Lie on your back with your feet straight in the air. Cross your hands over your chest and bring your elbows to your knees by flexing your stomach. (Do not perform this exercise if you have had a lower back injury; place feet on the floor instead.)
In the same position as the Advanced Crunch (this page), lift your knees and butt toward your elbows. Leave your head and upper body flat on the ground. Only move your legs and butt. (Do not perform this exercise if you have had a severe lower back injury or if this hurts your back.)
Combine the Advanced Crunch (this page) and Reverse Crunch (this page) together in one motion. You will feel this one twice as fast.
Cross your left leg over your right leg. Flex your stomach and twist to bring your right elbow to your left knee.
Cross your right leg over your left leg. Flex your stomach and twist to bring your left elbow to your right knee.
This is a mix between opposite elbow to knee crunches with bicycling of your legs. Alternate from side to side for prescribed reps and do not let your feet touch the floor.
While holding a dumbbell or plate over your head with both hands, simply lean to the left and right at least 10 times per side.
With your hands on your hips, lift your torso off the ground higher than a crunch but not as high as a full sit-up. Your lower back will remain on the floor at the up position.
Lie on your back with your arms crossed over your chest, keeping your knees slightly bent. Raise your upper body off the floor by contracting your abdominal muscles. Touch your elbows to your thighs and repeat.
Do not perform these abdominal exercises if you are a beginner! These exercises can cause injury for those with weak or injured backs. If you cannot do the lower back exercise/swimmer exercises or Plank pose for at least 1–2 minutes, do not attempt these exercises.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise your upper body off the floor, but add a slight twist and touch your right elbow to your left knee and return to the floor. Alternate and touch your left elbow to your right knee and repeat the sequence.
Place your hands under your hips. Lift your legs 6 inches off the floor and begin a walking motion, raising each leg approximately 36 inches off the ground. Keep your legs straight and moving through the entire motion. This is a four-count exercise: each rep consists of four kicks.
Lift your feet 6 inches off the floor. Raising both legs approximately 36 inches off the ground, keep your legs straight and off the floor until the specified number of repetitions are complete.
• Lift your butt off the ground about an inch and place your hands underneath your butt bone.
• Lay one hand on top of the other to get a higher lift of the butt, thus taking some of the strain off your lower back.
• Keep your knees straight and do these exercises at a full range of motion of your hips (your legs should move from 6 inches off the floor to vertical).
Lie on your back and lift your feet 6 inches off the floor. Open and close both legs approximately 36 inches apart. Keep your legs straight and off the floor until the specified number of repetitions are complete.
Lift your feet 6 inches off the floor as if you were doing a Leg Lever (this page). Pull your knees toward your chest while simultaneously lifting your upper body off the floor. This is a mix between a Sit-Up and a Leg Lever.
Lie flat on your back with your knees in the air as shown. While keeping your shoulders on the floor, rotate your hips and legs to the left and right.