The 9 Summits of Transformation
Some are content to live their lives while sleeping; but SCM and the 9 Summits of Transformation are designed for those who are beginning to awaken. The SCM community is driven by a hunger to know ourselves deeply; and to transcend mundane existence. We long to be released from the status quo, the state Thoreau so painfully describes as living “... a life of quiet desperation and (going) to the grave with our song still in us”.
So we seek to fully awaken, and find within ourselves that which will always endure. We seek for an unchanging peace within, a peace that’s ever present when everything else crumbles and passes. Truth be told, we long to know God. Not God as an idea, not God as an abstract concept or a set of doctrines or dictates. We are not looking – not anymore, for the mythic god of the past.
Our seeking has matured beyond ‘the great grandfather in the sky’. We want to know truth; immediately, directly, verifiably, a truth that we can experience both transcendently and immanently. We want to find God and to feel God and to know God, beyond us but also in us and as us and through us as absolute spirit.
We ache to experience a resonance that – once stripped free of dogma – is at the core of all of the world’s wisdom traditions. Beyond the myths and the cultural conditioning, past the codifications and contradictions; deeper, much deeper than the surface of any and all religions, there is one truth.
This truth that has been declared for millennia, by great sages and sacred texts, is that you can awaken to the realization that at your core, you are one and identical with all that you seek.
And so it is. In fact, God dwells within you as the unconditioned ground of being – the freedom and fullness of your Transcendent Self – your absolute ‘Being, Consciousness and Bliss’. God exists as the fundamental condition of your very existence, and the truth of this existence is that you existed prior to this life and prior to the birth of the universe and prior to all of space and time.
The truth you seek, and that which does the seeking, are ultimately the same. This radical truth, undeniable to the awakened, is, ‘Thou art That’.
Your SCM practice and the pages preceding this section have been preparing you for this path.
SUMMIT 1 (for 2 weeks): Soul Awakening
SUMMIT 2 (for 2 weeks): Transcendent Awakening
SUMMIT 3 (for 2 weeks): Unitary Awakening
SUMMIT 4 (for 2 weeks): Your Authentic Self and your Soul’s Purpose
SUMMIT 5 (for 2 weeks): Look Up: Promoting the Vertical Trajectory of the Authentic Self
SUMMIT 6 (for 2 weeks): Look Down: Reclaiming the Spiral of Development
SUMMIT 7 (for 2 weeks): Illuminate, Liberate and Trans-mutate the Shadow into High Brain Fuel
SUMMIT 8 (for 2 weeks): our Life Codes
SUMMIT 9 (for 2 weeks): Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment
The SalutoGenic Evolutionary Thrivestyle of EPOCH 6
Cycle back to summit 1
As you journey through the Summits it is important not to hold things too tightly. I hope this is a lifetime path for you. You may feel as though you struggle in one particular Summit. You may not understand the entire context, or think you didn’t do it properly, or not feel the outcomes you were expecting.
As stated before, evolution is a non-linear process, so will your journey be. I can assure you that you are getting more than you know as pieces of it are sticking and settling within you, and changing you, and over time this effect will become dramatic. Your second time through the 9-Summit spiral, any area that you feel ‘stuck in’ or ‘inadequate at’ will most likely shift and create radical transformation in that area. After the first time through all 9 Summits, you may cycle back to one, or choose which Summit is most needed; the second time into the Summits does not have to proceed in a linear progression. Just keep smiling and keep doing the work and please make sure you stay connected to our community.
Each Summit will have a ‘discovery’ (pre-meditation) component followed by the actual Summit-appropriate meditation.
SUMMIT 1 (for 2 weeks): Soul Awakening
In the book Zen and the Brain, James H. Austin, MD, explains the novel experience of a Zen koan, and how the koan method requires years of contemplation before a potential shift in consciousness occurs. Eventually the Zen practitioner may have a shift in consciousness...a temporary ‘awakening’. In this highly technical and more than 850-page-tome, Dr. Austin informs us as to what part of the Higher Brain lights up and changes when this awakening is happening. Conversely, the SCM Technique prioritizes a flow of latent energy to the Higher Brain – creating the necessary conditions for contemplative techniques to exert change with much less effort.
Below is a brief summary of the experience sought, the physiological change anticipated and the technique that leverages the physiological change to create the experience.
