peeled the cloth from around me and stepped by Robby, pulling his off as well now that he was fully dressed, too. I hung the towels on the hooks on the bathroom door and took a deep breath before stepping back out into the bedroom.

“Technically, she was supposed to be your mate,” Johnson said. “But then, when none of us could reach you or feel the alpha connection anymore, your father named me alpha and insisted on this union.”

“So, you just agreed.” The sarcasm in Robby’s voice bled through.

Johnson grinned and shook his head. “It wasn’t that simple.” He glanced at the woman, and her cheeks reddened. “Dude, if this is what you ignored for fifteen years, I give you props,” he finished and met Robby’s gaze.

I started to laugh. “You mean to tell me that the woman Robby’s father has been trying to marry him off to for the past few years is your true mate?”

“As fucked up as that sounds, yes.” He put his arm around his woman. “Judy, this is Sarah Stone. She’s Robby’s true mate.”

Her gaze jumped between us. Her mind didn’t work nearly as fast as ours and her mouth opened then closed again before her eyes narrowed. “Hi,” she managed to squeak out as her gaze landed back on Robby. Her eyes went from confused to fearful as she clung to Johnson.

Robby gave her a nod. “No offense, but you’re not my type.” He stepped closer to me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

I gave him a sideways glance.

He leaned close. “She thinks I might still claim her since I’m the rightful alpha of the Allegany pack. My father made an alliance with her pack when he married her to the alpha he handpicked.” He met Johnson’s gaze. “I’m not taking your station.”

Johnson’s shoulders relaxed.

“But I bought and paid for this house with my hard-earned money. It’s mine, not yours,” Robby added with force in his tone. “It was not my father’s to give.”

Johnson blinked and glanced around, as if Robby had just torn a limb from his body instead of claiming what was rightfully his. “What are we supposed to do?”

“There is a guest room.” His offer was better than I would have given. “And the agency and my father are not to get a whiff that we are alive. Understand?”

Johnson glared at Robby. “I can’t do that. It will fuck with my career if I keep this from them.”

“I spent six months in a fucking silver collar while that bastard killed Sarah over and over. I am not spending the rest of my life in a cell because you found some goddamned loyalty to such a fucked-up organization.” Robby trembled with the fury filling him.

I put my hand on his forearm to try to calm him down but he shook it off. The malice radiated outward, and Judy had the sense to cower. But Johnson stood firm. He still believed Robby wouldn’t hurt him. But the man he knew had been substantially changed by Cassius, to the point I couldn’t even predict how he would react.

“You better run,” I said to Johnson, because if there was such a thing as steam coming from ears, Robby would be sending out plumes of it.

Robby snarled and took a step forward.

“Don’t shift,” I commanded before he had a chance to let his wolf loose.

He spun on me with his teeth bared and his fists clenched, and then he grabbed me by the arms, shaking me. “Don’t you ever try to control me again!” he screamed in my face.

I put my hand out toward Johnson, because out of the corner of my eye, I saw he foolishly stepped closer, but I didn’t dare break eye contact with Robby. Not until I had my say.

“I will fucking control you when you’re about to tear your best friend to pieces just because he feels he has to do his job,” I snapped back. “You wouldn’t get over that shit either once your head cleared.” I poked my finger into his chest hard.

Robby continued to growl low in his throat. His grip on my arms was punishing and would leave bruises, but it was better than having him decapitate Johnson in a fit of anger.

I chanced a glance at Johnson. “Just go down to the kitchen. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Johnson had his hand on his gun, and I saw the doubt in his eyes.

“I’ll be fine. Just do not call in the cavalry. Otherwise, I swear, I’ll turn this place, and everyone within a hundred yards, to dust. Understand?” I put enough venom into my voice that he paled.

Robby still snarled at me, as if he were an inch away from snapping my neck.

“Go,” I hissed when he didn’t budge, and Judy grabbed Johnson’s arm, practically dragging him from the room.

I met Robby’s gaze. “I know you hate it. I know why you hate it. But you would have never forgiven yourself if you hurt Johnson. And you would never forgive me if I didn’t intervene.” I put my hands on his waist and squeezed, even though the action hurt where he was constricting my biceps.

His growl subsided and his grip loosened, but he did not let go. Robby inhaled and closed his eyes. He dropped his hands and stepped back, distancing himself. “I can’t be caged again.”

No kidding. By some miracle, I kept those words locked up. He didn’t need my sarcasm right now, but he did need my assurances. “I will wipe out all of New York before I let that happen.”

He smiled in a way that warmed my soul. He knew I was capable of turning New York City to ash if I so desired.

“You may have to if he runs to the agency.” His blue eyes opened and found mine.

I nodded. “I know. So, we need to convince him not to, like we did before.” I reached out and took his hands. This time, he let me.

“I’m all sorts of fucked up, aren’t I?” He searched my eyes, as if I had all the answers.

“Yeah. So am I. I just bury it deeper.”

He blinked and then pulled me into a hug, as though he hadn’t considered just how much Cassius may have messed me up.

Dying that many times and that many ways haunts my dreams, but I didn’t say anything. Not with Robby being so fragile.

“I’m sorry, babe.” He kissed the top of my head. “I’ve been so wrapped up in my own shit that I never even considered what you went through.”

“It’s okay. You were nearly knocking on death’s door a couple days ago. I didn’t want to burden you with my issues while I was trying to help you get some strength back.”

He tilted my chin up and planted a soft kiss. “Let’s go see where we can get with Johnson using reason. If we can’t get him to comply, you’re going to have to compel him.”

I really didn’t want to do that to our oldest friend, but I would if it meant keeping us safe. I led Robby out of the bedroom and down the stairs, hoping they hadn’t just bolted.