Antinomian, a Christian sect who feel that believers need not follow the moral law if they have been visited by grace
Auld Hornie, the Devil
ayther, either
ballant, ballad
bauchled, bungled
bauchles, old shoes
bauld, bold
begowk, make a fool of
birling, whirling, ringing
black-a-vised, dark complexioned, grim looking
blate, bashful
bonnet-laird, small farm-holder
bool, a ball, a marble, a sugar sweet
boss, hollow
bouman, tenant who rents cattle and grazing and shares the profits
brae, rising ground, a slope
braws, fine things
to play buff on, to fool, to deceive
butt end, the outer room of a cottage
ca’, to drive; to call
caller, fresh
canny, careful, shrewd
cantie, cheerful, pleasant
carline, old woman
clamjamfry, crowd, rabble
clavers, idle chatter
clouted brogues, patched shoes
clour, blow
coble, small boat
cock-laird, small land-owner
collieshangie, commotion, turmoil
colloguing, chatting together
crack, lively conversation
Cruachan!, rallying cry of the Campbells
cuddy, donkey
cuist, cast
cutty, mischievious girl
D. of A., Duke of Argyll
dander, stroll
danders, cinders
daurna, dare not
deave, deafen
demmy brokens; demi- broquins, fashionably high laced pumps
denty, dainty
dirdum, blame, uproar, excitement
disjaskit, worn-out
doer, agent
dour, sullen, hard
drumlie, muddy, dark
dule-tree, gallows
dunt, stroke, blow, knock
dwaibly, shaky, infirm
ettercap, spider, spiteful person
feck, quantity, a number
feckless, feeble, incompetent
fell, strong, very
fey, strange, unlike oneself, fated
fit, foot
flit, to depart
flyped, turned inside-out
Folk of Peace, Fairies
forbye, in addition to
fushionless, spiritless, weak
fyled, dirtied, defiled
gang, to go
gey an’, very
gigot, leg of mutton
girzie, (diminutive of Grizel) a maidservant
glaur, mud, filth
gleg, brisk
gliff, look, glance
gloaming, twilight
glower, scowl
grat, wept
grieve, foreman
guddling, catching fish with the hands
gurley, stormy, troubled
gyte, mad, distracted
haar, sea fog
haddit, held
heels-owre-hurdie, head over heels
hinney, honey
hirstle, drive, bustle
hizzie, wench
howe, hollow
howf, haunt, hang-out, shelter
hunkered, crouched
hypothec, (Scots law) security on business; the hale h., the whole affair
infefment, (Scots law) investing a new owner with rights and possessions
jeely-piece, bread and jam
jo; joes, sweetheart (s)
jouk, duck
kebbuck, cheese
ken, to know
kenspeckle, well-known, familiar, conspicuous
kep, catch
kye, cattle
kyte, belly
laigh, low
laird, gentleman landowner
landward, country
Lang Dykes, (Edinburgh) now Princes Street
lave, the rest, remainder
lightly, insult
linking, walking arm in arm
lippen, to trust
loof, palm of hand
lown, still, sheltered, calm
lynn, pool at a waterfall
Lyon King of Arms, chief of Scottish heraldic law
macer, officer of the court
maun, must
menseful, sensible, polite
misbegowk, disappointment
mools, mould, earth
muckle, much, big, great
my lane, by myself
new-harled, newly roughcast
nowt, black cattle
Old Mortality, Robert Paterson (1715–1801), who travelled the country cleaning and looking after monuments to the Covenanters. See also Scott’s novel of that name
palmering, wandering aimlessly
panel, (Scots law) the accused
peel, fortified tower
pirliecue, a closing flourish, a second sermon
play, village fair
poke, bag
policy, enclosed grounds
puddock, frog
puggy, monkey
quean, girl, young woman
questions, (my questions) my Catechism
raxing, reaching
rig and furrow, (as in ploughing, ribbed
risping, grating
routh, plenty, abundance
rowpit, sold up at auction
rowt, rant, roaring
rudas, coarse-featured, rough-mannered
runt, stump, dried up or short person
sanguishes, sandwiches
sasine, (Scots law), act or deed of legal possesion of property
sculduddery, gross speech or behaviour
session, (Scots law) the Court of Session (supreme court)
shauchling, shuffling
sinsyne, since then
skailing, dispersing, pouring out
skelp, slap
skirling, shrieking
skreigh-o’-day, crack of dawn
slockens, moistens
snash, impudence, abuse
sneisty, supercilious
sooth, sing under the breath
sough, noise, sound, whisper, report
soutar, shoemaker
Spec., (The Speculative Society) an Edinburgh University debating society of the time
speir, to ask
speldering, sprawling
spunk and dirdum, spirit and vigour
steik, to shut
sweir, unwilling
syne, since
Tamson’s mear, Tamson’s mare (to go on foot)
tautit, ragged
tawpie, careless foolish girl
tenty, careful
thir, these
thrown, stubborn, perverse
tod, fox
tow, rope
trokings, dealings
twine, part
unchancy, unlucky
unco, strange, extraordinary
uncoly, strangely
upsitten, inactive, indifferent
vivers, victuals
wae, sad, unhappy
waling, choosing
warrandise, guarantee, an undertaking
waur, worse
wean, child
weird, fate
whammles, upsets
whaup, curlew
Whig, (Whigamore) cant name for those loyal to King George
whilliewhas, flatteries
win, reach
windlestrae, dry grass
wuddy, the gallows rope
wyte, blame