1. SCM Soul Awakening Discovery Pre-Meditation
Perform SCM base; now while in this Higher Brain state contemplate deeply the below:
Go immediately to the Soul Awakening Meditation on the next page.
2. Perform the Soul Awakening Meditation by:
SUMMIT 2 (for 2 weeks): Transcendent Awakening
Experience/Knowledge: The Transcendent Self known as the eternal, immortal witness to all that arises. The recognition of your Transcendent Self as absolute freedom from death, decay and destruction is experienced. The Transcendent Self provides access to the pure peace — free of time, space and conditioned reality.
When “I AM”-based Interior Techniques of SCM and the 9 Summits are introduced to a properly tuned brain (during SalutoGenesis) large-scale energy changes in higher spiritual centers of the brain light up on EEG brain scans. Introducing the Interior Technique (contemplation) below during active SalutoGenesis and Higher Brain activity promotes a deeper experience of the contemplation. As the interior experience deepens, this further deepens the Higher Brain connection and thus creates feedback between the interior and exterior components of this spiritual state.
Through the transcendent state awakening, you will trace the ‘ray of the divine’, or Soul back to its source – the timeless, space-less, Transcendent Self. It is here that pure consciousness beyond personality comes forth. Your Transcendent Self was never born and cannot die. The relationship between Soul Essence and Transcendent Self provides ultimate peace and freedom.
1. SCM Transcendent Awakening Discovery Pre-Meditation
Perform SCM base; now while in this Higher Brain state contemplate deeply the below:
– Pause –
–Pause –
–Pause –
Make the statements below 15 times, pausing after each time to feel energy go to the Higher Brain where your Transcendent Self is experienced. Notice who is noticing...
I AM. I AM. I AM...
2. Perform the Transcendent Awakening Meditation by:
SUMMIT 3 (for 2 weeks): Unitary Awakening
Awakening Two promotes a deeper knowledge/experience of your Transcendental Self first experienced in Awakening One. It is important to understand that spiritual development must transcend and yet include previous Awakenings. Therefore there is no limit to the depth and subsequent integration of each Awakening. This is a lifetime journey.
1. SCM Unitary Awakening Discovery Pre-Meditation
Perform SCM base; now while in this Higher Brain state contemplate deeply the below:
Even before “your” beginning in time. This “I” was ever present – it was the same “I” that looked through your parent’s eyes, and their parent’s eyes. It was present when the first humans roamed the plains of Africa. It watched as the first life forms arose on the planet. It was “you”. It was the consciousness that was ever-present — the same consciousness that hears (understands) these words now — the same consciousness that wasn’t born and cannot die. Keep moving back, past cosmic explosions, stars newly forming, past the Big Bang – what we see today happened billions of years ago in time. But something formless witnesses now and witnessed then – only now it looks through your eyes, hears with your ears and feels through your hands.
The same thing that remains unchanged in you since you were a child was also there at the beginning of space and time. Now that something, which is really NO-thing, is the ever-present background of your life. “I AM” is the same today as it was last year and will be the same tomorrow. You are passing back into that from which you came. Open your eyes and notice the Transcendental Self as pure subject uniting with its object of observation. Notice the Seer and the seen become part of one indivisible whole. Notice this merging until there is no true separation between the Transcendent Self and everything that arises in the world.
–Pause –
2. Perform the Unitary Awakening Meditation by:
SUMMIT 4 (for 2 weeks): Your Authentic Self and Your Soul’s Purpose
We cultivate the three enlightenment states first because the relationships to these deep states provide a sense of absolute freedom and confidence to your Authentic Self. Your Soul and Authentic Self exist in a dynamic self-reinforcing feedback. Your Authentic Self is the soul’s vehicle in space and time. Your Authentic Self expresses your Soul’s purpose and in so doing will likely encounter obstacles – until in time your perspective has shifted to see obstacles as only opportunities. Having a relationship to your Soul Essence is imperative. The solution to obstacles is not to ignore or resist them, but to realize they’ve been put in your path to be faced fully and overcome. You must learn to trust your deeper dimensions and release your need to know and control. Soon you’ll see that every experience is divinely guided to expand your knowledge and grow your soul.
