(other than titles by the Knox brothers themselves)
Basileon: A Magazine of King’s College, Cambridge 1900–1914. Facsimile edition, with an introduction by Sir Charles Tennyson (1974).
Birks, Rev. Herbert: The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Valpy French (1895).
Bone, James: The London Perambulator (1925).
Brandreth, Canon Henry: The Oratory of the Good Shepherd: An Historical Sketch (privately printed, 1958).
Brittain, Frederick: It’s a Don’s Life (1972).
Caraman, Fr Philip, S.J.: C. C. Martindale: A Biography (1967).
Clinton-Baddeley, V. C.: Aladdin: or, Love Will Find Out the Way, with additional material by Frank Birch (1931).
Corbishley, Fr Thomas, S.J.: Ronald Knox the Priest (1964).
Dewey, Rev. Meredith: Obituary of Wilfred Knox. Pembroke College Annual Gazette, No. 24, December 1950.
Eyres, Laurence: “Some Edmundian Memories”. The Edmundian, Autumn 1957.
Fothergill, J. R.: An Innkeeper’s Diary (1933).
Fowler, J. H.: The Life and Letters of Edward Lee Hicks, Bishop of Lincoln, 1910–19 (1922).
Harrod, R. F.: The Life of John Maynard Keynes (1951).
Hassall, Christopher: Rupert Brooke: A Biography (1964).
Haynes, E. S. P.: A Lawyer’s Notebook (1933).
Headlam, Walter: Letters and Poems, with a Memoir by C. H. Headlam (1910).
Knox, Rt. Rev. Edmund A.: Reminiscences of an Octogenarian (1935).
Lansbury, George: Socialism for the Poor: The End of Pauperism (1909).
Leslie, Sir Shane: The End of a Chapter (1916).
Lindley, Sir Francis: Lord Lovat: A Biography (1935).
Lovat, Laura: Maurice Baring: A Postscript (1947).
McDougall, D.: Fifty Years a Borough: The Story of West Ham (County Borough of West Ham, 1936).
Mosley, Nicholas: Julian Grenfell: His Life and the Times of His Death, 1888–1915 (1976).
Peck, Lady Winifred: A Little Learning: or, A Victorian Childhood (1952).
________: Home for the Holidays (1955).
Price, R. G. G.: A History of Punch (1957).
Ribblesdale, Lord: Charles Lister: Letters and Recollections, with a Memoir by His Father (one chapter by Ronald Knox) (1917).
Simpson, Maj.-Gen. Charles Rudyard: The History of the Lincolnshire Regiment 1914–1918 (1931).
Speaight, Robert: The Life of Hilaire Belloc (1957).
_______: Ronald Knox the Writer (1966).
Spencer, Gilbert, R.A.: Memoirs of a Painter (1974).
Usborne, Richard: A Century of Summer Fields 1864–1964 (1964).
Waugh, Evelyn: The Life of Ronald Knox (1959).
Arnott, W. G.: “Walter Headlam and Herodas”. Proceedings of the African Classical
Association, Vol. 10, 1947. Kenyon, F. W.: Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum (1891). ________: Palaeography of Greek Papyri (1899).
(a) General
Kahn, David: The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing (1966).
(b) Room 40, 1914–1918
Birch, Frank: Alice in I.D.25 (a satire on life in Room 40) (privately printed, 1918).
Fraser, Lionel W.: All to the Good (1963).
James, Sir William: Alfred Ewing: The Man of Room 40 (1939).
_______: The Sky Was Always Blue (1951).
_______: The Eyes of the Navy: A Biographical Study of Sir Reginald Hall (1955).
Marder, A. J.: The War at Sea: From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow (1965).
(c) The ARCOS Incident
ARCOS (All Russian Co-Operative Society): “Police Raid on the Trade Delegation”. Inostrannoye Torgovoye Obozreniye (Review of Foreign Trade), 16 May 1927.
Dallin, David J.: Soviet Espionage (1955).
Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919–1939, ed. W. N. Medlicott, D. Dakin and M. E. Lambert, Series IA, II and III (1970).
Documents Illustrating the Hostile Activities of the Soviet Government and the Third International Against Great Britain (White Paper, 1927).
(d) Enigma
Bertrand, General Gustave: Énigma, ou la plus grande énigme de la guerre 1939–45 (1973).
McLachlan, Donald: Room 39: Naval Intelligence in Action 1939–45 (1968).
Turing, Sarah: Alan M. Turing (1959).