
For a long time, I was convinced this book would never get published. It was too weird, too risky, too unlike anything I’d ever written. My deepest gratitude goes to my brilliant agent, Michael Bourret, for believing in me and my book and our weirdness, and for finding us the best home.

Big love to my editor Jessica Dandino Garrison. From the moment of our first phone call, I knew you were the one. Thank you for challenging me to be better and for putting so much time and heart into this book. I lost count of the rounds of edits, but I think we finally got it.

Thank you to everyone at Dial/Penguin: cover designer Kristin Boyle, especially for your at-home glitter photo shoot when the world changed our plans; interior designer Cerise Steel; copyeditor Regina Castillo; Doni Kay; Shannon Spann; Lauri Hornik; Nancy Mercado; Michelle Lee; and Rosie Ahmed.

My humble gratitude goes to Anna Long, Amanda Starr, and Crystals, for your expertise and insight into the mind of Fern and Ivy, and for your wise guidance in helping them be more true.

To my Nebo girls, who have patiently been listening to me talk about this book for years: Jaye Robin Brown, Amber Smith, Frankie Bolt, Jocelyn Rish, Rebecca Petruck, Rebecca Enzor, Robin Constantine, and Joy Neaves. Thank you for being my yearly dose of peace in the chaos of this publishing world. May we dance to Lizzo in the kitchen for years to come.

And finally to my daughter, Elouise. For being my hope, my reason for everything. I’m dedicating every day to you.