The Transcendent and Unitary States are needed by the Authentic Self to provide access to peace beyond conditions. These states provide an absolute freedom from whatever is arising in space and time. The Authentic Self self-actualizes in the world of space and time and in this relative realm things don’t always go exactly like we planned. Therefore having access to those parts of your Self (Transcendent and Unitary States), that are forever free and unconditioned, are needed for the heroic journey of the Authentic Self, expressing its Soul’s purpose through the world of space and time. The Authentic Self is the soul made manifest in the world.
Following your bliss, defining your purpose, finding what moves you in this everyday world is what Summit 4 is all about. But as mentioned, you’re going to encounter obstacles while following that bliss. The solution is not to ignore or to despise or to distract yourself from those obstacles, but to realize it’s the obstacles that have been put in front of you that you must overcome to show the world you’re serious. Your Authentic Self begins to look at these things that you don’t like, as opportunities to grow.
The Authentic Self that exists in space and time, gets up in the morning, goes to work, loves its family, and takes out the garbage. It arises in the manifest world of space and time and must express itself in the world. It is represented in physical form by a shift from a lower brain center of gravity to the Higher Brain. This is a shift away from having to protect oneself and view life as a struggle. “Just surviving” is replaced by “thriving”; the experience of purpose and passion, a compulsion to create and a desire to make ourselves and the world better. We become stripped of our cultural conditioning and live a fearlessly authentic life.
1. SCM Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Discovery Pre-Meditation
2. Your Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Discovery
I feel happiest when
I want to be known for
I feel love when I
I lose track of time when I
I would like to become a better
I am at my best when I
I am the most creative while
I feel inspired when
I would like to make the world better by
I can be of greater service by
I feel passionate about
My gifts are
Following the completion of your ‘Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Discovery’ you will now test your statements by noting the amplification of SalutoGenesis (Higher Brain response of breath/energy/movement) in your body when you reintroduce each statement and answers above.
Circle the answers (A, B, C or D) to each question that produces the greatest SalutoGenic response. This is such a profound part of your journey. You can access deep trans-rational truths by ‘feeding’ your soul the question and letting it provide the answer in the form of heightened SalutoGenic response. Your soul registers the deep truth of the statement by the amplification of breath and energy within you. These SalutoGenic affirmations are trans-rational modes of knowing through intuition and insight. They bypass the paralysis by analysis of circular rational thinking and get right to the truth of the matter. You are learning to source truth from deeper dimensions of your being.
3. Checking the ‘Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Discovery’ Statements with SalutoGenesis
– Sit up and state each of the statements followed by each of the answers (The statement, then A answer, then the statement again and B answer, then the statement again and C answer, then statement again and D answer), one at a time, pausing and feeling the response in your body. Simply note, without judging, which one produces the greatest SalutoGenic response. When you say statements A, B, C, and D, which one causes the greatest surge of breath, movement, or energy? This is an affirmation by your Soul.
– Go through each series of questions. Circle the answer/s (A, B, C, or D) that produces the greatest SalutoGenic feedback, for each one of the statements. If two or more answers produce a SalutoGenic response similar in strength you can circle all.
Assessing all the questions should only take 10 minutes once you sit up and begin. The process goes quickly because you are bypassing the thinking, ruminating brain while you are going deeper to the intuitive Higher Brain. Once you have bypassed the “thinking, ruminating” part of the brain to get to deeper modes of knowing. . . trust it! Don’t edit!
4. Creating the Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Mantra
Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Mantra Final Take
During the meditation below you will first access the Unitary State (which transcends and includes the Transcendent State and the Soul State), and pour that Unitary state into your Authentic Self, Soul Purpose. As we know, these awakened enlightenment states and their eternal and timeless truths are necessary ‘ground states’ for the Authentic Self to have access to a peaceful refuge as it goes on the soul’s journey in the world of matter and manifestation.
6. Perform the Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Meditation by:
Once you acknowledge the potential and the deeper aspects of your being as central to and consolidated with your Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Mantra, you’ll understand there’s no other way to live but with courage and integrity.
If you choose to act without integrity – and not honor or act from the truth within your Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Mantra – you’ll notice the effects. You may be faced with anxiety, depression or a disease that requires you to discontinue certain behaviors and realign. Your highest knowing wants your attention and demands that you address what really matters. When you try to hide at this level, your suffering may be intense until you surrender to your inner calling. At this level of evolution, all of this is bigger than you are. You may experience a ‘dark night of the soul’ (your lower brain never goes away and can dig its heels in at any time). The key is to recognize the discontent as a transition point that can act as fuel to catalyze more growth and evolution within you, through you and as you. This is a hero’s journey.
