
I’m a wordy person, so when Becky Philpott contacted me about writing a novella for their Year of Weddings series, I was honored but also a little frightened. Novels I could do. Novellas? Not so sure.

I had no idea that I would have so much fun writing this story! I fell in love with Jake and Emma and the small, quirky town of Mayfair, Wisconsin. I hope readers fall in love too!

A few shout-outs are most definitely in order . . .

A hearty thanks to all the people who have made this novella better than I could ever manage on my own—Becky Philpott, Jean Bloom, and Karli Cajka. It was a pleasure working with you!

Thank you to the entire team at Zondervan for inviting me to take part in such a fun project, Elizabeth Hudson for your passion and enthusiasm, and an especially loud shout-out to my fellow “bridesmaids.” It’s been an honor and a joy celebrating these novellas together!

Thank you to Marie Bates for giving me a sneak peek inside the life of a veterinarian, and to Joel Malm for helping me figure out the perfect occupation for adventure-seeking Liam. Any inaccuracies in the portrayal are all mine!

Carrie Pendergrass for sharing your husband’s words to you at a time I really needed to hear them. They became the words Emma’s dad shared with Emma by the fire pit when she really needed to hear them. I pray they encourage readers as much as they did me!

Thanks, of course, to my agent, Rachelle Gardner, for all you do to get my work out there.

To my amazingly supportive husband and my wonderful family for all you do so that I can write.

To a lavishly good God for allowing me to do something that brings me such joy and for providing the words when I’m feeling wrung dry.

And to my fabulous readers—the ones who take that joy and multiply it exponentially with your support, your presence, and your encouragement. It’s an honor to write stories for you, and I will continue as the Lord allows!