SUMMIT 5 (for 2 weeks): Look Up – Promoting the Vertical Trajectory of the Authentic Self
1. SCM Vertical Growth Discovery Pre-Meditation
Look up at Epoch 6 Emergence and Ascension; feel those defining features. See yourself taking your world-centric postmodern values with you as you step up another rung on the ladder and integrate all of the key features of Epoch 6 into your being. Feel that evolutionary drive to become, to grow, to create, to self-actualize in a new higher way.
EPOCH 6: Ascension
Key Features:
EPOCH 6: Emergence
Key Features:
EPOCH 5: Pluralistic, Postmodern (You are here? Look Up)
Key Features:
EPOCH 4: Achievement, Modern
Key Features:
EPOCH 3: Traditional, Mythic Literal
Key Features:
EPOCH 2: Power, Egocentric
Key Features:
EPOCH 1: Magical, Egocentric
Key Features:
THE FIRST HUMANS: Instinctual, Archaic
Key Features:
2. Perform the Vertical Growth in the Spiral of Development Meditation by:
SUMMIT 6 (for 2 weeks): Look Down – Reclaiming the Spiral of Development
Since you are committed to enveloping the entire spiral, we want each altitude to be whole and healthy as you include all the lower Epochs. Any previous failure to transcend AND include fully disrupts the spiral. Because evolution can be messy, this inevitably happens to us all.
Assuming the reader is a cultural creative at Epoch 5, integrating the first 4 Epochs is the single greatest way to create a healthy Epoch 5 that is required for the jump to Epoch 6. You must establish a healthy foundation. As you reach up you must reach back down and integrate.
We don’t want to ignore our problems, we want to find them and fix them once we have Higher Brain capacities to make the changes needed. These next two Summits require that you uncover areas where you failed to integrate, and areas of shadow elements. From a Higher Brain perspective these are NOT ‘problems’ but instead are opportunities to catalyze more growth. You are going to mine the energy from these ‘failures to integrate’ your shadows and use that energy as fuel for your higher brain.
1. SCM Reclaiming the Spiral of Development Pre-Meditation
An Epoch 3 example of healthy expression: “I take full responsibility for the disciplined structured life that is necessary to fulfill my purpose in the world.”
An Epoch 4 example of healthy expression: “I am fiscally abundant and can use that abundance to pursue my purpose and make the world a better place.”
Failure to integrate hallmark = challenges regarding: Food
Write what a healthy expression of this Epoch would look like to you:
Failure to integrate hallmark = challenges regarding: Sex
Write what a healthy expression of this Epoch would look like to you.
Failure to integrate hallmark = challenges regarding: Power, Self Confidence
Write what a healthy expression of this Epoch would look like to you:
Failure to integrate hallmark = challenges regarding: Fitting In, Discipline, Accountability
Write what a healthy expression of this Epoch would look like to you:
Failure to integrate hallmark = challenges regarding: Money, Achievement, Autonomy
Write what a healthy expression of this Epoch would look like to you:
Now that you have scanned and written the healthy expression of each ‘failure to integrate’ hallmark of each Epoch, look at the ‘key features’ list below (while in your Higher Brain state) for each Epoch. Notice if there are any ‘failure to integrate’ dynamics with any of the enduring features.
Have you become too mired in new age magical thinking? Do you need to reclaim your relationship to rational thought in Epoch 4? Is your emotional life out of balance? Do you need to integrate your healthy Epoch 1?
If you discover areas within yourself where you failed to integrate and have missing key features from any of the lower Epochs, also write down the healthy expression of that key feature above as you did for the hallmarks.
EPOCH 5: Pluralistic, Postmodern
Key Features:
YOU ARE HERE. Look down
EPOCH 4: Achievement, Modern
Key Features:
EPOCH 3: Traditional, Mythic Literal
Key Features:
EPOCH 2: Power, Egocentric
Key Features:
EPOCH 1: Magical, Egocentric
Key Features:
EPOCH 0: The First Humans: Instinctual, Archaic
Key Features:
2. Perform the ‘Look Down’ Reclaiming the Spiral of Development Meditation by:
SUMMIT 7 (for 2 weeks): Illuminate, Liberate and Trans-Mutate the Shadow into High Brain Fuel
“We may be floating on Tao, but there is nothing wrong with steering. If Tao is like a river, it is certainly good to know where the rocks are.”
Do you own it or does it own you?
Your Authentic Self is off the launch pad...we want to add fuel to its ascent by transmuting your Shadow elements into fuel.
This shadow as psychological repression becomes locked in an unconscious loop of shadow/lower brain energy. The shadow becomes buried deep in our unconscious and anchored to lower brain physiology. Once the shadow is hidden our newly awakened Higher Brain/higher consciousness may not find it, to feel it, face it and deal with it with its higher strategies.
Locating the shadow during the active energized Higher Brain state, which is coupled to the consciousness of absolute peace, dwelling within as your Transcendent Self, provides not only an upgraded sophisticated evolving brain with increased capacity but also a spacious opening in consciousness for the shadow to surface within and become metabolized.
It is widely believed that all humans have repressed ‘shadow energy’ buried deep within them. Our ‘shadows’ are maintained below the conscious threshold by primitive lower brain mechanisms. Previous life events and circumstances that were unconsciously processed or contextualized in ways incompatible with the psychological and physiological processing systems, at the time of experience, could not always be reconciled.
The shadow must now be integrated through Higher Brain states and SalutoGenic mechanisms. The unresolved areas of our life resulted in incomplete development (often at a young age). These incompatible parts of us then become locked into unconscious lower brain patterns. We often have no awareness of when or how this repression occurs, as parts of us were split off from the developing personality and remained hidden. If not fully brought into awareness and processed by Higher Brain strategies the shadow remains repressed and anchored to the survival based lower brain, and rears its ugly head in unconscious ways throughout a lifetime. It is my experience that these shadow areas can be one of the greatest detriments to our spiritual progress.
Summit 7 and its transmutation of the shadow into fuel is utilized at this key time to remove the final obstacles to your liberation. It was necessary that you progressed through the first 6 Summits to now mine and utilize shadow energy. It is your Higher Brain/Higher Heart physiology and your Transcendent Self’s consciousness, that can shift the shadow into its liberated power for transformation. The repressed shadow - once released from the grip of the lower brain and brought into Higher Brain/Higher Heart physiology and the full light of fearless awareness of your Transcendent Self – cannot maintain its illusion of separateness and cannot oppose the evolutionary currents of SalutoGenesis.
Summit 7 shifts the shadow into the light of awareness and transmutes the darkness into light, you won’t simply eliminate the shadow, you will convert it into opportunity. Once the shadow enters the awareness of the Transcendent Self it is objectified within the fearless state of pure witnessing awareness. It is not attached to, but witnessed as conscious intention flows from the Transcendent Self, and directs the ‘shadow as object’ into the stream of flowing SalutoGenesis as it is converted to neutral raw energy flowing to the Higher Brain as fuel.
1. SCM Illuminate, Liberate and Trans-mutate the Shadow into High Brain Fuel Pre-Meditation
The Five Shadow Parameters
Challenges/Stuck Areas – Write down any challenges you currently experience for each dimension. Do you struggle with your thoughts in the mind dimension? Do you have weight issues or low energy in the body dimension? Has the relationship with your significant other gone flat? Are you having a hard time finding a significant other? What about your environment; do you like where you live? Does it stimulate your creativity? Is your career path rewarding and meaningful?
Origin/History – Did the challenge/stuck area begin at a certain point in time? Was it related to a particular event? Was something that happened incompatible with ‘how you thought things were supposed to be’? Did someone do something to you? Were you bullied or made fun of? Did your father say you would never amount to anything? Did your mother say you weren’t good enough or pretty enough? Did your marriage fail? Did you lose your business? Not promoted? Sometimes during the higher brain state these memories come up so they can be processed. Write them down.
Avoidance/Attraction – Does the challenge have a hyper-avoidance or hyper-attraction associated with it? Write down what it looks and feels like to be avoiding or attracted. Are you avoiding intimacy? Are you hyper-attractive to sex? Write down the challenges in each dimension where you are hyper-avoiding or hyper-attracted.
Disowned/Denied/Projected – What have you disowned or denied about yourself? This can most easily be found by what you project onto other people. What do you most admire in someone? What is it about them? Usually the opposite is how you unconsciously feel about yourself? Who do you most despise? What is it about them? Could the opposite be true in you?
Competing Narrative – A competing narrative is a hidden underlying fear of growing or creating greater success in some area of life. For instance, I may complain and worry that the state of my financial situation never seems to change no matter what I do. My surface narrative is that I dislike my financial situation and want it to change so that I can have fiscal abundance. However my underlying competing shadow narrative is that I’m really safe with the ‘sameness’ of the financial condition I have currently created. Unconsciously creating that sameness produces safety because I know the territory of being broke and I know how to deal with it. Actually creating financial abundance will create demands on me and require things of me that I don’t really believe I’m up to it. What would I do with financial abundance? How would I invest it? Who would manage it? I don’t know anything about stocks and bonds... the competing narrative actually feels more risky to the lower brain because it is an unknown.
Now the invitation is to ponder these different aspects of the shadow with regard to your own life and write them down. Use your journal, a piece of paper or your computer; it's important that you have a visual record in order to work with them more efficiently.
My Mind Shadow
Challenges/Stuck areas
Competing Narrative
My Body Shadow
Challenges/Stuck Areas
Competing Narrative
My Relationship Shadow
Challenges/Stuck Areas
Competing Narrative
My Environment Shadow
Challenges/Stuck Areas
Competing Narrative
Look up at all that fuel for growth!
FIG 10: Shadows may adversely impact growth and development in any of the four dimensions
2. Illuminate, liberate and trans-mutate the Shadow into High Brain Fuel Meditation by:
SUMMIT 8 (for 2 weeks): Your Life Codes
“The doer becomes the deed almost as an afterthought.”
In an earlier chapter on Integral Metatheory we illustrated how all four dimensions are tied together and reinforce one another. We used ‘healing’ as an easy way to illustrate the often hidden relationship between all four dimensions of life. In Summit 7 we located shadow in all four dimensions and used shadow energy as fuel for our growth. Your shadow energy has loosened its grip, the rocket is off the launch pad and your Authentic Self is moving vertically towards Epoch 6. Now you will consciously liberate your Authentic Self in all four dimensions and set all 4 in rapid vertical motion. You will determine what a liberated evolving representation of each dimension looks and feels like, and the actionable steps needed to create evolution in all four dimensions of your new life.
In Summit 7, through SalutoGenesis, you disrupted the self-reinforcing feedback response between lower brain physiology and its expression in all four dimensions of your life. You found the shadow energy and converted it to fuel for your brain. You will now take your continuously awakening Higher Brain into Summit 8 and your SCM Life Scan. The SCM Life Scan is used as a means to reflect all four dimensions (mind, body, relationships, environment) back to the newly energized Higher Brain, and ‘see’ and ‘feel’ each of the four dimensions from a point of higher level congruence with your Authentic Self. Then in the Higher Brain state, your will discover the key ‘right action’ of your Authentic self that can bring about this evolution in each dimension. The right actions coupled to the higher dimensional representations are condensed into ‘Life Codes’. Life codes contain the ‘action required to create the outcome desired’ in each of the four dimensions that your Authentic Self is navigating on, in its vertical accent.
During the Summit 8 meditation your will associate your Life Codes with the awakened Higher Brain response. Then as you go forward in the world, and recite your Life Codes, the Higher Brain state will become contextualized around the ‘actions required to create the outcome desired’. This allows you to create evolutionary change in each dimension.
You want all four dimensions evolving in your life as one, consistent with the wakeful, powerful, joyful, integrity of your Authentic Self. You are going to fall in love with your life over and over again.
Of particular import here is to understand that there may be times that the evolution of that next dimensions seems so big and overwhelming that even as you engage the Higher Brain you sense resistance, the old lower brain still wants to rear its ugly head and put the brakes on. Remember the 9 Summits are a process spiral, not a perfectly linear unfolding. The ability to have awareness to the lower brain’s attempted coup, means that your Higher Brain is still dominant. Simply acknowledge the lower brain’s tricks and do what needs to be done regardless. Each new evolution and revolution upwards through the spiral of your development can create a temporary sense of resistance in any dimension.
As you continue to practice SCM and pursue the 9 Summits you learn to just smile at the lower brain’s attempt to hijack your higher life and you simply use your Life Codes to create a greater burst of Higher Brain energy, and you take the action you need to take anyway. When this happens something remarkable happens; that commitment to change and the action taken begins to myelinate the pathways in your Higher Brain, that correspond with the action required and the outcome desired.
You use the peak brain/mind states + right action to create new structures in your brain. Over time, what started out feeling like it may have required the ‘will’ to act, becomes what I call the ‘choiceless choice’. It simultaneously feels as though you are making a conscious willful choice, and at the same time, like you have no choice because this is your destiny. Your destiny becomes hardwired into your brain and becomes the myelinated default pathways you use to navigate through your higher life, spiraling up each time through the 9 Summits. You mold your brain to the life you want to create!
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: if you do not take the action your growth can stop.
Why would you continue to evolve if you are not using what you have already been given? We are built for evolution, and once the Higher Brain is energized we must always seek growth, or we will sense that we are flat-lining, even if we have come miles ahead, from where we started. The feeling of being ‘stuck’ or frustrated is the call to grow more. The ”evolutionary tension” signals us that development is imminent.
As you flow through this Summit you will not only be able to energize your Higher Brain and attain higher consciousness, but also you will learn to create this thrive brain/mind state while you are, simultaneously, associating specific new positive thoughts, goals, actions and intentions. The shift in brain dominance to the Higher Brain region and its associated empowered states of consciousness can be connected to and used to drive forward the specific changes desired in your life. In effect you replace lower brain physiology – associated with the areas of your life that are stuck – with the higher growth-seeking region of your brain. This context-specific empowered brain state can then be directed at your goals and aspirations leading you into a consciously evolving lifestyle in all four dimensions. From the Higher Brain state you can develop the awareness as to what exactly needs to change and the clarity as to how that change can manifest. Your newly empowered brain state can then be brought to bear on the specific areas of life that you seek progress in, thereby creating real and lasting transformation.
The rules of the game change when a shift from lower brain dominance to the Higher Brain begins. Stress is released, consciousness expands, emotions are elevated, positive thoughts flow, bad genes are turned off and good genes are turned on. While in the Higher Brain state everything just works better, including the simultaneous utilization of other growth-promoting techniques and practices (ie., exercise, psychotherapy, yoga, etc.). Clarity beyond complexity is a hallmark of Higher Brain perception and you will develop a keen awareness as to what lifestyle changes and additional techniques or practices would serve your growth the best, as the Higher Brain state is engaged and you are on the path to a more meaningful and significant life.
It has been said, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. That’s because intentions do not become real until they are anchored to Higher Brain physiology.
1. Life Codes Pre-Meditation
My Mind Outcome Desired
My Mind Action Required
My Mind Life Code
Action required (1-3 words)
Outcome desired (1-3 words)
My Body Outcome Desired
My Body Action Required
My Body Life Code
Action required (1-3 words)
Outcome desired (1-3 words)
My Relationships Outcome Desired
My Relationships Action Required
My Relationships Life Code
Action required (1-3 words)
Outcome desired (1-3 words)
My Environment Outcome Desired
My Environment Action Required
My Environment Life Code
Action required (1-3 words)
Outcome desired (1-3 words)
The 1–3 word action required and the 1–3 word outcome desired are ‘Life Codes’, that will be further anchored to Higher Brain physiology during the Life Codes meditation. The context of all that you wrote down in the 4D Life Scan, regarding the full outcome desired, and all the full action required, are embedded in the Life Codes. So the Life Codes have the full context of the action required to create the outcome desired embedded in them for high level representations of each of your four dimensions. As the Life Codes becomes deeply associated with Higher Brain physiology in the Life Code Meditation, that high level context becomes anchored into the actual physiology needed to make it happen.
As the relationship between the Life Codes and Higher Brain physiology deepens, you will be able to state the code when approaching specific areas of your dimensions that you are trying to evolve in. Stating the Life Code will then create an upload of energy into your Higher Brain, along with its empowered state of consciousness, all contextualized around the specific area you are trying to change! As you take action and make change from this Higher Brain state, on a neurochemical level, adenosine is released and stimulates the production of myelin which wraps itself around these pathways in your brain making them flow faster and more efficiently towards your higher life.
Transfer all 4 Life Codes to here
My Mind Life Code
Action required
Outcome desired
My Body Life Code
Action required
Outcome desired
My Relationship Life Code
Action required
Outcome desired
My Environment Life Code
Action required
Outcome desired
2. Life Codes Meditation
You have been given this gift of Higher Brain function to use it and when you do you are rewarded with new and deeper Higher Brain potential that can be used to promote higher new levels of your evolution. This creates an endless upward spiral of Higher Brain response leading to positive life changes, which further promotes a deeper and more powerful Higher Brain response that can be used to advance your life in higher ways with ever-increasing depth and evolution throughout the course of your lifetime.
SUMMIT 9 (for 2 weeks): Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment
Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment
1. Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment Pre-Meditation
1. I am most alive to the evolutionary impulse when I?
2. I have the greatest sense of being part of a Kosmic process when?
3. I am in alignment with Evolutionary Unitary Enlightenment as I?
4. My greatest contribution to the evolution of my brain, consciousness and culture are?
5. I feel like an architect of EPOCH 6 when?
6. My life has become defined by?
Following the completion of your ‘Epoch 6 Unitary Evolutionary Discovery’ you will now test your statements by noting the amplification of SalutoGenesis, (Higher Brain response of breath/energy/movement) in your body when you reintroduce each statement and answer above.
Circle the answers (A, B, C or D) to each question that produces the greatest SalutoGenic response. This is such a profound part of your journey. You can access deep trans-rational truths by ‘feeding’ your soul the question and letting it provide the answer in the form of heightened SalutoGenic response. Your soul and spirit registers the deep truth of the statement by the amplification of breath and energy within you. These SalutoGenic affirmations are trans-rational modes of knowing through intuition and insight. They bypass the paralysis by analysis of circular rational thinking and get right to the truth of the matter. You are learning to source truth from deeper dimensions of your being.
2. Checking the EPOCH 6 Unitary Evolutionary Discovery Statements with Salutogenesis
3. Creating the Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment Mantra (UEEM)
Unitary Enlightenment Mantra - Final Take
During the Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment meditation below you will first access the Unitary State (which transcends and includes the Transcendent State and the Soul State), and pour that Unitary state into your Authentic Self, Soul’s purpose. As we know, these awakened enlightenment states and their eternal and timeless truths are necessary ‘ground states’ for the Authentic Self to have access to a peaceful refuge as it goes on the soul’s journey in the world of matter and manifestation. Your Authentic Self is emerging into Epoch 6 and creating heaven on earth.
4. Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment Meditation
The SalutoGenic Thrivestyle of an Architect of EPOCH 6
Using SalutoGenesis to test for your thrivestyle
You created your Authentic Self, Soul Purpose Mantra and your Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment Mantra by engaging SalutoGenesis and then feeding specific questions into the active SalutoGenic response. Information (in the form of potential answers to the questions) then arose in your awareness. You then fed this information back into the active Higher Brain SalutoGenic response and were rewarded with deep transpersonal truths, validated by further amplification of SalutoGenesis!
As you further embody and live as an Architect of Epoch 6, ‘SalutoGenic knowing’ becomes a way of life. You will begin to notice this new communication system – between you and your environment – guiding you. In Evolutionary Unitary Enlightenment you are seamlessly ‘one’ with all that arises and SalutoGenesis provides a feedback loop between you and your world.
You can perform the SCM base and then notice how the SalutoGenic affect is amplified as you eat certain foods, pursue certain personal growth activities or choose certain new routines. Your Lifestyle derived through SalutoGenic testing is called a ‘Thrivestyle’ and it is a hallmark of how Architects of Epoch 6 spontaneously adapt and adjust their habits and practices as they ever evolve.
As you progress on your path, your SalutoGenesis will respond without having been ‘set up’ through performing the SCM base first. The SalutoGenic response can become so refined that it serves as a primary director in your life. You learn to notice how certain people, places, choices and opportunities activate and amplify SalutoGenesis, and thus derive deep information to be used in all of your decisions in life. You connect to the world ‘out there’ with the world ‘in here’ so that they become a seamless whole. SalutoGenesis becomes a linking and integrating mechanism between you the personal being and YOU the cosmic process. The Transcendental Self creates oneness with all that arises in consciousness. SalutoGenesis creates an energetic oneness with all that arises in the world of form.
Spiral back up to Summit 1
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